]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - lib/Hcompta/Filter.hs
Correction : Makefile : pré-installe alex et happy pour Hcompta.Web.
[comptalang.git] / lib / Hcompta / Filter.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
9 module Hcompta.Filter where
11 -- import Control.Applicative (pure, (<$>), (<*>))
12 import Data.Data
13 import qualified Data.Fixed
14 import qualified Data.Foldable
15 -- import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
16 import qualified Data.Functor.Compose
17 -- import qualified Data.List
18 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
19 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Data.Map
20 import qualified Data.Monoid
21 -- import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
22 import Data.Text (Text)
23 -- import qualified Data.Text as Text
24 -- import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as Time
25 -- import Data.Traversable (Traversable(..))
26 import Data.Typeable ()
27 import Prelude hiding (filter)
28 import Text.Regex.Base ()
29 import Text.Regex.TDFA ()
30 import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text ()
32 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
33 -- import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
34 import Hcompta.Lib.Interval (Interval)
35 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Interval as Interval
36 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Regex as Regex
37 import Hcompta.Lib.Regex (Regex)
38 -- import qualified Hcompta.Lib.TreeMap as TreeMap
39 -- import Hcompta.Lib.TreeMap (TreeMap)
40 import qualified Hcompta.Amount as Amount
41 import qualified Hcompta.Amount.Unit as Amount.Unit
42 import qualified Hcompta.Date as Date
43 import Hcompta.Date (Date)
44 import qualified Hcompta.Account as Account
45 import Hcompta.Account (Account)
46 -- import qualified Hcompta.Date as Date
47 import qualified Hcompta.Balance as Balance
48 import qualified Hcompta.GL as GL
50 -- * Requirements' interface
52 -- ** Class 'Unit'
54 class Unit a where
55 unit_text :: a -> Text
57 instance Unit Amount.Unit where
58 unit_text = Amount.Unit.text
60 instance Unit Text where
61 unit_text = id
63 -- ** Class 'Amount'
65 class
66 ( Ord (Amount_Quantity a)
67 , Show (Amount_Quantity a)
68 , Show (Amount_Unit a)
69 , Unit (Amount_Unit a)
70 )
71 => Amount a where
72 type Amount_Unit a
73 type Amount_Quantity a
74 amount_unit :: a -> Amount_Unit a
75 amount_quantity :: a -> Amount_Quantity a
77 instance Amount Amount.Amount where
78 type Amount_Unit Amount.Amount = Amount.Unit
79 type Amount_Quantity Amount.Amount = Amount.Quantity
80 amount_quantity = Amount.quantity
81 amount_unit = Amount.unit
83 instance (Amount a, GL.Amount a)
84 => Amount (Amount.Sum a) where
85 type Amount_Unit (Amount.Sum a) = Amount_Unit a
86 type Amount_Quantity (Amount.Sum a) = Amount_Quantity a
87 amount_quantity = amount_quantity . Amount.sum_balance
88 amount_unit = amount_unit . Amount.sum_balance
90 -- ** Class 'Posting'
92 class Amount (Posting_Amount p)
93 => Posting p where
94 type Posting_Amount p
95 posting_account :: p -> Account
96 posting_amounts :: p -> Map (Amount_Unit (Posting_Amount p)) (Posting_Amount p)
98 -- ** Class 'Transaction'
100 class Posting (Transaction_Posting t)
101 => Transaction t where
102 type Transaction_Posting t
103 transaction_date :: t -> Date
104 transaction_description :: t -> Text
105 transaction_postings :: t -> Map Account [Transaction_Posting t]
106 transaction_tags :: t -> Map Text [Text]
108 -- ** Class 'Balance'
110 class Amount (Balance_Amount b)
111 => Balance b where
112 type Balance_Amount b
113 balance_account :: b -> Account
114 balance_amount :: b -> Balance_Amount b
115 balance_positive :: b -> Maybe (Balance_Amount b)
116 balance_negative :: b -> Maybe (Balance_Amount b)
118 instance (Amount a, Balance.Amount a)
119 => Balance (Account, Amount.Sum a) where
120 type Balance_Amount (Account, Amount.Sum a) = a
121 balance_account = fst
122 balance_amount (_, amt) =
123 case amt of
124 Amount.Sum_Negative n -> n
125 Amount.Sum_Positive p -> p
126 Amount.Sum_Both n p -> Balance.amount_add n p
127 balance_positive = Amount.sum_positive . snd
128 balance_negative = Amount.sum_negative . snd
130 -- ** Class 'GL'
132 class Amount (GL_Amount r)
133 => GL r where
134 type GL_Amount r
135 gl_account :: r -> Account
136 gl_date :: r -> Date
137 gl_amount_positive :: r -> Maybe (GL_Amount r)
138 gl_amount_negative :: r -> Maybe (GL_Amount r)
139 gl_amount_balance :: r -> GL_Amount r
140 gl_sum_positive :: r -> Maybe (GL_Amount r)
141 gl_sum_negative :: r -> Maybe (GL_Amount r)
142 gl_sum_balance :: r -> GL_Amount r
144 instance (Amount a, GL.Amount a)
145 => GL (Account, Date, Amount.Sum a, Amount.Sum a) where
146 type GL_Amount (Account, Date, Amount.Sum a, Amount.Sum a) = a
147 gl_account (x, _, _, _) = x
148 gl_date (_, x, _, _) = x
149 gl_amount_positive (_, _, x, _) = Amount.sum_positive x
150 gl_amount_negative (_, _, x, _) = Amount.sum_negative x
151 gl_amount_balance (_, _, x, _) = Amount.sum_balance x
152 gl_sum_positive (_, _, _, x) = Amount.sum_positive x
153 gl_sum_negative (_, _, _, x) = Amount.sum_negative x
154 gl_sum_balance (_, _, _, x) = Amount.sum_balance x
156 -- * Newtypes to avoid overlapping instances
158 newtype Scalar x
159 = Scalar x
160 instance Functor Scalar where
161 fmap f (Scalar x) = Scalar (f x)
163 -- * Class 'Test'
165 newtype Simplified p
166 = Simplified { simplified :: Either p Bool }
167 deriving (Eq, Show)
168 instance Functor Simplified where
169 fmap _f (Simplified (Right b)) = Simplified (Right b)
170 fmap f (Simplified (Left x)) = Simplified (Left $ f x)
172 -- | Conjonctive ('&&') 'Monoid'.
173 instance Monoid p => Monoid (Simplified p) where
174 mempty = Simplified (Right True)
175 mappend (Simplified x) (Simplified y) =
176 Simplified $
177 case (x, y) of
178 (Right bx , Right by ) -> Right (bx && by)
179 (Right True , Left _fy ) -> y
180 (Right False, Left _fy ) -> x
181 (Left _fx , Right True ) -> x
182 (Left _fx , Right False) -> y
183 (Left fx , Left fy ) -> Left $ fx `mappend` fy
185 class Test p x where
186 test :: p -> x -> Bool
187 simplify :: p -> Maybe x -> Simplified p
188 simplify p _x = Simplified $ Left p
190 filter
191 :: (Foldable t, Test p x, Monoid x)
192 => p -> t x -> x
193 filter p =
194 Data.Foldable.foldMap
195 (\x -> if test p x then x else mempty)
197 -- ** Type 'Test_Text'
199 data Test_Text
200 = Test_Text_Any
201 | Test_Text_Exact Text
202 | Test_Text_Regex Regex
203 deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
205 instance Test Test_Text Text where
206 test p x =
207 case p of
208 Test_Text_Any -> True
209 Test_Text_Exact m -> (==) m x
210 Test_Text_Regex m -> Regex.match m x
212 -- ** Type 'Test_Ord'
214 data Test_Ord o
215 = Test_Ord_Lt o
216 | Test_Ord_Le o
217 | Test_Ord_Gt o
218 | Test_Ord_Ge o
219 | Test_Ord_Eq o
220 | Test_Ord_Any
221 deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
223 instance Functor Test_Ord where
224 fmap f x =
225 case x of
226 Test_Ord_Lt o -> Test_Ord_Lt (f o)
227 Test_Ord_Le o -> Test_Ord_Le (f o)
228 Test_Ord_Gt o -> Test_Ord_Gt (f o)
229 Test_Ord_Ge o -> Test_Ord_Ge (f o)
230 Test_Ord_Eq o -> Test_Ord_Eq (f o)
231 Test_Ord_Any -> Test_Ord_Any
232 instance (Ord o, o ~ x)
233 => Test (Test_Ord o) (Scalar x) where
234 test p (Scalar x) =
235 case p of
236 Test_Ord_Lt o -> (<) x o
237 Test_Ord_Le o -> (<=) x o
238 Test_Ord_Gt o -> (>) x o
239 Test_Ord_Ge o -> (>=) x o
240 Test_Ord_Eq o -> (==) x o
241 Test_Ord_Any -> True
242 instance (Ord o, o ~ x)
243 => Test (Test_Ord o) (Interval x) where
244 test p i =
245 let l = Interval.low i in
246 let h = Interval.high i in
247 case p of
248 Test_Ord_Lt o -> case compare (Interval.limit h) o of
249 LT -> True
250 EQ -> Interval.adherence h == Interval.Out
251 GT -> False
252 Test_Ord_Le o -> Interval.limit h <= o
253 Test_Ord_Gt o -> case compare (Interval.limit l) o of
254 LT -> False
255 EQ -> Interval.adherence l == Interval.Out
256 GT -> True
257 Test_Ord_Ge o -> Interval.limit l >= o
258 Test_Ord_Eq o -> Interval.limit l == o && Interval.limit h == o
259 Test_Ord_Any -> True
261 -- ** Type 'Test_Interval'
263 data Test_Interval x
264 = Test_Interval_In (Interval (Interval.Unlimitable x))
265 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
266 --instance Functor Test_Interval where
267 -- fmap f (Test_Interval_In i) = Test_Interval_In (fmap (fmap f) i)
268 instance (Ord o, o ~ x)
269 => Test (Test_Interval o) (Scalar (Interval.Unlimitable x)) where
270 test (Test_Interval_In p) (Scalar x) =
271 Interval.locate x p == EQ
272 instance (Ord o, o ~ x)
273 => Test (Test_Interval o) (Interval (Interval.Unlimitable x)) where
274 test (Test_Interval_In p) i = Interval.into i p
276 -- ** Type 'Test_Num_Abs'
278 newtype Num n
279 => Test_Num_Abs n
280 = Test_Num_Abs (Test_Ord n)
281 deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
283 instance (Num n, Ord x, n ~ x)
284 => Test (Test_Num_Abs n) x where
285 test (Test_Num_Abs f) x = test f (Scalar (abs x))
287 -- ** Type 'Test_Bool'
289 data Test_Bool p
290 = Any
291 | Bool p
292 | Not (Test_Bool p)
293 | And (Test_Bool p) (Test_Bool p)
294 | Or (Test_Bool p) (Test_Bool p)
295 deriving (Show)
296 deriving instance Eq p => Eq (Test_Bool p)
297 instance Functor Test_Bool where
298 fmap _ Any = Any
299 fmap f (Bool x) = Bool (f x)
300 fmap f (Not t) = Not (fmap f t)
301 fmap f (And t0 t1) = And (fmap f t0) (fmap f t1)
302 fmap f (Or t0 t1) = Or (fmap f t0) (fmap f t1)
303 -- | Conjonctive ('And') 'Monoid'.
304 instance Monoid (Test_Bool p) where
305 mempty = Any
306 mappend = And
307 instance Foldable Test_Bool where
308 foldr _ acc Any = acc
309 foldr f acc (Bool p) = f p acc
310 foldr f acc (Not t) = Data.Foldable.foldr f acc t
311 foldr f acc (And t0 t1) = Data.Foldable.foldr f (Data.Foldable.foldr f acc t0) t1
312 foldr f acc (Or t0 t1) = Data.Foldable.foldr f (Data.Foldable.foldr f acc t0) t1
313 instance Traversable Test_Bool where
314 traverse _ Any = pure Any
315 traverse f (Bool x) = Bool <$> f x
316 traverse f (Not t) = Not <$> traverse f t
317 traverse f (And t0 t1) = And <$> traverse f t0 <*> traverse f t1
318 traverse f (Or t0 t1) = Or <$> traverse f t0 <*> traverse f t1
319 instance Test p x => Test (Test_Bool p) x where
320 test Any _ = True
321 test (Bool p) x = test p x
322 test (Not t) x = not $ test t x
323 test (And t0 t1) x = test t0 x && test t1 x
324 test (Or t0 t1) x = test t0 x || test t1 x
326 simplify Any _ = Simplified $ Right True
327 simplify (Bool p) x =
328 Simplified $
329 case simplified (simplify p x) of
330 Left p' -> Left (Bool p')
331 Right b -> Right b
332 simplify (Not t) x =
333 Simplified $
334 case simplified (simplify t x) of
335 Left p' -> Left (Not $ p')
336 Right b -> Right b
337 simplify (And t0 t1) x =
338 Simplified $
339 case (simplified $ simplify t0 x, simplified $ simplify t1 x) of
340 (Right b0, Right b1) -> Right (b0 && b1)
341 (Right b0, Left p1) -> if b0 then Left p1 else Right False
342 (Left p0, Right b1) -> if b1 then Left p0 else Right False
343 (Left p0, Left p1) -> Left (And p0 p1)
344 simplify (Or t0 t1) x =
345 Simplified $
346 case (simplified $ simplify t0 x, simplified $ simplify t1 x) of
347 (Right b0, Right b1) -> Right (b0 || b1)
348 (Right b0, Left p1) -> if b0 then Right True else Left p1
349 (Left p0, Right b1) -> if b1 then Right True else Left p0
350 (Left p0, Left p1) -> Left (Or p0 p1)
352 bool :: Test p x => Test_Bool p -> x -> Bool
353 bool Any _ = True
354 bool (Bool p) x = test p x
355 bool (Not t) x = not $ test t x
356 bool (And t0 t1) x = test t0 x && test t1 x
357 bool (Or t0 t1) x = test t0 x || test t1 x
359 -- ** Type 'Test_Unit'
361 newtype Test_Unit
362 = Test_Unit Test_Text
363 deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
365 instance Unit u => Test Test_Unit u where
366 test (Test_Unit f) = test f . unit_text
368 -- ** Type 'Test_Account'
370 type Test_Account
371 = [Test_Account_Section]
373 data Test_Account_Section
374 = Test_Account_Section_Any
375 | Test_Account_Section_Many
376 | Test_Account_Section_Text Test_Text
377 deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
379 instance Test Test_Account Account where
380 test f acct =
381 comp f (NonEmpty.toList acct)
382 where
383 comp :: [Test_Account_Section] -> [Account.Name] -> Bool
384 comp [] [] = True
385 comp [Test_Account_Section_Many] _ = True
386 comp [] _ = False
387 {-
388 comp (s:[]) (n:_) =
389 case s of
390 Test_Account_Section_Any -> True
391 Test_Account_Section_Many -> True
392 Test_Account_Section_Text m -> test m n
393 -}
394 comp so@(s:ss) no@(n:ns) =
395 case s of
396 Test_Account_Section_Any -> comp ss ns
397 Test_Account_Section_Many -> comp ss no || comp so ns
398 Test_Account_Section_Text m -> test m n && comp ss ns
399 comp _ [] = False
401 -- ** Type 'Test_Amount'
403 type Test_Quantity q
404 = Test_Ord q
406 data Amount a
407 => Test_Amount a
408 = Test_Amount
409 { test_amount_quantity :: Test_Quantity (Amount_Quantity a)
410 , test_amount_unit :: Test_Unit
411 } deriving (Typeable)
412 deriving instance Amount a => Eq (Test_Amount a)
413 deriving instance Amount a => Show (Test_Amount a)
415 instance Amount a
416 => Test (Test_Amount a) a where
417 test (Test_Amount fq fu) amt =
418 test fu (amount_unit amt) &&
419 test fq (Scalar (amount_quantity amt))
421 -- ** Type 'Test_Date'
423 data Test_Date
424 = Test_Date_UTC (Test_Ord Date)
425 | Test_Date_Year (Test_Interval Integer)
426 | Test_Date_Month (Test_Interval Int)
427 | Test_Date_DoM (Test_Interval Int)
428 | Test_Date_Hour (Test_Interval Int)
429 | Test_Date_Minute (Test_Interval Int)
430 | Test_Date_Second (Test_Interval Data.Fixed.Pico)
431 deriving (Typeable)
432 deriving instance Show (Test_Date)
434 instance Test Test_Date Date where
435 test (Test_Date_UTC f) d = test f $ Scalar d
436 test (Test_Date_Year f) d = test f $ Scalar $ Interval.Limited $ Date.year d
437 test (Test_Date_Month f) d = test f $ Scalar $ Interval.Limited $ Date.month d
438 test (Test_Date_DoM f) d = test f $ Scalar $ Interval.Limited $ Date.dom d
439 test (Test_Date_Hour f) d = test f $ Scalar $ Interval.Limited $ Date.hour d
440 test (Test_Date_Minute f) d = test f $ Scalar $ Interval.Limited $ Date.minute d
441 test (Test_Date_Second f) d = test f $ Scalar $ Interval.Limited $ Date.second d
443 instance Test Test_Date (Interval (Interval.Unlimitable Date)) where
444 test (Test_Date_UTC f) d = test (Interval.Limited <$> f) d
445 test (Test_Date_Year f) d = maybe False (test f) $ Interval.fmap (fmap Date.year) d
446 test (Test_Date_Month f) d = maybe False (test f) $ Interval.fmap (fmap Date.month) d
447 test (Test_Date_DoM f) d = maybe False (test f) $ Interval.fmap (fmap Date.dom) d
448 test (Test_Date_Hour f) d = maybe False (test f) $ Interval.fmap (fmap Date.hour) d
449 test (Test_Date_Minute f) d = maybe False (test f) $ Interval.fmap (fmap Date.minute) d
450 test (Test_Date_Second f) d = maybe False (test f) $ Interval.fmap (fmap Date.second) d
452 -- ** Type 'Test_Tag'
454 data Test_Tag
455 = Test_Tag_Name Test_Text
456 | Test_Tag_Value Test_Text
457 deriving (Typeable)
458 deriving instance Show (Test_Tag)
460 instance Test Test_Tag (Text, Text) where
461 test (Test_Tag_Name f) (x, _) = test f x
462 test (Test_Tag_Value f) (_, x) = test f x
464 -- ** Type 'Test_Posting'
466 data Posting posting
467 => Test_Posting posting
468 = Test_Posting_Account Test_Account
469 | Test_Posting_Amount (Test_Amount (Posting_Amount posting))
470 | Test_Posting_Unit Test_Unit
471 deriving (Typeable)
472 -- Virtual
473 -- Description Comp_String String
474 -- Date Date.Span
475 -- Account_Tag Comp_String String (Maybe (Comp_String, String))
476 -- Account_Balance Comp_Num Comp_Num_Absolute Amount
477 -- Depth Comp_Num Int
478 -- None
479 -- Real Bool
480 -- Status Bool
481 -- Tag Comp_String Tag.Name (Maybe (Comp_String, Tag.Value))
482 deriving instance Posting p => Eq (Test_Posting p)
483 deriving instance Posting p => Show (Test_Posting p)
485 instance Posting p
486 => Test (Test_Posting p) p where
487 test (Test_Posting_Account f) p =
488 test f $ posting_account p
489 test (Test_Posting_Amount f) p =
490 Data.Foldable.any (test f) $ posting_amounts p
491 test (Test_Posting_Unit f) p =
492 Data.Foldable.any (test f . amount_unit) $ posting_amounts p
494 newtype Cross t = Cross t
495 instance (Transaction t, Transaction_Posting t ~ p, Posting p)
496 => Test (Test_Transaction t) (Cross p) where
497 test pr (Cross p) =
498 case pr of
499 (Test_Transaction_Description _) -> True
500 (Test_Transaction_Posting f) -> test f p
501 (Test_Transaction_Date _) -> True -- TODO: use posting_date
502 (Test_Transaction_Tag _) -> False -- TODO: use posting_tags
504 -- ** Type 'Test_Transaction'
506 data Transaction t
507 => Test_Transaction t
508 = Test_Transaction_Description Test_Text
509 | Test_Transaction_Posting (Test_Posting (Transaction_Posting t))
510 | Test_Transaction_Date (Test_Bool Test_Date)
511 | Test_Transaction_Tag (Test_Bool Test_Tag)
512 deriving (Typeable)
513 deriving instance Transaction t => Show (Test_Transaction t)
515 instance Transaction t
516 => Test (Test_Transaction t) t where
517 test (Test_Transaction_Description f) t =
518 test f $ transaction_description t
519 test (Test_Transaction_Posting f) t =
520 Data.Foldable.any (test f) $
521 Data.Functor.Compose.Compose $
522 transaction_postings t
523 test (Test_Transaction_Date f) t =
524 test f $ transaction_date t
525 test (Test_Transaction_Tag f) t =
526 Data.Monoid.getAny $
527 Data.Map.foldrWithKey
528 (\n -> mappend . Data.Monoid.Any .
529 Data.Foldable.any (test f . (n,)))
530 (Data.Monoid.Any False) $
531 transaction_tags t
533 -- ** Type 'Test_Balance'
535 data Balance b
536 => Test_Balance b
537 = Test_Balance_Account Test_Account
538 | Test_Balance_Amount (Test_Amount (Balance_Amount b))
539 | Test_Balance_Positive (Test_Amount (Balance_Amount b))
540 | Test_Balance_Negative (Test_Amount (Balance_Amount b))
541 deriving (Typeable)
542 deriving instance Balance b => Eq (Test_Balance b)
543 deriving instance Balance b => Show (Test_Balance b)
545 instance Balance b
546 => Test (Test_Balance b) b where
547 test (Test_Balance_Account f) b =
548 test f $ balance_account b
549 test (Test_Balance_Amount f) b =
550 test f $ balance_amount b
551 test (Test_Balance_Positive f) b =
552 Data.Foldable.any (test f) $
553 balance_positive b
554 test (Test_Balance_Negative f) b =
555 Data.Foldable.any (test f) $
556 balance_negative b
558 -- ** Type 'Test_GL'
560 data GL r
561 => Test_GL r
562 = Test_GL_Account Test_Account
563 | Test_GL_Amount_Positive (Test_Amount (GL_Amount r))
564 | Test_GL_Amount_Negative (Test_Amount (GL_Amount r))
565 | Test_GL_Amount_Balance (Test_Amount (GL_Amount r))
566 | Test_GL_Sum_Positive (Test_Amount (GL_Amount r))
567 | Test_GL_Sum_Negative (Test_Amount (GL_Amount r))
568 | Test_GL_Sum_Balance (Test_Amount (GL_Amount r))
569 deriving (Typeable)
570 deriving instance GL r => Eq (Test_GL r)
571 deriving instance GL r => Show (Test_GL r)
573 instance GL r
574 => Test (Test_GL r) r where
575 test (Test_GL_Account f) r =
576 test f $ gl_account r
577 test (Test_GL_Amount_Positive f) r =
578 Data.Foldable.any (test f) $
579 gl_amount_positive r
580 test (Test_GL_Amount_Negative f) r =
581 Data.Foldable.any (test f) $
582 gl_amount_negative r
583 test (Test_GL_Amount_Balance f) r =
584 test f $ gl_amount_balance r
585 test (Test_GL_Sum_Positive f) r =
586 Data.Foldable.any (test f) $
587 gl_sum_positive r
588 test (Test_GL_Sum_Negative f) r =
589 Data.Foldable.any (test f) $
590 gl_sum_negative r
591 test (Test_GL_Sum_Balance f) r =
592 test f $ gl_sum_balance r