]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - lib/Hcompta/Lib/TreeMap.hs
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[comptalang.git] / lib / Hcompta / Lib / TreeMap.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
4 -- | This module implements a strict 'TreeMap',
5 -- which is like a 'Map'
6 -- but whose key is now a 'NonEmpty' list of 'Map' keys (a 'Path')
7 -- enabling the possibility to gather mapped values
8 -- by 'Path' prefixes (inside a 'Node').
9 module Hcompta.Lib.TreeMap where
11 import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
12 -- import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
13 import Data.Data (Data)
14 -- import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
15 import qualified Data.List
16 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty
17 import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
18 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Data.Map
19 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
20 -- import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
21 import qualified Data.Strict.Maybe as Strict
22 -- import Data.Traversable (Traversable(..))
23 import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
24 import Prelude hiding (filter, null, reverse)
26 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Strict as Strict ()
28 -- * Type 'TreeMap'
30 newtype TreeMap k x
31 = TreeMap (Map k (Node k x))
32 deriving (Data, Eq, Read, Show, Typeable)
34 instance (Ord k, Monoid v) => Monoid (TreeMap k v) where
35 mempty = empty
36 mappend = union mappend
37 -- mconcat = Data.List.foldr mappend mempty
38 instance Ord k => Functor (TreeMap k) where
39 fmap f (TreeMap m) = TreeMap $ fmap (fmap f) m
40 instance Ord k => Foldable (TreeMap k) where
41 foldMap f (TreeMap m) = foldMap (foldMap f) m
42 instance Ord k => Traversable (TreeMap k) where
43 traverse f (TreeMap m) = TreeMap <$> traverse (traverse f) m
44 instance (Ord k, NFData k, NFData x) => NFData (TreeMap k x) where
45 rnf (TreeMap m) = rnf m
47 -- * Type 'Path'
49 -- | A 'Path' is a non-empty list of 'Map' keys.
50 type Path k = NonEmpty k
52 path :: k -> [k] -> Path k
53 path = (:|)
55 list :: Path k -> [k]
56 list = Data.List.NonEmpty.toList
58 reverse :: Path k -> Path k
59 reverse = Data.List.NonEmpty.reverse
61 -- * Type 'Node'
62 data Ord k
63 => Node k x
64 = Node
65 { node_size :: !Int -- ^ The number of non-'Strict.Nothing' 'node_value's reachable from this 'Node'.
66 , node_value :: !(Strict.Maybe x) -- ^ Some value, or 'Strict.Nothing' if this 'Node' is intermediary.
67 , node_descendants :: !(TreeMap k x) -- ^ Descendants 'Node's.
68 } deriving (Data, Eq, Read, Show, Typeable)
71 instance (Ord k, Monoid v) => Monoid (Node k v) where
72 mempty =
73 Node
74 { node_value = Strict.Nothing
75 , node_size = 0
76 , node_descendants = TreeMap mempty
77 }
78 mappend
79 Node{node_value=x0, node_descendants=m0}
80 Node{node_value=x1, node_descendants=m1} =
81 let m = union const m0 m1 in
82 let x = x0 `mappend` x1 in
83 Node
84 { node_value = x
85 , node_size = size m + Strict.maybe 0 (const 1) x
86 , node_descendants = union const m0 m1
87 }
88 -- mconcat = Data.List.foldr mappend mempty
89 instance Ord k => Functor (Node k) where
90 fmap f Node{node_value=x, node_descendants=m, node_size} =
91 Node
92 { node_value = fmap f x
93 , node_descendants = Hcompta.Lib.TreeMap.map f m
94 , node_size
95 }
96 instance Ord k => Foldable (Node k) where
97 foldMap f Node{node_value=Strict.Nothing, node_descendants=TreeMap m} =
98 foldMap (foldMap f) m
99 foldMap f Node{node_value=Strict.Just x, node_descendants=TreeMap m} =
100 f x `mappend` foldMap (foldMap f) m
101 instance Ord k => Traversable (Node k) where
102 traverse f Node{node_value=Strict.Nothing, node_descendants=TreeMap m, node_size} =
103 Node node_size <$> pure Strict.Nothing <*> (TreeMap <$> traverse (traverse f) m)
104 traverse f Node{node_value=Strict.Just x, node_descendants=TreeMap m, node_size} =
105 Node node_size <$> (Strict.Just <$> f x) <*> (TreeMap <$> traverse (traverse f) m)
106 instance (Ord k, NFData k, NFData x) => NFData (Node k x) where
107 rnf (Node s v d) = rnf s `seq` rnf v `seq` rnf d
109 -- * Construct
111 -- | Return the empty 'TreeMap'.
112 empty :: TreeMap k x
113 empty = TreeMap Data.Map.empty
115 -- | Return a 'TreeMap' only mapping the given 'Path' to the given value.
116 singleton :: Ord k => Path k -> x -> TreeMap k x
117 singleton ks x = insert const ks x empty
119 -- | Return a 'Node' only containing the given value.
120 leaf :: Ord k => x -> Node k x
121 leaf x =
122 Node
123 { node_value = Strict.Just x
124 , node_descendants = empty
125 , node_size = 1
126 }
128 -- | Return the given 'TreeMap' associating the given 'Path' with the given value,
129 -- merging values if the given 'TreeMap' already associates the given 'Path'
130 -- with a non-'Strict.Nothing' 'node_value'.
131 insert :: Ord k => (x -> x -> x) -> Path k -> x -> TreeMap k x -> TreeMap k x
132 insert merge (k:|[]) x (TreeMap m) =
133 TreeMap $
134 Data.Map.insertWith
135 (\_ Node{node_value = x1, node_descendants = m1, node_size = s1} ->
136 Node
137 { node_value = Strict.maybe (Strict.Just x) (Strict.Just . merge x) x1
138 , node_descendants = m1
139 , node_size = Strict.maybe (s1 + 1) (const s1) x1
140 })
141 k (leaf x) m
142 insert merge (k:|k':ks) x (TreeMap m) =
143 TreeMap $
144 Data.Map.insertWith
145 (\_ Node{node_value = x1, node_descendants = m1} ->
146 let m' = insert merge (path k' ks) x $ m1 in
147 let s' = size m' + Strict.maybe 0 (const 1) x1 in
148 Node{node_value=x1, node_descendants=m', node_size=s'})
149 k
150 (Node
151 { node_value = Strict.Nothing
152 , node_descendants = insert merge (path k' ks) x empty
153 , node_size = 1
154 })
155 m
157 -- | Return a 'TreeMap' associating for each tuple of the given list
158 -- the 'Path' to the value,
159 -- merging values of identical 'Path's (in respective order).
160 from_List :: Ord k => (x -> x -> x) -> [(Path k, x)] -> TreeMap k x
161 from_List merge = Data.List.foldl (\acc (p, x) -> insert merge p x acc) empty
163 -- | Return a 'TreeMap' associating for each key and value of the given 'Map'
164 -- the 'Path' to the value,
165 -- merging values of identical 'Path's (in respective order).
166 from_Map :: Ord k => (x -> x -> x) -> Map (Path k) x -> TreeMap k x
167 from_Map merge = Data.Map.foldlWithKey (\acc p x -> insert merge p x acc) empty
169 -- * Size
171 -- | Return the 'Map' in the given 'TreeMap'.
172 nodes :: TreeMap k x -> Map k (Node k x)
173 nodes (TreeMap m) = m
175 -- | Return 'True' iif. the given 'TreeMap' is 'empty'.
176 null :: TreeMap k x -> Bool
177 null (TreeMap m) = Data.Map.null m
179 -- | Return the number of non-'Strict.Nothing' 'node_value's in the given 'TreeMap'.
180 --
181 -- * Complexity: O(r) where r is the size of the root 'Map'.
182 size :: Ord k => TreeMap k x -> Int
183 size = Data.Map.foldr ((+) . node_size) 0 . nodes
185 -- * Find
187 -- | Return the value (if any) associated with the given 'Path'.
188 find :: Ord k => Path k -> TreeMap k x -> Strict.Maybe x
189 find (k:|[]) (TreeMap m) = maybe Strict.Nothing node_value $ Data.Map.lookup k m
190 find (k:|k':ks) (TreeMap m) =
191 maybe Strict.Nothing (find (path k' ks) . node_descendants) $
192 Data.Map.lookup k m
194 -- * Union
196 -- | Return a 'TreeMap' associating the same 'Path's as both given 'TreeMap's,
197 -- merging values (in respective order) when a 'Path' leads
198 -- to a non-'Strict.Nothing' 'node_value' in both given 'TreeMap's.
199 union :: Ord k => (x -> x -> x) -> TreeMap k x -> TreeMap k x -> TreeMap k x
200 union merge (TreeMap tm0) (TreeMap tm1) =
201 TreeMap $
202 Data.Map.unionWith
203 (\Node{node_value=x0, node_descendants=m0}
204 Node{node_value=x1, node_descendants=m1} ->
205 let m = union merge m0 m1 in
206 let x = Strict.maybe x1 (\x0' -> Strict.maybe (Strict.Just x0') (Strict.Just . merge x0') x1) x0 in
207 Node
208 { node_value = x
209 , node_descendants = m
210 , node_size = size m + Strict.maybe 0 (const 1) x
211 })
212 tm0 tm1
214 -- | Return the 'union' of the given 'TreeMap's.
215 --
216 -- NOTE: use 'Data.List.foldl'' to reduce demand on the control-stack.
217 unions :: Ord k => (x -> x -> x) -> [TreeMap k x] -> TreeMap k x
218 unions merge = Data.List.foldl' (union merge) empty
220 -- foldl' :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
221 -- foldl' f = go
222 -- where
223 -- go z [] = z
224 -- go z (x:xs) = z `seq` go (f z x) xs
226 -- * Map
228 -- | Return the given 'TreeMap' with each non-'Strict.Nothing' 'node_value'
229 -- mapped by the given function.
230 map :: Ord k => (x -> y) -> TreeMap k x -> TreeMap k y
231 map f =
232 TreeMap .
233 Data.Map.map
234 (\n@Node{node_value=x, node_descendants=m} ->
235 n{ node_value=Strict.maybe Strict.Nothing (Strict.Just . f) x
236 , node_descendants=Hcompta.Lib.TreeMap.map f m
237 }) .
238 nodes
240 -- | Return the given 'TreeMap' with each 'node_value'
241 -- mapped by the given function supplied with
242 -- the already mapped 'node_descendants' of the current 'Node'.
243 map_by_depth_first :: Ord k => (TreeMap k y -> Strict.Maybe x -> y) -> TreeMap k x -> TreeMap k y
244 map_by_depth_first f =
245 TreeMap .
246 Data.Map.map
247 (\Node{node_value, node_descendants} ->
248 let m = map_by_depth_first f node_descendants in
249 Node
250 { node_value = Strict.Just $ f m node_value
251 , node_descendants = m
252 , node_size = size m + 1
253 }) .
254 nodes
256 -- * Alter
258 alterl_path :: Ord k => (Strict.Maybe x -> Strict.Maybe x) -> Path k -> TreeMap k x -> TreeMap k x
259 alterl_path fct =
260 go fct . list
261 where
262 go :: Ord k
263 => (Strict.Maybe x -> Strict.Maybe x) -> [k]
264 -> TreeMap k x -> TreeMap k x
265 go _f [] m = m
266 go f (k:p) (TreeMap m) =
267 TreeMap $
268 Data.Map.alter
269 (\c ->
270 let (cv, cm) =
271 case c of
272 Just Node{node_value=v, node_descendants=d} -> (v, d)
273 Nothing -> (Strict.Nothing, empty) in
274 let fx = f cv in
275 let gm = go f p cm in
276 case (fx, size gm) of
277 (Strict.Nothing, 0) -> Nothing
278 (_, s) -> Just
279 Node
280 { node_value = fx
281 , node_descendants = gm
282 , node_size = s + 1
283 }
284 ) k m
286 -- * Fold
288 -- | Return the given accumulator folded by the given function
289 -- applied on non-'Strict.Nothing' 'node_value's
290 -- from left to right through the given 'TreeMap'.
291 foldl_with_Path :: Ord k => (a -> Path k -> x -> a) -> a -> TreeMap k x -> a
292 foldl_with_Path =
293 foldp []
294 where
295 foldp :: Ord k
296 => [k] -> (a -> Path k -> x -> a)
297 -> a -> TreeMap k x -> a
298 foldp p fct a (TreeMap m) =
299 Data.Map.foldlWithKey
300 (\acc k Node{node_value, node_descendants} ->
301 let acc' = Strict.maybe acc (fct acc (reverse $ path k p)) node_value in
302 foldp (k:p) fct acc' node_descendants) a m
304 -- | Return the given accumulator folded by the given function
305 -- applied on non-'Strict.Nothing' 'Node's and 'node_value's
306 -- from left to right through the given 'TreeMap'.
307 foldl_with_Path_and_Node :: Ord k => (a -> Node k x -> Path k -> x -> a) -> a -> TreeMap k x -> a
308 foldl_with_Path_and_Node =
309 foldp []
310 where
311 foldp :: Ord k
312 => [k] -> (a -> Node k x -> Path k -> x -> a)
313 -> a -> TreeMap k x -> a
314 foldp p fct a (TreeMap m) =
315 Data.Map.foldlWithKey
316 (\acc k n@Node{node_value, node_descendants} ->
317 let acc' = Strict.maybe acc (fct acc n (reverse $ path k p)) node_value in
318 foldp (k:p) fct acc' node_descendants) a m
320 -- | Return the given accumulator folded by the given function
321 -- applied on non-'Strict.Nothing' 'node_value's
322 -- from right to left through the given 'TreeMap'.
323 foldr_with_Path :: Ord k => (Path k -> x -> a -> a) -> a -> TreeMap k x -> a
324 foldr_with_Path =
325 foldp []
326 where
327 foldp :: Ord k
328 => [k] -> (Path k -> x -> a -> a)
329 -> a -> TreeMap k x -> a
330 foldp p fct a (TreeMap m) =
331 Data.Map.foldrWithKey
332 (\k Node{node_value, node_descendants} acc ->
333 let acc' = foldp (k:p) fct acc node_descendants in
334 Strict.maybe acc' (\x -> fct (reverse $ path k p) x acc') node_value) a m
336 -- | Return the given accumulator folded by the given function
337 -- applied on non-'Strict.Nothing' 'Node's and 'node_value's
338 -- from right to left through the given 'TreeMap'.
339 foldr_with_Path_and_Node :: Ord k => (Node k x -> Path k -> x -> a -> a) -> a -> TreeMap k x -> a
340 foldr_with_Path_and_Node =
341 foldp []
342 where
343 foldp :: Ord k
344 => [k] -> (Node k x -> Path k -> x -> a -> a)
345 -> a -> TreeMap k x -> a
346 foldp p fct a (TreeMap m) =
347 Data.Map.foldrWithKey
348 (\k n@Node{node_value, node_descendants} acc ->
349 let acc' = foldp (k:p) fct acc node_descendants in
350 Strict.maybe acc' (\x -> fct n (reverse $ path k p) x acc') node_value) a m
352 -- | Return the given accumulator folded by the given function
353 -- applied on non-'Strict.Nothing' 'node_value's
354 -- from left to right along the given 'Path'.
355 foldl_path :: Ord k => (Path k -> x -> a -> a) -> Path k -> TreeMap k x -> a -> a
356 foldl_path fct =
357 go fct [] . list
358 where
359 go :: Ord k
360 => (Path k -> x -> a -> a) -> [k] -> [k]
361 -> TreeMap k x -> a -> a
362 go _f _ [] _t a = a
363 go f p (k:n) (TreeMap t) a =
364 case Data.Map.lookup k t of
365 Nothing -> a
366 Just Node{node_value=v, node_descendants=d} ->
367 case v of
368 Strict.Nothing -> go f (k:p) n d a
369 Strict.Just x -> go f (k:p) n d (f (reverse $ path k p) x a)
371 -- | Return the given accumulator folded by the given function
372 -- applied on non-'Strict.Nothing' 'node_value's
373 -- from right to left along the given 'Path'.
374 foldr_path :: Ord k => (Path k -> x -> a -> a) -> Path k -> TreeMap k x -> a -> a
375 foldr_path fct =
376 go fct [] . list
377 where
378 go :: Ord k
379 => (Path k -> x -> a -> a) -> [k] -> [k]
380 -> TreeMap k x -> a -> a
381 go _f _ [] _t a = a
382 go f p (k:n) (TreeMap t) a =
383 case Data.Map.lookup k t of
384 Nothing -> a
385 Just Node{node_value=v, node_descendants=d} ->
386 case v of
387 Strict.Nothing -> go f (k:p) n d a
388 Strict.Just x -> f (reverse $ path k p) x $ go f (k:p) n d a
390 -- * Flatten
392 -- | Return a 'Map' associating each 'Path'
393 -- leading to a non-'Strict.Nothing' 'node_value' in the given 'TreeMap',
394 -- with its value mapped by the given function.
395 flatten :: Ord k => (x -> y) -> TreeMap k x -> Map (Path k) y
396 flatten = flatten_with_Path . const
398 -- | Like 'flatten' but with also the current 'Path' given to the mapping function.
399 flatten_with_Path :: Ord k => (Path k -> x -> y) -> TreeMap k x -> Map (Path k) y
400 flatten_with_Path =
401 flat_map []
402 where
403 flat_map :: Ord k
404 => [k] -> (Path k -> x -> y)
405 -> TreeMap k x
406 -> Map (Path k) y
407 flat_map p f (TreeMap m) =
408 Data.Map.unions $
409 (
410 Data.Map.mapKeysMonotonic (reverse . flip path p) $
411 Data.Map.mapMaybeWithKey (\k Node{node_value} ->
412 case node_value of
413 Strict.Nothing -> Nothing
414 Strict.Just x -> Just $ f (reverse $ path k p) x) m
415 ) :
416 Data.Map.foldrWithKey
417 (\k -> (:) . flat_map (k:p) f . node_descendants)
418 [] m
420 -- * Filter
422 -- | Return the given 'TreeMap'
423 -- keeping only its non-'Strict.Nothing' 'node_value's
424 -- passing the given predicate.
425 filter :: Ord k => (x -> Bool) -> TreeMap k x -> TreeMap k x
426 filter f =
427 map_Maybe_with_Path
428 (\_p x -> if f x then Strict.Just x else Strict.Nothing)
430 -- | Like 'filter' but with also the current 'Path' given to the predicate.
431 filter_with_Path :: Ord k => (Path k -> x -> Bool) -> TreeMap k x -> TreeMap k x
432 filter_with_Path f =
433 map_Maybe_with_Path
434 (\p x -> if f p x then Strict.Just x else Strict.Nothing)
436 -- | Like 'filter_with_Path' but with also the current 'Node' given to the predicate.
437 filter_with_Path_and_Node :: Ord k => (Node k x -> Path k -> x -> Bool) -> TreeMap k x -> TreeMap k x
438 filter_with_Path_and_Node f =
439 map_Maybe_with_Path_and_Node
440 (\n p x -> if f n p x then Strict.Just x else Strict.Nothing)
442 -- | Return the given 'TreeMap'
443 -- mapping its non-'Strict.Nothing' 'node_value's
444 -- and keeping only the non-'Strict.Nothing' results.
445 map_Maybe :: Ord k => (x -> Strict.Maybe y) -> TreeMap k x -> TreeMap k y
446 map_Maybe = map_Maybe_with_Path . const
448 -- | Like 'map_Maybe' but with also the current 'Path' given to the predicate.
449 map_Maybe_with_Path :: Ord k => (Path k -> x -> Strict.Maybe y) -> TreeMap k x -> TreeMap k y
450 map_Maybe_with_Path = map_Maybe_with_Path_and_Node . const
452 -- | Like 'map_Maybe_with_Path' but with also the current 'Node' given to the predicate.
453 map_Maybe_with_Path_and_Node :: Ord k => (Node k x -> Path k -> x -> Strict.Maybe y) -> TreeMap k x -> TreeMap k y
454 map_Maybe_with_Path_and_Node =
455 go []
456 where
457 go :: Ord k
458 => [k] -> (Node k x -> Path k -> x -> Strict.Maybe y)
459 -> TreeMap k x
460 -> TreeMap k y
461 go p test (TreeMap m) =
462 TreeMap $
463 Data.Map.mapMaybeWithKey
464 (\k node@Node{node_value=v, node_descendants=ns} ->
465 let node_descendants = go (k:p) test ns in
466 let node_size = size node_descendants in
467 case v of
468 Strict.Just x ->
469 let node_value = test node (reverse $ path k p) x in
470 case node_value of
471 Strict.Nothing | null node_descendants -> Nothing
472 Strict.Nothing -> Just Node{node_value, node_descendants, node_size=1 + node_size}
473 Strict.Just _ -> Just Node{node_value, node_descendants, node_size}
474 _ ->
475 if null node_descendants
476 then Nothing
477 else Just Node{node_value=Strict.Nothing, node_descendants, node_size}
478 ) m