]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - cli/Hcompta/CLI/Command/GL.hs
Ajout : Hcompta.Format.JCC.
[comptalang.git] / cli / Hcompta / CLI / Command / GL.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
9 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
10 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
11 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
12 module Hcompta.CLI.Command.GL where
14 import Control.Applicative (Const(..), (<$>))
15 import Control.Arrow (first, (+++))
16 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), liftM, mapM)
17 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
18 import Data.Bool
19 import Data.Decimal (Decimal)
20 import Data.Either (Either(..), partitionEithers)
21 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
22 import Data.Function (($), (.), on, id, flip)
23 import Data.Functor (Functor(..))
24 import Data.List ((++), repeat)
25 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
26 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
27 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
28 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
29 import Data.Ord (Ord)
30 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
31 import qualified Data.Strict.Maybe as Strict
32 import Data.String (String)
33 import Data.Text (Text)
34 import Prelude (Bounded(..), unlines, zipWith)
35 import System.Console.GetOpt
36 ( ArgDescr(..)
37 , OptDescr(..)
38 , usageInfo
39 )
40 import System.Environment as Env (getProgName)
41 import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
42 import qualified System.IO as IO
43 import System.IO (FilePath, IO)
45 import qualified Hcompta.Account as Account
46 import qualified Hcompta.CLI.Args as Args
47 import qualified Hcompta.CLI.Context as C
48 import qualified Hcompta.CLI.Env as CLI.Env
49 import Hcompta.CLI.Format.Ledger ()
50 import Hcompta.CLI.Format.JCC ()
51 import qualified Hcompta.CLI.Lang as Lang
52 import qualified Hcompta.CLI.Lib.Leijen.Table as Leijen.Table
53 import qualified Hcompta.CLI.Write as Write
54 import qualified Hcompta.Chart as Chart
55 import Hcompta.Date (Date)
56 import qualified Hcompta.Filter as Filter
57 import qualified Hcompta.Filter.Read as Filter.Read
58 import qualified Hcompta.Format.JCC as JCC
59 import qualified Hcompta.Format.Ledger as Ledger
60 import qualified Hcompta.GL as GL
61 import Hcompta.Lib.Leijen (toDoc, ToDoc(..))
62 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.TreeMap as TreeMap
63 import Hcompta.Polarize (Polarized)
64 import qualified Hcompta.Polarize as Polarize
65 import qualified Hcompta.Posting as Posting
66 import qualified Hcompta.Filter.Amount as Filter.Amount
67 import Hcompta.CLI.Format (Format(..), Formats)
68 import qualified Hcompta.CLI.Format as Format
69 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Leijen as W
70 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Parsec as R
71 import qualified Hcompta.Unit as Unit
72 import qualified Hcompta.Quantity as Quantity
74 data Context
75 = Context
76 { ctx_filter_transaction :: forall t.
77 ( Filter.Transaction t
78 , Filter.Amount_Quantity
79 (Posting.Posting_Amount
80 (Filter.Transaction_Posting t))
81 ~ Filter.Amount.Quantity
82 ) => Filter.Simplified
83 (Filter.Filter_Bool
84 (Filter.Filter_Transaction t))
85 , ctx_filter_gl :: forall b.
86 ( Filter.GL b
87 , Filter.Amount_Quantity
88 (Filter.GL_Amount b)
89 ~ Filter.Amount.Quantity
90 ) => Filter.Simplified
91 (Filter.Filter_Bool
92 (Filter.Filter_GL b))
93 , ctx_input :: [FilePath]
94 , ctx_input_format :: Formats
95 , ctx_output :: [(Write.Mode, FilePath)]
96 , ctx_output_format :: Maybe Formats
98 -- , ctx_filter_gl :: Filter.Simplified
99 -- (Filter.Filter_Bool
100 -- (Filter.Filter_GL
101 -- ( (Account_Tags, Ledger.Account)
102 -- , Date
103 -- , (Ledger.Unit, Polarize.Polarized Ledger.Quantity)
104 -- , (Ledger.Unit, Polarize.Polarized Ledger.Quantity) )))
105 -- , ctx_filter_posting :: Filter.Simplified
106 -- (Filter.Filter_Bool
107 -- (Filter.Filter_Posting
108 -- (Ledger.Charted Ledger.Posting)))
109 , ctx_reduce_date :: Bool
110 } -- deriving (Show)
112 context :: Context
113 context =
114 Context
115 { ctx_filter_gl = Filter.Simplified $ Right True
116 -- , ctx_filter_posting = Filter.Simplified $ Right True
117 , ctx_filter_transaction = Filter.Simplified $ Right True
118 , ctx_input = []
119 , ctx_input_format = mempty
120 , ctx_output = []
121 , ctx_output_format = mempty
122 , ctx_reduce_date = True
123 }
125 usage :: C.Context -> IO String
126 usage c = do
127 bin <- Env.getProgName
128 return $ unlines $
129 [ C.translate c Lang.Section_Description
130 , " "++C.translate c Lang.Help_Command_General_Ledger
131 , ""
132 , C.translate c Lang.Section_Syntax
133 , " "++bin++" gl ["++C.translate c Lang.Type_Option++"] [...]"++
134 " ["++C.translate c Lang.Type_File_Journal++"] [...]"
135 , ""
136 , usageInfo (C.translate c Lang.Section_Options) (options c)
137 ]
139 options :: C.Context -> Args.Options Context
140 options c =
141 [ Option "g" ["filter-gl"]
142 (ReqArg (\s ctx -> do
143 filter <-
144 R.runParserT_with_Error
145 Filter.Read.filter_gl
146 Filter.Read.context "" s
147 case filter of
148 Left (ko::[R.Error Filter.Read.Error]) -> Write.fatal c ko
149 Right flt ->
150 return $
151 ctx{ctx_filter_gl =
152 Filter.and (ctx_filter_gl ctx) $
153 (Filter.simplify $
154 Filter.Read.get_Forall_Filter_GL_Decimal <$> flt)
155 }) $
156 C.translate c Lang.Type_Filter_General_Ledger) $
157 C.translate c Lang.Help_Option_Filter_General_Ledger
158 {-, Option "p" ["filter-posting"]
159 (ReqArg (\s ctx -> do
160 ctx_filter_posting <-
161 liftM ((ctx_filter_posting ctx <>) . Filter.simplify) $
162 liftIO $ Filter.Read.read Filter.Read.filter_posting s
163 >>= \f -> case f of
164 Left ko -> Write.fatal c $ ko
165 Right ok -> return ok
166 return $ ctx{ctx_filter_posting}) $
167 C.translate c Lang.Type_Filter_Posting) $
168 C.translate c Lang.Help_Option_Filter_Posting
169 -}
170 , Option "t" ["filter-transaction"]
171 (ReqArg (\s ctx -> do
172 filter <-
173 R.runParserT_with_Error
174 Filter.Read.filter_transaction
175 Filter.Read.context "" s
176 case filter of
177 Left ko -> Write.fatal c ko
178 Right flt ->
179 return $
180 ctx{ctx_filter_transaction =
181 Filter.and (ctx_filter_transaction ctx) $
182 (Filter.simplify $
183 Filter.Read.get_Forall_Filter_Transaction_Decimal <$> flt)
184 }) $
185 C.translate c Lang.Type_Filter_Transaction) $
186 C.translate c Lang.Help_Option_Filter_Transaction
187 , Option "h" ["help"]
188 (NoArg (\_ctx -> do
189 usage c >>= IO.hPutStr IO.stderr
190 exitSuccess)) $
191 C.translate c Lang.Help_Option_Help
192 , Option "i" ["input"]
193 (ReqArg (\s ctx -> do
194 return $ ctx{ctx_input=s:ctx_input ctx}) $
195 C.translate c Lang.Type_File_Journal) $
196 C.translate c Lang.Help_Option_Input
197 , Option "f" ["input-format"]
198 (OptArg (\arg ctx -> do
199 ctx_input_format <- case arg of
200 Nothing -> return $ Format_JCC ()
201 Just "jcc" -> return $ Format_JCC ()
202 Just "ledger" -> return $ Format_Ledger ()
203 Just _ -> Write.fatal c $
204 W.text "--input-format option expects \"jcc\", or \"ledger\" as value"
205 return $ ctx{ctx_input_format})
206 "[jcc|ledger]")
207 "input format"
208 , Option "o" ["output"]
209 (ReqArg (\s ctx -> do
210 return $ ctx{ctx_output=(Write.Mode_Append, s):ctx_output ctx}) $
211 C.translate c Lang.Type_File) $
212 C.translate c Lang.Help_Option_Output
213 , Option "F" ["output-format"]
214 (ReqArg (\arg ctx -> do
215 ctx_output_format <- case arg of
216 "jcc" -> return $ Just $ Format_JCC ()
217 "ledger" -> return $ Just $ Format_Ledger ()
218 _ -> Write.fatal c $
219 W.text "--output-format option expects \"jcc\", or \"ledger\" as value"
220 return $ ctx{ctx_output_format})
221 "[jcc|ledger]") $
222 "output format"
223 , Option "O" ["overwrite"]
224 (ReqArg (\s ctx -> do
225 return $ ctx{ctx_output=(Write.Mode_Over, s):ctx_output ctx}) $
226 C.translate c Lang.Type_File) $
227 C.translate c Lang.Help_Option_Overwrite
228 {- NOTE: not used so far.
229 , Option "" ["reduce-date"]
230 (OptArg (\arg c ctx -> do
231 ctx_reduce_date <- case arg of
232 Nothing -> return $ True
233 Just "yes" -> return $ True
234 Just "no" -> return $ False
235 Just _ -> Write.fatal c $
236 W.text "--reduce-date option expects \"yes\", or \"no\" as value"
237 return $ ctx{ctx_reduce_date})
238 "[yes|no]")
239 "use advanced date reducer to speed up filtering"
240 -}
241 ]
243 run :: C.Context -> [String] -> IO ()
244 run c args = do
245 (ctx, inputs) <-
246 first (\x ->
247 case ctx_output x of
248 [] -> x{ctx_output=[(Write.Mode_Append, "-")]}
249 _ -> x) <$>
250 Args.parse c usage options (context, args)
251 input_paths <- CLI.Env.paths c $ ctx_input ctx ++ inputs
252 read_journals <- mapM (liftIO . journal_read ctx) input_paths
253 case partitionEithers read_journals of
254 (errs@(_:_), _journals) -> Write.fatals c errs
255 ([], (journals::[Forall_Journal_GL])) -> do
256 let gl =
257 mconcat $
258 fmap Format.journal_flatten $
259 case ctx_output_format ctx of
260 Just f -> Format.journal_empty f:journals
261 Nothing -> journals
262 with_color <- Write.with_color c IO.stdout
263 W.displayIO IO.stdout $
264 W.renderPretty with_color 1.0 maxBound $
265 toDoc () $ Leijen.Table.table_of (c, ctx) gl
266 {-
267 Write.debug c $ "filter: transaction: " ++ show (ctx_filter_transaction ctx)
268 Write.debug c $ "filter: posting: " ++ show (ctx_filter_posting ctx)
269 Write.debug c $ "filter: balance: " ++ show (ctx_filter_balance ctx)
270 -}
272 instance Leijen.Table.Table_of (C.Context, Context) Forall_Journal_GL where
273 table_of (c, ctx) gl =
274 let lang = C.lang c in
275 zipWith id
276 [ Leijen.Table.column (Lang.translate lang Lang.Title_Account) Leijen.Table.Align_Left
277 , Leijen.Table.column (Lang.translate lang Lang.Title_Date) Leijen.Table.Align_Left
278 , Leijen.Table.column (Lang.translate lang Lang.Title_Debit) Leijen.Table.Align_Right
279 , Leijen.Table.column (Lang.translate lang Lang.Title_Credit) Leijen.Table.Align_Right
280 , Leijen.Table.column (Lang.translate lang Lang.Title_Running_debit) Leijen.Table.Align_Right
281 , Leijen.Table.column (Lang.translate lang Lang.Title_Running_credit) Leijen.Table.Align_Right
282 , Leijen.Table.column (Lang.translate lang Lang.Title_Running_balance) Leijen.Table.Align_Right
283 , Leijen.Table.column (Lang.translate lang Lang.Title_Description) Leijen.Table.Align_Left
284 ] $
285 Format.journal_leijen_table_cells
286 (Format.journal_filter ctx $
287 (Const::x -> Const x ()) gl) $
288 repeat []
291 -- * 'GL.GL'
293 -- ** Type 'Format_GL'
295 type Format_Journal_GL
296 = Format
297 ( JCC.Journal GL_JCC)
298 (Ledger.Journal GL_Ledger)
300 -- JCC
301 type GL_JCC
302 = GL.GL (JCC.Charted JCC.Transaction)
303 -- = GL.GL JCC.Transaction
304 instance Format.Journal (JCC.Journal GL_JCC) where
305 type Journal_Format (JCC.Journal GL_JCC)
306 = Format_Journal_GL
307 journal_format = Format_JCC
309 -- Ledger
310 type GL_Ledger
311 -- = GL.GL Ledger.Transaction
312 = GL.GL (Ledger.Charted Ledger.Transaction)
313 instance Format.Journal (Ledger.Journal GL_Ledger) where
314 type Journal_Format (Ledger.Journal GL_Ledger)
315 = Format_Journal_GL
316 journal_format = Format_Ledger
318 -- ** Class 'Journal'
320 class
321 ( Format.Journal_Read j
322 , Ord (Account.Account_Section (Format.Journal_Account j))
323 , Leijen.Table.Cell_of_forall_param j
324 (TreeMap.Path (Account.Account_Section
325 (GL.Posting_Account (Format.Journal_Posting j))))
326 , Leijen.Table.Cell_of_forall_param j
327 (Format.Journal_Unit j, Format.Journal_Quantity j)
328 , Leijen.Table.Cell_of_forall_param j
329 (TreeMap.Path (Account.Account_Section (GL.Posting_Account
330 (Chart.Charted (Format.Journal_Account j)
331 (Format.Journal_Posting j)))))
332 , Polarize.Polarizable (Format.Journal_Quantity j)
333 ) => Journal j
334 where
335 journal_transaction_wording
336 :: forall m. j m
337 -> Format.Journal_Transaction j
338 -> Text
339 journal_posting_amounts
340 :: forall m. j m
341 -> Format.Journal_Posting j
342 -> Map (Format.Journal_Unit j)
343 (Format.Journal_Quantity j)
344 journal_posting_amounts_set
345 :: forall m. j m
346 -> Map (Format.Journal_Unit j)
347 (Format.Journal_Quantity j)
348 -> Format.Journal_Posting j
349 -> Format.Journal_Posting j
351 instance Journal JCC.Journal
352 where
353 journal_transaction_wording _j = JCC.transaction_wording
354 journal_posting_amounts _j = JCC.posting_amounts
355 journal_posting_amounts_set _j posting_amounts p =
356 p { JCC.posting_amounts }
357 instance Journal Ledger.Journal
358 where
359 journal_transaction_wording _j = Ledger.transaction_wording
360 journal_posting_amounts _j = Ledger.posting_amounts
361 journal_posting_amounts_set _j posting_amounts p =
362 p { Ledger.posting_amounts }
364 -- ** Class 'Journal_GL'
366 class
367 ( Format.Journal (j m)
368 , Format.Journal_Format (j m) ~ Format_Journal_GL
369 , Format.Journal_Read j
370 , Format.Journal_Monoid (j m)
371 -- , Format.Journal_Wrap (j m) Forall_Journal_GL_Expanded
372 , Format.Journal_Leijen_Table_Cells j m
373 , Format.Journal_Filter Context j m
374 ) => Journal_GL j m
376 instance Journal_GL JCC.Journal GL_JCC
377 instance Journal_GL Ledger.Journal GL_Ledger
379 -- ** Type 'Forall_Journal_GL'
381 data Forall_Journal_GL
382 = forall j m. Journal_GL j m
383 => Forall_Journal_GL (j m)
385 instance Format.Journal Forall_Journal_GL where
386 type Journal_Format Forall_Journal_GL = Format_Journal_GL
387 journal_format
388 (Forall_Journal_GL j) =
389 Format.journal_format j
390 instance Format.Journal_Empty Forall_Journal_GL where
391 journal_empty f =
392 case f of
393 Format_JCC () -> Forall_Journal_GL (mempty::JCC.Journal GL_JCC)
394 Format_Ledger () -> Forall_Journal_GL (mempty::Ledger.Journal GL_Ledger)
395 instance Format.Journal_Monoid Forall_Journal_GL where
396 journal_flatten
397 (Forall_Journal_GL j) =
398 Forall_Journal_GL $
399 Format.journal_flatten j
400 journal_fold f (Forall_Journal_GL j) =
401 Format.journal_fold (f . Forall_Journal_GL) j
402 instance Monoid Forall_Journal_GL where
403 mempty = Forall_Journal_GL (mempty::JCC.Journal GL_JCC)
404 mappend x y =
405 case (mappend `on` Format.journal_format) x y of
406 Format_JCC j -> Forall_Journal_GL j
407 Format_Ledger j -> Forall_Journal_GL j
408 mconcat js =
409 case js of
410 [] -> mempty
411 j:jn -> foldl' mappend j jn
414 -- *** 'journal_read'
416 type Journal_Filter_Simplified transaction
417 = Filter.Simplified
418 (Filter.Filter_Bool
419 (Filter.Filter_Transaction transaction))
420 type Journal_Read_Cons txn
421 = txn -> Filter.Filtered (Journal_Filter_Simplified txn) txn
422 journal_read
423 :: Context -> FilePath
424 -> IO (Either (Format.Message W.Doc) Forall_Journal_GL)
425 journal_read ctx =
426 case ctx_input_format ctx of
427 Format_JCC () ->
428 let wrap (j::JCC.Journal GL_JCC)
429 = Forall_Journal_GL j in
430 let cons :: Journal_Read_Cons (JCC.Charted JCC.Transaction)
431 = Filter.Filtered (ctx_filter_transaction ctx) in
432 liftM ((+++) Format.Message wrap) .
433 Format.journal_read cons
434 Format_Ledger () ->
435 let wrap (j::Ledger.Journal GL_Ledger)
436 = Forall_Journal_GL j in
437 let cons :: Journal_Read_Cons (Ledger.Charted Ledger.Transaction)
438 = Filter.Filtered (ctx_filter_transaction ctx) in
439 liftM ((+++) Format.Message wrap) .
440 Format.journal_read cons
443 -- Instances 'Format.Journal_Filter'
445 instance
446 ( Functor j
447 , Format.Journal_Chart j
448 , Journal j
449 , Journal_GL j (GL.GL t)
450 , GL.Transaction t
451 , Format.Journal_Account_Section j ~ Text
452 , GL.Transaction_Posting t
453 ~ Chart.Charted (Format.Journal_Account j)
454 (Format.Journal_Posting j)
455 , GL.Posting_Quantity (GL.Transaction_Posting t)
456 ~ Map (Format.Journal_Unit j)
457 (Polarized (Format.Journal_Quantity j))
458 , Format.Journal_Quantity j ~ Decimal
459 , Format.Journal_Account_Section j
460 ~ Account.Account_Section (GL.Posting_Account (GL.Transaction_Posting t))
461 , Ord (Format.Journal_Unit j)
462 , Unit.Unit (Format.Journal_Unit j)
463 ) => Format.Journal_Filter Context j (GL.GL t) where
464 journal_filter ctx j =
465 GL.GL .
466 TreeMap.map_Maybe_with_Path
467 (\acct expanded_lines ->
468 let chart = Format.journal_chart j in
469 case Map.mapMaybeWithKey
470 (\date seq_lines ->
471 case foldMap
472 (\line@GL.GL_Line
473 { GL.gl_line_transaction = _t
474 , GL.gl_line_posting = p
475 , GL.gl_line_sum = s
476 } ->
477 Map.foldlWithKey
478 (\acc unit qty ->
479 let sqty = (Map.!) s unit in
480 if Filter.test (ctx_filter_gl ctx)
481 ( (Chart.account_tags acct chart, acct)
482 , date
483 , (unit, Polarize.polarize qty)
484 , (unit, sqty)
485 )
486 then (Seq.|>) acc line
487 { GL.gl_line_posting =
488 journal_posting_amounts_set j
489 (Map.singleton unit qty) <$> p
490 , GL.gl_line_sum = Map.singleton unit sqty
491 }
492 else acc
493 )
494 Seq.empty
495 (journal_posting_amounts j $ Chart.charted p)
496 ) seq_lines
497 of
498 m | Seq.null m -> Nothing
499 m -> Just m
500 )
501 (GL.inclusive expanded_lines)
502 of
503 m | Map.null m -> Strict.Nothing
504 m -> Strict.Just m
505 ) .
506 (\(GL.Expanded gl) -> gl) .
507 GL.expanded <$> j
508 instance Format.Journal_Filter Context (Const Forall_Journal_GL) () where
509 journal_filter ctx
510 (Const (Forall_Journal_GL j)) =
511 Const $ Forall_Journal_GL $
512 Format.journal_filter ctx j
514 -- Instances 'Format.Journal_Leijen_Table_Cells'
516 instance
517 ( Format.Journal_Content j
518 , Journal j
520 , Quantity.Addable (Format.Journal_Quantity j)
521 , GL.Transaction_Posting t
522 ~ Chart.Charted (Format.Journal_Account j)
523 (Format.Journal_Posting j)
524 , Format.Journal_Transaction j ~ GL.Transaction_Line t
525 , GL.Posting_Quantity (Chart.Charted (Format.Journal_Account j)
526 (Format.Journal_Posting j))
527 ~ Map (Format.Journal_Unit j)
528 (Polarized (Format.Journal_Quantity j))
529 , GL.Posting_Quantity (Format.Journal_Posting j)
530 ~ Map (Format.Journal_Unit j)
531 (Polarized (Format.Journal_Quantity j))
532 -- , GL.Posting_Account t ~ Format.Journal_Account j
533 -- , Leijen.Table.Cell_of_forall_param j (TreeMap.Path as)
534 , Leijen.Table.Cell_of_forall_param j Date
535 , Leijen.Table.Cell_of_forall_param j Text
536 , Ord (Format.Journal_Unit j)
537 , GL.Transaction t
538 ) => Format.Journal_Leijen_Table_Cells j (GL.GL t) where
539 journal_leijen_table_cells jnl =
540 flip (TreeMap.foldr_with_Path
541 (\account ->
542 flip $ Map.foldrWithKey
543 (\date ->
544 flip $ foldr
545 (\GL.GL_Line
546 { GL.gl_line_transaction = t
547 , GL.gl_line_posting = p
548 , GL.gl_line_sum = s
549 } ->
550 flip (Map.foldrWithKey
551 (\unit qty ->
552 let ms = Map.lookup unit s in
553 zipWith (:)
554 [ cell_of account
555 , cell_of date
556 , cell_of $ (unit,) <$> Polarize.polarizable_positive qty
557 , cell_of $ (unit,) <$> Polarize.polarizable_negative qty
558 , cell_of $ (unit,) <$> (ms >>= Polarize.polarized_positive)
559 , cell_of $ (unit,) <$> (ms >>= Polarize.polarized_negative)
560 , cell_of $ (unit,) . Polarize.depolarize <$> ms
561 , cell_of $ journal_transaction_wording jnl t
562 ]
563 ))
564 (journal_posting_amounts jnl $ Chart.charted p)
565 )
566 )
567 )) $
568 (\(GL.GL x) -> x)
569 (Format.journal_content jnl)
570 where
571 cell_of :: Leijen.Table.Cell_of_forall_param j x => x -> Leijen.Table.Cell
572 cell_of = Leijen.Table.cell_of_forall_param jnl
574 instance Format.Journal_Leijen_Table_Cells (Const Forall_Journal_GL) () where
575 journal_leijen_table_cells
576 (Const (Forall_Journal_GL j)) =
577 Format.journal_leijen_table_cells j
602 {-
603 -- Instances GL.GL -> GL.Expanded
605 instance
606 ( Functor j
607 , Journal_GL_Expanded j (GL.Expanded t)
609 -- NOTE: constraint from GL.expanded
610 , GL.Transaction t
611 ) => Format.Journal_Wrap (j (GL.GL t))
612 Forall_Journal_GL_Expanded where
613 journal_wrap =
614 Forall_Journal_GL_Expanded .
615 fmap GL.expanded
617 instance Format.Journal_Wrap Forall_Journal_GL
618 Forall_Journal_GL_Expanded where
619 journal_wrap (Forall_Journal_GL j) = Format.journal_wrap j
620 -}
621 {-
622 -- * 'GL.GL_Expanded'
624 -- ** Type 'Format_GL_Expanded'
626 type Format_Journal_GL_Expanded
627 = Format
628 ( JCC.Journal GL_Expanded_JCC)
629 (Ledger.Journal GL_Expanded_Ledger)
631 -- JCC
632 type GL_Expanded_JCC
633 = GL.Expanded (JCC.Charted JCC.Transaction)
634 instance Format.Journal (JCC.Journal GL_Expanded_JCC) where
635 type Journal_Format (JCC.Journal GL_Expanded_JCC)
636 = Format_Journal_GL_Expanded
637 journal_format = Format_JCC
639 -- Ledger
640 type GL_Expanded_Ledger
641 = GL.Expanded (Ledger.Charted Ledger.Transaction)
642 instance Format.Journal (Ledger.Journal GL_Expanded_Ledger) where
643 type Journal_Format (Ledger.Journal GL_Expanded_Ledger)
644 = Format_Journal_GL_Expanded
645 journal_format = Format_Ledger
647 -- ** Class 'Journal_GL_Expanded'
649 class
650 ( Format.Journal (j m)
651 , Format.Journal_Format (j m) ~ Format_Journal_GL_Expanded
652 -- , Format.Journal_Leijen_Table_Cells j m
653 , Format.Journal_Filter Context j m
654 ) => Journal_GL_Expanded j m where
655 journal_posting_amounts
656 :: j m
657 -> Format.Journal_Posting j
658 -> Map (Format.Journal_Unit j)
659 (Format.Journal_Quantity j)
660 journal_posting_amounts_set
661 :: j m
662 -> Map (Format.Journal_Unit j)
663 (Format.Journal_Quantity j)
664 -> Format.Journal_Posting j
665 -> Format.Journal_Posting j
667 instance Journal_GL_Expanded JCC.Journal GL_Expanded_JCC
668 where
669 journal_posting_amounts _j = JCC.posting_amounts
670 journal_posting_amounts_set _j posting_amounts p =
671 p { JCC.posting_amounts }
672 instance Journal_GL_Expanded Ledger.Journal GL_Expanded_Ledger
673 where
674 journal_posting_amounts _j = Ledger.posting_amounts
675 journal_posting_amounts_set _j posting_amounts p =
676 p { Ledger.posting_amounts }
678 -- ** Type 'Forall_Journal_GL_Expanded'
680 data Forall_Journal_GL_Expanded
681 = forall j m. Journal_GL_Expanded j m
682 => Forall_Journal_GL_Expanded (j m)
684 instance Format.Journal Forall_Journal_GL_Expanded where
685 type Journal_Format Forall_Journal_GL_Expanded = Format_Journal_GL_Expanded
686 journal_format
687 (Forall_Journal_GL_Expanded j) =
688 Format.journal_format j
690 -- Instances 'Format.Journal_Filter'
692 instance
693 ( Functor j
694 , Format.Journal_Chart j
695 , Journal_GL_Expanded j (GL.Expanded t)
696 , GL.Transaction t
697 , Format.Journal_Account_Section j ~ Text
698 , GL.Transaction_Posting t ~ Chart.Charted (Format.Journal_Account j) (Format.Journal_Posting j)
699 , GL.Posting_Quantity (GL.Transaction_Posting t)
700 ~ Map (Format.Journal_Unit j) (Polarized (Format.Journal_Quantity j))
701 , Format.Journal_Quantity j ~ Decimal
702 , Format.Journal_Account_Section j
703 ~ Account.Account_Section (GL.Posting_Account (GL.Transaction_Posting t))
704 , Ord (Format.Journal_Unit j)
705 , Unit.Unit (Format.Journal_Unit j)
706 ) => Format.Journal_Filter Context j (GL.Expanded t) where
707 journal_filter ctx j =
708 GL.Expanded .
709 TreeMap.map_Maybe_with_Path
710 (\acct expanded_lines ->
711 let chart = Format.journal_chart j in
712 case Map.mapMaybeWithKey
713 (\date seq_lines ->
714 case foldMap
715 (\line@GL.GL_Line
716 { GL.gl_line_transaction = _t
717 , GL.gl_line_posting = Chart.Charted ch p
718 , GL.gl_line_sum = s
719 } ->
720 Map.foldlWithKey
721 (\acc unit qty ->
722 let sqty = (Map.!) s unit in
723 if Filter.test (ctx_filter_gl ctx)
724 ( (Chart.account_tags acct chart, acct)
725 , date
726 , (unit, Polarize.polarize qty)
727 , (unit, sqty)
728 )
729 then (Seq.|>) acc line
730 { GL.gl_line_posting =
731 Chart.Charted ch $
732 journal_posting_amounts_set j
733 (Map.singleton unit qty) p
734 , GL.gl_line_sum = Map.singleton unit sqty
735 }
736 else acc
737 )
738 Seq.empty
739 (journal_posting_amounts j p)
740 ) seq_lines
741 of
742 m | Seq.null m -> Nothing
743 m -> Just m
744 )
745 (GL.inclusive expanded_lines)
746 of
747 m | Map.null m -> Strict.Nothing
748 m -> Strict.Just $ expanded_lines { GL.inclusive=m }
749 ) .
750 (\(GL.Expanded gl) -> gl) <$> j
752 instance Format.Journal_Filter Context (Const Forall_Journal_GL_Expanded) () where
753 journal_filter ctx
754 (Const (Forall_Journal_GL_Expanded j)) =
755 Const $ Forall_Journal_GL_Expanded $
756 Format.journal_filter ctx j
757 -}
759 {-
760 run :: C.Context -> [String] -> IO ()
761 run c args = do
762 (ctx, inputs) <-
763 first (\x ->
764 case ctx_output x of
765 [] -> x{ctx_output=[(Write.Mode_Append, "-")]}
766 _ -> x) <$>
767 Args.parse c usage options (context, args)
768 read_journals <-
769 liftM partitionEithers $ do
770 CLI.Env.paths c $ ctx_input ctx ++ inputs
771 >>= do
772 mapM $ \path -> do
773 liftIO $ runExceptT $ Ledger.Read.file
774 (Ledger.Read.context ( ctx_filter_transaction ctx
775 , ctx_filter_posting ctx )
776 Ledger.journal)
777 path
778 >>= \x -> case x of
779 Left ko -> return $ Left (path, ko)
780 Right ok -> return $ Right ok
781 case read_journals of
782 (errs@(_:_), _journals) ->
783 forM_ errs $ \(_path, err) -> do
784 Write.fatal c $ err
785 ([], journals) -> do
786 Write.debug c $ "filter: transaction: " ++ show (ctx_filter_transaction ctx)
787 Write.debug c $ "filter: posting: " ++ show (ctx_filter_posting ctx)
788 Write.debug c $ "filter: gl: " ++ show (ctx_filter_gl ctx)
789 let (amount_styles, gl) = ledger_gl ctx journals
790 let lang = C.lang c
791 Write.write c Write.style (ctx_output ctx) $ do
792 toDoc () $ do
793 zipWith id
794 [ Table.column (Lang.translate lang Lang.Title_Account) Table.Align_Left
795 , Table.column (Lang.translate lang Lang.Title_Date) Table.Align_Left
796 , Table.column (Lang.translate lang Lang.Title_Debit) Table.Align_Right
797 , Table.column (Lang.translate lang Lang.Title_Credit) Table.Align_Right
798 , Table.column (Lang.translate lang Lang.Title_Running_debit) Table.Align_Right
799 , Table.column (Lang.translate lang Lang.Title_Running_credit) Table.Align_Right
800 , Table.column (Lang.translate lang Lang.Title_Running_balance) Table.Align_Right
801 , Table.column (Lang.translate lang Lang.Title_Description) Table.Align_Left
802 ] $ do
803 write_gl amount_styles gl (repeat [])
804 -}
806 {-
807 ledger_gl
808 :: Context
809 -> [ Ledger.Journal (GL.GL (Ledger.Charted Ledger.Transaction)) ]
810 -> ( Ledger.Amount.Styles
811 , GL (Ledger.Charted Ledger.Transaction)
812 )
813 ledger_gl ctx journals =
814 let (_chart, amount_styles, gl) =
815 foldl'
816 (flip (\j ->
817 flip mappend $
818 ( Ledger.journal_chart j
819 , Ledger.journal_amount_styles j
820 , ) $
821 Ledger.Journal.fold
822 (\Ledger.Journal
823 { Ledger.journal_sections=g
824 } -> mappend g
825 ) j mempty
826 ))
827 mempty journals in
828 (amount_styles,) $
829 GL.GL $
830 TreeMap.map_Maybe_with_Path
831 (\acct expanded_lines ->
832 case Map.mapMaybeWithKey
833 (\date seq_lines ->
834 case foldMap
835 (\line@GL.GL_Line
836 { GL.gl_line_transaction = _t
837 , GL.gl_line_posting = Ledger.Charted c p
838 , GL.gl_line_sum = s
839 } ->
840 Map.foldlWithKey
841 (\acc unit qty ->
842 let sqty = (Map.!) s unit in
843 if Filter.test (ctx_filter_gl ctx)
844 ( (Chart.account_tags acct c, acct)
845 , date
846 , (unit, Polarize.polarize qty)
847 , (unit, sqty)
848 )
849 then (Seq.|>) acc line
850 { GL.gl_line_posting = Ledger.Charted c p
851 { Ledger.posting_amounts = Map.singleton unit qty }
852 , GL.gl_line_sum = Map.singleton unit sqty
853 }
854 else acc
855 )
856 Seq.empty
857 (Ledger.posting_amounts p)
858 ) seq_lines of
859 m | Seq.null m -> Nothing
860 m -> Just m
861 )
862 (GL.inclusive expanded_lines) of
863 m | Map.null m -> Strict.Nothing
864 m -> Strict.Just m
865 ) $
866 GL.expanded gl
868 write_gl
869 :: Ledger.Amount.Styles
870 -> GL (Ledger.Charted Ledger.Transaction)
871 -> [[Table.Cell]]
872 -> [[Table.Cell]]
873 write_gl amount_styles (GL gl) =
874 flip (TreeMap.foldr_with_Path
875 (\acct ->
876 flip $ Map.foldrWithKey
877 (\date ->
878 flip (foldr
879 (\GL.GL_Line
880 { GL.gl_line_transaction = Ledger.Charted _ t
881 , GL.gl_line_posting = Ledger.Charted _ p
882 , GL.gl_line_sum = s
883 } ->
884 flip (Map.foldrWithKey
885 (\unit qty ->
886 let ms = Map.lookup unit s in
887 zipWith (:)
888 [ let ptype = Ledger.Posting_Type_Regular in
889 Table.cell
890 { Table.cell_content = Ledger.Write.account ptype acct
891 , Table.cell_width = Ledger.Write.account_length ptype acct
892 }
893 , Table.cell
894 { Table.cell_content = Date.Write.date date
895 , Table.cell_width = Date.Write.date_length date
896 }
897 , cell_amount unit (Polarize.polarizable_positive qty)
898 , cell_amount unit (Polarize.polarizable_negative qty)
899 , cell_amount unit (ms >>= Polarize.polarized_positive)
900 , cell_amount unit (ms >>= Polarize.polarized_negative)
901 , cell_amount unit (liftM Polarize.depolarize ms)
902 , let descr = Ledger.transaction_wording t in
903 Table.cell
904 { Table.cell_content = toDoc () descr
905 , Table.cell_width = Text.length descr
906 }
907 ]
908 ))
909 (Ledger.posting_amounts p)
910 ))
911 )
912 ))
913 gl
914 where
915 cell_amount :: Ledger.Unit -> Maybe Ledger.Quantity -> Table.Cell
916 cell_amount unit mq =
917 case mq of
918 Nothing -> Table.cell
919 Just q ->
920 let a = Ledger.Amount.Amount unit q in
921 let sa = Ledger.Amount.style amount_styles a in
922 Table.cell
923 { Table.cell_content = Amount.Write.amount sa
924 , Table.cell_width = Amount.Write.amount_length sa
925 }
926 -}