]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - lib/Hcompta/Polarize.hs
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[comptalang.git] / lib / Hcompta / Polarize.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
3 module Hcompta.Polarize where
5 import Control.DeepSeq
6 import Data.Data (Data)
7 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
8 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
9 import Data.Functor (Functor(..))
10 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
11 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
12 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
13 import Data.Typeable
14 import Data.Typeable ()
15 import Prelude (Integer, seq)
16 import Text.Show (Show)
18 import Hcompta.Quantity
20 -- * Type 'Polarized'
22 -- | Polarize a 'Quantity' to distinctively keep track
23 -- of negative and positive 'Quantity's.
24 data Polarized q
25 = Polarized_Negative !q
26 | Polarized_Positive !q
27 | Polarized_Both !q !q
28 deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
29 instance NFData q
30 => NFData (Polarized q) where
31 rnf (Polarized_Negative a) = rnf a
32 rnf (Polarized_Positive a) = rnf a
33 rnf (Polarized_Both a0 a1) = rnf a0 `seq` rnf a1
34 instance Functor Polarized where
35 fmap f (Polarized_Negative a) = Polarized_Negative (f a)
36 fmap f (Polarized_Positive a) = Polarized_Positive (f a)
37 fmap f (Polarized_Both a0 a1) = Polarized_Both (f a0) (f a1)
38 instance ( Zero q
39 , Addable q)
40 => Zero (Polarized q) where
41 quantity_zero = Polarized_Positive quantity_zero
42 quantity_null qty =
43 case qty of
44 Polarized_Negative n -> quantity_null n
45 Polarized_Positive p -> quantity_null p
46 Polarized_Both n p -> quantity_null (quantity_add n p)
47 instance Addable q
48 => Addable (Polarized q) where
49 quantity_add a0 a1 =
50 case (a0, a1) of
51 (Polarized_Negative n0, Polarized_Negative n1) -> Polarized_Negative (quantity_add n0 n1)
52 (Polarized_Negative n , Polarized_Positive p) -> Polarized_Both n p
53 (Polarized_Negative n0, Polarized_Both n1 p) -> Polarized_Both (quantity_add n0 n1) p
55 (Polarized_Positive p , Polarized_Negative n) -> Polarized_Both n p
56 (Polarized_Positive p0, Polarized_Positive p1) -> Polarized_Positive (quantity_add p0 p1)
57 (Polarized_Positive p , Polarized_Both n1 p1) -> Polarized_Both n1 (quantity_add p p1)
59 (Polarized_Both n0 p0, Polarized_Negative n) -> Polarized_Both (quantity_add n0 n) p0
60 (Polarized_Both n0 p0, Polarized_Positive p1) -> Polarized_Both n0 (quantity_add p0 p1)
61 (Polarized_Both n0 p0, Polarized_Both n1 p1) -> Polarized_Both (quantity_add n0 n1) (quantity_add p0 p1)
62 instance Negable q
63 => Negable (Polarized q) where
64 quantity_neg qty =
65 case qty of
66 Polarized_Negative n -> Polarized_Positive (quantity_neg n)
67 Polarized_Positive p -> Polarized_Negative (quantity_neg p)
68 Polarized_Both n p -> Polarized_Both (quantity_neg p) (quantity_neg n)
70 polarized_negative :: Polarized q -> Maybe q
71 polarized_negative qty =
72 case qty of
73 Polarized_Negative n -> Just n
74 Polarized_Positive _ -> Nothing
75 Polarized_Both n _ -> Just n
76 polarized_positive :: Polarized q -> Maybe q
77 polarized_positive qty =
78 case qty of
79 Polarized_Negative _ -> Nothing
80 Polarized_Positive p -> Just p
81 Polarized_Both _ p -> Just p
83 -- * Class 'Polarizable'
85 class Polarizable q where
86 polarizable_negative :: q -> Maybe q
87 polarizable_positive :: q -> Maybe q
88 instance Polarizable Integer where
89 polarizable_negative q =
90 case q of
91 _ | q < 0 -> Just q
92 _ -> Nothing
93 polarizable_positive q =
94 case q of
95 _ | q <= 0 -> Nothing
96 _ -> Just q
97 instance Polarizable q
98 => Polarizable (Polarized q) where
99 polarizable_negative qty =
100 case qty of
101 Polarized_Negative _ -> Just qty
102 Polarized_Positive _ -> Nothing
103 Polarized_Both n _ -> Just (Polarized_Negative n)
104 polarizable_positive qty =
105 case qty of
106 Polarized_Negative _ -> Nothing
107 Polarized_Positive _ -> Just qty
108 Polarized_Both _ p -> Just (Polarized_Positive p)
109 instance
110 ( Polarizable quantity
111 , Data unit
112 , Ord unit
113 , Show unit
114 ) => Polarizable (Map unit quantity) where
115 polarizable_positive q =
116 case Map.mapMaybe polarizable_positive q of
117 m | Map.null m -> Nothing
118 m -> Just m
119 polarizable_negative q =
120 case Map.mapMaybe polarizable_negative q of
121 m | Map.null m -> Nothing
122 m -> Just m
124 polarize
125 :: Polarizable q
126 => q -> Polarized q
127 polarize qty =
128 case ( polarizable_negative qty
129 , polarizable_positive qty ) of
130 (Just n, Nothing) -> Polarized_Negative n
131 (Nothing, Just p) -> Polarized_Positive p
132 (Just n, Just p) -> Polarized_Both n p
133 (Nothing, Nothing) -> Polarized_Both qty qty
134 depolarize
135 :: Addable q
136 => Polarized q -> q
137 depolarize qty =
138 case qty of
139 Polarized_Negative n -> n
140 Polarized_Positive p -> p
141 Polarized_Both n p -> quantity_add n p