]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - lib/Hcompta/Balance/Test.hs
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[comptalang.git] / lib / Hcompta / Balance / Test.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
9 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
11 module Balance.Test where
12 import Control.Arrow ((***))
13 import Data.Data ()
14 import Data.Either (Either(..), either, isRight)
15 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
16 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
17 import Data.Function (($), (.), id, const, flip)
18 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
19 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
20 import qualified Data.List as List
21 import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
22 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
23 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
24 import Data.String (String)
25 import Data.Text (Text)
26 import qualified Data.Text as Text
27 import Data.Tuple (snd)
28 import Prelude (Integer, error)
29 import Text.Show (Show(..))
30 import Test.Tasty
31 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
33 import qualified Data.TreeMap.Strict as TreeMap
34 import qualified Hcompta as H
35 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Strict as Strict
37 elide :: String -> String
38 elide s | List.length s > 42 = List.take 42 s List.++ ['…']
39 elide s = s
41 type Unit = Text
42 type Quantity = Integer
43 amounts :: (H.Addable q, Ord u) => [(u, q)] -> Map.Map u q
44 amounts = Map.fromListWith H.quantity_add
45 pol :: H.Polarizable t => (forall q. q -> (Unit, q)) -> (t -> (Unit, H.Polarized t))
46 pol u = u . H.polarize
47 usd :: t -> (Unit, t)
48 usd = ("$",)
49 eur :: t -> (Unit, t)
50 eur = ("€",)
51 gbp :: t -> (Unit, t)
52 gbp = ("£",)
54 type Account = Text
55 account :: Text -> H.Balance_Account Text
56 account txt = case go txt of
57 [] -> error "account"
58 a:as -> a:|as
59 where
60 sep = '/'
61 go t =
62 case Text.uncons t of
63 Nothing -> []
64 Just (x, xs) ->
65 if x == sep
66 then go xs
67 else
68 let (chunk, rest) = Text.break (== sep) t in
69 chunk:go rest
71 type Posting = (Account, [(Unit, Quantity)])
72 instance H.Get (H.Balance_Account a) (H.Balance_Account a) where get = id
74 tests :: TestTree
75 tests = testGroup "Balance"
76 [ testGroup "balance_cons" $
77 let (==>) (input::[Posting])
78 ( byAccount::[(Account, [(Unit, H.Polarized Quantity)])]
79 , byUnit::[(Unit, (H.Polarized Quantity, [Account]))] ) =
80 testCase (elide $ show input) $
81 List.foldl (flip H.balance_cons) H.balance_empty
82 ((account *** Map.map H.polarize . amounts) <$> input) @?=
83 H.Balance
84 { H.balByAccount = TreeMap.from_List const $
85 (account *** H.SumByAccount . amounts) <$> byAccount
86 , H.balByUnit = H.BalByUnit $ Map.fromList $
87 (id *** (\(q, as) -> H.SumByUnit q $ Map.fromList $ ((,()) . account <$> as))) <$> byUnit
88 }
89 in
90 [ [ ("/A", [usd 1]) ] ==> (,)
91 [ ("/A", [pol usd 1]) ]
92 [ usd (H.polarize 1, ["/A"]) ]
93 , [ ("/A", [usd 1])
94 , ("/A", [usd (-1)]) ] ==> (,)
95 [ ("/A", [usd $ H.Polarized_Both (-1) 1]) ]
96 [ usd (H.Polarized_Both (-1) 1, ["/A"]) ]
97 , [ ("/A", [usd 1])
98 , ("/A", [eur (-1)]) ] ==> (,)
99 [ ("/A", [ pol usd 1
100 , pol eur (-1) ]) ]
101 [ usd (H.polarize 1, ["/A"])
102 , eur (H.polarize (-1), ["/A"]) ]
103 , [ ("/A", [usd 1])
104 , ("/B", [usd (-1)]) ] ==> (,)
105 [ ("/A", [pol usd 1])
106 , ("/B", [pol usd (-1)]) ]
107 [ usd (H.Polarized_Both (-1) 1, ["/A", "/B"]) ]
108 , [ ("/A", [usd 1])
109 , ("/B", [eur (-1)]) ] ==> (,)
110 [ ("/A", [pol usd 1])
111 , ("/B", [pol eur (-1)]) ]
112 [ usd (H.polarize 1, ["/A"])
113 , eur (H.polarize (-1), ["/B"]) ]
114 , [ ("/A", [usd 1])
115 , ("/B", [usd 1]) ] ==> (,)
116 [ ("/A", [pol usd 1])
117 , ("/B", [pol usd 1]) ]
118 [ usd (H.polarize 2, ["/A", "/B"]) ]
119 , [ ("/A", [usd 1, eur 2])
120 , ("/A", [usd (-1), eur (-2)]) ] ==> (,)
121 [ ("/A", [ usd $ H.Polarized_Both (-1) 1
122 , eur $ H.Polarized_Both (-2) 2 ]) ]
123 [ usd (H.Polarized_Both (-1) 1, ["/A"])
124 , eur (H.Polarized_Both (-2) 2, ["/A"]) ]
125 , [ ("/A", [usd 1, eur 2, gbp 3])
126 , ("/B", [usd (-1), eur (-2), gbp (-3)]) ] ==> (,)
127 [ ("/A", [ pol usd 1
128 , pol eur 2
129 , pol gbp 3 ])
130 , ("/B", [ pol usd (-1)
131 , pol eur (-2)
132 , pol gbp (-3) ]) ]
133 [ usd (H.Polarized_Both (-1) 1, ["/A", "/B"])
134 , eur (H.Polarized_Both (-2) 2, ["/A", "/B"])
135 , gbp (H.Polarized_Both (-3) 3, ["/A", "/B"]) ]
136 ]
137 , testGroup "balance_union" $
138 let (==>)
139 (input::
140 [( [(Account, [(Unit, H.Polarized Quantity)])]
141 , [(Unit, (H.Polarized Quantity, [Account]))] )])
142 (expected::
143 ( [(Account, [(Unit, H.Polarized Quantity)])]
144 , [(Unit, (H.Polarized Quantity, [Account]))] )) =
145 testCase (elide $ show input) $
146 List.foldl H.balance_union H.balance_empty (bal <$> input) @?= bal expected
147 where
148 bal (byAccount, byUnit) =
149 H.Balance
150 { H.balByAccount = TreeMap.from_List const $
151 (account *** H.SumByAccount . amounts) <$> byAccount
152 , H.balByUnit = H.BalByUnit $ Map.fromList $
153 (id *** (\(q, as) -> H.SumByUnit q $ Map.fromList $ ((,()) . account <$> as))) <$> byUnit
154 }
155 in
156 [ [ (,)
157 [ ("/A", [pol usd 1]) ]
158 [ usd (H.polarize 1, ["/A"]) ]
159 , (,)
160 [ ("/A", [pol usd 1]) ]
161 [ usd (H.polarize 1, ["/A"]) ]
162 ] ==> (,)
163 [ ("/A", [pol usd 2]) ]
164 [ usd (H.polarize 2, ["/A"]) ]
165 , [ (,)
166 [ ("/A", [pol usd 1]) ]
167 [ usd (H.polarize 1, ["/A"]) ]
168 , (,)
169 [ ("/B", [pol usd 1]) ]
170 [ usd (H.polarize 1, ["/B"]) ]
171 ] ==> (,)
172 [ ("/A", [pol usd 1])
173 , ("/B", [pol usd 1]) ]
174 [ usd (H.polarize 2, ["/A", "/B"]) ]
175 , [ (,)
176 [ ("/A", [pol usd 1]) ]
177 [ usd (H.polarize 1, ["/A"]) ]
178 , (,)
179 [ ("/B", [pol eur 1]) ]
180 [ eur (H.polarize 1, ["/B"]) ]
181 ] ==> (,)
182 [ ("/A", [pol usd 1])
183 , ("/B", [pol eur 1]) ]
184 [ usd (H.polarize 1, ["/A"])
185 , eur (H.polarize 1, ["/B"]) ]
186 , [ (,)
187 [ ("/A", [pol usd 1, pol eur 2]) ]
188 [ usd (H.polarize 1, ["/A"])
189 , eur (H.polarize 2, ["/A"]) ]
190 , (,)
191 [ ("/B", [pol usd (-1), pol eur (-2)]) ]
192 [ usd (H.polarize (-1), ["/B"])
193 , eur (H.polarize (-2), ["/B"]) ]
194 ] ==> (,)
195 [ ("/A", [pol usd 1 , pol eur 2])
196 , ("/B", [pol usd (-1), pol eur (-2)]) ]
197 [ usd (H.Polarized_Both (-1) 1, ["/A", "/B"])
198 , eur (H.Polarized_Both (-2) 2, ["/A", "/B"]) ]
199 , [ (,)
200 [ ("/A", [pol usd 1, pol eur 2]) ]
201 [ usd (H.polarize 1, ["/A"])
202 , eur (H.polarize 2, ["/A"]) ]
203 , (,)
204 [ ("/B", [pol usd (-1), pol eur (-2)]) ]
205 [ usd (H.polarize (-1), ["/B"])
206 , eur (H.polarize (-2), ["/B"]) ]
207 , (,)
208 [ ("/C", [pol gbp 3]) ]
209 [ gbp (H.polarize 3, ["/C"]) ]
210 ] ==> (,)
211 [ ("/A", [pol usd 1 , pol eur 2])
212 , ("/B", [pol usd (-1), pol eur (-2)])
213 , ("/C", [pol gbp 3]) ]
214 [ usd (H.Polarized_Both (-1) 1, ["/A", "/B"])
215 , eur (H.Polarized_Both (-2) 2, ["/A", "/B"])
216 , gbp (H.polarize 3, ["/C"]) ]
217 ]
218 , testGroup "clusiveBalByAccount" $
219 let (==>)
220 (input::[(Account, [(Unit, H.Polarized Quantity)])])
221 (expected::[(Account, ( [(Unit, H.Polarized Quantity)]
222 , [(Unit, H.Polarized Quantity)] ))]) =
223 testCase (elide $ show input) $
224 H.clusiveBalByAccount (bal input) @?= exbal expected
225 where
226 bal byAccount =
227 TreeMap.from_List const $
228 (account *** H.SumByAccount . amounts) <$> byAccount
229 exbal byAccount =
230 TreeMap.from_List const $
231 (account *** (\(e, i) -> Strict.Clusive
232 (H.SumByAccount (amounts e))
233 (H.SumByAccount (amounts i)) )) <$> byAccount
234 in
235 [ [] ==> []
236 , [ ("/A", [pol usd 1]) ] ==>
237 [ ("/A", (,) [pol usd 1] [pol usd 1]) ]
238 , [ ("/A/A", [pol usd 1]) ] ==>
239 [ ("/A", (,) [] [pol usd 1])
240 , ("/A/A", (,) [pol usd 1] [pol usd 1]) ]
241 , [ ("/A/B", [pol usd 1]) ] ==>
242 [ ("/A", (,) [] [pol usd 1])
243 , ("/A/B", (,) [pol usd 1] [pol usd 1]) ]
244 , [ ("/A/B/C", [pol usd 1]) ] ==>
245 [ ("/A", (,) [] [pol usd 1])
246 , ("/A/B", (,) [] [pol usd 1])
247 , ("/A/B/C", (,) [pol usd 1] [pol usd 1]) ]
248 , [ ("/A/B", [pol usd (-1)])
249 , ("/A/B/C", [pol usd 1])
250 ] ==>
251 [ ("/A", (,) [] [usd $ H.Polarized_Both (-1) 1])
252 , ("/A/B", (,) [pol usd (-1)] [usd $ H.Polarized_Both (-1) 1])
253 , ("/A/B/C", (,) [pol usd 1] [pol usd 1]) ]
254 , [ ("/A/B", [pol usd 1])
255 , ("/A/B/C", [pol usd 1])
256 , ("/A/B/D", [pol usd 1])
257 ] ==>
258 [ ("/A", (,) [] [pol usd 3])
259 , ("/A/B", (,) [pol usd 1] [pol usd 3])
260 , ("/A/B/C", (,) [pol usd 1] [pol usd 1])
261 , ("/A/B/D", (,) [pol usd 1] [pol usd 1]) ]
262 , [ ("/A/B", [pol usd 1])
263 , ("/A/C", [pol usd 1])
264 , ("/D/B", [pol usd 1])
265 ] ==>
266 [ ("/A", (,) [] [pol usd 2])
267 , ("/A/B", (,) [pol usd 1] [pol usd 1])
268 , ("/A/C", (,) [pol usd 1] [pol usd 1])
269 , ("/D", (,) [] [pol usd 1])
270 , ("/D/B", (,) [pol usd 1] [pol usd 1]) ]
271 ]
272 , testGroup "deviationByUnit" $
273 let (==>) (input::[Posting])
274 (expected::[(Unit, (H.Polarized Quantity, [Account]))]) =
275 testCase (elide $ show input) $
276 H.deviationByUnit
277 H.Balance
278 { H.balByAccount
279 , H.balByUnit
280 } @?=
281 H.DeviationByUnit balDev
282 where
283 balByAccount =
284 TreeMap.from_List const $
285 (account *** H.SumByAccount . (H.polarize <$>) . amounts) <$> input
286 balByUnit = H.balByUnit_of_BalByAccount balByAccount mempty
287 balDev =
288 H.BalByUnit $ Map.fromList $
289 (id *** (\(q, as) ->
290 H.SumByUnit q $ Map.fromList $
291 ((,()) . account <$> as))
292 ) <$> expected
293 in
294 [ [] ==> []
295 , [ ("/A", [usd 1]) ] ==>
296 [usd (H.polarize 1, [])]
297 , [ ("/A", [usd 1])
298 , ("/B", []) ] ==>
299 [usd (H.polarize 1, ["/B"])]
300 , [ ("/A", [usd 1])
301 , ("/A/B", []) ] ==>
302 [usd (H.polarize 1, ["/A/B"])]
303 , [ ("/A", [usd 1])
304 , ("/A/B", [usd (-1)]) ] ==>
305 []
306 , [ ("/A", [usd 1])
307 , ("/A/B", [eur (-1)]) ] ==>
308 [ usd (H.polarize 1, ["/A/B"])
309 , eur (H.polarize (-1), ["/A"])
310 ]
311 , [ ("/A", [usd 1])
312 , ("/B", [usd 1]) ] ==>
313 [usd (H.polarize 2, [])]
314 , [ ("/A", [usd 1])
315 , ("/B", [eur 2]) ] ==>
316 [ usd (H.polarize 1, ["/B"])
317 , eur (H.polarize 2, ["/A"])
318 ]
319 , [ ("/A", [usd 1, eur 2])
320 , ("/B", [usd (-1), eur 2]) ] ==>
321 [ eur (H.polarize 4, []) ]
322 , [ ("/A", [usd 1, eur 2])
323 , ("/B", [usd (-1), eur 2])
324 , ("/C", [gbp 3]) ] ==>
325 [ eur (H.polarize 4, ["/C"])
326 , gbp (H.polarize 3, ["/A", "/B"]) ]
327 ]
328 , testGroup "equilibrium" $
329 let (==>) (input::[Posting])
330 (expected::Either [(Unit, (H.Polarized Quantity, [Account]))] [Posting]) =
331 testCase (elide $ show input) $
332 let o = snd (H.equilibrium $ postings input) in
333 let e = either (Left . units) (Right . postings) expected in
334 let is = H.is_equilibrium_inferrable $
335 H.deviationByUnit
336 H.Balance
337 { H.balByAccount
338 , H.balByUnit
339 } in
340 (isRight o, o) @?= (is, e)
341 where
342 postings
343 :: [Posting]
344 -> Map.Map (H.Balance_Account Text)
345 [( H.Balance_Account Text
346 , Map.Map Unit (H.Polarized Quantity) )]
347 postings =
348 Map.fromList .
349 ((\(acct, amts) ->
350 let a = account acct in (a,)
351 [(a, H.polarize <$> amounts amts)] ) <$>)
352 units
353 :: [(Unit, (H.Polarized Quantity, [Account]))]
354 -> [(Unit, H.SumByUnit (H.Balance_Account Text) (H.Polarized Quantity))]
355 units =
356 ((id *** (\(q, as) ->
357 H.SumByUnit q $ Map.fromList $
358 ((,()) . account <$> as))) <$>)
359 balByAccount =
360 TreeMap.from_List const $
361 (account *** H.SumByAccount . (H.polarize <$>) . amounts) <$> input
362 balByUnit = H.balByUnit_of_BalByAccount balByAccount mempty
363 in
364 [ [] ==> Right []
365 , [ ("/A", [usd 1]) ] ==> Left
366 [ usd (H.polarize 1, []) ]
367 , [ ("/A", [usd 1])
368 , ("/B", []) ] ==> Right
369 [ ("/A", [usd 1])
370 , ("/B", [usd (-1)]) ]
371 , [ ("/A", [usd 1])
372 , ("/A/B", []) ] ==> Right
373 [ ("/A", [usd 1])
374 , ("/A/B", [usd (-1)]) ]
375 , [ ("/A", [usd 1])
376 , ("/A/B", [usd (-1)]) ] ==> Right
377 [ ("/A", [usd 1])
378 , ("/A/B", [usd (-1)]) ]
379 , [ ("/A", [usd 1])
380 , ("/A/B", [eur (-1)]) ] ==> Right
381 [ ("/A", [usd 1, eur 1])
382 , ("/A/B", [usd (-1), eur (-1)]) ]
383 , [ ("/A", [usd 1])
384 , ("/B", [usd 1]) ] ==> Left
385 [ usd (H.polarize 2, []) ]
386 , [ ("/A", [usd 1])
387 , ("/B", [eur 2]) ] ==> Right
388 [ ("/A", [usd 1, eur (-2)])
389 , ("/B", [usd (-1), eur 2]) ]
390 , [ ("/A", [usd 1, eur 2])
391 , ("/B", [usd (-1), eur 2]) ] ==> Left
392 [ eur (H.polarize 4, []) ]
393 , [ ("/A", [usd 1, eur 2])
394 , ("/B", [usd (-1), eur 2])
395 , ("/C", [gbp 3]) ] ==> Left
396 [ gbp (H.polarize 3, ["/A", "/B"]) ]
397 ]
398 ]