]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - lib/Hcompta/Lib/Interval.hs
Ajout : Filter : Filter_Account : Order.
[comptalang.git] / lib / Hcompta / Lib / Interval.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
5 module Hcompta.Lib.Interval where
7 import qualified Data.Functor
9 -- * Type 'Limit'
11 data Limit x
12 = Limit
13 { adherence :: Adherence
14 , limit :: x }
15 deriving (Eq, Show)
16 instance Functor Limit where
17 fmap f (Limit a x) = Limit a (f x)
19 data Adherence = Out | In
20 deriving (Eq, Show)
22 -- | Return given 'Limit' with its 'adherence' set to the opposite one.
23 flip_limit :: Limit x -> Limit x
24 flip_limit (Limit a x) = Limit (case a of { In -> Out; Out -> In }) x
26 -- ** Comparing 'Limit's
28 -- | Compare two 'low' 'Limit's.
29 newtype LL x = LL x
30 deriving (Eq)
31 instance Ord x => Ord (LL (Limit x)) where
32 compare (LL x) (LL y) =
33 case compare (limit x) (limit y) of
34 EQ ->
35 case (adherence x, adherence y) of
36 (Out, In ) -> GT
37 (In , Out) -> LT
38 _ -> EQ
39 o -> o
41 -- | Compare two 'high' 'Limit's.
42 newtype HH x = HH x
43 deriving (Eq)
44 instance Ord x => Ord (HH (Limit x)) where
45 compare (HH x) (HH y) =
46 case compare (limit x) (limit y) of
47 EQ ->
48 case (adherence x, adherence y) of
49 (Out, In ) -> LT
50 (In , Out) -> GT
51 _ -> EQ
52 o -> o
54 -- * Type 'Interval'
56 newtype Ord x => Interval x = Interval (Limit x, Limit x)
57 deriving (Eq, Show)
59 low :: Ord x => Interval x -> Limit x
60 low (Interval t) = fst t
62 high :: Ord x => Interval x -> Limit x
63 high (Interval t) = snd t
65 -- | Return 'Interval' with given 'low' then 'high' 'Limit's,
66 -- if they form a valid 'Interval'.
67 interval :: Ord x => Limit x -> Limit x -> Maybe (Interval x)
68 interval x y =
69 case compare_without_adherence x y of
70 LT -> Just $ Interval (x, y)
71 EQ ->
72 case (adherence x, adherence y) of
73 (In, In) -> Just $ Interval (x, y)
74 _ -> Nothing
75 GT -> Nothing
77 -- | Like 'Data.Functor.fmap', but may return 'Nothing', if mapped 'Interval' is not valid.
78 fmap :: (Ord x, Ord y) => (x -> y) -> Interval x -> Maybe (Interval y)
79 fmap f (Interval (il, ih)) = interval (Data.Functor.fmap f il) (Data.Functor.fmap f ih)
81 -- | Like 'Data.Functor.fmap', but only safe if given map preserves 'Ordering'.
82 fmap_unsafe :: (Ord x, Ord y) => (x -> y) -> Interval x -> Interval y
83 fmap_unsafe f (Interval (il, ih)) = Interval (Data.Functor.fmap f il, Data.Functor.fmap f ih)
85 {-
86 -- | Like 'Data.Functor.fmap', but on 'Limit's,
87 -- and may return 'Nothing', if mapped 'Interval' is not valid.
88 fmap_limits :: (Ord x, Ord y) => (Limit x -> Limit y) -> Interval x -> Maybe (Interval y)
89 fmap_limits f (Interval (il, ih)) = interval (f il) (f ih)
91 -- | Like 'Data.Functor.fmap', but on 'Limit's
92 -- and only safe if given map preserves 'Ordering'.
93 fmap_limits_unsafe :: (Ord x, Ord y) => (Limit x -> Limit y) -> Interval x -> Interval y
94 fmap_limits_unsafe f (Interval (il, ih)) = Interval (f il, f ih)
95 -}
97 -- | Lexicographical order, handling 'Adherence' correctly.
98 instance Ord x => Ord (Interval x) where
99 compare (Interval (il, ih)) (Interval (jl, jh)) =
100 case compare (LL il) (LL jl) of
101 EQ -> compare (HH ih) (HH jh)
102 o -> o
104 -- | Return 'limit's of given 'Interval' as a tuple.
105 limits :: Ord x => Interval x -> (Limit x, Limit x)
106 limits (Interval t) = t
108 -- | Return an 'Interval' spanning over a single 'limit'.
109 point :: Ord x => x -> Interval x
110 point x = Interval (Limit In x, Limit In x)
112 -- | Return given 'Interval' with 'flip_limit' applied to its 'limit's.
113 flip_limits :: Ord x => Interval x -> Interval x
114 flip_limits (Interval (l, h)) = Interval (flip_limit l, flip_limit h)
116 -- | Return 'Ordering' comparing given 'Interval's according to their 'limit's.
117 compare_without_adherence :: Ord x => Limit x -> Limit x -> Ordering
118 compare_without_adherence (Limit _ x) (Limit _ y) = compare x y
120 -- | Return:
121 --
122 -- * 'LT': if given value is lower than all values in given 'Interval'.
123 -- * 'EQ': if given value is into the given 'Interval'.
124 -- * 'GT': if given value is higher than all values in given 'Interval'.
125 locate :: Ord x => x -> Interval x -> Ordering
126 locate x (Interval (l, h)) =
127 case compare x (limit l) of
128 LT -> LT
129 EQ | adherence l == In -> EQ
130 EQ -> LT
131 GT ->
132 case compare x (limit h) of
133 LT -> EQ
134 EQ | adherence h == In -> EQ
135 EQ -> GT
136 GT -> GT
138 -- | Return 'True' iif. given value is into the given 'Interval'.
139 within :: Ord x => x -> Interval x -> Bool
140 within x i = locate x i == EQ
142 -- | Return 'True' iif. every value of the first 'Interval' is into the second 'Interval'.
143 into :: Ord x => Interval x -> Interval x -> Bool
144 into i j =
145 case position i j of
146 (Prefix , LT) -> True
147 (Suffixed, GT) -> True
148 (Include , GT) -> True
149 (Equal , _) -> True
150 _ -> False
152 -- | Return 'True' iif. every value of the second 'Interval' is into the first 'Interval'.
153 onto :: Ord x => Interval x -> Interval x -> Bool
154 onto = flip into
156 infix 5 <=..<=
157 (<=..<=) :: Ord x => x -> x -> Maybe (Interval x)
158 (<=..<=) x y =
159 case compare x y of
160 LT -> Just $ Interval (Limit In x, Limit In y)
161 EQ -> Just $ Interval (Limit In x, Limit In y)
162 GT -> Nothing
164 infix 5 <..<=
165 (<..<=) :: Ord x => x -> x -> Maybe (Interval x)
166 (<..<=) x y =
167 case compare x y of
168 LT -> Just $ Interval (Limit Out x, Limit In y)
169 EQ -> Nothing
170 GT -> Nothing
172 infix 5 <=..<
173 (<=..<) :: Ord x => x -> x -> Maybe (Interval x)
174 (<=..<) x y =
175 case compare x y of
176 LT -> Just $ Interval (Limit In x, Limit Out y)
177 EQ -> Nothing
178 GT -> Nothing
180 infix 5 <..<
181 (<..<) :: Ord x => x -> x -> Maybe (Interval x)
182 (<..<) x y =
183 case compare x y of
184 LT -> Just $ Interval (Limit Out x, Limit Out y)
185 EQ -> Nothing
186 GT -> Nothing
188 -- * Type 'Position'
190 data Position
191 = Away -- ^ @-_|@ ('LT') or @|_-@ ('GT')
192 | Adjacent -- ^ @-|@ ('LT') or @|-@ ('GT')
193 | Overlap -- ^ @-+|@ ('LT') or @|+-@ ('GT')
194 | Prefix -- ^ @+|@ ('LT') or @+-@ ('GT')
195 | Suffixed -- ^ @-+@ ('LT') or @|+@ ('GT')
196 | Include -- ^ @-+-@ ('LT') or @|+|@ ('GT')
197 | Equal -- ^ @+@ ('EQ')
198 deriving (Eq, Show)
200 position :: Ord x => Interval x -> Interval x -> (Position, Ordering)
201 position (Interval (il, ih)) (Interval (jl, jh)) =
202 case compare (LL il) (LL jl) of
203 LT -> (, LT) $
204 case compare_without_adherence ih jl of
205 LT -> Away -- PATTERN: -_|
206 EQ ->
207 case (adherence ih, adherence jl) of
208 (In , In) -> Overlap -- PATTERN: -+|
209 (Out, Out) -> Away -- PATTERN: -_|
210 _ -> Adjacent -- PATTERN: -|
211 GT ->
212 case compare (HH ih) (HH jh) of
213 LT -> Overlap -- PATTERN: -+|
214 EQ -> Suffixed -- PATTERN: -+
215 GT -> Include -- PATTERN: -+-
216 EQ ->
217 case compare (HH ih) (HH jh) of
218 LT -> (Prefix, LT) -- PATTERN: +|
219 EQ -> (Equal , EQ) -- PATTERN: +
220 GT -> (Prefix, GT) -- PATTERN: +-
221 GT -> (, GT) $
222 case compare_without_adherence il jh of
223 LT ->
224 case compare (HH ih) (HH jh) of
225 LT -> Include -- PATTERN: |+|
226 EQ -> Suffixed -- PATTERN: |+
227 GT -> Overlap -- PATTERN: |+-
228 EQ ->
229 case (adherence il, adherence jh) of
230 (In , In) -> Overlap -- PATTERN: |+-
231 (Out, Out) -> Away -- PATTERN: |_-
232 _ -> Adjacent -- PATTERN: |-
233 GT -> Away -- PATTERN: |_-
235 infix 4 ..<<..
236 -- | Return 'True' iif. 'Position' of given 'Interval's is ('Away', 'LT').
237 (..<<..) :: Ord x => Interval x -> Interval x -> Bool
238 (..<<..) i j = case position i j of
239 (Away, LT) -> True
240 _ -> False
242 infix 4 ..>>..
243 -- | Return 'True' iif. 'Position' of given 'Interval's is ('Away', 'GT').
244 (..>>..) :: Ord x => Interval x -> Interval x -> Bool
245 (..>>..) i j = case position i j of
246 (Away, GT) -> True
247 _ -> False
249 infix 4 ..<..
250 -- | Return 'True' iif. 'Position' of given 'Interval's is ('Away', 'LT') or ('Adjacent', 'LT').
251 (..<..) :: Ord x => Interval x -> Interval x -> Bool
252 (..<..) i j = case position i j of
253 (Away , LT) -> True
254 (Adjacent, LT) -> True
255 _ -> False
256 infix 4 ..>..
257 -- | Return 'True' iif. 'Position' of given 'Interval's is ('Away', 'GT') or ('Adjacent', 'GT').
258 (..>..) :: Ord x => Interval x -> Interval x -> Bool
259 (..>..) i j = case position i j of
260 (Away , GT) -> True
261 (Adjacent, GT) -> True
262 _ -> False
264 infix 4 ..<=..
265 -- | Return 'True' iif. 'Position' of given 'Interval's is ('Away', 'LT'), ('Adjacent', 'LT'), ('Overlap', 'LT'), ('Prefix', 'LT'), ('Suffixed', 'LT'), ('Include', 'GT'), or ('Equal', _).
266 (..<=..) :: Ord x => Interval x -> Interval x -> Bool
267 (..<=..) i j = case position i j of
268 (Away , LT) -> True
269 (Adjacent, LT) -> True
270 (Overlap , LT) -> True
271 (Prefix , LT) -> True
272 (Suffixed, LT) -> True
273 (Include , GT) -> True
274 (Equal , _ ) -> True
275 _ -> False
277 infix 4 ..>=..
278 -- | Return 'True' iif. 'Position' of given 'Interval's is ('Away', 'GT'), ('Adjacent', 'GT'), ('Overlap', 'GT'), ('Prefix', 'GT'), ('Suffixed', 'GT'), ('Include', 'LT'), or ('Equal', _).
279 (..>=..) :: Ord x => Interval x -> Interval x -> Bool
280 (..>=..) i j = case position i j of
281 (Away , GT) -> True
282 (Adjacent, GT) -> True
283 (Overlap , GT) -> True
284 (Prefix , GT) -> True
285 (Suffixed, GT) -> True
286 (Include , LT) -> True
287 (Equal , _ ) -> True
288 _ -> False
290 -- * Merge
292 union :: Ord x => Interval x -> Interval x -> Maybe (Interval x)
293 union i j =
294 case position i j of
295 (Away, _) -> -- PATTERN: -_| or |_-
296 Nothing
297 (Adjacent, o) ->
298 case o of
299 LT -> Just $ Interval (low i, high j) -- PATTERN: -|
300 EQ -> Nothing
301 GT -> Just $ Interval (low j, high i) -- PATTERN: |-
302 (Overlap, o) ->
303 case o of
304 LT -> Just $ Interval (low i, high j) -- PATTERN: -+|
305 EQ -> Nothing
306 GT -> Just $ Interval (low j, high i) -- PATTERN: |+-
307 (Prefix, o) ->
308 case o of
309 LT -> Just $ j -- PATTERN: +|
310 EQ -> Nothing
311 GT -> Just $ i -- PATTERN: +-
312 (Suffixed, o) ->
313 case o of
314 LT -> Just $ i -- PATTERN: -+
315 EQ -> Nothing
316 GT -> Just $ j -- PATTERN: |+
317 (Include, o) ->
318 case o of
319 LT -> Just $ i -- PATTERN: -+-
320 EQ -> Nothing
321 GT -> Just $ j -- PATTERN: |+|
322 (Equal, _) -> -- PATTERN: +
323 Just i
325 intersection :: Ord x => Interval x -> Interval x -> Maybe (Interval x)
326 intersection i j =
327 case position i j of
328 (Away, _) -> -- PATTERN: -_| or |_-
329 Nothing
330 (Adjacent, _) -> -- PATTERN: -| or |-
331 Nothing
332 (Overlap, o) ->
333 case o of
334 LT -> Just $ Interval (low j, high i) -- PATTERN: -+|
335 EQ -> Nothing
336 GT -> Just $ Interval (low i, high j) -- PATTERN: |+-
337 (Prefix, o) ->
338 case o of
339 LT -> Just $ i -- PATTERN: +|
340 EQ -> Nothing
341 GT -> Just $ j -- PATTERN: +-
342 (Suffixed, o) ->
343 case o of
344 LT -> Just $ j -- PATTERN: -+
345 EQ -> Nothing
346 GT -> Just $ i -- PATTERN: |+
347 (Include, o) ->
348 case o of
349 LT -> Just $ j -- PATTERN: -+-
350 EQ -> Nothing
351 GT -> Just $ i -- PATTERN: |+|
352 (Equal, _) -> -- PATTERN: +
353 Just i
355 -- * Type 'Unlimitable'
357 data Unlimitable x
358 = Unlimited_low
359 | Limited { limited :: x }
360 | Unlimited_high
361 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
362 instance Functor Unlimitable where
363 fmap _f Unlimited_low = Unlimited_low
364 fmap _f Unlimited_high = Unlimited_high
365 fmap f (Limited x) = Limited (f x)
366 instance Bounded (Unlimitable x) where
367 minBound = Unlimited_low
368 maxBound = Unlimited_high
369 instance Bounded (Limit (Unlimitable x)) where
370 minBound = Limit In Unlimited_low
371 maxBound = Limit In Unlimited_high
373 unlimited :: Ord x => Interval (Unlimitable x)
374 unlimited = Interval ( Limit In Unlimited_low
375 , Limit In Unlimited_high )
377 unlimit :: Ord x => Interval x -> Interval (Unlimitable x)
378 unlimit = fmap_unsafe Limited
380 (<..) :: Ord x => x -> Interval (Unlimitable x)
381 (<..) x = Interval (Limit Out (Limited x), Limit In Unlimited_high)
383 (<=..) :: Ord x => x -> Interval (Unlimitable x)
384 (<=..) x = Interval (Limit In (Limited x), Limit In Unlimited_high)
386 (..<) :: Ord x => x -> Interval (Unlimitable x)
387 (..<) x = Interval (Limit In Unlimited_low, Limit Out (Limited x))
389 (..<=) :: Ord x => x -> Interval (Unlimitable x)
390 (..<=) x = Interval (Limit In Unlimited_low, Limit In (Limited x))
392 -- * Type 'Pretty'
394 newtype Pretty x = Pretty x
395 deriving (Eq, Ord)
396 instance (Ord x, Show x) => Show (Pretty (Interval x)) where
397 show (Pretty i) =
398 concat
399 [ case adherence (low i) of
400 In -> "["
401 Out -> "]"
402 , show (limit $ low i)
403 , ".."
404 , show (limit $ high i)
405 , case adherence (high i) of
406 In -> "]"
407 Out -> "["
408 ]
409 instance (Ord x, Show x) => Show (Pretty (Unlimitable x)) where
410 show (Pretty x) =
411 case x of
412 Unlimited_low -> "-oo"
413 Limited l -> show l
414 Unlimited_high -> "+oo"