]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - lib/Hcompta/Balance.hs
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[comptalang.git] / lib / Hcompta / Balance.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
8 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecations #-} -- FIXME: to be removed when dropping GHC-7.6 support
9 module Hcompta.Balance where
11 -- import Control.Applicative (Const(..))
12 import Control.Exception (assert)
13 import Data.Data
14 import qualified Data.Foldable
15 -- import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
16 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Data.Map
17 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
18 import qualified Data.Strict.Maybe as Strict
19 import Data.Typeable ()
21 -- import Hcompta.Lib.Consable (Consable(..))
22 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Foldable as Lib.Foldable
23 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.TreeMap as Lib.TreeMap
24 import Hcompta.Lib.TreeMap (TreeMap)
25 import qualified Hcompta.Account as Account
26 import Hcompta.Account (Account)
28 -- * Requirements' interface
30 -- ** Class 'Amount'
31 class
32 ( Data (Amount_Unit a)
33 , Ord (Amount_Unit a)
34 , Show (Amount_Unit a)
35 , Typeable (Amount_Unit a)
36 ) => Amount a where
37 type Amount_Unit a
38 amount_null :: a -> Bool
39 amount_add :: a -> a -> a
40 amount_negate :: a -> a
42 -- ** Class 'Posting'
44 -- | A 'posting' used to produce a 'Balance'
45 -- must be an instance of this class.
46 class Amount (Posting_Amount p) => Posting p where
47 type Posting_Amount p
48 posting_account :: p -> Account
49 posting_amounts :: p -> Map (Amount_Unit (Posting_Amount p)) (Posting_Amount p)
50 posting_set_amounts :: Map (Amount_Unit (Posting_Amount p)) (Posting_Amount p) -> p -> p
52 {- NOTE: not needed so far.
53 instance (Amount amount, unit ~ Amount_Unit amount)
54 => Posting (Account, Map unit amount)
55 where
56 type Posting_Amount (Account, Map unit amount) = amount
57 posting_account = fst
58 posting_amounts = snd
59 posting_set_amounts amounts (acct, _) = (acct, amounts)
60 -}
62 instance (Amount amount)
63 => Posting (Account, Account_Sum amount)
64 where
65 type Posting_Amount (Account, Account_Sum amount) = amount
66 posting_account = fst
67 posting_amounts (_, Account_Sum x) = x
68 posting_set_amounts amounts (acct, _) = (acct, Account_Sum amounts)
70 -- * Type 'Balance'
72 -- | Sum by 'Account' and sum by 'unit' of some 'Posting's.
73 --
74 -- NOTE: to reduce memory consumption when 'cons'ing iteratively,
75 -- the fields are explicitely stricts.
76 data Amount amount
77 => Balance amount
78 = Balance
79 { balance_by_account :: !(Balance_by_Account amount)
80 , balance_by_unit :: !(Balance_by_Unit amount)
81 }
82 deriving instance ( Amount amount
83 , Data amount
84 ) => Data (Balance amount)
85 deriving instance ( Amount amount
86 , Eq amount
87 ) => Eq (Balance amount)
88 deriving instance ( Amount amount
89 , Show amount
90 ) => Show (Balance amount)
91 deriving instance Typeable1 Balance
92 -- FIXME: use 'Typeable' when dropping GHC-7.6 support
94 instance Amount amount => Monoid (Balance amount) where
95 mempty = empty
96 mappend = union
98 -- ** Type 'Balance_by_Account'
99 type Balance_by_Account amount
100 = TreeMap Account.Name
101 (Account_Sum amount)
103 -- *** Type 'Account_Sum'
104 -- | A sum of 'amount's,
105 -- concerning a single 'Account'.
106 newtype Amount amount
107 => Account_Sum amount
108 = Account_Sum (Map (Amount_Unit amount) amount)
109 get_Account_Sum :: Amount amount => Account_Sum amount -> Map (Amount_Unit amount) amount
110 get_Account_Sum (Account_Sum m) = m
111 deriving instance ( Amount amount
112 , Data amount
113 ) => Data (Account_Sum amount)
114 deriving instance ( Amount amount
115 , Eq amount
116 ) => Eq (Account_Sum amount)
117 deriving instance ( Amount amount
118 , Show amount
119 ) => Show (Account_Sum amount)
120 deriving instance Typeable1 Account_Sum
121 -- FIXME: use 'Typeable' when dropping GHC-7.6 support
123 instance Amount amount
124 => Monoid (Account_Sum amount) where
125 mempty = Account_Sum mempty
126 mappend
127 (Account_Sum a0)
128 (Account_Sum a1) =
129 Account_Sum $ Data.Map.unionWith amount_add a0 a1
131 -- ** Type 'Balance_by_Unit'
132 newtype Amount amount
133 => Balance_by_Unit amount
134 = Balance_by_Unit (Map (Amount_Unit amount) (Unit_Sum amount))
135 deriving instance ( Amount amount
136 , Data amount
137 ) => Data (Balance_by_Unit amount)
138 deriving instance ( Amount amount
139 , Eq amount
140 ) => Eq (Balance_by_Unit amount)
141 deriving instance ( Amount amount
142 , Show amount
143 ) => Show (Balance_by_Unit amount)
144 deriving instance Typeable1 Balance_by_Unit
145 -- FIXME: use 'Typeable' when dropping GHC-7.6 support
147 instance Amount amount
148 => Monoid (Balance_by_Unit amount) where
149 mempty = Balance_by_Unit mempty
150 mappend = union_by_unit
152 -- *** Type 'Unit_Sum'
154 -- | A sum of 'amount's with their 'Account's involved,
155 -- concerning a single 'unit'.
156 data Unit_Sum amount
157 = Unit_Sum
158 { unit_sum_amount :: !amount -- ^ The sum of 'amount's for a single 'unit'.
159 , unit_sum_accounts :: !(Map Account ()) -- ^ The 'Account's involved to build 'unit_sum_amount'.
160 } deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
162 -- ** Constructors
164 empty :: Amount amount => Balance amount
165 empty =
166 Balance
167 { balance_by_account = mempty
168 , balance_by_unit = mempty
169 }
171 -- | Return the given 'Balance'
172 -- updated by the given 'Posting'.
173 cons ::
174 ( Posting posting
175 , balance ~ Balance (Posting_Amount posting) )
176 => posting -> balance -> balance
177 cons post bal =
178 bal
179 { balance_by_account = cons_by_account post (balance_by_account bal)
180 , balance_by_unit = cons_by_unit post (balance_by_unit bal)
181 }
183 -- | Return the given 'Balance'
184 -- updated by the given 'Posting's.
185 postings ::
186 ( Posting posting
187 , balance ~ Balance (Posting_Amount posting)
188 , Foldable foldable )
189 => foldable posting -> balance -> balance
190 postings = flip (Data.Foldable.foldr cons)
192 -- | Return the first given 'Balance'
193 -- updated by the second given 'Balance'.
194 union :: Amount amount
195 => Balance amount -> Balance amount -> Balance amount
196 union
197 (Balance b0a b0u)
198 (Balance b1a b1u) =
199 Balance
200 { balance_by_account = union_by_account b0a b1a
201 , balance_by_unit = union_by_unit b0u b1u
202 }
204 -- | Return the given 'Balance_by_Account'
205 -- updated by the given 'Posting'.
206 cons_by_account ::
207 ( Posting posting
208 , amount ~ Posting_Amount posting
209 , unit ~ Amount_Unit amount
210 )
211 => posting
212 -> Balance_by_Account amount
213 -> Balance_by_Account amount
214 cons_by_account post =
215 Lib.TreeMap.insert mappend
216 (posting_account post)
217 (Account_Sum $ posting_amounts post)
219 -- | Return the given 'Balance_by_Unit'
220 -- updated by the given 'Posting'.
221 cons_by_unit ::
222 ( Posting posting
223 , amount ~ Posting_Amount posting
224 , unit ~ Amount_Unit amount )
225 => posting
226 -> Balance_by_Unit amount
227 -> Balance_by_Unit amount
228 cons_by_unit post =
229 union_by_unit $
230 Balance_by_Unit $
231 Data.Map.map
232 (\amount -> Unit_Sum
233 { unit_sum_amount = amount
234 , unit_sum_accounts = Data.Map.singleton (posting_account post) ()
235 })
236 (posting_amounts post)
238 -- | Return a 'Balance_by_Unit'
239 -- derived from the given 'Balance_by_Account'.
240 by_unit_of_by_account ::
241 ( Amount amount
242 , unit ~ Amount_Unit amount
243 )
244 => Balance_by_Account amount
245 -> Balance_by_Unit amount
246 -> Balance_by_Unit amount
247 by_unit_of_by_account =
248 flip $ Lib.TreeMap.foldr_with_Path $ curry cons_by_unit
250 -- | Return the first given 'Balance_by_Account'
251 -- updated by the second given 'Balance_by_Account'.
252 union_by_account :: Amount amount
253 => Balance_by_Account amount
254 -> Balance_by_Account amount
255 -> Balance_by_Account amount
256 union_by_account = Lib.TreeMap.union mappend
258 -- | Return the first given 'Balance_by_Unit'
259 -- updated by the second given 'Balance_by_Unit'.
260 union_by_unit :: (Amount amount, unit ~ Amount_Unit amount)
261 => Balance_by_Unit amount
262 -> Balance_by_Unit amount
263 -> Balance_by_Unit amount
264 union_by_unit
265 (Balance_by_Unit a0)
266 (Balance_by_Unit a1) =
267 Balance_by_Unit $
268 Data.Map.unionWith
269 (\new old -> Unit_Sum
270 { unit_sum_amount = amount_add
271 (unit_sum_amount old)
272 (unit_sum_amount new)
273 , unit_sum_accounts = Data.Map.unionWith
274 (const::()->()->())
275 (unit_sum_accounts old)
276 (unit_sum_accounts new)
277 })
278 a0 a1
280 -- * Type 'Deviation'
282 -- | The 'Balance_by_Unit' whose 'unit_sum_amount'
283 -- is not zero and possible 'Account' to 'infer_equilibrium'.
284 newtype Amount amount
285 => Deviation amount
286 = Deviation (Balance_by_Unit amount)
287 deriving instance ( Amount amount
288 , Data amount
289 ) => Data (Deviation amount)
290 deriving instance ( Amount amount
291 , Eq amount
292 ) => Eq (Deviation amount)
293 deriving instance ( Amount amount
294 , Show amount
295 ) => Show (Deviation amount)
296 deriving instance Typeable1 Deviation
297 -- FIXME: use 'Typeable' when dropping GHC-7.6 support
299 -- | Return the 'balance_by_unit' of the given 'Balance' with:
300 --
301 -- * 'unit's whose 'unit_sum_amount' verifying 'amount_is_zero' removed,
302 --
303 -- * and remaining 'unit's having their 'unit_sum_accounts'
304 -- complemented with the 'balance_by_account' of the given 'Balance'
305 -- (i.e. now mapping to 'Account's __not__ involved to build the 'Unit_Sum').
306 deviation
307 :: Amount amount
308 => Balance amount
309 -> Deviation amount
310 deviation Balance
311 { balance_by_account=ba
312 , balance_by_unit=Balance_by_Unit bu
313 } = do
314 let all_accounts = Lib.TreeMap.flatten (const ()) ba
315 let max_accounts = Data.Map.size all_accounts
316 Deviation $
317 Data.Map.foldlWithKey
318 (\(Balance_by_Unit m) unit Unit_Sum{unit_sum_amount, unit_sum_accounts} ->
319 Balance_by_Unit $
320 if amount_null unit_sum_amount
321 then m
322 else
323 case Data.Map.size unit_sum_accounts of
324 n | n == max_accounts ->
325 Data.Map.insert unit Unit_Sum
326 { unit_sum_amount
327 , unit_sum_accounts = Data.Map.empty
328 } m
329 _ -> do
330 let diff = Data.Map.difference all_accounts unit_sum_accounts
331 Data.Map.insert unit Unit_Sum
332 { unit_sum_amount
333 , unit_sum_accounts = diff
334 } m
335 )
336 mempty
337 bu
339 -- ** The equilibrium
341 -- | Return the 'Balance' (adjusted by inferred 'Amount's)
342 -- of the given 'Posting's and either:
343 --
344 -- * 'Left': the 'Posting's that cannot be inferred.
345 -- * 'Right': the given 'Posting's with inferred 'Amount's inserted.
346 infer_equilibrium ::
347 ( Posting posting )
348 => Map Account [posting]
349 -> ( Balance (Posting_Amount posting)
350 , Either [Unit_Sum (Posting_Amount posting)] (Map Account [posting])
351 )
352 infer_equilibrium posts = do
353 let bal_initial = Data.Foldable.foldr postings empty posts
354 let Deviation (Balance_by_Unit dev) = deviation bal_initial
355 let (bal_adjusted, eithers) =
356 Data.Map.foldrWithKey
357 (\unit unit_sum@(Unit_Sum{unit_sum_amount, unit_sum_accounts})
358 (bal, lr) ->
359 case Data.Map.size unit_sum_accounts of
360 1 ->
361 let acct = fst $ Data.Map.elemAt 0 unit_sum_accounts in
362 let amt = amount_negate unit_sum_amount in
363 let amts = Data.Map.singleton unit amt in
364 ( cons (acct, Account_Sum amts) bal
365 , Right (acct, unit, amt) : lr
366 )
367 _ -> (bal, Left [unit_sum] : lr))
368 (bal_initial, [])
369 dev
370 let (l, r) = Lib.Foldable.accumLeftsAndFoldrRights
371 (\(acct, unit, amt) ->
372 Data.Map.insertWith
373 (\_new_ps -> insert_amount (unit, amt))
374 acct (assert False []))
375 posts eithers
376 case l of
377 [] -> (bal_adjusted, Right r)
378 _ -> (bal_adjusted, Left l)
379 where
380 insert_amount
381 :: Posting posting
382 => (Amount_Unit (Posting_Amount posting), Posting_Amount posting)
383 -> [posting] -> [posting]
384 insert_amount p@(unit, amt) ps =
385 case ps of
386 [] -> assert False []
387 (x:xs) | Data.Map.null (posting_amounts x) ->
388 posting_set_amounts (Data.Map.singleton unit amt) x:xs
389 | Data.Map.notMember unit (posting_amounts x) ->
390 let amts = Data.Map.insertWith
391 (assert False undefined)
392 unit amt (posting_amounts x) in
393 posting_set_amounts amts x:xs
394 (x:xs) -> x:insert_amount p xs
396 -- | Return 'True' if and only if the given 'Deviation' maps no 'unit'.
397 is_at_equilibrium :: Amount amount => Deviation amount -> Bool
398 is_at_equilibrium (Deviation (Balance_by_Unit dev)) = Data.Map.null dev
400 -- | Return 'True' if and only if the given 'Deviation'
401 -- maps only to 'Unit_Sum's whose 'unit_sum_accounts'
402 -- maps exactly one 'Account'.
403 is_equilibrium_inferrable :: Amount amount => Deviation amount -> Bool
404 is_equilibrium_inferrable (Deviation (Balance_by_Unit dev)) =
405 Data.Foldable.all
406 (\Unit_Sum{unit_sum_accounts} -> Data.Map.size unit_sum_accounts == 1)
407 dev
409 -- | Return 'True' if and only if the given 'Deviation'
410 -- maps to at least one 'Unit_Sum' whose 'unit_sum_accounts'
411 -- maps more than one 'Account'.
412 is_equilibrium_non_inferrable :: Amount amount => Deviation amount -> Bool
413 is_equilibrium_non_inferrable (Deviation (Balance_by_Unit dev)) =
414 Data.Foldable.any
415 (\Unit_Sum{unit_sum_accounts} -> Data.Map.size unit_sum_accounts > 1)
416 dev
418 -- * Type 'Expanded'
420 -- | Descending propagation of 'Amount's accross 'Account's.
421 type Expanded amount
422 = TreeMap Account.Name (Account_Sum_Expanded amount)
423 data Amount amount => Account_Sum_Expanded amount
424 = Account_Sum_Expanded
425 { exclusive :: !(Account_Sum amount)
426 , inclusive :: !(Account_Sum amount) -- ^ 'amount_add' folded over 'exclusive' and 'inclusive' of 'Lib.TreeMap.node_descendants'
427 }
428 deriving instance ( Amount amount
429 , Data amount
430 ) => Data (Account_Sum_Expanded amount)
431 deriving instance ( Amount amount
432 , Eq amount
433 ) => Eq (Account_Sum_Expanded amount)
434 deriving instance ( Amount amount
435 , Show amount
436 ) => Show (Account_Sum_Expanded amount)
437 deriving instance Typeable1 Account_Sum_Expanded
438 -- FIXME: use 'Typeable' when dropping GHC-7.6 support
440 instance Amount amount => Monoid (Account_Sum_Expanded amount) where
441 mempty = Account_Sum_Expanded mempty mempty
442 mappend
443 (Account_Sum_Expanded e0 i0)
444 (Account_Sum_Expanded e1 i1) =
445 Account_Sum_Expanded
446 (mappend e0 e1)
447 (mappend i0 i1)
449 -- | Return the given 'Balance_by_Account' with:
450 --
451 -- * all missing 'Account.ascending' 'Account's inserted,
452 --
453 -- * and every mapped 'Amount'
454 -- added with any 'Amount'
455 -- of the 'Account's for which it is 'Account.ascending'.
456 expanded
457 :: Amount amount
458 => Balance_by_Account amount
459 -> Expanded amount
460 expanded =
461 Lib.TreeMap.map_by_depth_first
462 (\descendants value ->
463 let exclusive = Strict.fromMaybe mempty value in
464 Account_Sum_Expanded
465 { exclusive
466 , inclusive =
467 Data.Map.foldl'
468 ( flip $ mappend . inclusive
469 . Strict.fromMaybe (assert False undefined)
470 . Lib.TreeMap.node_value)
471 exclusive $
472 Lib.TreeMap.nodes descendants
473 })
475 -- | Return a 'Balance_by_Unit'
476 -- derived from the given 'Expanded' balance.
477 --
478 -- NOTE: also correct if the 'Expanded' has been filtered.
479 by_unit_of_expanded ::
480 ( Amount amount
481 , unit ~ Amount_Unit amount
482 )
483 => Expanded amount
484 -> Balance_by_Unit amount
485 -> Balance_by_Unit amount
486 by_unit_of_expanded =
487 go []
488 where
489 go p (Lib.TreeMap.TreeMap m) bal =
490 Data.Map.foldrWithKey
491 (\k Lib.TreeMap.Node{Lib.TreeMap.node_value, Lib.TreeMap.node_descendants} acc ->
492 case node_value of
493 Strict.Nothing -> go (k:p) node_descendants acc
494 Strict.Just a ->
495 let account = Lib.TreeMap.reverse $ Lib.TreeMap.path k p in
496 cons_by_unit (account, inclusive a) acc)
497 bal m