]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - lib/Hcompta/Filter.hs
Ajout : GL (General Ledger).
[comptalang.git] / lib / Hcompta / Filter.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
8 module Hcompta.Filter where
10 import Prelude hiding (filter)
11 import Control.Applicative (pure, (<$>), (<*>))
12 import Data.Data
13 import qualified Data.Fixed
14 import qualified Data.Foldable
15 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
16 import qualified Data.Functor.Compose
17 import Data.Traversable (Traversable(..))
18 import qualified Data.Monoid
19 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
20 import Data.Typeable ()
21 import Data.Text (Text)
22 -- import qualified Data.Text as Text
23 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Data.Map
24 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
25 import Text.Regex.TDFA ()
26 import Text.Regex.Base ()
27 import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text ()
29 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
30 -- import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
31 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Regex as Regex
32 import Hcompta.Lib.Regex (Regex)
33 import qualified Hcompta.Amount as Amount
34 import qualified Hcompta.Amount.Unit as Amount.Unit
35 import qualified Hcompta.Date as Date
36 import Hcompta.Date (Date)
37 import qualified Hcompta.Account as Account
38 import Hcompta.Account (Account)
39 -- import qualified Hcompta.Date as Date
40 import qualified Hcompta.Balance as Balance
41 import qualified Hcompta.GL as GL
43 -- * Requirements' interface
45 -- ** Class 'Unit'
47 class Unit a where
48 unit_text :: a -> Text
50 instance Unit Amount.Unit where
51 unit_text = Amount.Unit.text
53 instance Unit Text where
54 unit_text = id
56 -- ** Class 'Amount'
58 class
59 ( Ord (Amount_Quantity a)
60 , Show (Amount_Quantity a)
61 , Show (Amount_Unit a)
62 , Unit (Amount_Unit a)
63 )
64 => Amount a where
65 type Amount_Unit a
66 type Amount_Quantity a
67 amount_unit :: a -> Amount_Unit a
68 amount_quantity :: a -> Amount_Quantity a
70 instance Amount Amount.Amount where
71 type Amount_Unit Amount.Amount = Amount.Unit
72 type Amount_Quantity Amount.Amount = Amount.Quantity
73 amount_quantity = Amount.quantity
74 amount_unit = Amount.unit
76 instance (Amount a, GL.Amount a)
77 => Amount (Amount.Sum a) where
78 type Amount_Unit (Amount.Sum a) = Amount_Unit a
79 type Amount_Quantity (Amount.Sum a) = Amount_Quantity a
80 amount_quantity = amount_quantity . Amount.sum_balance
81 amount_unit = amount_unit . Amount.sum_balance
83 -- ** Class 'Posting'
85 class Amount (Posting_Amount p)
86 => Posting p where
87 type Posting_Amount p
88 posting_account :: p -> Account
89 posting_amounts :: p -> Map (Amount_Unit (Posting_Amount p)) (Posting_Amount p)
91 -- ** Class 'Transaction'
93 class Posting (Transaction_Posting t)
94 => Transaction t where
95 type Transaction_Posting t
96 transaction_date :: t -> Date
97 transaction_description :: t -> Text
98 transaction_postings :: t -> Map Account [Transaction_Posting t]
99 transaction_tags :: t -> Map Text [Text]
101 -- ** Class 'Balance'
103 class Amount (Balance_Amount b)
104 => Balance b where
105 type Balance_Amount b
106 balance_account :: b -> Account
107 balance_amount :: b -> Balance_Amount b
108 balance_positive :: b -> Maybe (Balance_Amount b)
109 balance_negative :: b -> Maybe (Balance_Amount b)
111 instance (Amount a, Balance.Amount a)
112 => Balance (Account, Amount.Sum a) where
113 type Balance_Amount (Account, Amount.Sum a) = a
114 balance_account = fst
115 balance_amount (_, amt) =
116 case amt of
117 Amount.Sum_Negative n -> n
118 Amount.Sum_Positive p -> p
119 Amount.Sum_Both n p -> Balance.amount_add n p
120 balance_positive = Amount.sum_positive . snd
121 balance_negative = Amount.sum_negative . snd
123 -- ** Class 'GL'
125 class Amount (GL_Amount r)
126 => GL r where
127 type GL_Amount r
128 register_account :: r -> Account
129 register_date :: r -> Date
130 register_amount_positive :: r -> Maybe (GL_Amount r)
131 register_amount_negative :: r -> Maybe (GL_Amount r)
132 register_amount_balance :: r -> GL_Amount r
133 register_sum_positive :: r -> Maybe (GL_Amount r)
134 register_sum_negative :: r -> Maybe (GL_Amount r)
135 register_sum_balance :: r -> GL_Amount r
137 instance (Amount a, GL.Amount a)
138 => GL (Account, Date, Amount.Sum a, Amount.Sum a) where
139 type GL_Amount (Account, Date, Amount.Sum a, Amount.Sum a) = a
140 register_account (x, _, _, _) = x
141 register_date (_, x, _, _) = x
142 register_amount_positive (_, _, x, _) = Amount.sum_positive x
143 register_amount_negative (_, _, x, _) = Amount.sum_negative x
144 register_amount_balance (_, _, x, _) = Amount.sum_balance x
145 register_sum_positive (_, _, _, x) = Amount.sum_positive x
146 register_sum_negative (_, _, _, x) = Amount.sum_negative x
147 register_sum_balance (_, _, _, x) = Amount.sum_balance x
149 -- * Class 'Test'
151 class Test p x where
152 test :: p -> x -> Bool
154 filter
155 :: (Foldable t, Test p x, Monoid x)
156 => p -> t x -> x
157 filter p =
158 Data.Foldable.foldMap
159 (\x -> if test p x then x else mempty)
161 -- ** Type 'Test_Text'
163 data Test_Text
164 = Test_Text_Any
165 | Test_Text_Exact Text
166 | Test_Text_Regex Regex
167 deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
169 instance Test Test_Text Text where
170 test p x =
171 case p of
172 Test_Text_Any -> True
173 Test_Text_Exact m -> (==) m x
174 Test_Text_Regex m -> Regex.match m x
176 -- ** Type 'Test_Ord'
178 data Ord o
179 => Test_Ord o
180 = Test_Ord_Lt o
181 | Test_Ord_Le o
182 | Test_Ord_Gt o
183 | Test_Ord_Ge o
184 | Test_Ord_Eq o
185 deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
187 instance (Ord o, o ~ x)
188 => Test (Test_Ord o) x where
189 test p x =
190 case p of
191 Test_Ord_Lt o -> (<) x o
192 Test_Ord_Le o -> (<=) x o
193 Test_Ord_Gt o -> (>) x o
194 Test_Ord_Ge o -> (>=) x o
195 Test_Ord_Eq o -> (==) x o
197 -- ** Type 'Test_Range'
199 data Test_Range a
200 = Test_Range_Eq a
201 | Test_Range_In (Maybe a) (Maybe a)
202 deriving (Show)
204 test_range_all :: Test_Range a
205 test_range_all =
206 Test_Range_In Nothing Nothing
208 instance (Ord o, o ~ x)
209 => Test (Test_Range o) x where
210 test p x =
211 case p of
212 Test_Range_Eq o -> (==) x o
213 Test_Range_In (Just a0) (Just a1) -> (<=) a0 x && (<=) x a1
214 Test_Range_In Nothing (Just a1) -> (<=) x a1
215 Test_Range_In (Just a0) Nothing -> (<=) a0 x
216 Test_Range_In Nothing Nothing -> True
217 instance Functor Test_Range where
218 fmap f (Test_Range_Eq a) = Test_Range_Eq (f a)
219 fmap f (Test_Range_In a0 a1) = Test_Range_In (fmap f a0) (fmap f a1)
221 -- ** Type 'Test_Num_Abs'
223 newtype Num n
224 => Test_Num_Abs n
225 = Test_Num_Abs (Test_Ord n)
226 deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
228 instance (Num n, Ord x, n ~ x)
229 => Test (Test_Num_Abs n) x where
230 test (Test_Num_Abs f) x = test f (abs x)
232 -- ** Type 'Test_Bool'
234 data Test_Bool p
235 = Any
236 | Bool p
237 | Not (Test_Bool p)
238 | And (Test_Bool p) (Test_Bool p)
239 | Or (Test_Bool p) (Test_Bool p)
240 deriving (Show)
241 deriving instance Eq p => Eq (Test_Bool p)
242 instance Functor Test_Bool where
243 fmap _ Any = Any
244 fmap f (Bool x) = Bool (f x)
245 fmap f (Not t) = Not (fmap f t)
246 fmap f (And t0 t1) = And (fmap f t0) (fmap f t1)
247 fmap f (Or t0 t1) = Or (fmap f t0) (fmap f t1)
248 instance Foldable Test_Bool where
249 foldr _ acc Any = acc
250 foldr f acc (Bool p) = f p acc
251 foldr f acc (Not t) = Data.Foldable.foldr f acc t
252 foldr f acc (And t0 t1) = Data.Foldable.foldr f (Data.Foldable.foldr f acc t0) t1
253 foldr f acc (Or t0 t1) = Data.Foldable.foldr f (Data.Foldable.foldr f acc t0) t1
254 instance Traversable Test_Bool where
255 traverse _ Any = pure Any
256 traverse f (Bool x) = Bool <$> f x
257 traverse f (Not t) = Not <$> traverse f t
258 traverse f (And t0 t1) = And <$> traverse f t0 <*> traverse f t1
259 traverse f (Or t0 t1) = Or <$> traverse f t0 <*> traverse f t1
260 instance Test p x => Test (Test_Bool p) x where
261 test Any _ = True
262 test (Bool p) x = test p x
263 test (Not t) x = not $ test t x
264 test (And t0 t1) x = test t0 x && test t1 x
265 test (Or t0 t1) x = test t0 x || test t1 x
267 bool :: Test p x => Test_Bool p -> x -> Bool
268 bool Any _ = True
269 bool (Bool p) x = test p x
270 bool (Not t) x = not $ test t x
271 bool (And t0 t1) x = test t0 x && test t1 x
272 bool (Or t0 t1) x = test t0 x || test t1 x
274 -- ** Type 'Test_Unit'
276 newtype Test_Unit
277 = Test_Unit Test_Text
278 deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
280 instance Unit u => Test Test_Unit u where
281 test (Test_Unit f) = test f . unit_text
283 -- ** Type 'Test_Account'
285 type Test_Account
286 = [Test_Account_Section]
288 data Test_Account_Section
289 = Test_Account_Section_Any
290 | Test_Account_Section_Many
291 | Test_Account_Section_Text Test_Text
292 deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
294 instance Test Test_Account Account where
295 test f acct =
296 comp f (NonEmpty.toList acct)
297 where
298 comp :: [Test_Account_Section] -> [Account.Name] -> Bool
299 comp [] [] = True
300 comp [Test_Account_Section_Many] _ = True
301 comp [] _ = False
302 {-
303 comp (s:[]) (n:_) =
304 case s of
305 Test_Account_Section_Any -> True
306 Test_Account_Section_Many -> True
307 Test_Account_Section_Text m -> test m n
308 -}
309 comp so@(s:ss) no@(n:ns) =
310 case s of
311 Test_Account_Section_Any -> comp ss ns
312 Test_Account_Section_Many -> comp ss no || comp so ns
313 Test_Account_Section_Text m -> test m n && comp ss ns
314 comp _ [] = False
316 -- ** Type 'Test_Amount'
318 type Test_Quantity q
319 = Test_Ord q
321 data Amount a
322 => Test_Amount a
323 = Test_Amount
324 { test_amount_quantity :: Test_Quantity (Amount_Quantity a)
325 , test_amount_unit :: Test_Unit
326 } deriving (Typeable)
327 deriving instance Amount a => Eq (Test_Amount a)
328 deriving instance Amount a => Show (Test_Amount a)
330 instance Amount a
331 => Test (Test_Amount a) a where
332 test (Test_Amount fq fu) amt =
333 test fu (amount_unit amt) &&
334 test fq (amount_quantity amt)
336 -- ** Type 'Test_Date'
338 data Test_Date
339 = Test_Date_UTC (Test_Ord Date)
340 | Test_Date_Year (Test_Range Integer)
341 | Test_Date_Month (Test_Range Int)
342 | Test_Date_DoM (Test_Range Int)
343 | Test_Date_Hour (Test_Range Int)
344 | Test_Date_Minute (Test_Range Int)
345 | Test_Date_Second (Test_Range Data.Fixed.Pico)
346 deriving (Typeable)
347 deriving instance Show (Test_Date)
349 instance Test Test_Date Date where
350 test (Test_Date_UTC f) d = test f d
351 test (Test_Date_Year f) d = test f $ Date.year d
352 test (Test_Date_Month f) d = test f $ Date.month d
353 test (Test_Date_DoM f) d = test f $ Date.dom d
354 test (Test_Date_Hour f) d = test f $ Date.hour d
355 test (Test_Date_Minute f) d = test f $ Date.minute d
356 test (Test_Date_Second f) d = test f $ Date.second d
358 -- ** Type 'Test_Tag'
360 data Test_Tag
361 = Test_Tag_Name Test_Text
362 | Test_Tag_Value Test_Text
363 deriving (Typeable)
364 deriving instance Show (Test_Tag)
366 instance Test Test_Tag (Text, Text) where
367 test (Test_Tag_Name f) (x, _) = test f x
368 test (Test_Tag_Value f) (_, x) = test f x
370 -- ** Type 'Test_Posting'
372 data Posting posting
373 => Test_Posting posting
374 = Test_Posting_Account Test_Account
375 | Test_Posting_Amount (Test_Amount (Posting_Amount posting))
376 | Test_Posting_Unit Test_Unit
377 deriving (Typeable)
378 -- Virtual
379 -- Description Comp_String String
380 -- Date Date.Span
381 -- Account_Tag Comp_String String (Maybe (Comp_String, String))
382 -- Account_Balance Comp_Num Comp_Num_Absolute Amount
383 -- Depth Comp_Num Int
384 -- None
385 -- Real Bool
386 -- Status Bool
387 -- Tag Comp_String Tag.Name (Maybe (Comp_String, Tag.Value))
388 deriving instance Posting p => Eq (Test_Posting p)
389 deriving instance Posting p => Show (Test_Posting p)
391 instance Posting p
392 => Test (Test_Posting p) p where
393 test (Test_Posting_Account f) p =
394 test f $ posting_account p
395 test (Test_Posting_Amount f) p =
396 Data.Foldable.any (test f) $ posting_amounts p
397 test (Test_Posting_Unit f) p =
398 Data.Foldable.any (test f . amount_unit) $ posting_amounts p
400 newtype Cross t = Cross t
401 instance (Transaction t, Transaction_Posting t ~ p, Posting p)
402 => Test (Test_Transaction t) (Cross p) where
403 test pr (Cross p) =
404 case pr of
405 (Test_Transaction_Description _) -> True
406 (Test_Transaction_Posting f) -> test f p
407 (Test_Transaction_Date _) -> True -- TODO: use posting_date
408 (Test_Transaction_Tag _) -> False -- TODO: use posting_tags
410 -- ** Type 'Test_Transaction'
412 data Transaction t
413 => Test_Transaction t
414 = Test_Transaction_Description Test_Text
415 | Test_Transaction_Posting (Test_Posting (Transaction_Posting t))
416 | Test_Transaction_Date (Test_Bool Test_Date)
417 | Test_Transaction_Tag (Test_Bool Test_Tag)
418 deriving (Typeable)
419 deriving instance Transaction t => Show (Test_Transaction t)
421 instance Transaction t
422 => Test (Test_Transaction t) t where
423 test (Test_Transaction_Description f) t =
424 test f $ transaction_description t
425 test (Test_Transaction_Posting f) t =
426 Data.Foldable.any (test f) $
427 Data.Functor.Compose.Compose $
428 transaction_postings t
429 test (Test_Transaction_Date f) t =
430 test f $ transaction_date t
431 test (Test_Transaction_Tag f) t =
432 Data.Monoid.getAny $
433 Data.Map.foldrWithKey
434 (\n -> mappend . Data.Monoid.Any .
435 Data.Foldable.any (test f . (n,)))
436 (Data.Monoid.Any False) $
437 transaction_tags t
439 -- ** Type 'Test_Balance'
441 data Balance b
442 => Test_Balance b
443 = Test_Balance_Account Test_Account
444 | Test_Balance_Amount (Test_Amount (Balance_Amount b))
445 | Test_Balance_Positive (Test_Amount (Balance_Amount b))
446 | Test_Balance_Negative (Test_Amount (Balance_Amount b))
447 deriving (Typeable)
448 deriving instance Balance b => Eq (Test_Balance b)
449 deriving instance Balance b => Show (Test_Balance b)
451 instance Balance b
452 => Test (Test_Balance b) b where
453 test (Test_Balance_Account f) b =
454 test f $ balance_account b
455 test (Test_Balance_Amount f) b =
456 test f $ balance_amount b
457 test (Test_Balance_Positive f) b =
458 Data.Foldable.any (test f) $
459 balance_positive b
460 test (Test_Balance_Negative f) b =
461 Data.Foldable.any (test f) $
462 balance_negative b
464 -- ** Type 'Test_GL'
466 data GL r
467 => Test_GL r
468 = Test_GL_Account Test_Account
469 | Test_GL_Amount_Positive (Test_Amount (GL_Amount r))
470 | Test_GL_Amount_Negative (Test_Amount (GL_Amount r))
471 | Test_GL_Amount_Balance (Test_Amount (GL_Amount r))
472 | Test_GL_Sum_Positive (Test_Amount (GL_Amount r))
473 | Test_GL_Sum_Negative (Test_Amount (GL_Amount r))
474 | Test_GL_Sum_Balance (Test_Amount (GL_Amount r))
475 deriving (Typeable)
476 deriving instance GL r => Eq (Test_GL r)
477 deriving instance GL r => Show (Test_GL r)
479 instance GL r
480 => Test (Test_GL r) r where
481 test (Test_GL_Account f) r =
482 test f $ register_account r
483 test (Test_GL_Amount_Positive f) r =
484 Data.Foldable.any (test f) $
485 register_amount_positive r
486 test (Test_GL_Amount_Negative f) r =
487 Data.Foldable.any (test f) $
488 register_amount_negative r
489 test (Test_GL_Amount_Balance f) r =
490 test f $ register_amount_balance r
491 test (Test_GL_Sum_Positive f) r =
492 Data.Foldable.any (test f) $
493 register_sum_positive r
494 test (Test_GL_Sum_Negative f) r =
495 Data.Foldable.any (test f) $
496 register_sum_negative r
497 test (Test_GL_Sum_Balance f) r =
498 test f $ register_sum_balance r