]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - lcc/Hcompta/LCC/Sym/Amount.hs
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[comptalang.git] / lcc / Hcompta / LCC / Sym / Amount.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
3 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
4 -- | Symantic for 'Amount'.
5 module Hcompta.LCC.Sym.Amount where
7 import Data.Bool (Bool(..), not)
8 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
9 import Data.Function (($))
10 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
11 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
12 import Text.Show (Show(..))
13 import qualified Data.Char as Char
14 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
15 import qualified Data.Strict as S
16 import qualified Data.Text as Text
17 import qualified Language.Symantic.Typing as Sym
19 import Language.Symantic
20 import Language.Symantic.Lib ()
22 import Hcompta (Addable, Negable, Subable)
23 import Hcompta.LCC.Amount as LCC
24 import Hcompta.LCC.Sym.Quantity
25 import Hcompta.LCC.Sym.Unit
26 import Hcompta.LCC.Sym.Negable
28 -- * Class 'Sym_Amounts'
29 type instance Sym Amounts = Sym_Amounts
30 class (Sym_Unit term, Sym_Negable term) => Sym_Amounts term where
31 amounts :: term Unit -> term Quantity -> term Amounts
32 default amounts :: Sym_Amounts (UnT term) => Trans term => term Unit -> term Quantity -> term Amounts
33 amounts = trans2 amounts
35 instance Sym_Amounts Eval where
36 amounts = eval2 (\u q -> Amounts $ Map.singleton u q)
37 instance Sym_Amounts View where
38 amounts (View u) (View q) = View $ \p v ->
39 q p v <> u p v
40 {-
41 TL.toStrict $
42 W.displayT $
43 W.renderCompact False $
44 LCC.write_amount (amount_style, amounts u q)
45 -}
46 instance (Sym_Amounts r1, Sym_Amounts r2) => Sym_Amounts (Dup r1 r2) where
47 amounts = dup2 @Sym_Amounts amounts
48 instance (Sym_Amounts term, Sym_Lambda term) => Sym_Amounts (BetaT term)
50 instance NameTyOf Amounts where
51 nameTyOf _c = ["Amount"] `Mod` "Amounts"
52 instance ClassInstancesFor Amounts where
53 proveConstraintFor _ (TyApp _ (TyConst _ _ q) c)
54 | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @(K Amounts) @Amounts c
55 = case () of
56 _ | Just Refl <- proj_Const @Addable q -> Just Dict
57 | Just Refl <- proj_Const @Eq q -> Just Dict
58 | Just Refl <- proj_Const @Negable q -> Just Dict
59 | Just Refl <- proj_Const @Show q -> Just Dict
60 | Just Refl <- proj_Const @Subable q -> Just Dict
61 _ -> Nothing
62 proveConstraintFor _c _q = Nothing
63 instance TypeInstancesFor Amounts
65 instance Gram_Term_AtomsFor meta ss g Amounts
66 instance (Source src, SymInj ss Amounts, SymInj ss Unit) => ModuleFor src ss Amounts where
67 moduleFor = ["Amount"] `moduleWhere`
68 [ NameTe n `WithFixity` Fixity1 (mkFixy side 10) := mkAmount nega u
69 | (u, style_amount_unit_side -> S.Just side) <-
70 Map.toList $
71 LCC.unStyle_Amounts LCC.style_amounts
72 , let Unit tu = u
73 , not (Text.null tu)
74 , (n, nega) <-
75 if isOp tu
76 then [(tu, False)]
77 else case side of
78 LCC.L -> [("-"<>tu, True), (tu, False), (tu<>"-", True)]
79 LCC.R -> [(tu, False)]
80 ]
81 where
82 isOp = Text.all $ \case '_' -> True; '\'' -> True; c -> Char.isAlphaNum c
83 mkFixy LCC.L = Prefix
84 mkFixy LCC.R = Postfix
85 mkAmount :: Source src => SymInj ss Amounts => Bool -> Unit -> Term src ss ts '[] (() #> (Quantity -> Amounts))
86 mkAmount True u = Term noConstraint (tyQuantity ~> tyAmounts) $ teSym @Amounts $ lam1 $ \q -> amounts (unit u) (neg q)
87 mkAmount False u = Term noConstraint (tyQuantity ~> tyAmounts) $ teSym @Amounts $ lam1 $ \q -> amounts (unit u) q
89 tyAmounts :: Source src => LenInj vs => Type src vs Amounts
90 tyAmounts = tyConst @(K Amounts) @Amounts
92 teAmount :: TermDef Amounts '[] (() #> (Unit -> Quantity -> Amounts))
93 teAmount = Term noConstraint (tyUnit ~> tyQuantity ~> tyAmounts) $ teSym @Amounts $ lam2 amounts