]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - cli/Hcompta/CLI/Lang.hs
Correction : Filter : [Filter_Path_Section_Many].
[comptalang.git] / cli / Hcompta / CLI / Lang.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
5 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
6 module Hcompta.CLI.Lang where
8 import Control.Monad (liftM)
9 import qualified Data.List
10 import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
11 import qualified Data.Text
12 import Data.Text (Text)
13 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
14 import Prelude hiding (error)
15 import System.Environment (getEnvironment)
16 import System.IO.Memoize (once)
17 import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
18 import qualified Text.Parsec.Error as Parsec.Error
20 import Hcompta.Amount (Amount)
21 import Hcompta.Amount.Unit (Unit)
22 import qualified Hcompta.Amount.Write as Amount.Write
23 import Hcompta.Date (Date)
24 import qualified Hcompta.Date.Read as Date.Read
25 import qualified Hcompta.Date.Write as Date.Write
26 import qualified Hcompta.Filter.Read as Filter.Read
27 import Hcompta.Lib.Leijen (ToDoc(..), (<>))
28 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Leijen as W
29 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Parsec as Lib.Parsec
30 data Lang
31 = FR
32 | EN
33 deriving (Show)
35 -- TODO: check that this is expected behavior
36 -- and portability issues
37 get_lang :: IO Lang
38 get_lang = do
39 once getEnvironment
40 >>= liftM (\env ->
41 fromMaybe EN $ lang_of_strings $
42 Data.List.concatMap
43 ((\lang ->
44 let short = takeWhile (/= '_') lang in
45 if short == lang
46 then [lang]
47 else [lang, short])
48 . Data.List.takeWhile (/= '.') ) $
49 catMaybes
50 [ Data.List.lookup "LC_ALL" env
51 , Data.List.lookup "LC_CTYPE" env
52 , Data.List.lookup "LANG" env
53 ])
55 lang_of_strings :: [String] -> Maybe Lang
56 lang_of_strings s =
57 case s of
58 ("fr" :_) -> Just $ FR
59 ("fr_FR":_) -> Just $ FR
60 ("en" :_) -> Just $ EN
61 ("en_US":_) -> Just $ EN
62 (_:xs) -> lang_of_strings xs
63 [] -> Nothing
65 (#) :: ToDoc () a => a -> W.Doc
66 (#) = toDoc ()
68 instance ToDoc m Text where
69 toDoc _ = W.strict_text
70 instance ToDoc m String where
71 toDoc _ = W.strict_text . Data.Text.pack
72 instance ToDoc m Int where
73 toDoc _ = W.int
74 instance ToDoc m Integer where
75 toDoc _ = W.integer
76 instance ToDoc m Unit where
77 toDoc _ = Amount.Write.unit
78 instance ToDoc m Amount where
79 toDoc _ = Amount.Write.amount
80 instance ToDoc m Date where
81 toDoc _ = Date.Write.date
82 instance ToDoc Lang Date.Read.Error where
83 toDoc FR e =
84 case e of
85 Date.Read.Error_year_or_day_is_missing ->
86 "l’année ou le jour est manquant·e"
87 Date.Read.Error_invalid_date (year, month, day) ->
88 "date incorrecte (année " <> (#)year <> ", mois " <> (#)month <> ", jour " <> (#)day <> ")"
89 Date.Read.Error_invalid_time_of_day (hour, minute, second) ->
90 "heure incorrecte (heure " <> (#)hour <> ", minute " <> (#)minute <> ", seconde " <> (#)second <> ")"
91 toDoc EN e =
92 case e of
93 Date.Read.Error_year_or_day_is_missing ->
94 "year or day is missing"
95 Date.Read.Error_invalid_date (year, month, day) ->
96 "invalid date (year " <> (#)year <> ", month " <> (#)month <> ", day " <> (#)day <> ")"
97 Date.Read.Error_invalid_time_of_day (hour, minute, second) ->
98 "invalid time of day (hour " <> (#)hour <> ", minute " <> (#)minute <> ", second " <> (#)second <> ")"
99 instance ToDoc Lang Parsec.SourcePos where
100 toDoc EN pos = do
101 let line = Parsec.sourceLine pos
102 let col = Parsec.sourceColumn pos
103 case Parsec.sourceName pos of
104 "" -> "(line " <> (#)line <> ", column " <> (#)col <> ")"
105 path -> "(line " <> (#)line <> ", column " <> (#)col <> ") in: " <> (#)path
106 toDoc FR pos = do
107 let line = Parsec.sourceLine pos
108 let col = Parsec.sourceColumn pos
109 case Parsec.sourceName pos of
110 "" -> "(ligne " <> (#)line <> ", colonne " <> (#)col <> ")"
111 path -> "(ligne " <> (#)line <> ", colonne " <> (#)col <> ") dans : " <> (#)path
112 instance ToDoc Lang e
113 => ToDoc Lang [Lib.Parsec.Error e] where
114 toDoc lang errors =
115 W.vsep $ do
116 (flip map) errors $ (\error ->
117 case error of
118 Lib.Parsec.Error_At pos errs -> W.vsep $
119 [ toDoc lang pos
120 , toDoc lang errs
121 ]
122 Lib.Parsec.Error_Parser err ->
123 W.vsep $
124 [ toDoc lang (Parsec.errorPos err)
125 , showErrorMessages
126 (Parsec.Error.errorMessages err)
127 ]
128 Lib.Parsec.Error_Custom pos err -> W.vsep $
129 [ toDoc lang pos
130 , toDoc lang err
131 ]
132 )
133 where
134 showErrorMessages :: [Parsec.Error.Message] -> W.Doc
135 showErrorMessages msgs
136 | null msgs = toDoc lang $ Message_unknown
137 | otherwise = W.vsep $ -- clean $
138 [showSysUnExpect, showUnExpect, showExpect, showMessages]
139 where
140 (sysUnExpect,msgs1) = span ((Parsec.Error.SysUnExpect "") ==) msgs
141 (unExpect,msgs2) = span ((Parsec.Error.UnExpect "") ==) msgs1
142 (expect,messages) = span ((Parsec.Error.Expect "") ==) msgs2
144 showExpect = showMany (Just (toDoc lang . Message_expect)) expect
145 showUnExpect = showMany (Just (toDoc lang . Message_unexpect)) unExpect
146 showSysUnExpect
147 | not (null unExpect) || null sysUnExpect = W.empty
148 | null firstMsg = toDoc lang $ Message_sysunexpect_end_of_input
149 | otherwise = toDoc lang $ Message_sysunexpect firstMsg
150 where
151 firstMsg = Parsec.Error.messageString (head sysUnExpect)
153 showMessages = showMany Nothing messages
155 -- helpers
156 showMany :: (Maybe (W.Doc -> W.Doc)) -> [Parsec.Error.Message] -> W.Doc
157 showMany pre msgs_ =
158 case clean (map Parsec.Error.messageString msgs_) of
159 [] -> W.empty
160 ms ->
161 case pre of
162 Nothing -> commasOr ms
163 Just p -> p $ commasOr ms
165 commasOr :: [String] -> W.Doc
166 commasOr [] = W.empty
167 commasOr [m] = W.bold $ W.dullblack $ W.text $ TL.pack m
168 commasOr ms = commaSep (init ms)
169 <> (W.space <> toDoc lang Message_or <> W.space)
170 <> (W.bold $ W.dullblack $ W.text $ TL.pack $ last ms)
171 commaSep = W.intercalate (W.comma <> W.space)
172 (W.bold . W.dullblack . W.text . TL.pack)
173 . clean
175 clean = Data.List.nub . filter (not . null)
176 instance ToDoc Lang Filter.Read.Error where
177 toDoc lang@FR err =
178 case err of
179 Filter.Read.Error_Unknown -> "erreur"
180 Filter.Read.Error_Filter_Date d -> toDoc lang d
181 Filter.Read.Error_Filter_Date_Interval (l, h) ->
182 "mauvais intervalle: (" <> toDoc lang l <> ", " <> toDoc lang h <> ")"
183 toDoc lang@EN err =
184 case err of
185 Filter.Read.Error_Unknown -> "error"
186 Filter.Read.Error_Filter_Date d -> toDoc lang d
187 Filter.Read.Error_Filter_Date_Interval (l, h) ->
188 "wrong interval: (" <> toDoc lang l <> ", " <> toDoc lang h <> ")"
190 data Message
191 = Message_ERROR
192 | Message_no_ledger_file_given
193 | Message_failed_to_read_file
194 {message_path :: FilePath}
195 | Message_failed_to_include_file
196 {message_path :: FilePath}
197 | Message_the_following_transaction_is_not_equilibrated_because {}
198 | Message_the_following_virtual_transaction_is_not_equilibrated_because {}
199 | Message_unit_sums_up_to_the_non_null_amount
200 {message_Unit :: Unit
201 ,message_Amount :: Amount}
202 | Message_year_or_day_is_missing {}
203 | Message_invalid_date
204 {message_Year :: Integer
205 ,message_Month :: Int
206 ,message_Day :: Int
207 }
208 | Message_invalid_time_of_day
209 { message_Hour :: Int
210 , message_Month :: Int
211 , message_Second :: Integer
212 }
213 | Message_unexpect {message_Doc :: W.Doc}
214 | Message_sysunexpect {message_Msg :: String}
215 | Message_expect {message_Doc :: W.Doc}
216 | Message_message {message_Msg :: String}
217 | Message_sysunexpect_end_of_input {}
218 | Message_unknown {}
219 | Message_or {}
220 | Message_Balance {}
221 | Message_Debit {}
222 | Message_Credit {}
223 | Message_Running_debit {}
224 | Message_Running_credit {}
225 | Message_Running_balance {}
226 | Message_Account {}
227 | Message_Date {}
228 | Message_Description {}
229 | Message_Equilibrium {}
230 | Message_Equilibrium_posting {}
231 | Message_Balance_Description Bool
232 | Message_Accounts
233 | Message_Depths
234 | Message_Transactions
235 | Message_Units
236 | Message_Journals
237 | Message_Tags
238 | Message_Distincts
239 instance ToDoc Lang Message where
240 toDoc EN msg =
241 case msg of
242 Message_ERROR ->
243 "ERROR"
244 Message_no_ledger_file_given ->
245 "no ledger file given, please use:" <> W.line <>
246 "- either -i FILE parameter" <> W.line <>
247 "- or LEDGER_FILE environment variable."
248 Message_failed_to_read_file path ->
249 "failed to read file: " <> (#)path
250 Message_failed_to_include_file path ->
251 "failed to include file: " <> (#)path
252 Message_the_following_transaction_is_not_equilibrated_because ->
253 "the following transaction is not equilibrated, because:"
254 Message_the_following_virtual_transaction_is_not_equilibrated_because ->
255 "the following virtual transaction is not equilibrated, because:"
256 Message_unit_sums_up_to_the_non_null_amount unit amount ->
257 " - unit " <> (#)unit <> " sums up to the non-null amount: " <> (#)amount
258 Message_year_or_day_is_missing ->
259 "year or day is missing"
260 Message_invalid_date year month day ->
261 "invalid date (year " <> (#)year <> ", month " <> (#)month <> ", day " <> (#)day <> ")"
262 Message_invalid_time_of_day hour minute second ->
263 "invalid time of day (hour " <> (#)hour <> ", minute " <> (#)minute <> ", second " <> (#)second <> ")"
264 Message_unexpect doc ->
265 "found : " <> (#)doc
266 Message_sysunexpect doc ->
267 "is written : " <> (#)doc
268 Message_expect doc ->
269 "but expect : " <> (#)doc
270 Message_message doc ->
271 (#)doc
272 Message_sysunexpect_end_of_input ->
273 "end of file unexpected"
274 Message_unknown ->
275 "unkown"
276 Message_or ->
277 "or"
278 Message_Balance ->
279 "Balance"
280 Message_Debit ->
281 "Debit"
282 Message_Credit ->
283 "Credit"
284 Message_Running_debit ->
285 "Running debit"
286 Message_Running_credit ->
287 "Running credit"
288 Message_Running_balance ->
289 "Running balance"
290 Message_Account ->
291 "Account"
292 Message_Date ->
293 "Date"
294 Message_Description ->
295 "Description"
296 Message_Equilibrium ->
297 "Equilibrium"
298 Message_Equilibrium_posting ->
299 "Equilibrium posting"
300 Message_Balance_Description negate_transaction ->
301 case negate_transaction of
302 True -> "Closing balance"
303 False -> "Opening balance"
304 Message_Accounts -> "Accounts"
305 Message_Depths -> "Depths"
306 Message_Transactions -> "Transactions"
307 Message_Units -> "Units"
308 Message_Journals -> "Journals"
309 Message_Tags -> "Tags"
310 Message_Distincts -> "Distincts"
311 toDoc FR msg =
312 case msg of
313 Message_ERROR ->
314 "ERREUR"
315 Message_no_ledger_file_given ->
316 "aucun fichier indiqué, veuillez utiliser :" <> W.line <>
317 " - soit le paramètre -i FICHIER," <> W.line <>
318 " - soit la variable d’environnement LEDGER_FILE."
319 Message_failed_to_read_file path ->
320 "échec de la lecture du fichier : " <> (#)path
321 Message_failed_to_include_file path ->
322 "échec à l’inclusion du fichier : " <> (#)path
323 Message_the_following_transaction_is_not_equilibrated_because ->
324 "la transaction suivante n’est pas équilibrée, car :"
325 Message_the_following_virtual_transaction_is_not_equilibrated_because ->
326 "la transaction virtuelle suivante n’est pas équilibrée, car :"
327 Message_unit_sums_up_to_the_non_null_amount unit amount ->
328 " - l’unité " <> (#)unit <> " a le solde non-nul : " <> (#)amount
329 Message_year_or_day_is_missing ->
330 "l’année ou le jour est manquant-e"
331 Message_invalid_date year month day ->
332 "date incorrecte (année " <> (#)year <> ", mois " <> (#)month <> ", jour " <> (#)day <> ")"
333 Message_invalid_time_of_day hour minute second ->
334 "heure incorrecte (heure " <> (#)hour <> ", minute " <> (#)minute <> ", seconde " <> (#)second <> ")"
335 Message_unexpect doc ->
336 "trouve : " <> (#)doc
337 Message_sysunexpect doc ->
338 "est écrit : " <> (#)doc
339 Message_expect doc ->
340 "mais s’attend à : " <> (#)doc
341 Message_message doc ->
342 (#)doc
343 Message_sysunexpect_end_of_input ->
344 "fin de fichier inattendue"
345 Message_unknown ->
346 "inconnu"
347 Message_or ->
348 "ou"
349 Message_Balance ->
350 "Solde"
351 Message_Debit ->
352 "Débit"
353 Message_Credit ->
354 "Crédit"
355 Message_Running_debit ->
356 "Débit cumulé"
357 Message_Running_credit ->
358 "Crédit cumulé"
359 Message_Running_balance ->
360 "Solde cumulé"
361 Message_Account ->
362 "Compte"
363 Message_Date ->
364 "Date"
365 Message_Description ->
366 "Libellé"
367 Message_Equilibrium ->
368 "Équilibre"
369 Message_Equilibrium_posting ->
370 "Mouvement d’équilibre"
371 Message_Balance_Description negate_transaction ->
372 case negate_transaction of
373 True -> "Solde de clôture"
374 False -> "Solde d’ouverture"
375 Message_Accounts -> "Comptes"
376 Message_Depths -> "Profondeurs"
377 Message_Transactions -> "Écritures"
378 Message_Units -> "Unités"
379 Message_Journals -> "Journaux"
380 Message_Tags -> "Tags"
381 Message_Distincts -> "Distincts"