]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - jcc/Hcompta/Format/JCC/Read.hs
Ajout : Hcompta.Format.JCC.
[comptalang.git] / jcc / Hcompta / Format / JCC / Read.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
9 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
10 module Hcompta.Format.JCC.Read where
12 import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), (<*))
13 -- import Control.Arrow ((***), first)
14 import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
15 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), liftM, join)
16 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
17 import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT(..), throwE)
18 import Data.Bool
19 import Data.Char (Char)
20 import qualified Data.Char
21 import Data.Either (Either(..))
22 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
23 import qualified Data.List as List
24 import Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
25 import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
26 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
27 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
28 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
29 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
30 import Data.String (fromString)
31 import Data.Text (Text)
32 import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO (readFile)
33 import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as Time
34 import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Time
35 import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as Time
36 import Data.Typeable ()
37 import Prelude (($), (.), IO, FilePath, const, flip, id)
38 import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as Path
39 import qualified Text.Parsec as R hiding
40 ( char
41 , anyChar
42 , crlf
43 , newline
44 , noneOf
45 , oneOf
46 , satisfy
47 , space
48 , spaces
49 , string
50 , tab
51 )
52 import Text.Parsec (Stream, ParsecT, (<|>), (<?>))
53 import qualified Text.Parsec.Pos as R
54 import Text.Show (Show)
56 import Hcompta.Account ( Account_Anchor
57 , Account_Tag(..)
58 , Account_Tags(..) )
59 import qualified Hcompta.Account as Account
60 import qualified Hcompta.Amount as Amount
61 import Hcompta.Anchor (Anchors(..))
62 import Hcompta.Tag (Tags(..))
63 import qualified Hcompta.Balance as Balance
64 import qualified Hcompta.Chart as Chart
65 import Hcompta.Chart (Chart(..))
66 import Hcompta.Date (Date)
67 import qualified Hcompta.Date as Date
68 import qualified Hcompta.Filter.Date.Read as Date.Read
69 import Hcompta.Format.JCC
70 ( Account
71 , Comment
72 , Journal(..)
73 , Posting(..)
74 , Transaction(..)
75 , Charted
76 )
77 import qualified Hcompta.Format.JCC as JCC
78 import qualified Hcompta.Format.JCC.Amount as JCC.Amount
79 import qualified Hcompta.Format.JCC.Amount.Read as JCC.Amount.Read
80 import qualified Hcompta.Format.JCC.Amount.Style as JCC.Amount.Style
81 import Hcompta.Format.JCC.Common.Read
82 -- import qualified Hcompta.Format.JCC.Quantity as JCC.Quantity
83 import Hcompta.Lib.Consable (Consable(..))
84 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Parsec as R
85 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Path as Path
86 -- import Hcompta.Lib.Regex (Regex)
87 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.TreeMap as TreeMap
88 import qualified Hcompta.Polarize as Polarize
89 import Hcompta.Posting ( Posting_Anchor(..)
90 , Posting_Anchors(..)
91 , Posting_Tag(..)
92 , Posting_Tags(..) )
93 import qualified Hcompta.Posting as Posting
94 import qualified Hcompta.Quantity as Quantity
95 import Hcompta.Transaction ( Transaction_Anchor(..)
96 , Transaction_Anchors(..)
97 , Transaction_Tag(..)
98 , Transaction_Tags(..) )
99 import qualified Hcompta.Transaction as Transaction
100 import qualified Hcompta.Unit as Unit
102 -- * Type 'Context'
104 data Context c j
105 = Context
106 { context_cons :: Charted Transaction -> c
107 , context_date :: !Date
108 , context_journal :: !(Journal j)
109 , context_unit :: !(Maybe JCC.Unit)
110 , context_year :: !Date.Year
111 }
113 context
114 :: Consable c j
115 => (Charted Transaction -> c)
116 -> Journal j
117 -> Context c j
118 context context_cons context_journal =
119 Context
120 { context_cons
121 , context_date = Date.nil
122 , context_journal
123 , context_unit = Nothing
124 , context_year = Date.year Date.nil
125 }
127 -- * Type 'Error'
129 data Error
130 = Error_account_anchor_unknown R.SourcePos Account_Anchor
131 | Error_account_anchor_not_unique R.SourcePos Account_Anchor
132 | Error_date Date.Read.Error
133 | Error_including_file FilePath [R.Error Error]
134 | Error_reading_file FilePath Exception.IOException
135 | Error_transaction_not_equilibrated
136 JCC.Amount.Styles
137 Transaction
138 [( JCC.Unit
139 , Balance.Unit_Sum Account
140 (Polarize.Polarized JCC.Quantity)
141 )]
142 deriving (Show)
144 -- * Read 'Comment'
146 comment_begin :: Char
147 comment_begin = ';'
149 comment :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Comment
150 comment = (R.char comment_begin >> line) <?> "comment"
152 comments :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m [Comment]
153 comments = (do
154 R.try $ do
155 _ <- R.spaces
156 R.many1_separated comment (eol >> hspaces)
157 <|> return []
158 ) <?> "comments"
160 -- * Read 'Account'
162 account :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m JCC.Account
163 account = do
164 Account.from_List <$> do
165 R.many1 (R.char account_section_sep >> account_section)
167 account_section :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Text
168 account_section = name
170 account_section_sep :: Char
171 account_section_sep = '/'
173 -- ** Read 'Account_Tag'
174 account_tag_prefix :: Char
175 account_tag_prefix = '.'
176 account_tag_sep :: Char
177 account_tag_sep = ':'
178 account_tag_value_prefix :: Char
179 account_tag_value_prefix = '='
181 account_tag :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Account_Tag
182 account_tag = (do
183 _ <- R.char account_tag_prefix
184 p <- name
185 Account.tag
186 <$> (:|) p <$>
187 R.many (R.char account_tag_sep >> name)
188 <*> (fromString <$>
189 R.option ""
190 (hspaces >> R.char transaction_tag_value_prefix >> hspaces >>
191 (List.concat <$> R.many (R.choice
192 [ R.string [account_tag_prefix , account_tag_prefix] >> return [account_tag_prefix]
193 , R.string [account_anchor_prefix, account_anchor_prefix] >> return [account_anchor_prefix]
194 , (\s c -> mappend s [c])
195 <$> R.many space
196 <*> R.satisfy (\c ->
197 c /= account_tag_prefix
198 && c /= account_anchor_prefix
199 && is_char c)
200 ]))))
201 ) <?> "account_tag"
203 -- ** Read 'Account_Anchor'
204 account_anchor_prefix :: Char
205 account_anchor_prefix = '~'
206 account_anchor_sep :: Char
207 account_anchor_sep = ':'
209 account_anchor :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Account_Anchor
210 account_anchor = (do
211 _ <- R.char account_anchor_prefix
212 p <- name
213 ps <- R.many (R.char account_anchor_sep >> name)
214 return $ Account.anchor (p:|ps)
215 ) <?> "account_anchor"
217 -- ** Read 'Account' 'Comment'
218 account_comment :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Comment
219 account_comment = comment
221 -- * Read 'Posting'
223 posting ::
224 ( Consable c j
225 , Monad m
226 , Stream s (R.Error_State Error m) Char
227 ) => ParsecT s (Context c j)
228 (R.Error_State Error m)
229 Posting
230 posting = (do
231 posting_sourcepos <- R.getPosition
232 _ <- hspaces
233 (posting_account, posting_account_anchor) <-
234 R.choice_try
235 [ (,Nothing) <$> account
236 , do
237 anchor <- account_anchor
238 ctx <- R.getState
239 let anchors = chart_anchors $ journal_chart $ context_journal ctx
240 case Map.lookup anchor anchors of
241 Just (a:|as) -> do
242 sa <- R.option Nothing $ Just <$> account
243 return $ ( a:|mappend as (maybe [] NonEmpty.toList sa)
244 , Just (anchor, sa) )
245 Nothing -> R.fail_with "account anchor"
246 (Error_account_anchor_unknown posting_sourcepos anchor)
247 ] <?> "posting_account"
248 posting_amounts <-
249 R.choice_try
250 [ do
251 R.skipMany1 space
252 amts <-
253 R.many_separated JCC.Amount.Read.amount $ do
254 R.skipMany space
255 _ <- R.char amount_sep
256 R.skipMany space
257 ctx <- flip liftM R.getState $ \ctx ->
258 ctx
259 { context_journal=
260 let jnl = context_journal ctx in
261 jnl
262 { JCC.journal_amount_styles =
263 List.foldl'
264 (\(JCC.Amount.Style.Styles styles) (style, amt) ->
265 JCC.Amount.Style.Styles $
266 Map.insertWith mappend
267 (Amount.amount_unit amt)
268 style styles)
269 (JCC.journal_amount_styles jnl)
270 amts
271 }
272 }
273 R.setState ctx
274 return $
275 Map.fromListWith Quantity.quantity_add $
276 List.map
277 (\(_sty, amt) ->
278 let unit = Amount.amount_unit amt in
279 ( if unit == Unit.unit_empty
280 then maybe unit id (context_unit ctx)
281 else unit
282 , Amount.amount_quantity amt
283 )
284 )
285 amts
286 , return mempty
287 ] <?> "posting_amounts"
288 (posting_tags, posting_anchors, posting_comments) <-
289 fields mempty mempty mempty
290 return $ Posting
291 { posting_account
292 , posting_account_anchor
293 , posting_amounts
294 , posting_anchors = Posting_Anchors posting_anchors
295 , posting_tags = Posting_Tags posting_tags
296 , posting_comments
297 , posting_dates = []
298 , posting_sourcepos
299 }
300 ) <?> "posting"
301 where
302 {-
303 fields :: Tags -> Anchors -> Comments
304 -> ParsecT s (Context c j)
305 (R.Error_State Error m)
306 (Tags, Anchors, Comments)
307 -}
308 fields
309 tags@(Tags tagm)
310 anchors@(Anchors anchs)
311 cmts =
312 R.choice_try
313 [ hspaces1 >> posting_comment >>= \c ->
314 fields tags anchors (c:cmts)
315 , hspaces1 >> posting_tag >>= \(Posting_Tag (p, v)) ->
316 fields (Tags $ Map.insertWith mappend p [v] tagm) anchors cmts
317 , hspaces1 >> posting_anchor >>= \(Posting_Anchor p) ->
318 fields tags (Anchors $ Map.insert p () anchs) cmts
319 , hspaces >> eol >>
320 fields tags anchors cmts
321 , return (tags, anchors, cmts)
322 ]
324 amount_sep :: Char
325 amount_sep = '+'
327 posting_comment :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Comment
328 posting_comment = comment
330 -- ** Read 'Posting_Tag'
331 posting_tag :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Posting_Tag
332 posting_tag = (liftM (\(Transaction_Tag tag) -> Posting_Tag tag) transaction_tag) <?> "posting_tag"
334 -- ** Read 'Posting_Anchor'
335 posting_anchor :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Posting_Anchor
336 posting_anchor = (do
337 _ <- R.char transaction_anchor_prefix
338 Posting.anchor <$>
339 NonEmpty.fromList <$>
340 R.many1 (R.char transaction_anchor_sep >> name)
341 ) <?> "posting_anchor"
343 -- * Read 'Transaction'
345 map_Postings_by_Account :: [Posting] -> Map Account [Posting]
346 map_Postings_by_Account =
347 Map.fromListWith (flip mappend) .
348 List.map (\p -> (posting_account p, [p]))
350 transaction ::
351 ( Consable c j
352 , Monad m
353 , Stream s (R.Error_State Error m) Char
354 ) => ParsecT s (Context c j) (R.Error_State Error m) Transaction
355 transaction = (do
356 ctx <- R.getState
357 transaction_sourcepos <- R.getPosition
358 date_ <- Date.Read.date Error_date (Just $ context_year ctx)
359 dates_ <-
360 R.option [] $ R.try $ do
361 _ <- hspaces
362 _ <- R.char date_sep
363 _ <- hspaces
364 R.many_separated
365 (Date.Read.date Error_date (Just $ context_year ctx)) $
366 R.try $
367 hspaces
368 >> R.char date_sep
369 >> hspaces
370 let transaction_dates = (date_, dates_)
371 _ <- hspaces
372 transaction_wording <- wording
373 _ <- eol
374 (transaction_tags, transaction_anchors, transaction_comments) <-
375 -- return (mempty, mempty, mempty)
376 fields mempty mempty mempty
377 transaction_postings_unchecked <-
378 map_Postings_by_Account <$> postings
379 let transaction_unchecked =
380 Transaction
381 { transaction_anchors = Transaction_Anchors transaction_anchors
382 , transaction_tags = Transaction_Tags transaction_tags
383 , transaction_comments
384 , transaction_dates
385 , transaction_wording
386 , transaction_postings = transaction_postings_unchecked
387 , transaction_sourcepos
388 }
389 let styles = JCC.journal_amount_styles $ context_journal ctx
390 transaction_postings <-
391 case Balance.infer_equilibrium transaction_postings_unchecked of
392 (_, Left ko) -> R.fail_with "transaction infer_equilibrium" $
393 Error_transaction_not_equilibrated styles transaction_unchecked ko
394 (_bal, Right ok) -> return ok
395 return $
396 transaction_unchecked
397 { transaction_postings
398 }
399 ) <?> "transaction"
400 where
401 fields
402 tags@(Tags tagm)
403 anchors@(Anchors anchs)
404 cmts =
405 R.choice_try
406 [ hspaces1 >> transaction_comment >>= \c ->
407 fields tags anchors (c:cmts)
408 , hspaces1 >> transaction_tag >>= \(Transaction_Tag (p, v)) ->
409 fields (Tags $ Map.insertWith mappend p [v] tagm) anchors cmts
410 , hspaces1 >> transaction_anchor >>= \(Transaction_Anchor p) ->
411 fields tags (Anchors $ Map.insert p () anchs) cmts
412 , hspaces >> eol >>
413 fields tags anchors cmts
414 , return (tags, anchors, cmts)
415 ]
417 postings ::
418 (Consable c j, Monad m, Stream s (R.Error_State Error m) Char)
419 => ParsecT s (Context c j) (R.Error_State Error m) [Posting]
420 postings =
421 R.many1
422 (hspaces1 >> posting)
424 date_sep :: Char
425 date_sep = '='
427 code :: ( Consable c j
428 , Stream s m Char )
429 => ParsecT s (Context c j) m JCC.Code
430 code = (do
431 fromString <$> do
432 _ <- hspaces
433 R.between (R.char '(') (R.char ')') $
434 R.many $ R.satisfy (\c -> c /= ')' && not (R.is_space_horizontal c))
435 ) <?> "code"
437 wording :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m JCC.Wording
438 wording = (do
439 fromString <$> do
440 R.many $ R.try wording_char
441 ) <?> "wording"
442 where
443 wording_char :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
444 wording_char = do
445 c <- R.anyChar
446 case c of
447 _ | c == comment_begin -> R.parserZero
448 _ | R.is_space_horizontal c -> return c <* (R.lookAhead $ R.try $ wording_char)
449 _ | not (Data.Char.isSpace c) -> return c
450 _ -> R.parserZero
452 -- ** Read 'Transaction_Anchor'
454 transaction_anchor_prefix :: Char
455 transaction_anchor_prefix = '@'
456 transaction_anchor_sep :: Char
457 transaction_anchor_sep = ':'
459 transaction_anchor :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Transaction_Anchor
460 transaction_anchor = (do
461 _ <- R.char transaction_anchor_prefix
462 p <- name
463 Transaction.anchor <$>
464 (:|) p <$>
465 R.many (R.char transaction_anchor_sep >> name)
466 ) <?> "transaction_anchor"
468 -- ** Read 'Transaction_Tag'
469 transaction_tag_prefix :: Char
470 transaction_tag_prefix = '#'
471 transaction_tag_sep :: Char
472 transaction_tag_sep = ':'
473 transaction_tag_value_prefix :: Char
474 transaction_tag_value_prefix = '='
476 transaction_tag :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Transaction_Tag
477 transaction_tag = (do
478 _ <- R.char transaction_tag_prefix
479 p <- name
480 Transaction.tag
481 <$>
482 (:|) p <$>
483 R.many (R.char transaction_tag_sep >> name)
484 <*> (fromString <$>
485 R.option ""
486 (hspaces >> R.char transaction_tag_value_prefix >> hspaces >>
487 (List.concat <$>
488 R.many (R.choice
489 [ R.string [transaction_tag_prefix, transaction_tag_prefix] >>
490 return [transaction_tag_prefix]
491 , R.string [transaction_anchor_prefix, transaction_anchor_prefix] >>
492 return [transaction_anchor_prefix]
493 , (\s c -> mappend s [c])
494 <$> R.many space
495 <*> R.satisfy (\c -> c /= transaction_tag_prefix && c /= transaction_anchor_prefix && is_char c)
496 ]))))
497 ) <?> "transaction_tag"
499 -- ** Read 'Transaction' 'Comment'
500 transaction_comment :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Comment
501 transaction_comment = comment
503 -- * Read directives
505 default_year
506 :: ( Consable c j
507 , Stream s m Char )
508 => ParsecT s (Context c j) m ()
509 default_year = (do
510 year <- R.integer_of_digits 10 <$> R.many1 R.digit
511 _ <- hspaces
512 context_ <- R.getState
513 R.setState context_{context_year=year}
514 ) <?> "default year"
516 default_unit_and_style
517 :: ( Consable c j
518 , Stream s m Char )
519 => ParsecT s (Context c j) m ()
520 default_unit_and_style = (do
521 (sty, amt) <- JCC.Amount.Read.amount
522 _ <- hspaces
523 ctx <- R.getState
524 let unit = Amount.amount_unit amt
525 R.setState ctx
526 { context_journal =
527 let jnl = context_journal ctx in
528 jnl
529 { JCC.journal_amount_styles =
530 let JCC.Amount.Style.Styles styles =
531 JCC.journal_amount_styles jnl in
532 JCC.Amount.Style.Styles $
533 Map.insertWith const unit sty styles
534 }
535 , context_unit = Just unit
536 }
537 ) <?> "default unit and style"
539 -- * Read included 'Journal'
541 include ::
542 ( Consable c j
543 , Monoid j
544 , Stream s (R.Error_State Error IO) Char
545 )
546 => ParsecT s (Context c j)
547 (R.Error_State Error IO)
548 ()
549 include = (do
550 sourcepos <- R.getPosition
551 filename <- R.manyTill R.anyChar (R.lookAhead (R.try R.new_line <|> R.eof))
552 context_including <- R.getState
553 let journal_including = context_journal context_including
554 let cwd = Path.takeDirectory (R.sourceName sourcepos)
555 file_path <- liftIO $ Path.abs cwd filename
556 content <- do
557 join $ liftIO $ Exception.catch
558 (liftM return $ Text.IO.readFile file_path)
559 (return . R.fail_with "include reading" . Error_reading_file file_path)
560 (journal_included, context_included) <- do
561 liftIO $
562 R.runParserT_with_Error
563 (R.and_state $ journal_rec file_path)
564 context_including
565 { context_journal=
566 JCC.journal
567 { journal_chart=
568 journal_chart journal_including
569 , journal_amount_styles=
570 journal_amount_styles journal_including
571 }
572 }
573 file_path content
574 >>= \x -> case x of
575 Right ok -> return ok
576 Left ko -> R.fail_with "include parsing" (Error_including_file file_path ko)
577 R.setState $
578 context_included
579 { context_journal=
580 journal_including
581 { journal_includes=
582 journal_included{journal_file=file_path} :
583 journal_includes journal_including
584 , journal_chart=
585 journal_chart journal_included
586 , journal_amount_styles=
587 journal_amount_styles journal_included
588 }
589 }
590 ) <?> "include"
592 -- * Read 'Chart'
594 chart ::
595 ( Consable c j
596 , Stream s (R.Error_State Error IO) Char
597 )
598 => ParsecT s (Context c j)
599 (R.Error_State Error IO)
600 ()
601 chart = (do
602 -- sourcepos <- R.getPosition
603 acct <- account
604 _ <- eol
605 ( chart_tags
606 , chart_anchors
607 , _chart_comments ) <-
608 fields acct mempty mempty mempty
609 let chart_accounts =
610 TreeMap.singleton acct $
611 Account_Tags chart_tags
612 ctx <- R.getState
613 let j = context_journal ctx
614 R.setState $
615 ctx{context_journal=
616 j{journal_chart=
617 mappend
618 (journal_chart j)
619 Chart.Chart
620 { Chart.chart_accounts
621 -- , Chart.chart_tags
622 , Chart.chart_anchors
623 }
624 }
625 }
626 ) <?> "chart"
627 where
628 fields
629 acct
630 tags@(Tags tagm)
631 anchors
632 cmts =
633 R.choice_try
634 [ hspaces1 >> account_comment >>= \c ->
635 fields acct tags anchors (c:cmts)
636 , hspaces1 >> account_tag >>= \(Account_Tag (p, v)) ->
637 fields acct (Tags $ Map.insertWith mappend p [v] tagm) anchors cmts
638 , hspaces1 >> account_anchor >>= \anchor ->
639 case Map.insertLookupWithKey (\_k n _o -> n) anchor acct anchors of
640 (Nothing, m) -> fields acct tags m cmts
641 (Just _, _) -> do
642 sourcepos <- R.getPosition
643 R.fail_with "account anchor not unique"
644 (Error_account_anchor_not_unique sourcepos anchor)
645 , hspaces >> eol >>
646 fields acct tags anchors cmts
647 , return (tags, anchors, cmts)
648 ]
650 -- * Read 'Journal'
652 journal ::
653 ( Consable c j
654 , Monoid j
655 , Stream s (R.Error_State Error IO) Char
656 )
657 => FilePath
658 -> ParsecT s (Context c j)
659 (R.Error_State Error IO)
660 (Journal j)
661 journal file_ = (do
662 currentLocalTime <- liftIO $
663 Time.utcToLocalTime
664 <$> Time.getCurrentTimeZone
665 <*> Time.getCurrentTime
666 let (currentLocalYear, _, _) = Time.toGregorian $ Time.localDay currentLocalTime
667 ctx <- R.getState
668 R.setState $ ctx{context_year=currentLocalYear}
669 journal_rec file_
670 ) <?> "journal"
672 journal_rec ::
673 ( Consable c j
674 , Monoid j
675 , Stream s (R.Error_State Error IO) Char
676 )
677 => FilePath
678 -> ParsecT s (Context c j)
679 (R.Error_State Error IO)
680 (Journal j)
681 journal_rec file_ = do
682 last_read_time <- liftIO Date.now
683 loop $
684 R.choice_try
685 [ jump_comment
686 , jump_directive
687 , jump_transaction
688 , jump_chart
689 ]
690 journal_ <- context_journal <$> R.getState
691 return $
692 journal_
693 { journal_file = file_
694 , journal_last_read_time = last_read_time
695 , journal_includes = List.reverse $ journal_includes journal_
696 }
697 where
698 loop
699 :: Stream s m Char
700 => ParsecT s u m (ParsecT s u m ())
701 -> ParsecT s u m ()
702 loop r = do
703 R.skipMany (hspaces >> R.new_line)
704 _ <- join r
705 R.skipMany (hspaces >> R.new_line)
706 R.try (hspaces >> R.eof) <|> loop r
707 jump_comment ::
708 ( Stream s m Char
709 , Consable c j
710 , u ~ Context c j
711 , m ~ R.Error_State Error IO
712 )
713 => ParsecT s u m (ParsecT s u m ())
714 jump_comment = do
715 _ <- R.spaces
716 _ <- R.lookAhead (R.try $ R.char comment_begin)
717 return $ do
718 _cmts <- comments
719 {-
720 R.modifyState $ \ctx ->
721 let j = context_journal ctx in
722 ctx{context_journal=
723 j{journal_content=
724 mcons (context_filter ctx) cmts $
725 journal_content j}}
726 -}
727 return ()
728 jump_directive ::
729 ( Consable c j
730 , Monoid j
731 , Stream s m Char
732 , u ~ Context c j
733 , m ~ R.Error_State Error IO
734 )
735 => ParsecT s u m (ParsecT s u m ())
736 jump_directive = do
737 let choice s = R.string s >> hspaces1
738 R.choice_try
739 [ choice "Y" >> return default_year
740 , choice "D" >> return default_unit_and_style
741 , choice "!include" >> return include
742 ] <?> "directive"
743 jump_transaction ::
744 ( Consable c j
745 , Stream s m Char
746 , u ~ Context c j
747 , m ~ R.Error_State Error IO
748 )
749 => ParsecT s u m (ParsecT s u m ())
750 jump_transaction = do
751 _ <- R.lookAhead $ R.try (R.many1 R.digit >> R.char Date.Read.date_separator)
752 return $ do
753 t <- transaction
754 R.modifyState $ \ctx ->
755 let j = context_journal ctx in
756 ctx{context_journal=
757 j{journal_content=
758 mcons
759 (context_cons ctx $ Chart.Charted (journal_chart j) t)
760 (journal_content j)}}
761 jump_chart ::
762 ( Consable c j
763 , Stream s m Char
764 , u ~ Context c j
765 , m ~ R.Error_State Error IO
766 )
767 => ParsecT s u m (ParsecT s u m ())
768 jump_chart = do
769 return chart
771 -- ** Read 'Journal' from a file
773 file ::
774 ( Consable c j
775 , Monoid j
776 )
777 => Context c j
778 -> FilePath
779 -> ExceptT [R.Error Error] IO (Journal j)
780 file ctx path = do
781 ExceptT $
782 Exception.catch
783 (liftM Right $ Text.IO.readFile path) $
784 \ko -> return $ Left $
785 [ R.Error_Custom (R.initialPos path) $ Error_reading_file path ko ]
786 >>= liftIO . R.runParserT_with_Error (journal path) ctx path
787 >>= \x -> case x of
788 Left ko -> throwE $ ko
789 Right ok -> ExceptT $ return $ Right ok