]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - lcc/Hcompta/LCC/Read/Test.hs
Rewrite hcompta-lcc to use symantic-grammar.
[comptalang.git] / lcc / Hcompta / LCC / Read / Test.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
4 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
5 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -O0 #-}
6 module Read.Test where
8 import Test.Tasty
9 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
11 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..))
12 import Control.Arrow (first)
13 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), MonadPlus(..))
14 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(..))
15 import Data.Bool
16 import Data.Char (Char)
17 import Data.Data ()
18 import Data.Decimal (DecimalRaw(..))
19 import Data.Either (Either(..), rights)
20 import Data.Eq (Eq)
21 import Data.Fixed (Pico)
22 import Data.Function (($), (.), const, flip)
23 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$>))
24 import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
25 import Data.Int (Int)
26 import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
27 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
28 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
29 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..), (<>))
30 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
31 import Data.Proxy
32 import Data.String (String)
33 import Data.Text (Text)
34 import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(..))
35 import Data.Word (Word)
36 import Prelude (Integer)
37 import System.FilePath.Posix (FilePath)
38 import Text.Show (Show(..))
39 import qualified Control.Exception.Safe as Exn
40 import qualified Control.Monad.Classes as MC
41 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as SS
42 import qualified Data.Char as Char
43 import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
44 import qualified Data.List as List
45 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
46 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
47 import qualified Data.NonNull as NonNull
48 import qualified Data.Set as Set
49 import qualified Data.Strict as S
50 import qualified Data.Text as Text
51 import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as Time
52 import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as Time
53 import qualified Data.TreeMap.Strict as TreeMap
54 import qualified Data.TreeMap.Strict.Zipper as TreeMap
55 import qualified Language.Symantic as Sym
56 import qualified Language.Symantic.Lib as Sym
57 -- import qualified Language.Symantic.Parsing as Sym
58 import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FilePath
59 import qualified System.IO.Error as IO
60 import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
61 import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Prim as P
63 import qualified Hcompta as H
64 import qualified Hcompta.LCC as LCC
65 import qualified Hcompta.LCC.Lib.Strict as S
66 import qualified Hcompta.LCC.Sym as Sym
67 import System.IO (IO)
68 import Prelude (Bounded)
69 import Control.Applicative (Alternative)
70 import Data.NonNull (NonNull)
72 test :: Text -> Assertion -> TestTree
73 test = testCase . elide . Foldable.foldMap escapeChar . Text.unpack
75 escapeChar :: Char -> String
76 escapeChar c | Char.isPrint c = [c]
77 escapeChar c = Char.showLitChar c ""
79 elide :: String -> String
80 elide s | List.length s > 42 = List.take 42 s <> ['…']
81 elide s = s
83 account :: [Text] -> LCC.Account
84 account = LCC.Account . NonNull.impureNonNull . (LCC.Name <$>)
86 tag :: [Text] -> Text -> LCC.Tag
87 tag p v = LCC.Tag
88 (LCC.Tag_Path $ NonNull.impureNonNull (LCC.Name <$> p))
89 (LCC.Tag_Data v)
91 account_ref :: [Text] -> LCC.Tag_Path
92 account_ref p = LCC.Tag_Path $ NonNull.impureNonNull $ LCC.Name <$> p
94 account_refs :: [([Text], [[Text]])] -> Map LCC.Tag_Path (Map LCC.Account ())
95 account_refs l =
96 Map.fromList $
97 (<$> l) $ \(anch, accts) ->
98 ( LCC.Tag_Path $ NonNull.impureNonNull $ LCC.Name <$> anch
99 , Map.fromList $ (,()) . account <$> accts
100 )
102 tags :: [([Text], Text)] -> LCC.Tags
103 tags l =
104 LCC.Tags $
105 TreeMap.from_List (flip (<>)) $
106 (<$> l) $ \(p, v) ->
107 (NonNull.impureNonNull (LCC.Name <$> p), [LCC.Tag_Data v])
109 amounts :: [(Text, LCC.Quantity)] -> LCC.Amounts
110 amounts l =
111 LCC.Amounts $
112 Map.fromList $
113 (<$> l) $ \(u, q) ->
114 (LCC.Unit u, q)
116 postings :: [LCC.Posting] -> LCC.Postings
117 postings l =
118 LCC.Postings $
119 Map.fromListWith (flip (<>)) $
120 (<$> l) $ \p ->
121 (LCC.posting_account p, [p])
123 comments :: [Text] -> [LCC.Comment]
124 comments = (LCC.Comment <$>)
126 sourcePos :: FilePath -> Word -> Word -> P.SourcePos
127 sourcePos fp l c = P.SourcePos fp (P.unsafePos l) (P.unsafePos c)
129 date :: Integer -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Pico -> Time.TimeZone -> LCC.Date
130 date y m d h m' s tz =
131 Time.zonedTimeToUTC $
132 Time.ZonedTime
133 (Time.LocalTime
134 (Time.fromGregorian y m d)
135 (Time.TimeOfDay h m' s))
136 tz
138 -- * Type 'Parsec'
139 newtype Parsec e s m a
140 = Parsec { unParsec :: P.ParsecT e s m a }
141 deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadTrans, Alternative, MonadPlus, P.MonadParsec e s)
143 type instance MC.CanDo (Parsec e s m) (MC.EffState a) = 'False
144 type instance MC.CanDo (Parsec e s m) (MC.EffReader P.SourcePos) = 'True
145 type instance MC.CanDo (Parsec e s m) (MC.EffReader (S.Either Exn.IOException LCC.CanonFile)) = 'True
147 instance -- Gram_File
148 ( LCC.ParsecC e s
149 , Monad m
150 , MC.MonadState Context_Test (Parsec e s m)
151 , P.MonadParsec e s (P.ParsecT e s m)
152 , P.MonadParsec e s (Parsec e s m)
153 , s ~ Text
154 ) => LCC.Gram_IO (Parsec e Text m) where
155 g_canonfile g = do
156 fp <- g
157 return (fp, Right $ LCC.CanonFile fp)
158 g_read g_path g = do
159 lr <- LCC.g_at $ do
160 lr_path <- g_path
161 case lr_path of
162 S.Left e -> return $ \at -> S.Left $ at e
163 S.Right fp -> do
164 db <- context_test_files <$> MC.get
165 case Map.lookup fp db of
166 Nothing -> return $ \at -> S.Left $ at $
167 LCC.Error_Journal_Read fp $
168 IO.userError $ show db
169 Just txt -> return $ const $ S.Right (fp, txt)
170 case lr of
171 S.Left e -> return $ S.Left [e]
172 S.Right (LCC.PathFile fp_new, s_new) -> do
173 P.pushPosition $ P.initialPos fp_new
174 s_old <- P.getInput; P.setInput s_new
176 lr_a <- g
178 P.setInput s_old
179 P.popPosition
181 return lr_a
182 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => Sym.Alter (Parsec e s m)
183 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => Sym.Alt (Parsec e s m)
184 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => Sym.App (Parsec e s m)
185 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => Sym.Try (Parsec e s m)
186 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Rule (Parsec e s m)
187 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Terminal (Parsec e s m)
188 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_RegR (Parsec e s m)
189 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_RegL (Parsec e s m)
190 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_CF (Parsec e s m)
191 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Meta P.SourcePos (Parsec e s m)
192 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Lexer (Parsec e s m)
193 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Op (Parsec e s m)
194 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => LCC.Gram_Count (Parsec e s m)
195 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => LCC.Gram_At (Parsec e s m)
196 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => LCC.Gram_Char (Parsec e s m)
197 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => LCC.Gram_Comment (Parsec e s m)
198 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => LCC.Gram_Tag (Parsec e s m)
199 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => LCC.Gram_Account (Parsec e s m)
200 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => LCC.Gram_Amount (Parsec e s m)
201 deriving instance -- Gram_Posting
202 ( LCC.ParsecC e s
203 , LCC.Gram_Posting (P.ParsecT e s m)
204 , MC.MonadState (S.Maybe LCC.Unit) m
205 , MC.MonadState LCC.Chart m
206 , MC.MonadState LCC.Style_Amounts m
207 , MC.MonadState LCC.Year m
208 ) => LCC.Gram_Posting (Parsec e s m)
209 deriving instance -- Gram_Date
210 ( LCC.ParsecC e s
211 , LCC.Gram_Date (P.ParsecT e s m)
212 , MC.MonadState LCC.Year m
213 ) => LCC.Gram_Date (Parsec e s m)
214 deriving instance -- Gram_Transaction
215 ( LCC.ParsecC e s
216 , LCC.Gram_Transaction (P.ParsecT e s m)
217 , MC.MonadState (S.Maybe LCC.Unit) m
218 , MC.MonadState LCC.Chart m
219 , MC.MonadState LCC.Section m
220 , MC.MonadState LCC.Style_Amounts m
221 , MC.MonadState LCC.Year m
222 ) => LCC.Gram_Transaction (Parsec e s m)
223 deriving instance -- Gram_Chart
224 ( LCC.ParsecC e s
225 , LCC.Gram_Chart (P.ParsecT e s m)
226 , MC.MonadState LCC.Chart m
227 , MC.MonadState LCC.Section m
228 ) => LCC.Gram_Chart (Parsec e s m)
229 deriving instance (LCC.ParsecC e s, LCC.Gram_File (P.ParsecT e s m))
230 => LCC.Gram_File (Parsec e s m)
231 instance -- Gram_Journal
232 ( LCC.Gram_Account g
233 , LCC.Gram_At g
234 , LCC.Gram_Chart g
235 , LCC.Gram_File g
236 , LCC.Gram_IO g
237 , LCC.Gram_Reader (S.Either Exn.IOException LCC.CanonFile) g
238 , LCC.Gram_State Context_Test g
239 , LCC.Gram_State (LCC.Context_Read j) g
240 , LCC.Gram_State (LCC.Journal j) g
241 , LCC.Gram_State (LCC.Journals j) g
242 , LCC.Gram_State (LCC.Env cs is) g
243 , LCC.Gram_Transaction g
244 , LCC.Gram_Term cs is (Parsec e Text m)
245 , LCC.ParsecC e Text
246 , Sym.Try g
247 , Sym.Gram_Lexer g
248 , Monoid j
249 , g ~ Parsec e Text m
250 ) => LCC.Gram_Journal cs is j (Parsec e Text m)
251 deriving instance -- Gram_Term
252 ( Sym.Gram_Term is LCC.Meta (P.ParsecT e s m)
253 , Sym.Gram_Term_AtomsR LCC.Meta is is (Parsec e s m)
254 , LCC.ParsecC e s
255 ) => Sym.Gram_Term is LCC.Meta (Parsec e s m)
256 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Meta LCC.Meta (Parsec e s m)
257 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Error (Parsec e s m)
258 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Name (Parsec e s m)
259 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Term_Type LCC.Meta (Parsec e s m)
260 deriving instance LCC.ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Type LCC.Meta (Parsec e s m)
261 deriving instance -- Gram_Term
262 ( LCC.Gram_Term cs is (P.ParsecT e s m)
263 , Sym.Gram_Term is LCC.Meta (Parsec e s m)
264 , MC.MonadState (LCC.Env cs is) m
265 , LCC.ParsecC e s
266 ) => LCC.Gram_Term cs is (Parsec e s m)
267 instance -- Gram_State
268 ( LCC.ParsecC e s
269 , MC.MonadState ctx (Parsec e s m)
270 ) => LCC.Gram_State ctx (Parsec e s m) where
271 g_get g = do
272 f <- g
273 s <- MC.get
274 return (f s)
275 g_state g = do
276 f <- g
277 s <- MC.get
278 let (s', a) = f s
279 MC.put s'
280 return a
281 g_put g = do
282 (s, a) <- g
283 MC.put s
284 return a
285 instance -- Gram_Reader
286 ( LCC.ParsecC e s
287 , MC.MonadReader ctx (Parsec e s m)
288 ) => LCC.Gram_Reader ctx (Parsec e s m) where
289 g_ask g = do
290 f <- g
291 s <- MC.ask
292 return (f s)
293 g_ask_before g = do
294 s <- MC.ask
295 f <- g
296 return (f s)
297 instance LCC.ParsecC e s => MC.MonadReaderN 'MC.Zero
298 P.SourcePos (Parsec e s m) where
299 askN _px = Parsec P.getPosition
300 instance LCC.ParsecC e s => MC.MonadReaderN 'MC.Zero
301 (NonEmpty P.SourcePos) (Parsec e s m) where
302 askN _px = Parsec $ P.statePos <$> P.getParserState
303 instance LCC.ParsecC e s => MC.MonadReaderN 'MC.Zero
304 (S.Either Exn.IOException LCC.CanonFile) (Parsec e s m) where
305 askN _px = Parsec $ S.Right . LCC.CanonFile . LCC.PathFile . P.sourceName <$> P.getPosition
307 -- * Type 'Context_Test'
308 data Context_Test
309 = Context_Test
310 { context_test_files :: Map LCC.PathFile Text
311 } deriving (Eq, Show)
312 type instance MC.CanDo (S.StateT (LCC.Context_Read j) m) (MC.EffState Context_Test) = 'False
313 type instance MC.CanDo (S.StateT Context_Test m) (MC.EffState Context_Test) = 'True
314 type instance MC.CanDo (S.StateT (LCC.Context_Sym cs is) m) (MC.EffState Context_Test) = 'False
315 instance Monad m => MC.MonadStateN 'MC.Zero Context_Test (S.StateT Context_Test m) where
316 stateN _px = S.StateT . SS.state
318 type instance MC.CanDo (S.StateT Context_Test m) (MC.EffState (Sym.Tokenizers meta is)) = 'False
320 read
321 :: forall is j cs e m a.
322 ( Monoid j
323 , LCC.Gram_File (P.ParsecT P.Dec Text m)
324 , Sym.Tokenize LCC.Meta is
325 , m ~ S.StateT (LCC.Context_Read j)
326 (S.StateT (LCC.Context_Sym cs is)
327 (S.StateT Context_Test Identity))
328 , e ~ P.ParseError Char P.Dec
329 , cs ~ Sym.TyConsts_of_Ifaces is
330 ) => Sym.CF (Parsec P.Dec Text m) a
331 -> [(LCC.PathFile, Text)]
332 -> FilePath
333 -> Text
334 -> Either (P.ParseError Char P.Dec) a
335 read g files fp inp =
336 runIdentity $
337 S.evalState Context_Test{ context_test_files = Map.fromList files } $
338 S.evalState LCC.context_sym $
339 S.evalState LCC.context_read $
340 P.runParserT (unParsec . Sym.unCF $ g <* Sym.eoi)
341 (case fp of "" -> ""; _ -> FilePath.normalise fp) inp
343 type M cs is j
344 = S.StateT (LCC.Context_Read j)
345 (S.StateT (LCC.Context_Sym cs is)
346 (S.StateT Context_Test Identity))
348 test_compile
349 :: forall is is' cs h j.
350 ( Eq h
351 , is ~ (Proxy Bool ': Proxy LCC.Journal ': Proxy LCC.Transaction ': Proxy [] ': is')
352 , Sym.Tokenize LCC.Meta is
353 , Sym.Inj_Token LCC.Meta is (->)
354 , Sym.Inj_TyConst cs Bool
355 , Sym.Inj_TyConst cs LCC.Journal
356 , Sym.Inj_TyConst cs LCC.Transaction
357 , Sym.Inj_TyConst cs []
358 -- , Sym.Inj_TyConst cs Show
359 -- , Sym.Inj_TyConst cs Eq
360 , Show h
361 , Sym.Show_Token LCC.Meta is
362 , Sym.Show_TyConst cs
363 , Sym.Compile cs is
364 , Sym.Eq_Token LCC.Meta is
365 , Sym.Gram_Term is LCC.Meta (P.ParsecT P.Dec Text (M cs is j))
366 , Sym.Sym_of_Ifaces is Sym.HostI
367 , Sym.Gram_Term_AtomsR LCC.Meta is is (P.ParsecT P.Dec Text (M cs is j))
368 , Sym.Gram_Term_AtomsR LCC.Meta is is (Parsec P.Dec Text (M cs is j))
369 , cs ~ Sym.TyConsts_of_Ifaces is
370 , Monoid j
371 ) => Proxy j
372 -> [Text]
373 -> ( Sym.TeName
374 , Sym.Type cs h
375 , Either (Either (P.ParseError Char P.Dec)
376 (LCC.At (Sym.Error_Term LCC.Meta cs is)))
377 h
378 )
379 -> TestTree
380 test_compile _j i (n_exp, ty_exp, lr_exp) =
381 let inp = Text.intercalate "\n" i in
382 let env :: LCC.Env cs is = Map.fromList
383 [ ("j" , Sym.ETerm (Sym.ty @Bool) $ Sym.Term $ Sym.bool True)
384 , ("jnl", Sym.ETerm (Sym.ty @LCC.Journal Sym.:$ (Sym.ty @[] Sym.:$ Sym.ty @LCC.Transaction)) $ Sym.Term $ Sym.journal LCC.journal)
385 ] in
386 test inp $
387 case read @is @j (LCC.g_put (pure (env, ())) *> LCC.g_term) [] "" inp of
388 Left err_syn -> Left (Left err_syn) @?= lr_exp
389 Right (n_got, lr_sem) ->
390 case lr_sem of
391 Left err_sem -> Left (Right err_sem) @?= lr_exp
392 Right (Sym.ETerm ty_got t@(Sym.Term te_got)) ->
393 let () = t in
394 case lr_exp of
395 Left err -> Right ("…"::Text) @?= Left err
396 Right (_te_exp::h) ->
397 (>>= (@?= (n_exp, lr_exp))) $
398 (n_got,) <$>
399 case ty_got `Sym.eq_Type` ty_exp of
400 Nothing ->
401 return $
402 Left $ Right $
403 LCC.At (P.initialPos "" :| []) (P.initialPos "") $
404 Sym.Error_Term_Con_Type $ Right $
405 Sym.Con_TyEq
406 (Right $ Sym.At Nothing $ Sym.EType ty_got)
407 (Sym.At Nothing $ Sym.EType ty_exp)
408 Just Refl ->
409 let () = te_got in
410 return $
411 Right $ Sym.host_from_term te_got
413 read_gram
414 :: forall is cs j e m a.
415 ( Monoid j
416 , LCC.Gram_File (P.ParsecT P.Dec Text m)
417 , Sym.Tokenize LCC.Meta is
418 , m ~ S.StateT (LCC.Context_Read j)
419 (S.StateT (LCC.Context_Sym cs is)
420 (S.StateT Context_Test Identity))
421 , e ~ P.ParseError Char P.Dec
422 , j ~ [LCC.Transaction]
423 , cs ~ Sym.TyConsts_of_Ifaces is
424 , is ~ '[Proxy (->)]
425 )
426 => Sym.CF (Parsec P.Dec Text m) a
427 -> Text
428 -> Either (P.ParseError Char P.Dec) a
429 read_gram g inp =
430 runIdentity $
431 S.evalState Context_Test{ context_test_files = Map.fromList [] } $
432 S.evalState LCC.context_sym $
433 S.evalState LCC.context_read $
434 P.runParserT (unParsec . Sym.unCF $ g <* Sym.eoi) "" inp
436 tests :: TestTree
437 tests = testGroup "Read"
438 [{- testGroup "Date" $
439 let (==>) inp exp =
440 test inp $
441 read_gram LCC.g_date inp @?= Right (S.Right exp) in
442 [ "2000-01-13" ==> date 2000 01 13 0 0 0 Time.utc
443 , "2000-01-13_12:34" ==> date 2000 01 13 12 34 0 Time.utc
444 , "2000-01-13_12:34:56" ==> date 2000 01 13 12 34 56 Time.utc
445 , "2000-01-13_12:34_CET" ==> date 2000 01 13 12 34 0 (Time.TimeZone 60 True "CET")
446 , "2000-01-13_12:34+01:30" ==> date 2000 01 13 12 34 0 (Time.TimeZone 90 False "+01:30")
447 , "2000-01-13_12:34:56_CET" ==> date 2000 01 13 12 34 56 (Time.TimeZone 60 True "CET")
448 , "01-01" ==> date 1970 01 01 0 0 0 Time.utc
449 , testGroup "Parsing errors" $
450 let (!=>) inp exp =
451 test inp $
452 read_gram LCC.g_date inp @?= Left exp in
453 [ "2000/01/13" !=> P.ParseError
454 { P.errorPos = sourcePos "" 1 5 :| []
455 , P.errorUnexpected = Set.fromList [P.Tokens ('/' :| "")]
456 , P.errorExpected = Set.fromList [P.Tokens ('-' :| "")]
457 , P.errorCustom = Set.fromList []
458 }
459 ]
460 , testGroup "Semantic errors" $
461 let (=!>) inp exp =
462 test inp $
463 read_gram LCC.g_date inp @?= Right (S.Left exp) in
464 [ "2000-13-01" =!> LCC.At
465 { LCC.atBegin = pure $ sourcePos "" 1 1
466 , LCC.atEnd = sourcePos "" 1 11
467 , LCC.atItem = LCC.Error_Date_Day_invalid (2000, 13, 01) }
468 , "2001-02-29" =!> LCC.At
469 { LCC.atBegin = pure $ sourcePos "" 1 1
470 , LCC.atEnd = sourcePos "" 1 11
471 , LCC.atItem = LCC.Error_Date_Day_invalid (2001, 2, 29) }
472 , "2000-01-13_12:60" =!> LCC.At
473 { LCC.atBegin = pure $ sourcePos "" 1 12
474 , LCC.atEnd = sourcePos "" 1 17
475 , LCC.atItem = LCC.Error_Date_TimeOfDay_invalid (12, 60, 0) }
476 ]
477 ]
478 , testGroup "Account_Section" $
479 let (==>) inp exp =
480 test inp $
481 rights [read_gram LCC.g_account_section inp]
482 @?= [LCC.Name inp | exp] in
483 [ "A" ==> True
484 , "AA" ==> True
485 , "(A)A" ==> True
486 , "(A)" ==> True
487 , "A(A)" ==> True
488 , "[A]A" ==> True
489 , "[A]" ==> True
490 , testGroup "Parsing errors"
491 [ "" ==> False
492 , " " ==> False
493 , "/" ==> False
494 , "A/" ==> False
495 , "/A" ==> False
496 , "A " ==> False
497 , "A A" ==> False
498 , "A " ==> False
499 , "A\t" ==> False
500 , "A \n" ==> False
501 , "( )A" ==> False
502 , "(A) A" ==> False
503 , "[ ] A" ==> False
504 , "(A) " ==> False
505 , "[A] A" ==> False
506 , "[A] " ==> False
507 ]
508 ]
509 , testGroup "Account" $
510 let (==>) inp exp =
511 test inp $
512 read_gram LCC.g_account inp
513 @?= Right (account exp) in
514 [ "/A" ==> ["A"]
515 , "/A/B" ==> ["A", "B"]
516 , "/A/B/C" ==> ["A", "B","C"]
517 , "/Aa/Bbb/Cccc" ==> ["Aa", "Bbb", "Cccc"]
518 , "/A/B/(C)" ==> ["A", "B", "(C)"]
519 , testGroup "Parsing errors" $
520 let (!=>) inp _exp =
521 test inp $
522 rights [read_gram LCC.g_account inp]
523 @?= [] in
524 [ "" !=> []
525 , "A" !=> []
526 , "A/" !=> []
527 , "A " !=> []
528 , " A" !=> []
529 , "/A/ /C" !=> []
530 , "/A//C" !=> []
531 , "/A a / B b b / C c c c" !=> []
532 ]
533 ]
534 , testGroup "Amount" $
535 let (==>) inp exp =
536 test inp $
537 read_gram LCC.g_amount inp @?= Right exp in
538 [ "0" ==>
539 ( LCC.style_amount
540 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 0 0 } )
541 , "00" ==>
542 ( LCC.style_amount
543 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 0 0 } )
544 , "0." ==>
545 ( LCC.style_amount { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure '.' }
546 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 0 0 } )
547 , "0," ==>
548 ( LCC.style_amount { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure ',' }
549 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 0 0 } )
550 , "0.0" ==>
551 ( LCC.style_amount { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure '.' }
552 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 1 0 } )
553 , "00.00" ==>
554 ( LCC.style_amount { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure '.' }
555 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 2 0 } )
556 , "0,0" ==>
557 ( LCC.style_amount { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure ',' }
558 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 1 0 } )
559 , "00,00" ==>
560 ( LCC.style_amount { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure ',' }
561 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 2 0 } )
562 , "0_0" ==>
563 ( LCC.style_amount { LCC.style_amount_grouping_integral = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping '_' [1] }
564 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 0 0 } )
565 , "00_00" ==>
566 ( LCC.style_amount { LCC.style_amount_grouping_integral = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping '_' [2] }
567 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 0 0 } )
568 , "0,000.00" ==>
569 ( LCC.style_amount
570 { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure '.'
571 , LCC.style_amount_grouping_integral = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping ',' [3] }
572 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 2 0 } )
573 , "0.000,00" ==>
574 ( LCC.style_amount
575 { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure ','
576 , LCC.style_amount_grouping_integral = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping '.' [3] }
577 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 2 0 } )
578 , "1,000.00" ==>
579 ( LCC.style_amount
580 { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure '.'
581 , LCC.style_amount_grouping_integral = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping ',' [3] }
582 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 2 100000 } )
583 , "1.000,00" ==>
584 ( LCC.style_amount
585 { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure ','
586 , LCC.style_amount_grouping_integral = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping '.' [3] }
587 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 2 100000 } )
588 , "123" ==>
589 ( LCC.style_amount
590 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 0 123 } )
591 , "1.2" ==>
592 ( LCC.style_amount { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure '.' }
593 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 1 12 } )
594 , "1,2" ==>
595 ( LCC.style_amount { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure ',' }
596 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 1 12 } )
597 , "12.34" ==>
598 ( LCC.style_amount { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure '.' }
599 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 2 1234 } )
600 , "12,34" ==>
601 ( LCC.style_amount { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure ',' }
602 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 2 1234 } )
603 , "1_2" ==>
604 ( LCC.style_amount { LCC.style_amount_grouping_integral = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping '_' [1] }
605 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 0 12 } )
606 , "1_23" ==>
607 ( LCC.style_amount { LCC.style_amount_grouping_integral = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping '_' [2] }
608 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 0 123 } )
609 , "1_23_456" ==>
610 ( LCC.style_amount { LCC.style_amount_grouping_integral = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping '_' [3, 2] }
611 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 0 123456 } )
612 , "1_23_456,7890_12345_678901" ==>
613 ( LCC.style_amount
614 { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure ','
615 , LCC.style_amount_grouping_integral = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping '_' [3, 2]
616 , LCC.style_amount_grouping_fractional = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping '_' [4, 5, 6] }
617 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 15 123456789012345678901 } )
618 , "1_23_456.7890_12345_678901" ==>
619 ( LCC.style_amount
620 { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure '.'
621 , LCC.style_amount_grouping_integral = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping '_' [3, 2]
622 , LCC.style_amount_grouping_fractional = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping '_' [4, 5, 6] }
623 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 15 123456789012345678901 } )
624 , "1,23,456.7890_12345_678901" ==>
625 ( LCC.style_amount
626 { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure '.'
627 , LCC.style_amount_grouping_integral = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping ',' [3, 2]
628 , LCC.style_amount_grouping_fractional = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping '_' [4, 5, 6] }
629 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 15 123456789012345678901 } )
630 , "1.23.456,7890_12345_678901" ==>
631 ( LCC.style_amount
632 { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure ','
633 , LCC.style_amount_grouping_integral = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping '.' [3, 2]
634 , LCC.style_amount_grouping_fractional = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping '_' [4, 5, 6] }
635 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 15 123456789012345678901 } )
636 , "123456_78901_2345.678_90_1" ==>
637 ( LCC.style_amount
638 { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure '.'
639 , LCC.style_amount_grouping_integral = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping '_' [4, 5, 6]
640 , LCC.style_amount_grouping_fractional = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping '_' [3, 2] }
641 , LCC.amount { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 6 123456789012345678901 } )
642 , "$1" ==>
643 ( LCC.style_amount
644 { LCC.style_amount_unit_side = pure LCC.L
645 , LCC.style_amount_unit_spaced = pure False }
646 , LCC.amount
647 { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 0 1
648 , LCC.amount_unit = "$" } )
649 , "1$" ==>
650 ( LCC.style_amount
651 { LCC.style_amount_unit_side = pure LCC.R
652 , LCC.style_amount_unit_spaced = pure False }
653 , LCC.amount
654 { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 0 1
655 , LCC.amount_unit = "$" } )
656 , "$ 1" ==>
657 ( LCC.style_amount
658 { LCC.style_amount_unit_side = pure LCC.L
659 , LCC.style_amount_unit_spaced = pure True }
660 , LCC.amount
661 { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 0 1
662 , LCC.amount_unit = "$" } )
663 , "1 $" ==>
664 ( LCC.style_amount
665 { LCC.style_amount_unit_side = pure LCC.R
666 , LCC.style_amount_unit_spaced = pure True }
667 , LCC.amount
668 { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 0 1
669 , LCC.amount_unit = "$" } )
670 , "-$1" ==>
671 ( LCC.style_amount
672 { LCC.style_amount_unit_side = pure LCC.L
673 , LCC.style_amount_unit_spaced = pure False }
674 , LCC.amount
675 { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 0 (-1)
676 , LCC.amount_unit = "$" } )
677 , "$1.000,00" ==>
678 ( LCC.style_amount
679 { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure ','
680 , LCC.style_amount_grouping_integral = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping '.' [3]
681 , LCC.style_amount_unit_side = pure LCC.L
682 , LCC.style_amount_unit_spaced = pure False }
683 , LCC.amount
684 { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 2 100000
685 , LCC.amount_unit = "$" } )
686 , "1.000,00$" ==>
687 ( LCC.style_amount
688 { LCC.style_amount_fractioning = pure ','
689 , LCC.style_amount_grouping_integral = pure $ LCC.Style_Amount_Grouping '.' [3]
690 , LCC.style_amount_unit_side = pure LCC.R
691 , LCC.style_amount_unit_spaced = pure False }
692 , LCC.amount
693 { LCC.amount_quantity = Decimal 2 100000
694 , LCC.amount_unit = "$" } )
695 , testGroup "Parsing errors" $
696 let (!=>) inp _exp =
697 test inp $
698 rights [read_gram LCC.g_amount inp] @?= [] in
699 [ "" !=> []
700 , ".0" !=> []
701 , ",0" !=> []
702 , "0_" !=> []
703 , "_0" !=> []
704 , "1,000.00." !=> []
705 , "1.000,00," !=> []
706 , "1,000.00_" !=> []
707 ]
708 ]
709 , testGroup "Comment" $
710 let (==>) (inp, post) exp =
711 test inp $
712 rights [read_gram (LCC.g_comment <* post) inp]
713 @?= (LCC.Comment <$> exp) in
714 [ ("; a b c" , Sym.eoi) ==> [ "a b c" ]
715 , ("; #a" , Sym.eoi) ==> [ "#a" ]
716 , ("; a b c \n" , Sym.string " \n") ==> [ "a b c" ]
717 , ("; a b c \r\n", Sym.string " \r\n") ==> [ "a b c" ]
718 -- , ("; a b c\n ; d e f", Sym.eoi) ==> [ ["a b c", "d e f"] ]
719 -- , ("; a b c \n", Sym.string " \n") ==> [ ["a b c"] ]
720 ]
721 , testGroup "Transaction_Tag" $
722 let (==>) inp exp =
723 test inp $
724 read_gram LCC.g_transaction_tag inp
725 @?= Right (LCC.Transaction_Tag exp) in
726 [ "#Name" ==> tag ["Name"] ""
727 , "#Name:name" ==> tag ["Name", "name"] ""
728 , "#Name=Value" ==> tag ["Name"] "Value"
729 , "#Name = Value" ==> tag ["Name"] "Value"
730 , "#Name=Val ue" ==> tag ["Name"] "Val ue"
731 , "#Name=," ==> tag ["Name"] ","
732 , "#Name=Val,ue" ==> tag ["Name"] "Val,ue"
733 , "#Name=Val,ue:" ==> tag ["Name"] "Val,ue:"
734 , "#Name=Val,ue :" ==> tag ["Name"] "Val,ue :"
735 , testGroup "Parsing errors" $
736 let (!=>) inp _exp =
737 test inp $
738 rights [read_gram LCC.g_transaction_tag inp] @?= [] in
739 [ "#Name:" !=> []
740 , "#Name=Value\n" !=> []
741 ]
742 ]
743 , testGroup "Posting" $
744 let (==>) inp exp =
745 test inp $
746 read_gram LCC.g_posting inp @?= Right (S.Right exp) in
747 [ "/A/B/C" ==> LCC.posting (account ["A", "B", "C"])
748 , "/A/B/C $1" ==> (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
749 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [("$", 1)] }
750 , "/A/B/C $1" ==> (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
751 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [("$", 1)] }
752 , "/A/B/C 1€" ==> (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
753 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [("€", 1)] }
754 , "/A/B/C $1; some comment" ==> (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
755 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [("$", 1)]
756 , LCC.posting_comments = comments ["some comment"] }
757 , "/A/B/C; some comment" ==>
758 (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
759 { LCC.posting_comments = comments ["some comment"] }
760 , "/A/B/C ; some comment" ==> (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
761 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts []
762 , LCC.posting_comments = comments ["some comment"] }
763 , "/A/B/C ; some comment\n ; some other comment" ==>
764 (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
765 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts []
766 , LCC.posting_comments = comments ["some comment", "some other comment"] }
767 , "/A/B/C $1 ; some comment" ==>
768 (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
769 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [("$", 1)]
770 , LCC.posting_comments = comments ["some comment"] }
771 , "/A/B/C #N=V" ==>
772 (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
773 { LCC.posting_tags = LCC.Posting_Tags $ tags [ (["N"], "V") ] }
774 , "/A/B/C #N:O=V" ==>
775 (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
776 { LCC.posting_tags = LCC.Posting_Tags $ tags [ (["N", "O"], "V") ] }
777 , "/A/B/C #N=Val;ue" ==>
778 (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
779 { LCC.posting_tags = LCC.Posting_Tags $ tags [ (["N"], "Val;ue") ] }
780 , "/A/B/C #N=Val#ue" ==>
781 (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
782 { LCC.posting_tags = LCC.Posting_Tags $ tags [ (["N"], "Val#ue") ] }
783 , "/A/B/C #N=V ; not a comment" ==>
784 (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
785 { LCC.posting_tags = LCC.Posting_Tags $ tags [ (["N"], "V ; not a comment") ] }
786 , "/A/B/C #N=V #O" ==>
787 (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
788 { LCC.posting_tags = LCC.Posting_Tags $ tags [ (["N"], "V #O") ] }
789 , "/A/B/C #N#O" ==>
790 (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
791 { LCC.posting_tags = LCC.Posting_Tags $ tags [ (,) ["N"] "", (,) ["O"] "" ] }
792 , "/A/B/C #N; #O" ==>
793 (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
794 { LCC.posting_tags = LCC.Posting_Tags $ tags [ (["N"], "") ]
795 , LCC.posting_comments = comments ["#O"] }
796 , "/A/B/C #N #O" ==>
797 (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
798 { LCC.posting_tags = LCC.Posting_Tags $ tags [ (,) ["N"] "", (,) ["O"] "" ] }
799 , "/A/B/C \n #N=V" ==>
800 (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
801 { LCC.posting_tags = LCC.Posting_Tags $ tags [ (["N"], "V") ] }
802 , "/A/B/C ; some comment\n #N=V" ==>
803 (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
804 { LCC.posting_comments = comments ["some comment"]
805 , LCC.posting_tags = LCC.Posting_Tags $ tags [ (["N"], "V") ] }
806 , "/A/B/C ; some comment\n #N=V v\n #N2=V2 v2" ==>
807 (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
808 { LCC.posting_comments = comments ["some comment"]
809 , LCC.posting_tags = LCC.Posting_Tags $ tags
810 [ (["N"], "V v")
811 , (["N2"], "V2 v2") ] }
812 , "/A/B/C\n #N=V\n #N=V2" ==>
813 (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
814 { LCC.posting_tags = LCC.Posting_Tags $ tags
815 [ (["N"], "V")
816 , (["N"], "V2")
817 ] }
818 , "/A/B/C\n #N=V\n #N2=V" ==>
819 (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
820 { LCC.posting_tags = LCC.Posting_Tags $ tags
821 [ (["N"], "V")
822 , (["N2"], "V")
823 ] }
824 ]
825 , testGroup "Transaction" $
826 let (==>) i e =
827 let inp = Text.intercalate "\n" i in
828 test inp $
829 read_gram LCC.g_transaction inp @?= Right (S.Right e) in
830 [ [ "2000-01-01 some wording"
831 , " /A/B/C $1"
832 , " /D/E/F $-1"
833 ] ==> LCC.transaction
834 { LCC.transaction_dates = date 2000 01 01 0 0 0 Time.utc `NonNull.ncons` []
835 , LCC.transaction_wording = "some wording"
836 , LCC.transaction_postings = postings
837 [ (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
838 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", 1) ]
839 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 2 2 }
840 , (LCC.posting $ account ["D", "E", "F"])
841 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", -1) ]
842 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 3 2 }
843 ]
844 }
845 , [ "2000-01-01 some wording ; not a comment"
846 , "; some other;comment"
847 , " ; some last comment"
848 , " /A/B/C $1"
849 , " /D/E/F"
850 ] ==> LCC.transaction
851 { LCC.transaction_comments = comments
852 [ "some other;comment"
853 , "some last comment"
854 ]
855 , LCC.transaction_dates = date 2000 01 01 0 0 0 Time.utc `NonNull.ncons` []
856 , LCC.transaction_wording = "some wording ; not a comment"
857 , LCC.transaction_postings = postings
858 [ (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
859 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", 1) ]
860 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 4 2 }
861 , (LCC.posting $ account ["D", "E", "F"])
862 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", -1) ]
863 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 5 2 }
864 ]
865 }
866 , testGroup "Semantic errors" $
867 let (=!>) i e =
868 let inp = Text.intercalate "\n" i in
869 test inp $
870 read_gram LCC.g_transaction inp @?= Right (S.Left e) in
871 [ [ "2000-01-01 wording"
872 , " /A/B/C $1"
873 , " /D/E/F $-2"
874 ] =!> LCC.At
875 { LCC.atBegin = pure $ sourcePos "" 1 1
876 , LCC.atEnd = sourcePos "" 3 12
877 , LCC.atItem = LCC.Error_Transaction_not_equilibrated
878 LCC.transaction
879 { LCC.transaction_dates = date 2000 01 01 0 0 0 Time.utc `NonNull.ncons` []
880 , LCC.transaction_wording = "wording"
881 , LCC.transaction_postings = postings
882 [ (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
883 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", 1) ]
884 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 2 2 }
885 , (LCC.posting $ account ["D", "E", "F"])
886 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", -2) ]
887 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 3 2 }
888 ]
889 }
890 [( LCC.Unit "$"
891 , H.SumByUnit
892 { H.sumByUnit_quantity = H.Polarized_Both (-2) 1
893 , H.sumByUnit_accounts = Map.fromList []
894 })]
895 }
896 ]
897 ]
898 ,-} testGroup "Term" $
899 let (==>) = test_compile
900 @'[ Proxy Bool
901 , Proxy LCC.Journal
902 , Proxy LCC.Transaction
903 , Proxy []
904 -- , Proxy LCC.Postings
905 , Proxy LCC.Posting
906 , Proxy (->)
907 , Proxy Alternative
908 , Proxy Bounded
909 , Proxy Either
910 , Proxy H.Addable
911 , Proxy H.Negable
912 , Proxy H.Subable
913 , Proxy LCC.Account
914 , Proxy LCC.Amounts
915 , Proxy LCC.Date
916 , Proxy LCC.PathFile
917 , Proxy LCC.Quantity
918 , Proxy LCC.Unit
919 , Proxy Map
920 , Proxy NonNull
921 , Proxy TreeMap.Zipper
922 , Proxy []
923 ] (Proxy @[LCC.Transaction]) in
924 [ [ "x = 42" ] ==> ("x", Sym.ty @LCC.Quantity, Right 42.0)
925 , [ "x = 40 + 2" ] ==> ("x", Sym.ty @LCC.Quantity, Right 42.0)
926 , [ "x = $4.2" ] ==> ("x", Sym.ty @LCC.Amounts, Right $ amounts [ ("$", 4.2) ])
927 , [ "x = 4,2€" ] ==> ("x", Sym.ty @LCC.Amounts, Right $ amounts [ ("€", 4.2) ])
928 , [ "x = 4,2€ + $2.4" ] ==> ("x", Sym.ty @LCC.Amounts, Right $ amounts [ ("$", 2.4), ("€", 4.2) ])
929 , [ "x = 4,0€ + 0.2€" ] ==> ("x", Sym.ty @LCC.Amounts, Right $ amounts [ ("€", 4.2) ])
930 , [ "x = j" ] ==> ("x", Sym.ty @Bool, Right $ True )
931 , testGroup "Semantic errors" $
932 let (=!>) i e =
933 let inp = Text.intercalate "\n" i in
934 test inp $
935 read_gram LCC.g_transaction inp @?= Right (S.Left e) in
936 [
937 ]
938 ]
939 {-, testGroup "Chart" $
940 let (==>) i e =
941 let inp = Text.intercalate "\n" i in
942 test inp $
943 read_gram (
944 LCC.g_get $ (\_txn ch -> ch) <$>
945 LCC.g_journal @(Sym.TyConsts_of_Ifaces '[Proxy (->)]) @'[Proxy (->)] (:)
946 ) inp @?= Right e in
947 let acct_path = NonEmpty.fromList . (LCC.Name <$>) in
948 let acct_tags = LCC.Account_Tags . tags in
949 [ [ "/A/B/C"
950 , "/D/E/F"
951 ] ==>
952 LCC.Chart
953 { LCC.chart_accounts = TreeMap.from_List (<>)
954 [ (acct_path ["A", "B", "C"], acct_tags [])
955 , (acct_path ["D", "E", "F"], acct_tags [])
956 ]
957 , LCC.chart_tags = Map.empty
958 }
959 , [ "/A/B/C"
960 , " ~t0:t1"
961 , " ~a0:a1:a2"
962 , "/D/E/F"
963 , " ~t0:t1 = v0"
964 , " ~t0:t1 = v1"
965 ] ==>
966 LCC.Chart
967 { LCC.chart_accounts = TreeMap.from_List (<>)
968 [ (acct_path ["A", "B", "C"], acct_tags
969 [ (["t0", "t1"], "")
970 , (["a0", "a1", "a2"], "")
971 ])
972 , (acct_path ["D", "E", "F"], acct_tags
973 [ (["t0", "t1"], "v0")
974 , (["t0", "t1"], "v1") ])
975 ]
976 , LCC.chart_tags = account_refs
977 [ (,) ["t0", "t1"]
978 [ ["A", "B", "C"]
979 , ["D", "E", "F"] ]
980 , (,) ["a0", "a1", "a2"]
981 [ ["A", "B", "C"] ]
982 ]
983 }
984 ]
985 , testGroup "Journal" $
986 let run fe i e =
987 let inp = (Text.intercalate "\n" <$>) <$> i in
988 let jnl = fromMaybe "" $ List.lookup "" inp in
989 let exp = ((LCC.Journals . Map.fromList . (first LCC.CanonFile <$>)) <$>) <$> fe e in
990 test jnl $
991 read @'[Proxy (->)] @[LCC.Transaction] (
992 LCC.g_get $ (\j (js::LCC.Journals [LCC.Transaction]) -> const js <$> j) <$>
993 LCC.g_journal
994 @(Sym.TyConsts_of_Ifaces '[Proxy (->)])
995 @'[Proxy (->)]
996 (:)
997 ) inp "" jnl @?= exp in
998 let (==>) = run (Right . S.Right) ; infixr 0 ==> in
999 let jnl :: LCC.Journal [LCC.Transaction] = LCC.journal in
1000 [ [ ("",)
1001 [ "2000-01-01 wording"
1002 , " /A/B/C $1"
1003 , " /D/E/F"
1004 ]
1005 ] ==>
1006 [ ("",) jnl
1007 { LCC.journal_content =
1008 [ LCC.transaction
1009 { LCC.transaction_dates = date 2000 01 01 0 0 0 Time.utc `NonNull.ncons` []
1010 , LCC.transaction_wording = "wording"
1011 , LCC.transaction_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 1 1
1012 , LCC.transaction_postings = postings
1013 [ (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
1014 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", 1) ]
1015 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 2 2
1016 }
1017 , (LCC.posting $ account ["D", "E", "F"])
1018 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", -1) ]
1019 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 3 2
1020 }
1021 ]
1022 }
1023 ]
1024 {-, LCC.journal_amount_styles = LCC.Amount_Styles $ Map.fromList
1025 [ ( LCC.Unit "$"
1026 , mempty
1027 { LCC.amount_style_unit_side = Just LCC.L
1028 , LCC.amount_style_unit_spaced = Just False }
1029 )
1030 ]
1031 -}
1032 }
1033 ]
1034 , [ ("",)
1035 [ "2000-01-01 1° wording"
1036 , " /A/B/C $1"
1037 , " /D/E/F"
1038 , "2000-01-02 2° wording"
1039 , " /A/B/C $1"
1040 , " /x/y/z"
1041 ]
1042 ] ==>
1043 [ ("",) jnl
1044 { LCC.journal_content =
1045 [ LCC.transaction
1046 { LCC.transaction_dates = date 2000 01 02 0 0 0 Time.utc `NonNull.ncons` []
1047 , LCC.transaction_wording = "2° wording"
1048 , LCC.transaction_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 4 1
1049 , LCC.transaction_postings = postings
1050 [ (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
1051 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", 1) ]
1052 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 5 2
1053 }
1054 , (LCC.posting $ account ["x", "y", "z"])
1055 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", -1) ]
1056 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 6 2
1057 }
1058 ]
1059 }
1060 , LCC.transaction
1061 { LCC.transaction_dates = date 2000 01 01 0 0 0 Time.utc `NonNull.ncons` []
1062 , LCC.transaction_wording = "1° wording"
1063 , LCC.transaction_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 1 1
1064 , LCC.transaction_postings = postings
1065 [ (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
1066 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", 1) ]
1067 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 2 2
1068 }
1069 , (LCC.posting $ account ["D", "E", "F"])
1070 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", -1) ]
1071 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 3 2
1072 }
1073 ]
1074 }
1075 ]
1076 }
1077 ]
1078 , [ ("",)
1079 [ "/A/B ~AB"
1080 , ""
1081 , "2000-01-01 wording"
1082 , " ~AB/C $1"
1083 , " /D/E/F"
1084 ]
1085 ] ==>
1086 [ ("",) jnl
1087 { LCC.journal_content =
1088 [ LCC.transaction
1089 { LCC.transaction_dates = date 2000 01 01 0 0 0 Time.utc `NonNull.ncons` []
1090 , LCC.transaction_wording = "wording"
1091 , LCC.transaction_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 3 1
1092 , LCC.transaction_postings = postings
1093 [ (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
1094 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", 1) ]
1095 , LCC.posting_account_ref = S.Just $ account_ref ["AB"] S.:!: S.Just (account ["C"])
1096 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 4 2
1097 }
1098 , (LCC.posting $ account ["D", "E", "F"])
1099 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", -1) ]
1100 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 5 2
1101 }
1102 ]
1103 }
1104 ]
1105 }
1106 ]
1107 , [ ("",)
1108 [ "./chart"
1109 , ""
1110 , "2000-01-01 wording"
1111 , " ~AB/C $1"
1112 , " ~D/E/F"
1113 ]
1114 , ("chart",)
1115 [ "/A/B ~AB"
1116 , "/D"
1117 , "; comment"
1118 , " ~D"
1119 ]
1120 ] ==>
1121 [ ("",) jnl
1122 { LCC.journal_includes =
1123 [ LCC.CanonFile "chart"
1124 ]
1125 , LCC.journal_content =
1126 [ LCC.transaction
1127 { LCC.transaction_dates = date 2000 01 01 0 0 0 Time.utc `NonNull.ncons` []
1128 , LCC.transaction_wording = "wording"
1129 , LCC.transaction_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 3 1
1130 , LCC.transaction_postings = postings
1131 [ (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
1132 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", 1) ]
1133 , LCC.posting_account_ref = S.Just $ account_ref ["AB"] S.:!: S.Just (account ["C"])
1134 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 4 2
1135 }
1136 , (LCC.posting $ account ["D", "E", "F"])
1137 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", -1) ]
1138 , LCC.posting_account_ref = S.Just $ account_ref ["D"] S.:!: S.Just (account ["E", "F"])
1139 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 5 2
1140 }
1141 ]
1142 }
1143 ]
1144 }
1145 , ("chart",) jnl
1146 { LCC.journal_file = "chart"
1147 }
1148 ]
1149 , [ ("",)
1150 [ "2000-01-01 w"
1151 , " /A/B/C $1"
1152 , " /D/E/F"
1153 , "./0"
1154 , "./1"
1155 ]
1156 , ("0",)
1157 [ "2000-01-02 w0"
1158 , " /A/B/C $2"
1159 , " /D/E/F"
1160 ]
1161 , ("1",)
1162 [ "2000-01-03 w1"
1163 , " /A/B/C $3"
1164 , " /D/E/F"
1165 ]
1166 ] ==>
1167 [ ("",) jnl
1168 { LCC.journal_includes =
1169 [ LCC.CanonFile "0"
1170 , LCC.CanonFile "1"
1171 ]
1172 , LCC.journal_content =
1173 [ LCC.transaction
1174 { LCC.transaction_dates = date 2000 01 01 0 0 0 Time.utc `NonNull.ncons` []
1175 , LCC.transaction_wording = "w"
1176 , LCC.transaction_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 1 1
1177 , LCC.transaction_postings = postings
1178 [ (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
1179 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", 1) ]
1180 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 2 2
1181 }
1182 , (LCC.posting $ account ["D", "E", "F"])
1183 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", -1) ]
1184 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "" 3 2
1185 }
1186 ]
1187 }
1188 ]
1189 }
1190 , ("0",) jnl
1191 { LCC.journal_file = "0"
1192 , LCC.journal_content =
1193 [ LCC.transaction
1194 { LCC.transaction_dates = date 2000 01 02 0 0 0 Time.utc `NonNull.ncons` []
1195 , LCC.transaction_wording = "w0"
1196 , LCC.transaction_sourcepos = sourcePos "0" 1 1
1197 , LCC.transaction_postings = postings
1198 [ (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
1199 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", 2) ]
1200 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "0" 2 2
1201 }
1202 , (LCC.posting $ account ["D", "E", "F"])
1203 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", -2) ]
1204 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "0" 3 2
1205 }
1206 ]
1207 }
1208 ]
1209 }
1210 , ("1",) jnl
1211 { LCC.journal_file = "1"
1212 , LCC.journal_content =
1213 [ LCC.transaction
1214 { LCC.transaction_dates = date 2000 01 03 0 0 0 Time.utc `NonNull.ncons` []
1215 , LCC.transaction_wording = "w1"
1216 , LCC.transaction_sourcepos = sourcePos "1" 1 1
1217 , LCC.transaction_postings = postings
1218 [ (LCC.posting $ account ["A", "B", "C"])
1219 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", 3) ]
1220 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "1" 2 2
1221 }
1222 , (LCC.posting $ account ["D", "E", "F"])
1223 { LCC.posting_amounts = amounts [ ("$", -3) ]
1224 , LCC.posting_sourcepos = sourcePos "1" 3 2
1225 }
1226 ]
1227 }
1228 ]
1229 }
1230 ]
1231 , testGroup "Parsing errors" $
1232 let (!=>) = run Left ; infixr 0 !=> in
1233 [ [ ("",)
1234 [ "./j"
1235 ]
1236 , ("j",)
1237 [ "2000-01_01 wording"
1238 , " /A/B/C $1"
1239 , " /D/E/F"
1240 ]
1241 ] !=> P.ParseError
1242 { P.errorPos = sourcePos "j" 1 8 :| [sourcePos "" 1 4]
1243 , P.errorUnexpected = Set.fromList [P.Tokens ('_' :| "")]
1244 , P.errorExpected = Set.fromList [P.Tokens ('-' :| "")]
1245 , P.errorCustom = Set.fromList []
1246 }
1247 ]
1248 , testGroup "Semantic errors" $
1249 let (=!>) = run (Right . S.Left) ; infixr 0 =!> in
1250 [ [ ("",)
1251 [ "2000-01-01 wording"
1252 , " /A/B/C $1"
1253 , " /D/E/F"
1254 , ""
1255 , "./chart"
1256 , ""
1257 , "2000-01-01 wording"
1258 , " ~AB/C $1"
1259 , " /D/E/F"
1260 ]
1261 , ("chart",)
1262 [ "/A/B ~AB"
1263 ]
1264 ] =!>
1265 [ LCC.At
1266 { LCC.atBegin = sourcePos "chart" 1 1 :| [sourcePos "" 5 8]
1267 , LCC.atEnd = sourcePos "chart" 1 9
1268 , LCC.atItem =
1269 LCC.Error_Journal_Section
1270 LCC.Section_Transaction
1271 LCC.Section_Chart
1272 }
1273 , LCC.At
1274 { LCC.atBegin = sourcePos "" 8 2 :| []
1275 , LCC.atEnd = sourcePos "" 8 5
1276 , LCC.atItem =
1277 LCC.Error_Journal_Transaction $
1278 LCC.Error_Transaction_Posting $
1279 LCC.Error_Posting_Account_Ref_unknown $
1280 account_ref ["AB"]
1281 }
1282 ]
1283 , [ ("",)
1284 [ "./j"
1285 ]
1286 , ("j",)
1287 [ "2000-01-01 wording"
1288 , " /A/B/C $1"
1289 , " /D/E/F"
1290 , ""
1291 , "./j"
1292 ]
1293 ] =!>
1294 [ LCC.At
1295 { LCC.atBegin = sourcePos "j" 5 1 :| [sourcePos "" 1 4]
1296 , LCC.atEnd = sourcePos "j" 5 4
1297 , LCC.atItem = LCC.Error_Journal_Include_loop $ LCC.CanonFile "j"
1298 }
1299 ]
1300 ]
1301 ]
1302 -}]