]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - cli/Hcompta/Lib/System/File/Path.hs
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[comptalang.git] / cli / Hcompta / Lib / System / File / Path.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
9 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-tabs #-}
10 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
12 module Hadmin.Lib.System.File.Path where
14 import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
15 import Data.Function (($), (.))
16 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$>))
17 import qualified Data.List as List
18 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
19 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..), (<>))
20 import Data.String (IsString(..))
21 import Data.Text (Text)
22 import Data.Text.Buildable (Buildable(..))
23 import GHC.Exts (IsList(..))
24 import Prelude (undefined)
25 import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FP
27 import Hadmin.Lib.Data.Text
29 -- * Type 'Path'
30 type Path pos a = InPos pos (InDir a)
32 -- * Type 'Position'
33 data Position = Absolute | Relative
35 -- ** Type 'SPos'
36 -- | Singleton type for 'Position'.
37 data SPos pos where
38 Abs :: SPos 'Absolute
39 Rel :: SPos 'Relative
41 -- ** Type 'IPos'
43 -- | Implicit class for 'Position'.
44 class IPos pos where
45 pos :: SPos pos
46 instance IPos 'Absolute where pos = Abs
47 instance IPos 'Relative where pos = Rel
49 -- ** Type 'InPos'
50 data InPos pos a = InPos (SPos pos) a
51 deriving (Functor)
52 instance Buildable a => Buildable (InPos pos a) where
53 build (InPos Abs a) = build FP.pathSeparator <> build a
54 build (InPos Rel a) = build a
55 instance (IsString a, IPos pos) => IsString (InPos pos a) where
56 fromString = InPos pos . fromString
58 -- ** Type 'PosOf'
59 type family PosOf x :: Position
60 type instance PosOf (InPos pos a) = pos
62 -- * Type 'Dir'
64 newtype Dir = Dir [Dir_Seg]
65 deriving (Monoid)
66 type Dir_Seg = Text
67 type AbsDir = InPos 'Absolute Dir
68 type RelDir = InPos 'Relative Dir
69 instance IsString Dir where
70 fromString = Dir . (fromString <$>) . splitOnChar FP.pathSeparator
71 instance IsList Dir where
72 type Item Dir = Dir_Seg
73 fromList = Dir . foldMap (splitOnChar FP.pathSeparator)
74 toList (Dir d) = toList d
75 instance Buildable Dir where
76 build (Dir []) = "."
77 build (Dir p) =
78 mconcat $
79 List.intersperse
80 (build FP.pathSeparator)
81 (build <$> p)
83 {-
84 absDir :: InPos pos a -> InPos 'Absolute a
85 absDir (InPos _p a) = InPos Abs a
87 relDir :: InPos pos a -> InPos 'Relative a
88 relDir (InPos _p a) = InPos Rel a
89 -}
91 -- ** Type 'InDir'
92 data InDir a = InDir Dir a
93 deriving (Functor)
94 instance IsString (a -> InDir a) where
95 fromString = InDir . fromString
96 instance IsString a => IsString (InDir a) where
97 fromString s =
98 case splitOnChar FP.pathSeparator s of
99 [] -> InDir (Dir []) $ fromString ""
100 l -> InDir (Dir $ fromString <$> List.init l) $ fromString (List.last l)
101 instance IsList (a -> InDir a) where
102 type Item (a -> InDir a) = Dir_Seg
103 fromList = InDir . fromList
104 toList = undefined
105 instance Buildable a => Buildable (InDir a) where
106 build (InDir d a) = build d <> build FP.pathSeparator <> build a
108 -- ** Class 'Dir_Parent'
110 -- | Return the parent 'Dir' of given 'Dir'
111 class Dir_Parent d where
112 type Dir_Parent_Dir d
113 dir_parent :: d -> Maybe (Dir_Parent_Dir d)
115 instance Dir_Parent Dir where
116 type Dir_Parent_Dir Dir = Dir
117 dir_parent (Dir p) =
118 case p of
119 [] -> Nothing
120 _ -> Just $ Dir (List.init p)
121 instance Dir_Parent a => Dir_Parent (InPos pos a) where
122 type Dir_Parent_Dir (InPos pos a) = InPos pos (Dir_Parent_Dir a)
123 dir_parent (InPos p a) = InPos p <$> dir_parent a
124 instance Dir_Parent (InDir a) where
125 type Dir_Parent_Dir (InDir a) = Dir
126 dir_parent (InDir d _a) = Just d
127 {-
128 instance Dir_Parent File where
129 type Dir_Parent_Dir File = Dir
130 dir_parent (File _f) = Just $ Dir []
131 -}
133 -- ** Class 'Dir_Ancestors'
135 -- | Return self and parents 'Dir' of given 'Dir', in topological order.
136 class Dir_Ancestors d where
137 type Dir_Ancestors_Dir d
138 dir_ancestors :: d -> [Dir_Parent_Dir d]
140 instance Dir_Ancestors Dir where
141 type Dir_Ancestors_Dir Dir = Dir
142 dir_ancestors (Dir p) =
143 List.reverse $
144 List.foldl' (\acc seg ->
145 case acc of
146 [] -> [Dir [seg]]
147 Dir d:_ -> Dir (d<>[seg]):acc
148 ) [Dir []] p
149 instance Dir_Ancestors a => Dir_Ancestors (InPos pos a) where
150 type Dir_Ancestors_Dir (InPos pos a) = InPos pos (Dir_Ancestors_Dir a)
151 dir_ancestors (InPos p a) = InPos p <$> dir_ancestors a
152 instance Dir_Ancestors (InDir a) where
153 type Dir_Ancestors_Dir (InDir a) = Dir
154 dir_ancestors (InDir d _a) = dir_ancestors d
155 {-
156 instance Dir_Ancestors File where
157 type Dir_Ancestors_Dir File = Dir
158 dir_ancestors (File _f) = [Dir []]
159 -}
161 -- ** Class 'Dir_Append'
162 class Dir_Append p q where
163 type Dir_Append_Dir p q
164 (</>) :: p -> q -> Dir_Append_Dir p q
165 instance Dir_Append (InPos p Dir) (InPos 'Relative Dir) where
166 type Dir_Append_Dir (InPos p Dir) (InPos 'Relative Dir) = InPos p Dir
167 (</>) (InPos p x) (InPos _q y) = InPos p (x <> y)
168 instance Dir_Append (InPos p Dir) File where
169 type Dir_Append_Dir (InPos p Dir) File = InPos p (InDir File)
170 (</>) (InPos p d) f = InPos p (InDir d f)
171 instance Dir_Append (InPos p Dir) (InPos 'Relative (InDir a)) where
172 type Dir_Append_Dir (InPos p Dir) (InPos 'Relative (InDir a)) = InPos p (InDir a)
173 (</>) (InPos p x) (InPos _q (InDir y a)) = InPos p (InDir (x <> y) a)
175 -- * Type 'File'
176 newtype File = File [Text]
177 instance IsString File where
178 fromString = File . (fromString <$>) . splitOnCharWithEmpty FP.extSeparator
179 instance Buildable File where
180 build (File p) =
181 mconcat $
182 List.intersperse
183 (build FP.extSeparator)
184 (build <$> p)
186 type RelFile = InPos 'Relative (InDir File)