]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - lib/Hcompta/Format/Ledger/Write.hs
Correction : build-depends : containers >= 0.5
[comptalang.git] / lib / Hcompta / Format / Ledger / Write.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
5 module Hcompta.Format.Ledger.Write where
7 import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*))
8 import Control.Arrow ((***))
9 import Data.Decimal (DecimalRaw(..))
10 import qualified Data.Char (isSpace)
11 import Data.Fixed (showFixed)
12 import qualified Data.List
13 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Data.Map
14 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
15 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
16 import qualified Data.Text as Text
17 import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as Time (toGregorian)
18 import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as Time (LocalTime(..), TimeOfDay(..), TimeZone(..), timeZoneOffsetString, ZonedTime(..))
19 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Leijen as W
20 import Hcompta.Lib.Leijen (Doc, (<>))
21 import System.IO (Handle)
22 import qualified Text.Parsec as R
23 import Text.Parsec (Stream, ParsecT)
25 import qualified Hcompta.Model.Account as Account
26 import Hcompta.Model.Account (Account)
27 import qualified Hcompta.Model.Amount as Amount
28 import Hcompta.Model.Amount (Amount)
29 import qualified Hcompta.Model.Amount.Quantity as Quantity
30 import Hcompta.Model.Amount.Quantity (Quantity)
31 import qualified Hcompta.Model.Amount.Style as Style
32 import Hcompta.Model.Amount.Style (Style)
33 -- import qualified Hcompta.Model.Amount.Unit as Unit
34 import Hcompta.Model.Amount.Unit (Unit)
35 import qualified Hcompta.Model.Transaction as Transaction
36 import Hcompta.Model.Transaction (Comment, Tag, Transaction)
37 import qualified Hcompta.Model.Transaction.Posting as Posting
38 import Hcompta.Model.Transaction (Posting)
39 import qualified Hcompta.Model.Journal as Journal
40 import Hcompta.Model.Journal (Journal)
41 -- import qualified Hcompta.Model.Transaction.Tag as Tag
42 -- import Hcompta.Model.Transaction (Tag)
43 -- import qualified Hcompta.Model.Date as Date
44 import Hcompta.Model.Date (Date)
45 -- import Hcompta.Format.Ledger.Journal as Journal
46 import qualified Hcompta.Format.Ledger.Read as Read
47 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Parsec as R
50 -- * Printing 'Account'
52 account :: Posting.Type -> Account -> Doc
53 account type_ =
54 case type_ of
55 Posting.Type_Regular -> account_
56 Posting.Type_Virtual -> \acct ->
57 W.char Read.posting_type_virtual_begin <> do
58 account_ acct <> do
59 W.char Read.posting_type_virtual_end
60 Posting.Type_Virtual_Balanced -> \acct ->
61 W.char Read.posting_type_virtual_balanced_begin <> do
62 account_ acct <> do
63 W.char Read.posting_type_virtual_balanced_end
64 where
65 account_ :: Account -> Doc
66 account_ acct =
67 W.align $ W.hcat $
68 Data.List.intersperse
69 (W.bold $ W.dullblack $ W.char Read.account_name_sep)
70 (Data.List.map account_name acct)
72 account_name :: Account.Name -> Doc
73 account_name = W.strict_text
75 -- ** Mesuring 'Account'
77 account_length :: Posting.Type -> Account -> Int
78 account_length type_ acct =
79 Data.List.foldl
80 (\acc -> (1 +) . (acc +) . Text.length)
81 (if acct == [] then 0 else (- 1)) acct +
82 case type_ of
83 Posting.Type_Regular -> 0
84 Posting.Type_Virtual -> 2
85 Posting.Type_Virtual_Balanced -> 2
87 -- * Printing 'Amount'
89 amount :: Amount -> Doc
90 amount Amount.Amount
91 { Amount.quantity=qty
92 , Amount.style = style@(Style.Style
93 { Style.unit_side
94 , Style.unit_spaced
95 })
96 , Amount.unit=unit_
97 } = do
98 case unit_side of
99 Just Style.Side_Left ->
100 (unit unit_)
101 <> (case unit_spaced of { Just True | unit_ /= "" -> W.space; _ -> W.empty })
102 _ -> W.empty
103 <> quantity style qty
104 <> case unit_side of
105 (Just Style.Side_Right) ->
106 (case unit_spaced of { Just True | unit_ /= "" -> W.space; _ -> W.empty })
107 <> unit unit_
108 Nothing ->
109 (case unit_spaced of { Just True | unit_ /= "" -> W.space; _ -> W.empty })
110 <> unit unit_
111 _ -> W.empty
113 unit :: Unit -> Doc
114 unit = W.yellow . W.strict_text
116 quantity :: Style -> Quantity -> Doc
117 quantity Style.Style
118 { Style.fractioning
119 , Style.grouping_integral
120 , Style.grouping_fractional
121 , Style.precision
122 } qty = do
123 let Decimal e n = Quantity.round precision qty
124 let num = Prelude.show $ abs $ n
125 let sign = W.bold $ W.yellow $ W.strict_text (if n < 0 then "-" else "")
126 case e == 0 || precision == 0 of
127 True -> sign <> do W.bold $ W.blue $ (W.strict_text $ Text.pack num)
128 False -> do
129 let num_len = length num
130 let padded =
131 Data.List.concat
132 [ replicate (fromIntegral e + 1 - num_len) '0'
133 , num
134 , replicate (fromIntegral precision - fromIntegral e) '0'
135 ]
136 let (int, frac) = Data.List.splitAt (max 1 (num_len - fromIntegral precision)) padded
137 let default_fractioning =
138 Data.List.head $
139 del_grouping_sep grouping_integral $
140 del_grouping_sep grouping_fractional $
141 ['.', ',']
142 sign <> do
143 W.bold $ W.blue $ do
144 W.text (TL.pack $ maybe id (\g -> reverse . group g . reverse) grouping_integral $ int) <> do
145 W.char (fromMaybe default_fractioning fractioning) <> do
146 W.text (TL.pack $ maybe id group grouping_fractional frac)
147 where
148 group :: Style.Grouping -> [Char] -> [Char]
149 group (Style.Grouping sep sizes_) =
150 Data.List.concat . reverse .
151 Data.List.map reverse . fst .
152 Data.List.foldl
153 (flip (\digit -> \x -> case x of
154 ([], sizes) -> ([[digit]], sizes)
155 (digits:groups, []) -> ((digit:digits):groups, [])
156 (digits:groups, curr_sizes@(size:sizes)) ->
157 if length digits < size
158 then ( (digit:digits):groups, curr_sizes)
159 else ([digit]:[sep]:digits:groups, if sizes == [] then curr_sizes else sizes)
160 ))
161 ([], sizes_)
162 del_grouping_sep grouping =
163 case grouping of
164 Just (Style.Grouping sep _) -> Data.List.delete sep
165 _ -> id
167 -- ** Mesuring 'Amount'
169 amount_length :: Amount -> Int
170 amount_length Amount.Amount
171 { Amount.quantity=qty
172 , Amount.style = style@(Style.Style
173 { Style.unit_spaced
174 })
175 , Amount.unit=unit_
176 } = do
177 Text.length unit_
178 + (case unit_spaced of { Just True | unit_ /= "" -> 1; _ -> 0 })
179 + quantity_length style qty
181 amounts_length :: Amount.By_Unit -> Int
182 amounts_length amts =
183 if Data.Map.null amts
184 then 0
185 else
186 Data.Map.foldr
187 (\n -> (3 +) . (+) (amount_length n))
188 (-3) amts
190 quantity_length :: Style -> Quantity -> Int
191 quantity_length Style.Style
192 { Style.grouping_integral
193 , Style.grouping_fractional
194 , Style.precision
195 } qty =
196 let Decimal e n = Quantity.round precision qty in
197 let sign_len = if n < 0 then 1 else 0 in
198 let fractioning_len = if e > 0 then 1 else 0 in
199 let num_len = if n == 0 then 0 else (1 +) $ truncate $ logBase 10 $ (fromIntegral (abs n)::Double) in
200 let pad_left_len = max 0 (fromIntegral e + 1 - num_len) in
201 let pad_right_len = max 0 (fromIntegral precision - fromIntegral e) in
202 let padded_len = pad_left_len + num_len + pad_right_len in
203 let int_len = max 1 (num_len - fromIntegral precision) in
204 let frac_len = max 0 (padded_len - int_len) in
205 ( sign_len
206 + fractioning_len
207 + padded_len
208 + maybe 0 (group int_len) grouping_integral
209 + maybe 0 (group frac_len) grouping_fractional
210 )
211 where
212 group :: Int -> Style.Grouping -> Int
213 group num_len (Style.Grouping _sep sizes_) =
214 if num_len <= 0
215 then 0
216 else loop 0 num_len sizes_
217 where
218 loop :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int
219 loop pad len =
220 \x -> case x of
221 [] -> 0
222 sizes@[size] ->
223 let l = len - size in
224 if l <= 0 then pad
225 else loop (pad + 1) l sizes
226 size:sizes ->
227 let l = len - size in
228 if l <= 0 then pad
229 else loop (pad + 1) l sizes
231 -- * Printing 'Date'
233 date :: Date -> Doc
234 date (Time.ZonedTime
235 (Time.LocalTime day tod)
236 tz@(Time.TimeZone tz_min _ tz_name)) = do
237 let (y, mo, d) = Time.toGregorian day
238 (if y == 0 then W.empty else W.integer y <> sep '/') <> do
239 int2 mo <> do
240 sep '/' <> int2 d <> do
241 (case tod of
242 Time.TimeOfDay 0 0 0 -> W.empty
243 Time.TimeOfDay h m s ->
244 W.space <> int2 h <> do
245 sep ':' <> int2 m <> do
246 (case s of
247 0 -> W.empty
248 _ -> sep ':' <> do
249 (if s < 10 then W.char '0' else W.empty) <> do
250 W.strict_text $ Text.pack $ showFixed True s)) <> do
251 (case tz_min of
252 0 -> W.empty
253 _ | tz_name /= "" -> W.space <> do W.strict_text $ Text.pack tz_name
254 _ -> W.space <> do W.strict_text $ Text.pack $ Time.timeZoneOffsetString tz)
255 where
256 int2 :: Int -> Doc
257 int2 i = if i < 10 then W.char '0' <> W.int i else W.int i
258 sep :: Char -> Doc
259 sep = W.bold . W.dullblack . W.char
261 -- * Printing 'Comment'
263 comment :: Comment -> Doc
264 comment com =
265 W.cyan $ do
266 W.char Read.comment_begin
267 <> (case Text.uncons com of
268 Just (c, _) | not $ Data.Char.isSpace c -> W.space
269 _ -> W.empty)
270 <> do W.if_color colorize (W.strict_text com)
271 where
272 colorize :: Doc
273 colorize =
274 case R.runParser (do
275 pre <- R.many $ R.try $ do
276 ns <- R.many $ R.satisfy (\c -> c /= Read.tag_value_sep && not (Data.Char.isSpace c))
277 sh <- R.space_horizontal
278 return (ns ++ [sh])
279 ((W.text $ TL.pack $ concat pre) <>) <$> tags <* R.eof)
280 () "" com of
281 Left _ -> W.strict_text com
282 Right doc -> doc
283 tags :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Doc
284 tags = do
285 x <- tag_
286 xs <- W.hcat <$> R.many (R.try (tag_sep >>= (\s -> (s <>) <$> tag_)))
287 return $ x <> xs
288 where
289 tag_sep :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Doc
290 tag_sep = do
291 s <- R.char Read.tag_sep
292 sh <- R.many R.space_horizontal
293 return $
294 do W.bold $ W.dullblack $ W.char s
295 <> do W.text $ TL.pack sh
296 tag_ :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Doc
297 tag_ = do
298 n <- Read.tag_name
299 s <- R.char Read.tag_value_sep
300 v <- Read.tag_value
301 return $
302 (W.yellow $ W.strict_text n)
303 <> (W.bold $ W.dullblack $ W.char s)
304 <> (W.red $ W.strict_text v)
306 comments :: Doc -> [Comment] -> Doc
307 comments prefix =
308 W.hcat .
309 Data.List.intersperse W.line .
310 Data.List.map (\c -> prefix <> comment c)
312 -- * Printing 'Tag'
314 tag :: Tag -> Doc
315 tag (n, v) =
316 (W.dullyellow $ W.strict_text n)
317 <> W.char Read.tag_value_sep
318 <> (W.dullred $ W.strict_text v)
320 -- * Printing 'Posting'
322 posting :: Posting_Lengths -> Posting.Type -> Posting -> Doc
323 posting
324 ( max_account_length
325 , max_amount_length
326 )
327 type_
328 Posting.Posting
329 { Posting.account=acct
330 , Posting.amounts
331 , Posting.comments=cmts
332 -- , Posting.dates
333 , Posting.status=status_
334 -- , Posting.tags
335 } =
336 W.char '\t' <> do
337 status status_ <> do
338 case Data.Map.null amounts of
339 True -> account type_ acct
340 False ->
341 W.fill (max_account_length + 2)
342 (account type_ acct) <> do
343 W.fill (max 0
344 ( max_amount_length
345 - (fromIntegral $ amounts_length amounts) )) W.empty <> do
346 W.intercalate
347 (W.space <> (W.bold $ W.yellow $ W.char Read.amount_sep) <> W.space)
348 amount amounts
349 <> (case cmts of
350 [] -> W.empty
351 [c] -> W.space <> comment c
352 _ -> W.line <> do comments (W.text "\t\t") cmts)
354 status :: Transaction.Status -> Doc
355 status = \x -> case x of
356 True -> W.char '!'
357 False -> W.empty
359 -- ** Mesuring 'Posting'
361 type Posting_Lengths = (Int, Int)
363 nil_Posting_Lengths :: Posting_Lengths
364 nil_Posting_Lengths = (0, 0)
366 postings_lengths :: Posting.Type -> Posting.By_Account -> Posting_Lengths -> Posting_Lengths
367 postings_lengths type_ =
368 flip $ Data.Map.foldl $ Data.List.foldl $
369 flip $ \p ->
370 (max (account_length type_ (Posting.account p)))
371 ***
372 (max (amounts_length (Posting.amounts p)))
374 -- * Printing 'Transaction'
376 transaction :: Transaction -> Doc
377 transaction t = transaction_with_lengths (transaction_lengths t nil_Transaction_Lengths) t
379 transaction_with_lengths :: Transaction_Lengths -> Transaction -> Doc
380 transaction_with_lengths
381 posting_lengths_
382 Transaction.Transaction
383 { Transaction.code=code_
384 , Transaction.comments_before
385 , Transaction.comments_after
386 , Transaction.dates=(first_date, dates)
387 , Transaction.description
388 , Transaction.postings
389 , Transaction.virtual_postings
390 , Transaction.balanced_virtual_postings
391 , Transaction.status=status_
392 -- , Transaction.tags
393 } = do
394 (case comments_before of
395 [] -> W.empty
396 _ -> comments (W.text "\t") comments_before <> W.line) <> do
397 (W.hcat $
398 Data.List.intersperse
399 (W.char Read.date_sep)
400 (Data.List.map date (first_date:dates))) <> do
401 (case status_ of
402 True -> W.space <> status status_
403 False -> W.empty) <> do
404 code code_ <> do
405 (case description of
406 "" -> W.empty
407 _ -> W.space <> (W.dullmagenta $ W.strict_text description)) <> do
408 W.line <> do
409 (case comments_after of
410 [] -> W.empty
411 _ -> comments (W.text "\t") comments_after <> W.line) <> do
412 W.vsep $ Data.List.map
413 (\(type_, ps) ->
414 W.intercalate W.line
415 (W.intercalate W.line
416 (W.vsep . Data.List.map
417 (posting posting_lengths_ type_)))
418 (Posting.by_signs_and_account ps))
419 [ (Posting.Type_Regular, postings)
420 , (Posting.Type_Virtual, virtual_postings)
421 , (Posting.Type_Virtual_Balanced, balanced_virtual_postings)
422 ]
424 code :: Transaction.Code -> Doc
425 code = \x -> case x of
426 "" -> W.empty
427 t -> W.space <> W.char '(' <> W.strict_text t <> W.char ')'
429 -- ** Mesuring 'Transaction'
431 type Transaction_Lengths = Posting_Lengths
433 nil_Transaction_Lengths :: Posting_Lengths
434 nil_Transaction_Lengths = nil_Posting_Lengths
436 transaction_lengths :: Transaction -> Posting_Lengths -> Posting_Lengths
437 transaction_lengths
438 Transaction.Transaction
439 { Transaction.postings
440 , Transaction.virtual_postings
441 , Transaction.balanced_virtual_postings
442 } posting_lengths_ = do
443 Data.List.foldl
444 (flip (\(type_, ps) -> postings_lengths type_ ps))
445 posting_lengths_
446 [ (Posting.Type_Regular, postings)
447 , (Posting.Type_Virtual, virtual_postings)
448 , (Posting.Type_Virtual_Balanced, balanced_virtual_postings)
449 ]
451 -- * Printing 'Journal'
453 journal :: Journal -> Doc
454 journal Journal.Journal
455 { Journal.transactions
456 } = do
457 let transaction_lengths_ =
458 Data.Map.foldl
459 (Data.List.foldl (flip transaction_lengths))
460 nil_Transaction_Lengths
461 transactions
462 Data.Map.foldl
463 (Data.List.foldl (\doc t ->
464 (if W.is_empty doc then W.empty else doc <> W.line)
465 <> transaction_with_lengths transaction_lengths_ t <> W.line
466 ))
467 W.empty
468 transactions
470 -- * Rendering
472 show :: Bool -> Doc -> TL.Text
473 show with_color = W.displayT . W.renderPretty with_color 1.0 maxBound
475 put :: Bool -> Handle -> Doc -> IO ()
476 put with_color handle = W.displayIO handle . W.renderPretty with_color 1.0 maxBound