]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - ledger/Hcompta/Format/Ledger/Amount.hs
Correction : rétro support de GHC 7.6.3 (Debian/jessie).
[comptalang.git] / ledger / Hcompta / Format / Ledger / Amount.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
8 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
9 module Hcompta.Format.Ledger.Amount where
11 import Control.DeepSeq
12 import Data.Bool
13 import Data.Data
14 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
15 -- import qualified Data.Foldable
16 -- import qualified Data.List
17 -- import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
18 import Data.Ord (Ord(..), Ordering(..))
19 -- import Data.String (IsString)
20 -- import Data.Text (Text)
21 -- import qualified Data.Text as Text
22 import Data.Typeable ()
23 import Prelude ((.), seq)
24 -- import Prelude (($), (.), Bounded(..), Int, Num(..), flip, seq, error)
25 import Text.Show (Show(..))
27 import qualified Hcompta.Amount as Amount
28 import qualified Hcompta.Filter as Filter
29 import qualified Hcompta.Polarize as Polarize
30 import qualified Hcompta.Quantity as Quantity
31 import qualified Hcompta.Unit as Unit
32 import qualified Hcompta.Format.Ledger.Amount.Style as Style
33 import Hcompta.Format.Ledger.Quantity (Quantity)
34 import Hcompta.Format.Ledger.Unit (Unit(..))
36 -- * Type 'Style'
38 type Style = Style.Style
39 type Styles = Style.Styles
40 type Styled t = Style.Styled t
42 -- * Type 'Amount'
44 data Amount
45 = Amount
46 { amount_unit :: !Unit
47 , amount_quantity :: !Quantity
48 } deriving (Data, Show, Typeable)
49 instance Amount.Amount Amount where
50 type Amount_Quantity Amount = Quantity
51 type Amount_Unit Amount = Unit
52 amount_quantity = amount_quantity
53 amount_unit = amount_unit
54 instance Filter.Amount Amount where
55 type Amount_Quantity Amount = Quantity
56 type Amount_Unit Amount = Unit
57 amount_quantity = Polarize.polarize . amount_quantity
58 amount_unit = amount_unit
59 instance NFData Amount where
60 rnf (Amount q u) = rnf q `seq` rnf u
61 {-
62 instance Eq Amount where
63 (==)
64 Amount{amount_quantity=q0, amount_unit=u0}
65 Amount{amount_quantity=q1, amount_unit=u1} =
66 case compare u0 u1 of
67 LT -> False
68 GT -> False
69 EQ -> (==) q0 q1 -- NOTE: MUST already be rounded to Style.precision
70 instance Ord Amount where
71 compare
72 Amount{amount_quantity=q0, amount_unit=u0}
73 Amount{amount_quantity=q1, amount_unit=u1} =
74 case compare u0 u1 of
75 LT -> LT
76 GT -> GT
77 EQ -> compare q0 q1 -- NOTE: MUST already be rounded to Style.precision
78 -}
79 instance Quantity.Zero Amount where
80 quantity_zero = Amount Unit.unit_empty Quantity.quantity_zero
81 quantity_null = (==) Quantity.quantity_zero . amount_quantity
83 amount_style :: Styles -> Amount -> Style
84 amount_style styles = Style.style styles . amount_unit
86 style :: Styles -> Amount -> Styled Amount
87 style styles amt = (amount_style styles amt, amt)
89 {-
90 instance GL.Amount Amount where
91 type Amount_Unit Amount = Unit
92 amount_add = (+)
93 instance GL.Amount (Map Unit Amount) where
94 type Amount_Unit (Map Unit Amount) = Unit
95 amount_add = Data.Map.unionWith (+)
96 -}
98 {-
99 -- | An 'Amount' is a partially valid 'Num' instance:
100 --
101 -- * (+) operator requires both operand to have the same 'Unit' (homogeneity constraint).
102 -- * (*) operator requires at least one operand with an empty 'Unit' ('scalar').
103 instance Num Amount where
104 abs a@Amount{amount_quantity=q} = a{amount_quantity=abs q}
105 fromInteger = scalar . fromInteger
106 negate a@Amount{amount_quantity=q} = a{amount_quantity=negate q}
107 signum a@Amount{amount_quantity=q} = a{amount_quantity=signum q}
108 (+) a b =
109 let s@(Style.Style{Style.precision=p}) = Style.union (amount_style a) (amount_style b) in
110 a{ amount_quantity = quantity_round p $ amount_quantity a + amount_quantity b
111 , amount_style = s
112 , amount_unit =
113 if amount_unit a == amount_unit b
114 then amount_unit a
115 else error "(+) on non-homogeneous units"
116 }
117 (*) a b =
118 let Style.Style{Style.precision=p} = s in
119 a{ amount_quantity = quantity_round p $ amount_quantity a * amount_quantity b
120 , amount_style = s
121 , amount_unit = u
122 }
123 where (s, u)
124 | amount_unit a == "" =
125 if amount_unit b == ""
126 then (Style.union (amount_style a) (amount_style b), "")
127 else (amount_style b, amount_unit b)
128 | amount_unit b == "" = (amount_style a, amount_unit a)
129 | otherwise = error "(*) by non-scalar amount_unit"
130 -}
132 sign :: Amount -> Ordering
133 sign a =
134 case amount_quantity a of
135 0 -> EQ
136 q | q < 0 -> LT
137 _ -> GT
139 -- ** Constructors
141 amount :: Amount
142 amount =
143 Amount
144 { amount_quantity = Quantity.quantity_zero
145 , amount_unit = ""
146 }
149 -- ** Tests
151 -- | Return 'True' if and only if 'Amount'’s 'Quantity' is zero.
152 --
153 -- NOTE: the 'Amount'’s 'amount_quantity' MUST have been rounded
154 -- at 'Amount'’s 'amount_style'’s 'Style.precision'.
155 null :: Amount -> Bool
156 null = Quantity.quantity_null . amount_quantity
158 {-
159 -- * Type 'Amount_by_Unit' mapping
161 type Amount_by_Unit
162 = Map Unit Amount
163 type By_Unit = Amount_by_Unit
165 -- | 'Amount_by_Unit'’s is a partially valid 'Num' instance.
166 --
167 -- * (*) operator is not defined.
168 instance Num Amount_by_Unit where
169 abs = Data.Map.map (\a@Amount{amount_quantity=q} -> a{amount_quantity=abs q})
170 fromInteger = Data.Map.singleton "" . fromInteger
171 negate = Data.Map.map (\a@Amount{amount_quantity=q} -> a{amount_quantity=negate q})
172 signum = Data.Map.map (\a@Amount{amount_quantity=q} -> a{amount_quantity=signum q})
173 (+) = Data.Map.unionWith (+)
174 (*) = error "(*) not-supported"
176 type Signs = (Int, Int)
178 signs :: Amount_by_Unit -> Signs
179 signs = Data.Map.foldl'
180 (\(nega, plus) amt ->
181 case flip compare 0 $ amount_quantity amt of
182 LT -> (nega - 1, plus)
183 EQ -> (nega, plus)
184 GT -> (nega, plus + 1))
185 (0, 0)
187 -- ** Constructors
189 nil_By_Unit :: Amount_by_Unit
190 nil_By_Unit =
191 Data.Map.empty
193 -- ** Tests
195 -- | Return 'True' if and only if all 'Amount's satisfy 'null'.
196 nulls :: Amount_by_Unit -> Bool
197 nulls = Data.Foldable.all null
199 -- | Return a tuple associating the given 'Amount' with its 'Unit'.
200 assoc_by_unit :: Amount -> (Unit, Amount)
201 assoc_by_unit amt = (amount_unit amt, amt)
203 -- | Return a 'Data.Map.Map' associating the given 'Amount's with their respective 'Unit'.
204 from_List :: [Amount] -> Amount_by_Unit
205 from_List amounts =
206 Data.Map.fromListWith (flip (+)) $ -- NOTE: flip to propagate 'Style' first to last.
207 Data.List.map assoc_by_unit amounts
209 -}