]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - lib/Hcompta/Polarize.hs
Adapte hcompta-jcc.
[comptalang.git] / lib / Hcompta / Polarize.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
5 module Hcompta.Polarize where
7 import Control.DeepSeq
8 import Data.Data (Data)
9 import Data.Decimal (Decimal)
10 import Data.Eq (Eq)
11 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
12 import Data.Functor (Functor, (<$>))
13 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
14 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
15 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
16 import Data.Typeable
17 import Prelude (Integer, seq)
18 import Text.Show (Show)
20 import Hcompta.Quantity
22 -- * Type 'Polarized'
24 -- | Polarize a 'Quantity' to distinctively keep track
25 -- of negative and positive 'Quantity's.
26 data Polarized q
27 = Polarized_Negative !q
28 | Polarized_Positive !q
29 | Polarized_Both !q !q
30 deriving (Data, Eq, Functor, Show, Typeable)
31 instance -- NFData
32 NFData q
33 => NFData (Polarized q) where
34 rnf (Polarized_Negative n) = rnf n
35 rnf (Polarized_Positive p) = rnf p
36 rnf (Polarized_Both n p) = rnf n `seq` rnf p
37 instance -- Zero
38 ( Zero q
39 , Addable q
40 ) => Zero (Polarized q) where
41 quantity_zero = Polarized_Positive quantity_zero
42 quantity_null qty =
43 case qty of
44 Polarized_Negative n -> quantity_null n
45 Polarized_Positive p -> quantity_null p
46 Polarized_Both n p -> quantity_null (quantity_add n p)
47 instance -- Addable
48 Addable q
49 => Addable (Polarized q) where
50 quantity_add a0 a1 =
51 case (a0, a1) of
52 (Polarized_Negative n0, Polarized_Negative n1) -> Polarized_Negative (quantity_add n0 n1)
53 (Polarized_Negative n , Polarized_Positive p) -> Polarized_Both n p
54 (Polarized_Negative n0, Polarized_Both n1 p) -> Polarized_Both (quantity_add n0 n1) p
56 (Polarized_Positive p , Polarized_Negative n) -> Polarized_Both n p
57 (Polarized_Positive p0, Polarized_Positive p1) -> Polarized_Positive (quantity_add p0 p1)
58 (Polarized_Positive p , Polarized_Both n1 p1) -> Polarized_Both n1 (quantity_add p p1)
60 (Polarized_Both n0 p0, Polarized_Negative n) -> Polarized_Both (quantity_add n0 n) p0
61 (Polarized_Both n0 p0, Polarized_Positive p1) -> Polarized_Both n0 (quantity_add p0 p1)
62 (Polarized_Both n0 p0, Polarized_Both n1 p1) -> Polarized_Both (quantity_add n0 n1) (quantity_add p0 p1)
63 instance -- Negable
64 Negable q
65 => Negable (Polarized q) where
66 quantity_neg qty =
67 case qty of
68 Polarized_Negative n -> Polarized_Positive (quantity_neg n)
69 Polarized_Positive p -> Polarized_Negative (quantity_neg p)
70 Polarized_Both n p -> Polarized_Both (quantity_neg p) (quantity_neg n)
72 polarized_negative :: Polarized q -> Maybe q
73 polarized_negative qty =
74 case qty of
75 Polarized_Negative n -> Just n
76 Polarized_Positive _ -> Nothing
77 Polarized_Both n _ -> Just n
78 polarized_positive :: Polarized q -> Maybe q
79 polarized_positive qty =
80 case qty of
81 Polarized_Negative _ -> Nothing
82 Polarized_Positive p -> Just p
83 Polarized_Both _ p -> Just p
85 -- * Class 'Polarizable'
87 class Polarizable q where
88 polarizable_negative :: q -> Maybe q
89 polarizable_positive :: q -> Maybe q
90 instance Polarizable Integer where
91 polarizable_negative q =
92 case q of
93 _ | q < 0 -> Just q
94 _ -> Nothing
95 polarizable_positive q =
96 case q of
97 _ | q <= 0 -> Nothing
98 _ -> Just q
99 instance Polarizable Decimal where
100 polarizable_negative q =
101 case q of
102 _ | q < 0 -> Just q
103 _ -> Nothing
104 polarizable_positive q =
105 case q of
106 _ | q <= 0 -> Nothing
107 _ -> Just q
108 instance -- Polarized
109 Polarizable q
110 => Polarizable (Polarized q) where
111 polarizable_negative qty =
112 case qty of
113 Polarized_Negative _ -> Just qty
114 Polarized_Positive _ -> Nothing
115 Polarized_Both n _ -> Just (Polarized_Negative n)
116 polarizable_positive qty =
117 case qty of
118 Polarized_Negative _ -> Nothing
119 Polarized_Positive _ -> Just qty
120 Polarized_Both _ p -> Just (Polarized_Positive p)
121 instance -- Map unit quantity
122 ( Polarizable quantity
123 , Data unit
124 , Ord unit
125 , Show unit
126 ) => Polarizable (Map unit quantity) where
127 polarizable_positive q =
128 case Map.mapMaybe polarizable_positive q of
129 m | Map.null m -> Nothing
130 m -> Just m
131 polarizable_negative q =
132 case Map.mapMaybe polarizable_negative q of
133 m | Map.null m -> Nothing
134 m -> Just m
135 instance -- (unit, quantity)
136 ( Polarizable quantity
137 ) => Polarizable (unit, quantity) where
138 polarizable_positive (u, q) = (u,) <$> polarizable_positive q
139 polarizable_negative (u, q) = (u,) <$> polarizable_negative q
141 polarize
142 :: Polarizable q
143 => q -> Polarized q
144 polarize qty =
145 case ( polarizable_negative qty
146 , polarizable_positive qty ) of
147 (Just n, Nothing) -> Polarized_Negative n
148 (Nothing, Just p) -> Polarized_Positive p
149 (Just n, Just p) -> Polarized_Both n p
150 (Nothing, Nothing) -> Polarized_Both qty qty
151 depolarize
152 :: Addable q
153 => Polarized q -> q
154 depolarize qty =
155 case qty of
156 Polarized_Negative n -> n
157 Polarized_Positive p -> p
158 Polarized_Both n p -> quantity_add n p