]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - cli/Hcompta/CLI/Format/Ledger.hs
Modif : Calc.Balance : simplification de l’interface.
[comptalang.git] / cli / Hcompta / CLI / Format / Ledger.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
5 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
6 module Hcompta.CLI.Format.Ledger where
8 import Prelude hiding (error)
9 import Control.Exception (tryJust)
10 import Control.Monad (guard)
11 import qualified Data.List
12 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Data.Map
13 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
14 import System.Environment as Env (getEnv)
15 import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)
16 import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
17 import qualified Text.Parsec.Error as Parsec.Error
19 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Leijen as W
20 import Hcompta.Lib.Leijen (ToDoc(..), (<>))
21 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Parsec as Lib.Parsec
22 import qualified Hcompta.Calc.Balance as Calc.Balance
23 import qualified Hcompta.CLI.Context as Context
24 import Hcompta.CLI.Context (Context)
25 import qualified Hcompta.CLI.I18N as I18N
26 import qualified Hcompta.CLI.Write as Write
27 import qualified Hcompta.Format.Ledger.Read as Ledger.Read
28 import qualified Hcompta.Format.Ledger.Write as Ledger.Write
29 import qualified Hcompta.Model.Amount as Amount
31 -- | Return 'FilePath's containing 'Hcompta.Format.Ledger.Journal's:
32 --
33 -- * either those given if any,
34 -- * or the one in LEDGER_FILE environment variable if any,
35 -- * or the one in LEDGER environment variable if any.
36 paths :: Context.Context -> [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]
37 paths context [] = do
38 tryJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) $ Env.getEnv "LEDGER_FILE"
39 >>= \x -> case x of
40 Right ok -> return [ok]
41 Left _ko -> do
42 tryJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) $ Env.getEnv "LEDGER"
43 >>= \xx -> case xx of
44 Right ok -> return [ok]
45 Left _ko -> do
46 let langs = Context.langs context
47 Write.fatal context $
48 I18N.render langs
49 I18N.Message_no_ledger_file_given
50 paths _context ps = return ps
52 instance ToDoc Context Parsec.SourcePos where
53 toDoc context pos = do
54 let langs = Context.langs context
55 I18N.render langs $ do
56 case Parsec.sourceName pos of
57 "" -> I18N.Message_at
58 (Parsec.sourceLine pos)
59 (Parsec.sourceColumn pos)
60 path -> I18N.Message_in_file path
61 (Parsec.sourceLine pos)
62 (Parsec.sourceColumn pos)
64 instance ToDoc Context [Lib.Parsec.Error Ledger.Read.Error] where
65 toDoc context errors =
66 W.vsep $ do
67 (flip map) errors $ (\error ->
68 case error of
69 Lib.Parsec.Error_At pos errs -> W.vsep $
70 [ toDoc context pos
71 , toDoc context errs
72 ]
73 Lib.Parsec.Error_Parser err ->
74 W.vsep $
75 [ toDoc context (Parsec.errorPos err)
76 , showErrorMessages
77 (Parsec.Error.errorMessages err)
78 ]
79 Lib.Parsec.Error_Custom pos err -> W.vsep $
80 [ toDoc context pos
81 , case err of
82 Ledger.Read.Error_year_or_day_is_missing ->
83 I18N.render langs $ I18N.Message_year_or_day_is_missing
84 Ledger.Read.Error_invalid_date (y, m, d) ->
85 I18N.render langs $ I18N.Message_invalid_date y m d
86 Ledger.Read.Error_invalid_time_of_day (h, m, s) ->
87 I18N.render langs $ I18N.Message_invalid_time_of_day h m s
88 Ledger.Read.Error_transaction_not_equilibrated tr unit_sums ->
89 i18n_transaction_not_equilibrated tr unit_sums
90 I18N.Message_the_following_transaction_is_not_equilibrated_because
91 Ledger.Read.Error_virtual_transaction_not_equilibrated tr unit_sums ->
92 i18n_transaction_not_equilibrated tr unit_sums
93 I18N.Message_the_following_virtual_transaction_is_not_equilibrated_because
94 Ledger.Read.Error_reading_file file_path exn -> W.vsep $
95 [ I18N.render langs $
96 I18N.Message_failed_to_read_file file_path
97 , W.text $ TL.pack $ show exn
98 ]
99 Ledger.Read.Error_including_file file_path errs -> W.vsep $
100 [ I18N.render langs $
101 I18N.Message_failed_to_include_file file_path
102 , toDoc context errs
103 ]
104 ]
105 )
106 where
107 langs = Context.langs context
108 i18n_transaction_not_equilibrated tr unit_sums msg =
109 W.vsep $
110 [ I18N.render langs msg
111 , W.vsep $ Data.List.map
112 (\Calc.Balance.Unit_Sum{Calc.Balance.unit_sum_amount} ->
113 let amt = Calc.Balance.amount_sum_balance unit_sum_amount Data.Map.! () in
114 I18N.render langs $
115 I18N.Message_unit_sums_up_to_the_non_null_amount
116 (Amount.unit amt) amt
117 ) unit_sums
118 , W.space
119 , Ledger.Write.transaction tr
120 ]
121 showErrorMessages :: [Parsec.Error.Message] -> W.Doc
122 showErrorMessages msgs
123 | null msgs = i18n $ I18N.Message_unknown
124 | otherwise = W.vsep $ -- clean $
125 [showSysUnExpect, showUnExpect, showExpect, showMessages]
126 where
127 i18n = I18N.render langs
128 (sysUnExpect,msgs1) = span ((Parsec.Error.SysUnExpect "") ==) msgs
129 (unExpect,msgs2) = span ((Parsec.Error.UnExpect "") ==) msgs1
130 (expect,messages) = span ((Parsec.Error.Expect "") ==) msgs2
132 showExpect = showMany (Just (i18n . I18N.Message_expect)) expect
133 showUnExpect = showMany (Just (i18n . I18N.Message_unexpect)) unExpect
134 showSysUnExpect
135 | not (null unExpect) || null sysUnExpect = W.empty
136 | null firstMsg = i18n $ I18N.Message_sysunexpect_end_of_input
137 | otherwise = i18n $ I18N.Message_sysunexpect firstMsg
138 where
139 firstMsg = Parsec.Error.messageString (head sysUnExpect)
141 showMessages = showMany Nothing messages
143 -- helpers
144 showMany :: (Maybe (W.Doc -> W.Doc)) -> [Parsec.Error.Message] -> W.Doc
145 showMany pre msgs_ =
146 case clean (map Parsec.Error.messageString msgs_) of
147 [] -> W.empty
148 ms ->
149 case pre of
150 Nothing -> commasOr ms
151 Just p -> p $ commasOr ms
153 commasOr :: [String] -> W.Doc
154 commasOr [] = W.empty
155 commasOr [m] = W.text $ TL.pack m
156 commasOr ms = commaSep (init ms)
157 <> (W.space <> i18n I18N.Message_or <> W.space)
158 <> (W.bold $ W.dullblack $ W.text $ TL.pack $ last ms)
159 commaSep = W.intercalate (W.comma <> W.space)
160 (W.bold . W.dullblack . W.text . TL.pack)
161 . clean
163 clean = Data.List.nub . filter (not . null)