]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - lib/Hcompta/GL.hs
Adapte hcompta-jcc.
[comptalang.git] / lib / Hcompta / GL.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
9 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
10 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecations #-}
11 -- FIXME: to be removed when dropping GHC-7.6 support
13 -- | General Ledger
14 module Hcompta.GL where
16 -- import Control.Applicative (Const(..))
17 import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
18 import Control.Exception (assert)
19 import Data.Bool
20 import Data.Data
21 -- import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
22 -- import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
23 -- import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
24 import Data.Function (($), (.), flip, id)
25 import Data.Functor (Functor(..))
26 import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
27 -- import qualified Data.List as List
28 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
29 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
30 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
31 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
32 import qualified Data.MonoTraversable as MT
33 import Data.Sequence (Seq, (><), (|>), ViewR(..))
34 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
35 import qualified Data.Strict.Maybe as Strict
36 import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable
37 import Data.TreeMap.Strict (TreeMap(..))
38 import qualified Data.TreeMap.Strict as TreeMap
39 import Data.Tuple (snd)
40 import Data.Typeable ()
41 import Prelude (seq, undefined)
42 import Text.Show (Show(..))
44 import Hcompta.Account
45 import Hcompta.Date
46 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Strict as Strict
47 import Hcompta.Posting
48 import Hcompta.Quantity
49 import Hcompta.Transaction
51 -- * Class 'GL_Posting'
53 class
54 ( Posting p
55 , Addable (GL_Posting_Quantity p)
56 , Data (GL_Posting_Quantity p)
57 , NFData (GL_Posting_Quantity p)
58 , Show (GL_Posting_Quantity p)
59 ) => GL_Posting p where
60 type GL_Posting_Quantity p
61 gl_posting_quantity :: p -> GL_Posting_Quantity p
63 {-
64 instance
65 ( Account account
66 , Amount quantity
67 , Posting (account, quantity)
68 , Addable quantity
69 , NFData quantity
70 ) => GL_Posting (account, quantity)
71 where
72 -- type Posting_Account (account, quantity) = account
73 type Posting_Quantity (account, quantity) = quantity
74 -- posting_account (x, _) = x
75 posting_quantity (_, x) = x
76 -}
78 -- ** Class 'GL_Transaction'
80 class
81 ( Transaction t
82 , GL_Posting (Transaction_Posting t)
83 , Data (Transaction_Posting t)
84 , NFData (Transaction_Posting t)
85 , Show (Transaction_Posting t)
86 , MT.Element (Transaction_Postings t) ~ Transaction_Posting t
87 , MT.MonoFoldable (Transaction_Postings t)
88 , Data (GL_Transaction_Line t)
89 , Show (GL_Transaction_Line t)
90 , NFData (GL_Transaction_Line t)
91 ) => GL_Transaction t where
92 type GL_Transaction_Line t
93 gl_transaction_line :: t -> GL_Transaction_Line t
94 -- gl_transaction_postings_filter :: (Transaction_Posting t -> Bool) -> t -> t
96 {- NOTE: not needed so far.
97 instance
98 ( GL_Posting posting
99 , Data posting
100 , Eq posting
101 , Show posting
102 , account ~ Posting_Account posting
103 ) => GL_Transaction (Date, Map account ([] posting))
104 where
105 type Transaction_Posting (Date, Map account ([] posting)) = posting
106 type Transaction_Postings (Date, Map account ([] posting)) = Compose (Map account) []
107 transaction_date = fst
108 transaction_postings = Compose . snd
109 gl_transaction_postings_filter f =
110 fmap $
111 Map.mapMaybe
112 (\p -> case filter f p of
113 [] -> Nothing
114 ps -> Just ps)
115 -}
117 instance
118 ( GL_Posting posting
119 , Data posting
120 , NFData posting
121 , Show posting
122 ) => GL_Transaction (Date, [posting])
123 where
124 type GL_Transaction_Line (Date, [posting]) = (Date, [posting])
125 gl_transaction_line = id
126 -- gl_transaction_postings_filter = fmap . List.filter
128 -- * Type 'GL'
130 newtype GL_Transaction t
131 => GL t
132 = GL (TreeMap (Account_Section (Posting_Account (Transaction_Posting t)))
133 (Map Date (Seq (GL_Line t))))
134 deriving instance -- Data
135 ( GL_Transaction t
136 , Data t
137 ) => Data (GL t)
138 instance -- Monoid
139 GL_Transaction t
140 => Monoid (GL t) where
141 mempty = gl_empty
142 mappend = gl_union
143 instance -- NFData
144 ( GL_Transaction t
145 , NFData t
146 ) => NFData (GL t) where
147 rnf (GL t) = rnf t
148 deriving instance -- Show
149 ( GL_Transaction t
150 , Show t
151 ) => Show (GL t)
152 deriving instance -- Typeable
153 Typeable1 GL
154 -- FIXME: use 'Typeable' when dropping GHC-7.6 support
156 -- ** Type 'GL_Line'
158 data GL_Line transaction
159 = GL_Line
160 { gl_line_transaction :: GL_Transaction_Line transaction
161 , gl_line_posting :: Transaction_Posting transaction
162 , gl_line_sum :: GL_Posting_Quantity (Transaction_Posting transaction)
163 }
164 deriving instance -- Data
165 ( GL_Transaction t
166 , Data t
167 , Typeable t
168 , Typeable1 GL_Line
169 ) => Data (GL_Line t)
170 instance -- NFData
171 ( GL_Transaction t
172 , NFData t
173 ) => NFData (GL_Line t) where
174 rnf GL_Line{..} =
175 rnf gl_line_transaction `seq`
176 rnf gl_line_posting `seq`
177 rnf gl_line_sum
178 deriving instance -- Show
179 ( GL_Transaction t
180 ) => Show (GL_Line t)
181 deriving instance -- Typeable
182 Typeable1 GL_Line
183 -- FIXME: use 'Typeable' when dropping GHC-7.6 support
185 -- ** Constructors
187 gl_empty
188 :: GL_Transaction transaction
189 => GL transaction
190 gl_empty = GL mempty
192 -- | Return the given 'GL'
193 -- updated by the given 'GL_Transaction'.
194 --
195 -- NOTE: to reduce memory consumption when applying 'gl_cons' iteratively,
196 -- the given 'GL' is matched strictly.
197 gl_cons
198 :: GL_Transaction transaction
199 => transaction
200 -> GL transaction
201 -> GL transaction
202 gl_cons t (GL !gl) =
203 GL $
204 MT.ofoldl'
205 (flip $ \p ->
206 let first_line =
207 GL_Line
208 { gl_line_transaction = gl_transaction_line t
209 , gl_line_posting = p
210 , gl_line_sum = gl_posting_quantity p
211 } in
212 let single =
213 Map.singleton (transaction_date t) $
214 Seq.singleton first_line in
215 TreeMap.insert
216 (\_new old ->
217 let (nlt, leq, neq, ngt) =
218 case Map.splitLookup (transaction_date t) old of
219 (olt, Nothing, ogt) | Map.null olt ->
220 (olt, first_line, Seq.singleton first_line, ogt)
221 (olt, Nothing, ogt) ->
222 let line =
223 case Seq.viewr $ snd $ Map.findMax olt of
224 (_:>GL_Line{gl_line_sum = s}) ->
225 first_line{gl_line_sum = quantity_add s $ gl_posting_quantity p}
226 _ -> first_line
227 in (olt, line, Seq.singleton line, ogt)
228 (olt, Just oeq, ogt) ->
229 case Seq.viewr oeq of
230 (_:>GL_Line{gl_line_sum = s}) ->
231 let line = first_line{gl_line_sum = quantity_add s $ gl_posting_quantity p} in
232 (olt, line, oeq |> line, ogt)
233 _ -> (olt, first_line, Seq.singleton first_line, ogt)
234 in
235 Map.union nlt $
236 Map.insert (transaction_date t) neq $
237 Map.map
238 (fmap (\l -> l{gl_line_sum =
239 quantity_add (gl_line_sum leq) $ gl_line_sum l}))
240 ngt
241 )
242 (account_path $ posting_account p)
243 single
244 )
245 gl
246 (transaction_postings t)
248 gl_union
249 :: GL_Transaction transaction
250 => GL transaction
251 -> GL transaction
252 -> GL transaction
253 gl_union (GL x) (GL y) =
254 GL $ TreeMap.union (Map.unionWith mappend) x y
256 -- * Type 'GL_Expanded'
258 -- | Descending propagation of 'Amount's accross 'Account's.
259 newtype GL_Transaction transaction
260 => GL_Expanded transaction
261 = GL_Expanded (TreeMap (Account_Section (Posting_Account (Transaction_Posting transaction)))
262 (GL_Expanded_Line transaction))
264 -- ** Type 'GL_Expanded_Line'
266 -- |
267 -- * 'Strict.exclusive': contains the original 'GL_Line's.
268 -- * 'Strict.inclusive': contains 'quantity_add' folded
269 -- over 'Strict.exclusive' and 'Strict.inclusive'
270 -- of 'TreeMap.node_descendants'
271 type GL_Expanded_Line transaction
272 = Strict.Clusive (Map Date (Seq (GL_Line transaction)))
274 -- | Return the given 'GL' with:
275 --
276 -- * all missing 'Account.parent' 'Account's inserted;
277 -- * and every mapped 'GL_Line'
278 -- added with any 'GL_Line'
279 -- of the 'Account's for which it is 'Account.parent'.
280 gl_expanded
281 :: GL_Transaction transaction
282 => GL transaction
283 -> GL_Expanded transaction
284 gl_expanded (GL gl) =
285 let from_value =
286 Strict.fromMaybe (assert False undefined) .
287 TreeMap.node_value in
288 GL_Expanded $
289 TreeMap.map_by_depth_first
290 (\(TreeMap nodes) value ->
291 let exclusive = Strict.fromMaybe Map.empty value in
292 Strict.Clusive
293 { Strict.exclusive
294 , Strict.inclusive =
295 getCompose $
296 snd $
297 Traversable.mapAccumL -- NOTE: recalc 'gl_line_sum's
298 (\may_sum line ->
299 let amts = gl_posting_quantity $ gl_line_posting line in
300 case may_sum of
301 Nothing -> (Just amts, line)
302 Just last_sum ->
303 let new_sum = quantity_add last_sum amts in
304 ( Just new_sum
305 , line{gl_line_sum=new_sum} )
306 ) Nothing $
307 Compose $
308 Map.foldr
309 (Map.unionWith (flip (><)) . Strict.inclusive . from_value)
310 exclusive nodes
311 })
312 gl