]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - cli/Hcompta/Expr/Lit.hs
Update to new symantic and draft Modules rendition.
[comptalang.git] / cli / Hcompta / Expr / Lit.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
8 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-tabs #-}
9 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
10 module Hcompta.Expr.Lit where
12 -- import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
13 -- import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
14 -- import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as ST
15 -- import Data.Bool
16 -- import Data.Either (Either(..))
17 -- import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
18 -- import Data.Function (($), (.))
19 -- import Data.Functor (Functor(..))
20 -- import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
21 -- import Data.Monoid ((<>))
22 -- import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
23 -- import Data.String (IsString(..))
24 -- import Data.Text (Text)
25 -- import qualified Data.Text as Text
26 import Data.Text.Buildable (Buildable(..))
27 -- import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl))
28 -- import GHC.Exts (IsList(..))
29 -- import Prelude (undefined)
30 -- import Text.Read (Read, reads)
31 import Text.Show (Show(..))
33 -- import Hcompta.Lib.Control.Monad
34 -- import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Control.Monad.Classes as MC
35 -- import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Data.Text.Buildable as Build
37 import Hcompta.Expr.Dup
38 -- import Hcompta.Expr.Fun
40 -- * Class 'Expr_Lit'
42 -- | /Tagless-final symantics/ to inject a meta-level term
43 -- into and object-level expression.
44 class Expr_Lit repr where
45 lit :: (Buildable a, Show a) => a -> repr a
47 instance -- Expr_Lit Dup
48 ( Expr_Lit r1
49 , Expr_Lit r2
50 ) => Expr_Lit (Dup r1 r2) where
51 lit x = lit x `Dup` lit x
53 {-
54 -- * Type 'Type_Lit'
56 -- | GADT for boolean type:
57 --
58 -- * singleton (bijective mapping between Haskell type @h@ and the GADT's terms),
59 -- * and extensible (through @next@).
60 data Type_Lit lit (next:: * -> *) h where
61 Type_Lit :: Type_Lit lit next lit
62 Type_Lit_Next :: next h -> Type_Lit lit next h
63 type Type_Fun_Lit lit repr next = Type_Fun repr (Type_Lit lit next)
64 type Type_Fun_Lit_End lit repr = Type_Fun_Lit lit repr Type_Lit_End
66 instance -- Type_Eq
67 Type_Eq next =>
68 Type_Eq (Type_Lit lit next) where
69 type_eq Type_Lit
70 Type_Lit = Just Refl
71 type_eq (Type_Lit_Next x)
72 (Type_Lit_Next y) = x `type_eq` y
73 type_eq _ _ = Nothing
74 instance -- Type_from Tree
75 ( Type_from Tree next
76 , Buildable (Type_Lit_Name lit)
77 ) => Type_from Tree (Type_Lit lit next) where
78 type_from (Tree raw_lit []) k
79 | raw_lit == Build.text (Type_Lit_Name::Type_Lit_Name lit)
80 = k Type_Lit
81 type_from raw k = type_from raw $ k . Type_Lit_Next
82 instance -- From_Type Text
83 ( From_Type Text next
84 , Buildable (Type_Lit_Name lit)
85 ) => From_Type Text (Type_Lit lit next) where
86 from_type Type_Lit = Build.text (Type_Lit_Name::Type_Lit_Name lit)
87 from_type (Type_Lit_Next t) = from_type t
88 instance -- Expr_from Tree
89 ( Expr_Lit repr
90 , Type_from Tree next
91 , Expr_from Tree repr next (Type_Fun_Lit lit repr next)
92 , Read lit
93 , Show lit
94 , Buildable lit
95 , Buildable (Type_Lit_Name lit)
96 ) => Expr_from Tree repr (Type_Lit lit next) (Type_Fun_Lit lit repr next) where
97 expr_from _pty _pvar _ctx (Tree lit_name [Tree raw_lit []]) k
98 | lit_name == Build.text (Type_Lit_Name::Type_Lit_Name lit) = do
99 l <- repr_lit_read raw_lit
100 k (Type_Fun_Next Type_Lit) $ \_c -> lit l
101 expr_from _pty pvar ctx raw k =
102 expr_from (Proxy::Proxy next) pvar ctx raw k
104 repr_lit_read :: Read a => Text -> Either Error_Type a
105 repr_lit_read t =
106 let s = Text.unpack t in
107 case reads s of
108 [(a, "")] -> Right a
109 _ -> Left $ "Read error: " <> s
111 instance Monad m => Expr_Lit (ST.StateT s m) where
112 lit = return
113 instance Monad m => Expr_Lit (MC.WriterT w m) where
114 lit = return
116 -- * Type 'Type_Lit_Name'
118 -- | Data type to get a name from a Haskell type-level literal type.
119 data Type_Lit_Name lit = Type_Lit_Name
120 instance Buildable (Type_Lit_Name Bool) where
121 build _ = "Bool"
123 -- * Type 'Type_Lit_End'
125 -- | Data type to finalize a type at 'Type_Fun_Lit'.
126 data Type_Lit_End h where
127 Type_Lit_End :: Type_Lit_End ()
129 instance -- Type_Eq
130 Type_Eq Type_Lit_End where
131 type_eq Type_Lit_End
132 Type_Lit_End = Just Refl
133 instance -- Type_from Tree
134 Type_from Tree Type_Lit_End where
135 type_from _ k = k Type_Lit_End
136 instance -- Expr_from Tree
137 Buildable (Type_Lit_Name lit)
138 => Expr_from Tree repr Type_Lit_End (Type_Fun_Lit lit repr Type_Lit_End) where
139 expr_from _pty _pvar _ctx raw _k =
140 Left $ "Error: invalid Type_Lit: "
141 <> Build.string (Type_Lit_Name::Type_Lit_Name lit) <> ": "
142 <> show raw
143 -}
145 {-
146 class Literal from to where
147 literal :: from -> to
148 instance Applicative repr => Literal a (repr a) where
149 literal = pure
150 instance (Applicative repr, IsString a) => Literal String (repr a) where
151 literal = pure . fromString
152 instance (Applicative repr, IsString a) => Literal [String] (repr [a]) where
153 literal = pure . (fromString <$>)
154 instance Applicative repr => Literal [a] (repr [a]) where
155 literal = pure
156 instance Monad repr => Literal [repr a] (repr [a]) where
157 literal = sequence
158 instance Literal a a where
159 literal a = a
160 -}
162 {-
163 -- * Class 'List'
164 class Monad repr => List repr where
165 list :: [repr a] -> repr [a]
166 list = sequence
167 instance Monad m => List (ST.StateT s m)
168 instance Monad m => List (WriterT w m)
170 instance (Monad m, Monad (repr m)) => List (repr (m:: * -> *)) where
171 list = sequence
172 -}
173 -- instance IsList ([a])
175 {-
176 -- Orphan instances for overloading
177 instance (IsList a, List (repr m)) => IsList (repr (m:: * -> *) [a]) where
178 type Item (repr m [a]) = repr m a
179 fromList = list
180 toList = undefined
181 -}
184 {- NOTE: conflicts with specific instance in Data.DList
185 instance (IsList a, List repr) => IsList (repr [a]) where
186 type Item (repr [a]) = repr a
187 fromList = list
188 toList = undefined
189 -}
190 {-
191 instance (Monad repr, IsString a) => IsString (repr a) where
192 fromString = return . fromString
193 -}