]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - jcc/Hcompta/Format/JCC/Write.hs
Ajout : Hcompta.Format.JCC.
[comptalang.git] / jcc / Hcompta / Format / JCC / Write.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
7 module Hcompta.Format.JCC.Write
8 ( module Hcompta.Format.JCC.Write
9 , module Hcompta.Format.JCC.Date.Write
10 ) where
12 import Data.Bool
13 import Data.Char (isSpace)
14 import qualified Data.Foldable
15 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
16 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$>))
17 import qualified Data.Functor.Compose
18 import Data.List
19 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
20 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
21 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
22 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
23 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
24 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
25 import qualified Data.Text as Text
26 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
27 import Prelude (($), (.), Bounded(..), Int, IO, Num(..), flip)
28 import System.IO (Handle)
30 import qualified Hcompta.Account as Account
31 import Hcompta.Account ( Account_Anchor(..)
32 , Account_Tag(..)
33 , Account_Tags(..)
34 )
35 import qualified Hcompta.Anchor as Anchor
36 import Hcompta.Chart (Chart)
37 import qualified Hcompta.Chart as Chart
38 import qualified Hcompta.Format.JCC as JCC
39 import Hcompta.Format.JCC
40 ( Account
41 , Comment
42 , Journal(..)
43 , Posting(..)
44 , Transaction(..)
45 , Quantity
46 , Unit(..)
47 )
48 import qualified Hcompta.Format.JCC.Amount as Amount
49 import qualified Hcompta.Format.JCC.Amount.Write as Amount.Write
50 import qualified Hcompta.Format.JCC.Read as Read
51 -- import Hcompta.Lib.Consable (Consable(..))
52 import Hcompta.Lib.Leijen (Doc, (<>))
53 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Leijen as W
54 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.TreeMap as TreeMap
55 import qualified Hcompta.Tag as Tag
56 import Hcompta.Tag (Tags(..))
57 import Hcompta.Anchor (Anchors(..))
58 import Hcompta.Transaction ( Transaction_Anchor(..)
59 , Transaction_Anchors(..)
60 , Transaction_Tag(..)
61 , Transaction_Tags(..) )
63 import Hcompta.Format.JCC.Date.Write
65 -- * Write 'Comment'
67 comment :: Comment -> Doc
68 comment com =
69 W.cyan $ do
70 W.char Read.comment_begin
71 <> (case Text.uncons com of
72 Just (c, _) | not $ Data.Char.isSpace c -> W.space
73 _ -> W.empty)
74 <> W.strict_text com
76 comments :: Doc -> [Comment] -> Doc
77 comments prefix =
78 W.hcat .
79 Data.List.intersperse W.line .
80 Data.List.map (\c -> prefix <> comment c)
82 -- * Write 'Account'
84 account :: Account -> Doc
85 account acct =
86 W.align $ W.hcat $
87 NonEmpty.toList $
88 fmap (sep <>) $
89 (NonEmpty.map account_section acct)
90 where sep = W.bold $ W.dullblack $ W.char Read.account_section_sep
92 account_section :: Account.Account_Section Account -> Doc
93 account_section = W.strict_text
95 -- ** Measure 'Account'
97 account_length :: Account -> Int
98 account_length acct =
99 Data.Foldable.foldl
100 (\acc -> (1 +) . (acc +) . Text.length)
101 0 acct
103 -- ** Write 'Account_Anchor'
105 account_anchor :: Account_Anchor -> Doc
106 account_anchor (Account_Anchor anchor) =
107 W.hcat $
108 (:) (op $ W.char Read.account_anchor_prefix) $
109 NonEmpty.toList $
110 NonEmpty.intersperse
111 (op $ W.char Read.account_anchor_sep)
112 (W.strict_text <$> anchor)
113 where op = W.bold . W.dullyellow
115 account_anchor_length :: Account_Anchor -> Int
116 account_anchor_length (Account_Anchor anch) =
117 Data.Foldable.foldl
118 (\acc -> (1 +) . (acc +) . Text.length)
119 0 anch
121 -- ** Write 'Account_Tag'
123 account_tag :: Account_Tag -> Doc
124 account_tag (Account_Tag (path, value)) =
125 (W.hcat $
126 (:) (op $ W.char Read.account_tag_prefix) $
127 NonEmpty.toList $
128 NonEmpty.intersperse
129 (op $ W.char Read.account_tag_sep)
130 (W.strict_text <$> path)) <>
131 if Text.null value
132 then W.empty
133 else
134 (op $ W.char Read.account_tag_value_prefix) <>
135 W.strict_text value
136 where op = W.bold . W.dullyellow
138 -- * Write 'Amount'
140 amounts :: Amount.Styles -> Map Unit Quantity -> Doc
141 amounts styles =
142 Map.foldlWithKey
143 (\doc unit qty ->
144 (if W.is_empty doc
145 then doc
146 else doc <> W.space <>
147 (W.bold $ W.yellow $ W.char Read.amount_sep) <>
148 W.space) <>
149 (Amount.Write.amount $
150 Amount.style styles $
151 JCC.Amount unit qty))
152 W.empty
154 -- ** Measure 'Amount's
156 amounts_length :: Amount.Styles -> Map Unit Quantity -> Int
157 amounts_length styles amts =
158 if Map.null amts
159 then 0
160 else
161 Map.foldrWithKey
162 (\unit qty -> (3 +) . (+)
163 (Amount.Write.amount_length $
164 Amount.style styles $
165 JCC.Amount unit qty))
166 (-3) amts
168 -- * Write 'Posting'
170 posting :: Amount.Styles -> Posting_Lengths -> Posting -> Doc
171 posting styles max_posting_length
172 Posting
173 { posting_account
174 , posting_account_anchor
175 , posting_amounts
176 , posting_comments=cmts
177 -- , posting_dates
178 -- , posting_tags
179 } =
180 W.string " " <> do
181 let (doc_acct, len_acct) =
182 case posting_account_anchor of
183 Nothing ->
184 ( account posting_account
185 , account_length posting_account )
186 Just (a, sa) ->
187 ( account_anchor a <> maybe W.empty account sa
188 , account_anchor_length a + maybe 0 account_length sa )
189 case Map.null posting_amounts of
190 True -> doc_acct
191 False ->
192 let len_amts = amounts_length styles posting_amounts in
193 doc_acct <>
194 W.fill (2 + max_posting_length - (len_acct + len_amts)) (W.space <> W.space) <>
195 amounts styles posting_amounts
196 <> (case cmts of
197 [] -> W.empty
198 [c] -> W.space <> comment c
199 _ -> W.line <> do comments (W.text " ") cmts)
201 -- ** Measure 'Posting'
203 type Posting_Lengths = (Int)
205 postings_lengths
206 :: Amount.Styles
207 -> Map Account [Posting]
208 -> Posting_Lengths
209 -> Posting_Lengths
210 postings_lengths styles ps pl =
211 Data.Foldable.foldr
212 (\p ->
213 let len_acct =
214 case posting_account_anchor p of
215 Nothing -> account_length $ posting_account p
216 Just (a, sa) ->
217 account_anchor_length a +
218 maybe 0 account_length sa in
219 max
220 ( len_acct
221 + amounts_length styles (posting_amounts p) )
222 ) pl
223 (Data.Functor.Compose.Compose ps)
225 -- * Write 'Transaction'
227 transaction :: Amount.Styles -> Transaction -> Doc
228 transaction styles t = transaction_with_lengths styles (transaction_lengths styles t 0) t
230 transactions :: Foldable ts => Amount.Styles -> ts Transaction -> Doc
231 transactions styles ts = do
232 let transaction_lengths_ =
233 Data.Foldable.foldr (transaction_lengths styles) 0 ts
234 Data.Foldable.foldr
235 (\t doc ->
236 transaction_with_lengths styles transaction_lengths_ t <>
237 (if W.is_empty doc then W.empty else W.line <> doc)
238 )
239 W.empty
240 ts
242 transaction_with_lengths
243 :: Amount.Styles
244 -> Transaction_Lengths
245 -> Transaction -> Doc
246 transaction_with_lengths
247 styles
248 posting_lengths_
249 Transaction
250 { transaction_comments
251 , transaction_dates=(first_date, dates)
252 , transaction_wording
253 , transaction_postings
254 , transaction_anchors=Transaction_Anchors (Anchors anchors)
255 , transaction_tags=Transaction_Tags (Tags tags)
256 } = do
257 (W.hcat $
258 Data.List.intersperse
259 (W.char Read.date_sep)
260 (date <$> (first_date:dates))) <> do
261 (case transaction_wording of
262 "" -> W.empty
263 _ -> W.space <> (W.dullmagenta $ W.strict_text transaction_wording)) <> do
264 W.line <> do
265 (case transaction_comments of
266 [] -> W.empty
267 _ -> comments W.space transaction_comments <> W.line) <> do
268 Map.foldrWithKey
269 (\path () -> ((W.string " " <>
270 transaction_anchor (Transaction_Anchor path) <> W.line) <>))
271 W.empty anchors <> do
272 Map.foldrWithKey
273 (\path -> flip $
274 Data.List.foldr
275 (\value -> (<>) (W.string " " <>
276 transaction_tag (Transaction_Tag (path, value)) <> W.line)))
277 W.empty tags <> do
278 W.intercalate W.line
279 (W.vsep . fmap (posting styles posting_lengths_))
280 transaction_postings <> W.line
282 -- ** Measure 'Transaction'
284 type Transaction_Lengths = Posting_Lengths
286 transaction_lengths
287 :: Amount.Styles
288 -> Transaction
289 -> Posting_Lengths
290 -> Posting_Lengths
291 transaction_lengths
292 styles
293 Transaction
294 { transaction_postings
295 } posting_lengths_ = do
296 Data.List.foldl
297 (flip $ postings_lengths styles)
298 posting_lengths_
299 [ transaction_postings
300 ]
302 -- ** Write 'Transaction_Tag'
304 transaction_tag :: Transaction_Tag -> Doc
305 transaction_tag (Transaction_Tag (path, value)) =
306 (W.hcat $
307 (:) (W.bold $ W.dullyellow $ W.char Read.transaction_tag_prefix) $
308 NonEmpty.toList $
309 NonEmpty.intersperse
310 (op $ W.char Read.transaction_tag_sep)
311 (transaction_tag_section <$> path)) <>
312 if Text.null value
313 then W.empty
314 else
315 (op $ W.char Read.transaction_tag_value_prefix) <>
316 W.strict_text value
317 where
318 op = W.bold . W.yellow
320 transaction_tag_section :: Tag.Section -> Doc
321 transaction_tag_section = W.bold . W.strict_text
323 -- ** Write 'Transaction_Anchor'
325 transaction_anchor :: Transaction_Anchor -> Doc
326 transaction_anchor (Transaction_Anchor path) =
327 W.hcat $
328 (:) (op $ W.char Read.transaction_anchor_prefix) $
329 NonEmpty.toList $
330 NonEmpty.intersperse
331 (op $ W.char Read.transaction_anchor_sep)
332 (transaction_anchor_section <$> path)
333 where
334 op = W.bold . W.yellow
336 transaction_anchor_section :: Anchor.Section -> Doc
337 transaction_anchor_section = W.bold . W.strict_text
339 -- * Write 'Journal'
341 journal ::
342 ( Foldable ts
343 , Monoid (ts Transaction)
344 ) => Journal (ts Transaction) -> Doc
345 journal Journal{ journal_content, journal_amount_styles } =
346 transactions journal_amount_styles journal_content
348 -- * Write 'Chart'
350 chart :: Chart Account -> Doc
351 chart =
352 TreeMap.foldl_with_Path
353 (\doc acct (Account_Tags (Tags ca)) ->
354 doc <>
355 account acct <> W.line <>
356 Map.foldlWithKey
357 (\dd tn tvs ->
358 dd <>
359 foldl'
360 (\ddd tv ->
361 ddd <> W.string " " <> account_tag (Account_Tag (tn, tv)) <> W.line)
362 W.empty
363 tvs
364 )
365 W.empty
366 ca
367 ) W.empty .
368 Chart.chart_accounts
370 -- * Rendering
372 data Style
373 = Style
374 { style_align :: Bool
375 , style_color :: Bool
376 }
377 style :: Style
378 style =
379 Style
380 { style_align = True
381 , style_color = True
382 }
384 show :: Style -> Doc -> TL.Text
385 show Style{style_color, style_align} =
386 W.displayT .
387 if style_align
388 then W.renderPretty style_color 1.0 maxBound
389 else W.renderCompact style_color
391 put :: Style -> Doc -> Handle -> IO ()
392 put Style{style_color, style_align} doc handle =
393 W.displayIO handle $
394 if style_align
395 then W.renderPretty style_color 1.0 maxBound doc
396 else W.renderCompact style_color doc