]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - lib/Hcompta/Balance.hs
Renommage : Filter.Test_* -> Filter.Filter_*.
[comptalang.git] / lib / Hcompta / Balance.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
7 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecations #-} -- FIXME: to be removed when dropping GHC-7.6 support
8 module Hcompta.Balance where
10 import Control.Exception (assert)
11 import Data.Data
12 import qualified Data.Foldable
13 -- import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
14 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Data.Map
15 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
16 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
17 import Data.Typeable ()
19 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Foldable as Lib.Foldable
20 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.TreeMap as Lib.TreeMap
21 import Hcompta.Lib.TreeMap (TreeMap)
22 import qualified Hcompta.Account as Account
23 import Hcompta.Account (Account)
25 -- * Requirements' interface
27 -- ** Class 'Amount'
28 class
29 ( Data (Amount_Unit a)
30 , Ord (Amount_Unit a)
31 , Show (Amount_Unit a)
32 , Typeable (Amount_Unit a)
33 ) => Amount a where
34 type Amount_Unit a
35 amount_null :: a -> Bool
36 amount_add :: a -> a -> a
37 amount_negate :: a -> a
39 -- ** Class 'Posting'
41 -- | A 'posting' used to produce a 'Balance'
42 -- must be an instance of this class.
43 class Amount (Posting_Amount p) => Posting p where
44 type Posting_Amount p
45 posting_account :: p -> Account
46 posting_amounts :: p -> Map (Amount_Unit (Posting_Amount p)) (Posting_Amount p)
47 posting_set_amounts :: Map (Amount_Unit (Posting_Amount p)) (Posting_Amount p) -> p -> p
49 instance (Amount amount, unit ~ Amount_Unit amount)
50 => Posting (Account, Map unit amount)
51 where
52 type Posting_Amount (Account, Map unit amount) = amount
53 posting_account = fst
54 posting_amounts = snd
55 posting_set_amounts amounts (acct, _) = (acct, amounts)
57 -- * Type 'Balance'
59 -- | Sum by 'Account' and sum by 'unit' of some 'Posting's.
60 data Amount amount => Balance amount
61 = Balance
62 { balance_by_account :: Balance_by_Account amount (Amount_Unit amount)
63 , balance_by_unit :: Balance_by_Unit amount (Amount_Unit amount)
64 }
65 deriving instance ( Amount amount
66 , Data amount
67 ) => Data (Balance amount)
68 deriving instance ( Amount amount
69 , Eq amount
70 ) => Eq (Balance amount)
71 deriving instance ( Amount amount
72 , Show amount
73 ) => Show (Balance amount)
74 deriving instance Typeable1 Balance
75 -- FIXME: use 'Typeable' when dropping GHC-7.6 support
77 type Balance_by_Account amount unit
78 = TreeMap Account.Name
79 (Account_Sum amount unit)
81 -- | A sum of 'amount's,
82 -- concerning a single 'Account'.
83 type Account_Sum amount unit
84 = Data.Map.Map unit amount
86 type Balance_by_Unit amount unit
87 = Map unit (Unit_Sum amount)
89 -- | A sum of 'amount's with their 'Account's involved,
90 -- concerning a single 'unit'.
91 data Unit_Sum amount
92 = Unit_Sum
93 { unit_sum_amount :: amount -- ^ The sum of 'amount's for a single 'unit'.
94 , unit_sum_accounts :: Map Account () -- ^ The 'Account's involved to build 'unit_sum_amount'.
95 } deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
97 -- ** Constructors
99 nil :: Amount amount => Balance amount
100 nil =
101 Balance
102 { balance_by_account = Lib.TreeMap.empty
103 , balance_by_unit = Data.Map.empty
104 }
106 -- | Return the given 'Balance'
107 -- updated by the given 'Posting'.
108 balance ::
109 ( Posting posting
110 , balance ~ Balance (Posting_Amount posting) )
111 => posting -> balance -> balance
112 balance post bal =
113 bal
114 { balance_by_account = by_account post (balance_by_account bal)
115 , balance_by_unit = by_unit post (balance_by_unit bal)
116 }
118 -- | Return the given 'Balance'
119 -- updated by the given 'Posting's.
120 postings ::
121 ( Posting posting
122 , balance ~ Balance (Posting_Amount posting)
123 , Foldable foldable )
124 => foldable posting -> balance -> balance
125 postings = flip (Data.Foldable.foldr balance)
127 -- | Return the first given 'Balance'
128 -- updated by the second given 'Balance'.
129 union :: Amount amount
130 => Balance amount -> Balance amount -> Balance amount
131 union b0 b1 =
132 b0
133 { balance_by_account = union_by_account
134 (balance_by_account b0)
135 (balance_by_account b1)
136 , balance_by_unit = union_by_unit
137 (balance_by_unit b0)
138 (balance_by_unit b1)
139 }
141 -- | Return the given 'Balance_by_Account'
142 -- updated by the given 'Posting'.
143 by_account ::
144 ( Posting posting
145 , amount ~ Posting_Amount posting
146 , unit ~ Amount_Unit amount )
147 => posting
148 -> Balance_by_Account amount unit
149 -> Balance_by_Account amount unit
150 by_account post =
151 Lib.TreeMap.insert
152 (Data.Map.unionWith (flip amount_add))
153 (posting_account post)
154 (posting_amounts post)
156 -- | Return the given 'Balance_by_Unit'
157 -- updated by the given 'Posting'.
158 by_unit ::
159 ( Posting posting
160 , amount ~ Posting_Amount posting
161 , unit ~ Amount_Unit amount )
162 => posting
163 -> Balance_by_Unit amount unit
164 -> Balance_by_Unit amount unit
165 by_unit post bal =
166 Data.Map.unionWith
167 (\new old -> Unit_Sum
168 { unit_sum_amount =
169 amount_add
170 (unit_sum_amount old)
171 (unit_sum_amount new)
172 , unit_sum_accounts =
173 Data.Map.unionWith
174 (const::()->()->())
175 (unit_sum_accounts old)
176 (unit_sum_accounts new)
177 })
178 bal $
179 Data.Map.map
180 (\amount -> Unit_Sum
181 { unit_sum_amount = amount
182 , unit_sum_accounts = Data.Map.singleton (posting_account post) ()
183 })
184 (posting_amounts post)
186 -- | Return a 'Balance_by_Unit'
187 -- derived from the given 'Balance_by_Account'.
188 by_unit_of_by_account ::
189 ( Amount amount
190 , unit ~ Amount_Unit amount
191 )
192 => Balance_by_Account amount unit
193 -> Balance_by_Unit amount unit
194 -> Balance_by_Unit amount unit
195 by_unit_of_by_account =
196 flip $ Lib.TreeMap.foldr_with_Path $ curry by_unit
198 -- | Return the first given 'Balance_by_Account'
199 -- updated by the second given 'Balance_by_Account'.
200 union_by_account :: (Amount amount, unit ~ Amount_Unit amount)
201 => Balance_by_Account amount unit
202 -> Balance_by_Account amount unit
203 -> Balance_by_Account amount unit
204 union_by_account =
205 Lib.TreeMap.union
206 (Data.Map.unionWith (flip amount_add))
208 -- | Return the first given 'Balance_by_Unit'
209 -- updated by the second given 'Balance_by_Unit'.
210 union_by_unit :: (Amount amount, unit ~ Amount_Unit amount)
211 => Balance_by_Unit amount unit
212 -> Balance_by_Unit amount unit
213 -> Balance_by_Unit amount unit
214 union_by_unit =
215 Data.Map.unionWith
216 (\new old -> Unit_Sum
217 { unit_sum_amount = amount_add
218 (unit_sum_amount old)
219 (unit_sum_amount new)
220 , unit_sum_accounts = Data.Map.unionWith
221 (const::()->()->())
222 (unit_sum_accounts old)
223 (unit_sum_accounts new)
224 })
226 -- * Type 'Deviation'
228 -- | The 'Balance_by_Unit' whose 'unit_sum_amount'
229 -- is not zero and possible 'Account' to 'infer_equilibrium'.
230 newtype Amount amount
231 => Deviation amount
232 = Deviation (Balance_by_Unit amount (Amount_Unit amount))
233 deriving instance ( Amount amount
234 , Data amount
235 ) => Data (Deviation amount)
236 deriving instance ( Amount amount
237 , Eq amount
238 ) => Eq (Deviation amount)
239 deriving instance ( Amount amount
240 , Show amount
241 ) => Show (Deviation amount)
242 deriving instance Typeable1 Deviation
243 -- FIXME: use 'Typeable' when dropping GHC-7.6 support
245 -- | Return the 'balance_by_unit' of the given 'Balance' with:
246 --
247 -- * 'unit's whose 'unit_sum_amount' verifying 'amount_is_zero' removed,
248 --
249 -- * and remaining 'unit's having their 'unit_sum_accounts'
250 -- complemented with the 'balance_by_account' of the given 'Balance'
251 -- (i.e. now mapping to 'Account's __not__ involved to build the 'Unit_Sum').
252 deviation
253 :: Amount amount
254 => Balance amount
255 -> Deviation amount
256 deviation bal = do
257 let all_accounts = Lib.TreeMap.flatten (const ()) (balance_by_account bal)
258 let max_accounts = Data.Map.size all_accounts
259 Deviation $
260 Data.Map.foldlWithKey
261 (\m unit Unit_Sum{unit_sum_amount, unit_sum_accounts} ->
262 if amount_null unit_sum_amount
263 then m
264 else
265 case Data.Map.size unit_sum_accounts of
266 n | n == max_accounts ->
267 Data.Map.insert unit Unit_Sum
268 { unit_sum_amount
269 , unit_sum_accounts = Data.Map.empty
270 } m
271 _ -> do
272 let diff = Data.Map.difference all_accounts unit_sum_accounts
273 Data.Map.insert unit Unit_Sum
274 { unit_sum_amount
275 , unit_sum_accounts = diff
276 } m
277 )
278 Data.Map.empty
279 (balance_by_unit bal)
281 -- ** The equilibrium
283 -- | Return the 'Balance' (adjusted by inferred 'Amount's)
284 -- of the given 'Posting's and either:
285 --
286 -- * 'Left': the 'Posting's that cannot be inferred.
287 -- * 'Right': the given 'Posting's with inferred 'Amount's inserted.
288 infer_equilibrium ::
289 ( Posting posting )
290 => Map Account [posting]
291 -> ( Balance (Posting_Amount posting)
292 , Either [Unit_Sum (Posting_Amount posting)] (Map Account [posting])
293 )
294 infer_equilibrium posts = do
295 let bal_initial = Data.Foldable.foldr postings nil posts
296 let Deviation dev = deviation bal_initial
297 let (bal_adjusted, eithers) =
298 Data.Map.foldrWithKey
299 (\unit unit_sum@(Unit_Sum{unit_sum_amount, unit_sum_accounts})
300 (bal, lr) ->
301 case Data.Map.size unit_sum_accounts of
302 1 ->
303 let acct = fst $ Data.Map.elemAt 0 unit_sum_accounts in
304 let amt = amount_negate unit_sum_amount in
305 let amts = Data.Map.singleton unit amt in
306 ( balance (acct, amts) bal
307 , Right (acct, unit, amt) : lr
308 )
309 _ -> (bal, Left [unit_sum] : lr))
310 (bal_initial, [])
311 dev
312 let (l, r) = Lib.Foldable.accumLeftsAndFoldrRights
313 (\(acct, unit, amt) ->
314 Data.Map.insertWith
315 (\_new_ps -> insert_amount (unit, amt))
316 acct (assert False []))
317 posts eithers
318 case l of
319 [] -> (bal_adjusted, Right r)
320 _ -> (bal_adjusted, Left l)
321 where
322 insert_amount
323 :: Posting posting
324 => (Amount_Unit (Posting_Amount posting), Posting_Amount posting)
325 -> [posting] -> [posting]
326 insert_amount p@(unit, amt) ps =
327 case ps of
328 [] -> assert False []
329 (x:xs) | Data.Map.null (posting_amounts x) ->
330 posting_set_amounts (Data.Map.singleton unit amt) x:xs
331 | Data.Map.notMember unit (posting_amounts x) ->
332 let amts = Data.Map.insertWith
333 (assert False undefined)
334 unit amt (posting_amounts x) in
335 posting_set_amounts amts x:xs
336 (x:xs) -> x:insert_amount p xs
338 -- | Return 'True' if and only if the given 'Deviation' maps no 'unit'.
339 is_at_equilibrium :: Amount amount => Deviation amount -> Bool
340 is_at_equilibrium (Deviation dev) = Data.Map.null dev
342 -- | Return 'True' if and only if the given 'Deviation'
343 -- maps only to 'Unit_Sum's whose 'unit_sum_accounts'
344 -- maps exactly one 'Account'.
345 is_equilibrium_inferrable :: Amount amount => Deviation amount -> Bool
346 is_equilibrium_inferrable (Deviation dev) =
347 Data.Foldable.all
348 (\Unit_Sum{unit_sum_accounts} -> Data.Map.size unit_sum_accounts == 1)
349 dev
351 -- | Return 'True' if and only if the given 'Deviation'
352 -- maps to at least one 'Unit_Sum' whose 'unit_sum_accounts'
353 -- maps more than one 'Account'.
354 is_equilibrium_non_inferrable :: Amount amount => Deviation amount -> Bool
355 is_equilibrium_non_inferrable (Deviation dev) =
356 Data.Foldable.any
357 (\Unit_Sum{unit_sum_accounts} -> Data.Map.size unit_sum_accounts > 1)
358 dev
360 -- * Type 'Expanded'
362 -- | Descending propagation of 'Amount's accross 'Account's.
363 type Expanded amount
364 = TreeMap Account.Name (Account_Sum_Expanded amount)
365 data Amount amount => Account_Sum_Expanded amount
366 = Account_Sum_Expanded
367 { exclusive :: Map (Amount_Unit amount) amount
368 , inclusive :: Map (Amount_Unit amount) amount -- ^ 'amount_add' folded over 'exclusive' and 'inclusive' of 'Lib.TreeMap.node_descendants'
369 }
370 deriving instance ( Amount amount
371 , Data amount
372 ) => Data (Account_Sum_Expanded amount)
373 deriving instance ( Amount amount
374 , Eq amount
375 ) => Eq (Account_Sum_Expanded amount)
376 deriving instance ( Amount amount
377 , Show amount
378 ) => Show (Account_Sum_Expanded amount)
379 deriving instance Typeable1 Account_Sum_Expanded
380 -- FIXME: use 'Typeable' when dropping GHC-7.6 support
382 -- | Return the given 'Balance_by_Account' with:
383 --
384 -- * all missing 'Account.ascending' 'Account's inserted,
385 --
386 -- * and every mapped 'Amount'
387 -- added with any 'Amount'
388 -- of the 'Account's for which it is 'Account.ascending'.
389 expanded
390 :: Amount amount
391 => Balance_by_Account amount (Amount_Unit amount)
392 -> Expanded amount
393 expanded =
394 let from_value = fromMaybe (assert False undefined) . Lib.TreeMap.node_value in
395 Lib.TreeMap.map_by_depth_first
396 (\descendants value ->
397 let nodes = Lib.TreeMap.nodes descendants in
398 let exclusive = fromMaybe Data.Map.empty value in
399 Account_Sum_Expanded
400 { exclusive
401 , inclusive =
402 Data.Map.foldr
403 (Data.Map.unionWith amount_add . inclusive . from_value)
404 exclusive nodes
405 })
407 -- | Return a 'Balance_by_Unit'
408 -- derived from the given 'Expanded' balance.
409 --
410 -- NOTE: also correct if the 'Expanded' has been filtered.
411 by_unit_of_expanded ::
412 ( Amount amount
413 , unit ~ Amount_Unit amount
414 )
415 => Expanded amount
416 -> Balance_by_Unit amount unit
417 -> Balance_by_Unit amount unit
418 by_unit_of_expanded =
419 go []
420 where
421 go p (Lib.TreeMap.TreeMap m) bal =
422 Data.Map.foldrWithKey
423 (\k Lib.TreeMap.Node{Lib.TreeMap.node_value, Lib.TreeMap.node_descendants} acc ->
424 case node_value of
425 Nothing -> go (k:p) node_descendants acc
426 Just a ->
427 let account = Lib.TreeMap.reverse $ Lib.TreeMap.path k p in
428 by_unit (account, inclusive a) acc)
429 bal m