]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - lib/Hcompta/Tag.hs
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[comptalang.git] / lib / Hcompta / Tag.hs
1 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
2 module Hcompta.Tag where
4 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
5 import Control.Arrow (second)
6 import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
7 import Data.Data
8 import Data.Eq (Eq)
9 import Data.Function (($), (.), flip)
10 import Data.Functor (Functor(..))
11 import Data.Int (Int)
12 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
13 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
14 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
15 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
16 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
17 import qualified Data.Sequences as Seqs
18 import Data.NonNull (NonNull)
19 import Data.Text (Text)
20 import qualified Data.Text as Text
21 import Data.Tuple (fst, snd)
22 import Data.Typeable ()
23 import Text.Show (Show)
24 import qualified Data.MonoTraversable as MT
26 import Hcompta.Lib.Consable
27 import Hcompta.Name
28 import Hcompta.Has
29 -- import Language.Symantic as Sym
31 -- * Class 'Tag'
32 class
33 ( HasI Tag_Path a
34 , HasI Tag_Data a
35 ) => Tag a
37 class Tag_Path t
38 class Tag_Data t
39 class Tag (MT.Element ts) => Tags ts
41 {-
42 class Tag t where
43 type Tag_Path t
44 type Tag_Data t
45 tag_path :: t -> Tag_Path t
46 tag_value :: t -> Tag_Data t
47 instance Tag (path, value) where
48 type Tag_Path (path, value) = path
49 type Tag_Data (path, value) = value
50 tag_path = fst
51 tag_value = snd
53 -- * Class 'Tags'
54 class Tag (Tags_Tag ts) => Tags ts where
55 type Tags_Tag ts
56 instance
57 Tag t =>
58 Tags [t] where
59 type Tags_Tag [t] = t
60 instance
61 Tags ts =>
62 Tags (Map path ts) where
63 type Tags_Tag (Map path ts) = Tags_Tag ts
64 -}
65 {-
66 -- * Class 'Tags_of'
67 class Tags (Tags_Of a) => Tags_of a where
68 type Tags_Of a
69 tags_of :: a -> Tags_Of a
70 -}
72 {-
73 -- * The 'Tag' type
75 -- | An 'Tag' is a non-empty list of 'Tag_Section'.
76 type Tag = (Tag_Path, Tag_Data)
77 type Tag_Path = NonNull [Tag_Section]
78 type Tag_Section = Name
79 type Tag_Data = Text
81 -- * Type 'Tags'
82 newtype Tags
83 = Tags (Map Tag_Path [Tag_Data])
84 deriving (Data, Eq, NFData, Show, Typeable
85 , MT.MonoFunctor, MT.MonoFoldable)
86 unTags :: Tags -> Map Tag_Path [Tag_Data]
87 unTags (Tags m) = m
88 -}
91 {-
92 instance Monoid Tags where
93 mempty = Tags mempty
94 mappend (Tags x) (Tags y) =
95 Tags (Map.unionWith (flip mappend) x y)
96 instance Consable Tag Tags where
97 mcons = tag_cons
98 instance NFData Tags where
99 rnf (Tags m) = rnf m
100 -- | Return the given 'Tags' with the given 'Tag' incorporated.
101 tag_cons :: Tag -> Tags -> Tags
102 tag_cons (p, v) (Tags xs) = Tags $ mcons (p, [v]) xs
104 -- | Return the 'Tag' formed by the given 'Tag_Path' and 'Tag_Data'.
105 tag :: Tag_Path -> Tag_Data -> Tag
106 tag = (,)
108 -- | Return the 'Tag_Data' formed by the given 'Tag_Section' and 'Tag_Section's.
109 tag_path :: Tag_Section -> [Tag_Section] -> Tag_Path
110 tag_path = (:|)
112 -- | Return the 'Tag_Data' of a 'Tag', if any.
113 tag_value :: Tag -> Maybe Tag_Data
114 tag_value (_, v) | Text.null v = Nothing
115 tag_value (_, v) = Just v
117 -- | Return the number of 'Tag_Section's in the given 'Tag'.
118 tag_depth :: Tag_Path -> Int
119 tag_depth = NonEmpty.length
121 -- | Return a 'Tag_Path' from the given list.
122 tag_from_List :: [(Tag_Path, Tag_Data)] -> Tags
123 tag_from_List = Tags . Map.fromListWith (flip mappend) . fmap (second pure)
124 -}