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[comptalang.git] / lcc / Hcompta / LCC / Sym / LCC.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
5 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
6 -- | Symantic for 'LCC'.
7 module Hcompta.LCC.Sym.LCC where
9 import Data.Eq (Eq)
10 import Data.Function (($), (.))
11 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
12 import Text.Show (Show(..))
13 import qualified Prelude ()
14 import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
15 import System.IO (IO)
17 import Hcompta.LCC.IO (FromFile, PathFile(..))
18 import Hcompta.LCC.Compta (LCC)
19 import Hcompta.LCC.Read ()
20 import Hcompta.LCC.Sym.FileSystem (tyPathFile)
21 import Hcompta.LCC.Sym.IO (fromFile, Sym_FromFile)
22 import Hcompta.LCC.Write
24 import Language.Symantic
25 import qualified Language.Symantic.Document as Doc
26 import Language.Symantic.Lib (tyIO)
28 -- * Class 'Sym_LCC'
29 type instance Sym (LCC sou) = Sym_LCC
30 class Sym_FromFile term => Sym_LCC term where
31 lcc :: LCC sou -> term (LCC sou)
32 default lcc :: Sym_LCC (UnT term) => Trans term => LCC sou -> term (LCC sou)
33 lcc = trans . lcc
35 instance Sym_LCC Eval where
36 lcc = Eval
37 instance Sym_LCC View where
38 lcc _ = View $ \_v _p -> "LCC.lcc"
39 instance (Sym_LCC r1, Sym_LCC r2) => Sym_LCC (Dup r1 r2) where
40 lcc j = lcc j `Dup` lcc j
41 instance (Sym_LCC term, Sym_Lambda term) => Sym_LCC (BetaT term)
43 instance Typeable sou => NameTyOf (LCC sou) where
44 nameTyOf _c = ["LCC"] `Mod` "LCC"
45 instance NameTyOf Context_Write where
46 nameTyOf _c = ["LCC"] `Mod` "Context_Write"
47 instance NameTyOf Doc.ANSI_IO where
48 nameTyOf _c = ["Doc"] `Mod` "ANSIO_IO"
49 instance (Typeable sou, Eq sou, Show sou) => ClassInstancesFor (LCC sou) where
50 proveConstraintFor _ (w:@(f:@cw:@d):@a)
51 | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @(K (LCC sou)) @(LCC sou) a
52 = case () of
53 _ | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @(K Writeable) @Writeable w
54 , Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @(K (->)) @(->) f
55 , Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @(K Context_Write) @Context_Write cw
56 -> case () of
57 _ | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @(K Doc.ANSI_IO) @Doc.ANSI_IO d -> Just Dict
58 | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @(K Doc.ANSI) @Doc.ANSI d -> Just Dict
59 | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @(K Doc.Plain) @Doc.Plain d -> Just Dict
60 | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @(K Doc.PlainIO) @Doc.PlainIO d -> Just Dict
61 _ -> Nothing
62 _ -> Nothing
63 proveConstraintFor _ (q:@a)
64 | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @(K (LCC sou)) @(LCC sou) a
65 = case () of
66 _ | Just Refl <- proj_ConstTy @Eq q -> Just Dict
67 | Just Refl <- proj_ConstTy @Show q -> Just Dict
68 _ -> Nothing
69 proveConstraintFor _c _q = Nothing
70 {-
71 proveConstraintFor _ (TyApp _ (TyApp _ tq@(TyConst _ _ q) b) (TyApp _ c a))
72 -- Sumable Balance (Compta src ss a)
73 | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKi @_ @H.Sumable q
74 , Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @_ @Balance b
75 , Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @_ @LCC c
76 , Just Dict <- proveConstraint (tq `tyApp` b `tyApp` a)
77 = Just Dict
78 proveConstraintFor _ (TyApp _ (TyConst _ _ q) (TyApp _ c a))
79 -- FromFile (Compta src ss a)
80 | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKi @_ @FromFile q
81 , Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @_ @LCC c
82 = case a of
83 -- Map Date [Transaction]
84 TyApp _ (TyApp _ m d) (TyApp _ l t)
85 | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @_ @Map m
86 , Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @_ @Date d
87 , Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @_ @[] l
88 , Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @_ @Transaction t
89 -> Just Dict
90 _ -> Nothing
91 -}
92 instance TypeInstancesFor (LCC sou)
94 instance Gram_Term_AtomsFor src ss g (LCC sou)
95 instance
96 ( Source src
97 , Typeable sou
98 , Eq sou
99 , Show sou
100 , Typeable ss
101 , FromFile (LCC sou)
102 , SymInj ss (LCC sou)
103 ) => ModuleFor src ss (LCC sou) where
104 moduleFor = ["LCC"] `moduleWhere`
105 [ "readLCC" := teLCC_readLCC @sou
106 ]
108 tyLCC :: forall sou src vs. Eq sou => Show sou => Typeable sou => Source src => LenInj vs => Type src vs (LCC sou)
109 tyLCC = tyConst @(K (LCC sou)) @(LCC sou)
111 teLCC_readLCC ::
112 forall sou src ss ts.
113 Eq sou =>
114 Show sou =>
115 Typeable sou =>
116 Typeable ss =>
117 FromFile (LCC sou) =>
118 SymInj ss (LCC sou) =>
119 Source src =>
120 Term src ss ts '[] (() #> (PathFile -> IO (LCC sou)))
121 teLCC_readLCC = Term noConstraint
122 (tyPathFile ~> tyIO tyLCC) $
123 teSym @(LCC sou) $ lam1 fromFile
125 {-
126 teLCC_readLCC ::
127 forall src ss ts.
128 Typeable src =>
129 Typeable ss =>
130 Comptable src ss =>
131 Source src =>
132 Term src ss ts '[] (() #> (PathFile -> IO LCC))
133 teLCC_readLCC = Term noConstraint (tyPathFile ~> tyIO tyLCC) $ teSym @LCC $ lam1 fromFile
134 -}
135 {-
136 tyJournal :: Source src => LenInj vs => Type src vs a -> Type src vs (Journal a)
137 tyJournal a = tyConstLen @(K Journal) @Journal (lenVars a) `tyApp` a
139 teJournal :: Source src => SymInj ss Journal => Journal a -> Term src ss ts '[Proxy a] (() #> Journal a)
140 teJournal j = Term noConstraint (tyJournal a0) $ teSym @Journal $ journal j
142 teJournal_file :: Source src => SymInj ss Journal => Term src ss ts '[Proxy a] (() #> (Journal a -> PathFile))
143 teJournal_file = Term noConstraint (tyJournal a0 ~> tyPathFile) $ teSym @Journal $ lam1 journal_file
145 teJournal_last_read_time :: Source src => SymInj ss Journal => Term src ss ts '[Proxy a] (() #> (Journal a -> Date))
146 teJournal_last_read_time = Term noConstraint (tyJournal a0 ~> tyDate) $ teSym @Journal $ lam1 journal_last_read_time
148 teJournal_content :: Source src => SymInj ss Journal => Term src ss ts '[Proxy a] (() #> (Journal a -> a))
149 teJournal_content = Term noConstraint (tyJournal a0 ~> a0) $ teSym @Journal $ lam1 journal_content
150 -}