]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - lib/Hcompta/Filter/Read.hs
Modification : adapte à GHC-7.10.1.
[comptalang.git] / lib / Hcompta / Filter / Read.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
6 module Hcompta.Filter.Read where
8 import Prelude hiding (filter)
9 -- import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*))
10 import Control.Exception (assert)
11 import Control.Monad (liftM, join, when)
12 -- import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT(..), throwE)
13 import qualified Data.Char
14 import Data.Data
15 import qualified Data.Foldable
16 import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
17 import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
18 import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Time
19 import qualified Text.Parsec.Expr as R
20 import qualified Text.Parsec as R hiding
21 ( char
22 , anyChar
23 , crlf
24 , newline
25 , noneOf
26 , oneOf
27 , satisfy
28 , space
29 , spaces
30 , string
31 )
32 -- import qualified Text.Parsec.Expr as R
33 import Text.Parsec (Stream, ParsecT, (<|>), (<?>))
34 import Data.String (fromString)
35 import qualified Data.Text as Text
36 import Data.Text (Text)
37 import Data.Typeable ()
39 import Hcompta.Lib.Interval (Interval)
40 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Interval as Interval
41 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Regex as Regex
42 -- import Hcompta.Lib.Regex (Regex)
43 import qualified Hcompta.Account as Account
44 import qualified Hcompta.Amount as Amount
45 import Hcompta.Amount (Amount)
46 import qualified Hcompta.Amount.Read as Amount.Read
47 import qualified Hcompta.Amount.Unit as Unit
48 import qualified Hcompta.Date as Date
49 import Hcompta.Date (Date)
50 import qualified Hcompta.Date.Read as Date.Read
51 import qualified Hcompta.Filter as Filter
52 import Hcompta.Filter hiding (Amount)
53 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Parsec as R
55 -- * Parsers' types
57 -- ** Type 'Context'
59 data Context
60 = Context
61 { context_date :: Date
62 } deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
64 context :: Context
65 context =
66 Context
67 { context_date = Date.nil
68 }
70 -- ** Type 'Error'
72 data Error
73 = Error_Unknown
74 | Error_Test_Date Date.Read.Error
75 | Error_Test_Date_Interval (Integer, Integer)
76 deriving (Show)
78 -- * Read
80 read ::
81 ( Stream s (R.Error_State Error Identity) Char
82 , Show t
83 )
84 => ParsecT s Context (R.Error_State Error Identity) (Test_Bool t)
85 -> s -> IO (Either [R.Error Error] (Test_Bool t))
86 read t s = do
87 context_date <- Time.getCurrentTime
88 return $
89 R.runParser_with_Error t context{context_date} "" s
91 -- ** Read 'Test_Text'
92 test_text
93 :: (Stream s m Char, Monad r)
94 => ParsecT s u m (String -> r Test_Text)
95 test_text =
96 R.choice_try
97 [ R.char '~' >> return (\s -> Regex.of_StringM s >>= (return . Test_Text_Regex))
98 , R.char '=' >> return (\s -> return (Test_Text_Exact $ Text.pack s))
99 , return (\s -> return (Test_Text_Exact $ Text.pack s))
100 ]
102 test_text_operator
103 :: Stream s m Char
104 => ParsecT s u m String
105 test_text_operator =
106 R.choice_try
107 [ R.string "="
108 , R.string "~"
109 ]
111 -- ** Read 'Test_Ord'
112 test_ord
113 :: (Stream s m Char, Ord o)
114 => ParsecT s u m (o -> Test_Ord o)
115 test_ord =
116 R.choice_try
117 [ R.string "=" >> return Test_Ord_Eq
118 , R.string "<=" >> return Test_Ord_Le
119 , R.string ">=" >> return Test_Ord_Ge
120 , R.string "<" >> return Test_Ord_Lt
121 , R.string ">" >> return Test_Ord_Gt
122 ]
124 test_ord_operator
125 :: Stream s m Char
126 => ParsecT s u m String
127 test_ord_operator =
128 R.choice_try
129 [ R.string "="
130 , R.string "<="
131 , R.string ">="
132 , R.string "<"
133 , R.string ">"
134 ]
136 -- ** Read 'Test_Num_Abs'
137 test_num_abs
138 :: (Stream s m Char, Num n)
139 => ParsecT s u m (Test_Ord n -> m (Either (Test_Ord n) (Test_Num_Abs n)))
140 test_num_abs =
141 R.choice_try
142 [ R.char '+' >> return (return . Right . Test_Num_Abs)
143 , return (return . Left)
144 ]
146 text :: Stream s m Char => String -> ParsecT s Context m Text
147 text none_of =
148 fromString <$>
149 R.choice_try
150 [ borders inside
151 , R.many $ R.noneOf ("() " ++ none_of)
152 ]
153 where
154 borders = R.between (R.char '(') (R.char ')')
155 inside = liftM concat $ R.many (R.choice_try [borders preserve_inside, R.many1 $ R.noneOf "()"])
156 preserve_inside = inside >>= (\x -> return $ '(':(x++')':[]))
158 -- ** Read 'Test_Bool'
160 test_bool
161 :: (Stream s m Char)
162 => [ParsecT s u m (ParsecT s u m t)]
163 -> ParsecT s u m (Test_Bool t)
164 test_bool terms =
165 R.buildExpressionParser
166 test_bool_operators
167 (test_bool_term terms)
168 <?> "test_bool"
170 test_bool_operators
171 :: Stream s m Char
172 => R.OperatorTable s u m (Filter.Test_Bool t)
173 test_bool_operators =
174 [ [ prefix "- " Filter.Not
175 ]
176 , [ binary " & " Filter.And R.AssocLeft
177 ]
178 , [ binary " + " Filter.Or R.AssocLeft
179 , binary " - " (\x -> Filter.And x . Filter.Not) R.AssocLeft
180 ]
181 ]
182 where
183 binary name fun assoc = R.Infix (test_bool_operator name >> return fun) assoc
184 prefix name fun = R.Prefix (test_bool_operator name >> return fun)
185 -- postfix name fun = Text.Parsec.Expr.Postfix (test_bool_operator name >> return fun)
187 test_bool_operator
188 :: Stream s m Char
189 => String -> ParsecT s u m ()
190 test_bool_operator name =
191 R.try $
192 (R.string name
193 >> R.notFollowedBy test_bool_operator_letter
194 -- <* R.spaces
195 <?> name)
197 test_bool_operator_letter
198 :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
199 test_bool_operator_letter =
200 R.oneOf ['-', '&', '+']
202 test_bool_term
203 :: Stream s m Char
204 => [ParsecT s u m (ParsecT s u m t)]
205 -> ParsecT s u m (Test_Bool t)
206 test_bool_term terms = do
207 join (R.choice_try
208 ( (R.lookAhead (R.try (R.spaces >> R.char '('))
209 >> (return $ parens $
210 Data.Foldable.foldr Filter.And Filter.Any <$>
211 R.many (R.try (R.spaces >> expr)) ))
212 : map ((Filter.Bool <$>) <$>) terms
213 ) <* R.spaces <?> "boolean-expression")
214 where
215 expr =
216 R.lookAhead (R.try R.anyToken)
217 >> R.notFollowedBy (R.char ')')
218 >> test_bool terms
220 parens
221 :: Stream s m Char
222 => ParsecT s u m a
223 -> ParsecT s u m a
224 parens =
225 R.between
226 (R.spaces >> R.char '(')
227 (R.spaces >> R.char ')')
229 bool :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Bool
230 bool = do
231 R.choice_try
232 [ R.choice_try
233 [ R.string "1"
234 , R.string "true"
235 , R.string "t"
236 ] >> return True
237 , R.choice_try
238 [ R.string "0"
239 , R.string "false"
240 , R.string "f"
241 ] >> return False
242 ]
244 jump :: Stream s m Char
245 => [String]
246 -> ParsecT s u m b
247 -> a
248 -> ParsecT s u m a
249 jump prefixes next r =
250 R.choice_try
251 (map (\s -> R.string s >> return r) prefixes)
252 <* R.lookAhead (R.try next)
254 -- ** Read Account.'Account.Name'
255 account_name :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Account.Name
256 account_name = do
257 fromString <$> do
258 R.many1 $ R.try account_name_char
259 where
260 account_name_char :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
261 account_name_char = do
262 c <- R.anyChar
263 case c of
264 -- _ | c == comment_begin -> R.parserZero
265 -- _ | c == account_section_sep -> R.parserZero
266 _ | R.is_space_horizontal c -> do
267 _ <- R.notFollowedBy $ R.space_horizontal
268 return c <* (R.lookAhead $ R.try $
269 ( R.try (R.char account_section_sep)
270 <|> account_name_char
271 ))
272 _ | not (Data.Char.isSpace c) -> return c
273 _ -> R.parserZero
275 -- ** Read 'Test_Account_Section'
276 test_account_section
277 :: (Stream s m Char)
278 => ParsecT s u m Test_Account_Section
279 test_account_section = do
280 R.choice_try
281 [ R.char '*'
282 <* R.lookAhead account_section_end
283 >> return Test_Account_Section_Any
284 , R.char '~'
285 >> R.many1 (R.satisfy (\c -> c /= account_section_sep && not (Data.Char.isSpace c)))
286 >>= (liftM (Test_Account_Section_Text . Test_Text_Regex) . Regex.of_StringM)
287 , R.many1 (R.satisfy (\c -> c /= account_section_sep && not (Data.Char.isSpace c)))
288 >>= (liftM (Test_Account_Section_Text . Test_Text_Exact) . return . Text.pack)
289 , R.lookAhead account_section_end
290 >> R.many (R.try (R.char account_section_sep >> R.lookAhead (R.try account_section_end)))
291 >> return Test_Account_Section_Many
292 ]
293 where
294 account_section_end =
295 R.choice_try
296 [ R.char account_section_sep >> return ()
297 , R.space_horizontal >> return ()
298 , R.eof
299 ]
301 -- ** Read 'Test_Account'
302 account_section_sep :: Char
303 account_section_sep = ':'
305 test_account
306 :: Stream s m Char
307 => ParsecT s u m Test_Account
308 test_account = do
309 R.notFollowedBy $ R.space_horizontal
310 R.many1_separated test_account_section $
311 R.char account_section_sep
313 test_account_operator
314 :: Stream s m Char
315 => ParsecT s u m String
316 test_account_operator =
317 test_text_operator
319 -- ** Read 'Test_Amount'
320 test_amount
321 :: Stream s m Char
322 => ParsecT s u m (Test_Amount Amount)
323 test_amount = do
324 R.notFollowedBy $ R.space_horizontal
325 R.choice_try
326 [ test_ord
327 >>= \tst -> do
328 amt <- Amount.Read.amount
329 return $ Test_Amount
330 (tst $ Amount.quantity amt) $
331 (Test_Unit $
332 case Unit.text $ Amount.unit amt of
333 unit | Text.null unit -> Test_Text_Any
334 unit -> Test_Text_Exact unit)
335 , test_text
336 >>= \tst -> do
337 unit <- Amount.Read.unit >>= tst . Text.unpack . Unit.text
338 return $ Test_Amount (Test_Ord_Any) (Test_Unit unit)
339 ]
341 test_amount_operator
342 :: Stream s m Char
343 => ParsecT s u m String
344 test_amount_operator =
345 R.choice_try
346 [ test_ord_operator
347 , test_text_operator
348 ]
350 -- ** Read 'Test_Date'
351 test_date
352 :: (Stream s (R.Error_State Error m) Char, Monad m)
353 => ParsecT s Context (R.Error_State Error m) (Test_Bool Test_Date)
354 test_date = do
355 join $ R.choice_try
356 [ R.char '=' >>
357 (return $ read_date_pattern)
358 , test_ord >>= \tst ->
359 return $ do
360 ctx <- R.getState
361 let (year, _, _) = Date.gregorian $ context_date ctx
362 Date.Read.date Error_Test_Date (Just year)
363 >>= return . Bool . Test_Date_UTC . tst
364 ]
365 where
366 read_date_pattern
367 :: (Stream s (R.Error_State Error m) Char, Monad m)
368 => ParsecT s u (R.Error_State Error m) (Test_Bool Test_Date)
369 read_date_pattern = (do
370 let read2 = of_digits <$> (R.try (R.count 2 R.digit) <|> R.count 1 R.digit)
371 n0 <- read_interval Error_Test_Date_Interval $ of_digits <$> R.many1 R.digit
372 n1 <- R.option Nothing $ R.try $ do
373 _ <- R.char '/'
374 Just <$> read_interval Error_Test_Date_Interval read2
375 n2 <- R.option Nothing $ R.try $ do
376 _ <- R.char '/'
377 Just <$> read_interval Error_Test_Date_Interval read2
378 let (year, month, dom) =
379 case (n1, n2) of
380 (Nothing, Nothing) ->
381 ( Interval.unlimited
382 , n0
383 , Interval.unlimited )
384 (Just d1, Nothing) ->
385 ( Interval.unlimited
386 , n0
387 , d1 )
388 (Nothing, Just _d2) -> assert False undefined
389 (Just d1, Just d2) ->
390 ( n0
391 , d1
392 , d2 )
393 (hour, minute, second) <-
394 R.option (Interval.unlimited, Interval.unlimited, Interval.unlimited) $ R.try $ do
395 R.skipMany1 $ R.space_horizontal
396 hour <- read_interval Error_Test_Date_Interval read2
397 sep <- Date.Read.hour_separator
398 minute <- read_interval Error_Test_Date_Interval read2
399 second <- R.option Interval.unlimited $ R.try $ do
400 _ <- R.char sep
401 read_interval Error_Test_Date_Interval $ of_digits <$> R.many1 R.digit
402 -- tz <- R.option Time.utc $ R.try $ do
403 -- R.skipMany $ R.space_horizontal
404 -- Date.Read.time_zone
405 return
406 ( hour
407 , minute
408 , second
409 )
410 return $
411 foldr And Any $
412 catMaybes $
413 [ just_when_limited (Test_Date_Year . Test_Interval_In) year
414 , just_when_limited (Test_Date_Month . Test_Interval_In) (Interval.fmap_unsafe (fmap fromInteger) month)
415 , just_when_limited (Test_Date_DoM . Test_Interval_In) (Interval.fmap_unsafe (fmap fromInteger) dom)
416 , just_when_limited (Test_Date_Hour . Test_Interval_In) (Interval.fmap_unsafe (fmap fromInteger) hour)
417 , just_when_limited (Test_Date_Minute . Test_Interval_In) (Interval.fmap_unsafe (fmap fromInteger) minute)
418 , just_when_limited (Test_Date_Second . Test_Interval_In) (Interval.fmap_unsafe (fmap fromInteger) second)
419 ]
420 ) <?> "date-filter"
421 where
422 of_digits :: Num n => [Char] -> n
423 of_digits = fromInteger . R.integer_of_digits 10
424 just_when_limited f x =
425 if x == Interval.unlimited
426 then Nothing
427 else Just $ Bool $ f x
429 read_interval
430 :: (Stream s (R.Error_State e m) Char, Monad m, Ord x)
431 => ((x, x) -> e)
432 -> ParsecT s u (R.Error_State e m) x
433 -> ParsecT s u (R.Error_State e m) (Interval (Interval.Unlimitable x))
434 read_interval err read_digits = do
435 l <- R.choice_try
436 [ R.string ".." >> return Interval.Unlimited_low
437 , Interval.Limited <$> read_digits
438 ]
439 R.choice_try
440 [ when (l /= Interval.Unlimited_low)
441 (R.string ".." >> return ()) >> do
442 h <- R.choice_try
443 [ Interval.Limited <$> read_digits
444 , return Interval.Unlimited_high
445 ]
446 case (Interval.<=..<=) l h of
447 Nothing -> R.fail_with "interval" (err $ (Interval.limited l, Interval.limited h))
448 Just i -> return i
449 , return $
450 case l of
451 Interval.Limited _ -> Interval.point l
452 _ -> Interval.unlimited
453 ]
455 test_date_operator
456 :: Stream s m Char
457 => ParsecT s u m String
458 test_date_operator =
459 test_ord_operator
461 -- ** Read 'Test_Tag'
462 tag_name_sep :: Char
463 tag_name_sep = ':'
465 test_tag_name
466 :: Stream s m Char
467 => ParsecT s u m Test_Tag
468 test_tag_name = do
469 make_test_text <- test_text
470 R.choice_try
471 [ R.char '*'
472 <* R.lookAhead test_tag_name_end
473 >> return (Test_Tag_Name Test_Text_Any)
474 , R.many1 (R.notFollowedBy (R.try test_tag_name_end) >> R.anyChar)
475 >>= (liftM Test_Tag_Name . make_test_text)
476 ]
477 where
478 test_tag_name_end =
479 R.choice_try
480 [ test_text_operator >> return ()
481 , R.space_horizontal >> return ()
482 , R.eof
483 ]
484 test_tag_value
485 :: Stream s m Char
486 => ParsecT s u m Test_Tag
487 test_tag_value = do
488 make_test_text <- test_text
489 R.choice_try
490 [ R.char '*'
491 <* R.lookAhead test_tag_value_end
492 >> return (Test_Tag_Value Test_Text_Any)
493 , R.many1 (R.notFollowedBy (R.try test_tag_value_end) >> R.anyChar)
494 >>= (liftM Test_Tag_Value . make_test_text)
495 ]
496 where
497 test_tag_value_end =
498 R.choice_try
499 [ R.space_horizontal >> return ()
500 , R.eof
501 ]
503 test_tag
504 :: Stream s m Char
505 => ParsecT s u m (Test_Bool Test_Tag)
506 test_tag = do
507 n <- test_tag_name
508 R.choice_try
509 [ R.lookAhead (R.try $ test_tag_operator)
510 >> And (Bool n) . Bool <$> test_tag_value
511 , return $ Bool n
512 ]
514 test_tag_operator
515 :: Stream s m Char
516 => ParsecT s u m String
517 test_tag_operator =
518 test_text_operator
520 -- ** Read 'Test_Posting'
521 test_posting
522 :: (Stream s m Char, Filter.Posting t)
523 => ParsecT s Context m (Test_Bool (Test_Posting t))
524 test_posting =
525 Data.Foldable.foldr Filter.And Filter.Any <$>
526 do R.many $
527 R.spaces
528 >> R.lookAhead R.anyToken
529 >> test_bool test_posting_terms
531 test_posting_terms
532 :: (Stream s m Char, Filter.Posting t)
533 => [ParsecT s Context m (ParsecT s Context m (Test_Posting t))]
534 test_posting_terms =
535 [ return
536 ( Filter.Test_Posting_Account
537 <$> test_account )
538 ]
540 -- ** Read 'Test_Transaction'
541 test_transaction
542 :: (Stream s (R.Error_State Error m) Char, Monad m, Filter.Transaction t
543 , Posting_Amount (Transaction_Posting t) ~ Amount)
544 => ParsecT s Context (R.Error_State Error m) (Test_Bool (Test_Transaction t))
545 test_transaction =
546 Data.Foldable.foldr Filter.And Filter.Any <$>
547 do R.many $
548 R.spaces
549 >> R.lookAhead R.anyToken
550 >> test_bool test_transaction_terms
552 test_transaction_terms
553 :: (Stream s (R.Error_State Error m) Char, Filter.Transaction t, Monad m
554 , Posting_Amount (Transaction_Posting t) ~ Amount)
555 => [ParsecT s Context (R.Error_State Error m)
556 (ParsecT s Context (R.Error_State Error m) (Test_Transaction t))]
557 test_transaction_terms =
558 -- , jump [ "atag" ] comp_text parseFilterATag
559 -- , jump [ "code" ] comp_text parseFilterCode
560 [ jump [ "date" ] test_date_operator
561 (Filter.Test_Transaction_Date <$> test_date)
562 , jump [ "tag" ] test_tag_operator
563 (Filter.Test_Transaction_Tag <$> test_tag)
564 , jump [ "amount" ] test_amount_operator
565 (( Filter.Test_Transaction_Posting
566 . Filter.Test_Posting_Amount
567 ) <$> test_amount)
568 -- , jump [ "date2", "edate" ] (R.char '=') parseFilterDate2
569 -- , jump [ "description","descr","desc" ] comp_text parseFilterDesc
570 -- , jump [ "real" ] (R.char '=') parseFilterReal
571 -- , jump [ "status" ] (R.char '=') parseFilterStatus
572 -- , jump [ "sym" ] comp_text parseFilterSym
573 -- , R.lookAhead comp_num >> return parseFilterAmount
574 , return
575 ( Filter.Test_Transaction_Posting
576 . Filter.Test_Posting_Account
577 <$> test_account )
578 ]
580 -- ** Read 'Test_Balance'
581 test_balance
582 :: (Stream s m Char, Filter.Balance t, Balance_Amount t ~ Amount)
583 => ParsecT s Context m (Test_Bool (Test_Balance t))
584 test_balance =
585 Data.Foldable.foldr Filter.And Filter.Any <$>
586 do R.many $
587 R.spaces
588 >> R.lookAhead R.anyToken
589 >> test_bool test_balance_terms
591 test_balance_terms
592 :: (Stream s m Char, Filter.Balance t, Balance_Amount t ~ Amount)
593 => [ParsecT s Context m (ParsecT s Context m (Test_Balance t))]
594 test_balance_terms =
595 [ jump [ "D" ] test_amount_operator
596 ( Filter.Test_Balance_Positive
597 <$> test_amount )
598 , jump [ "C" ] test_amount_operator
599 ( Filter.Test_Balance_Negative
600 <$> test_amount )
601 , jump [ "B", "" ] test_amount_operator
602 ( Filter.Test_Balance_Amount
603 <$> test_amount )
604 , return
605 ( Filter.Test_Balance_Account
606 <$> test_account )
607 ]
609 -- ** Read 'Test_GL'
610 test_gl
611 :: (Stream s m Char, Filter.GL t, GL_Amount t ~ Amount)
612 => ParsecT s Context m (Test_Bool (Test_GL t))
613 test_gl =
614 Data.Foldable.foldr Filter.And Filter.Any <$>
615 do R.many $
616 R.spaces
617 >> R.lookAhead R.anyToken
618 >> test_bool test_gl_terms
620 test_gl_terms
621 :: (Stream s m Char, Filter.GL t, GL_Amount t ~ Amount)
622 => [ParsecT s Context m (ParsecT s Context m (Test_GL t))]
623 test_gl_terms =
624 [ jump [ "D" ] test_amount_operator
625 ( Filter.Test_GL_Amount_Positive
626 <$> test_amount )
627 , jump [ "C" ] test_amount_operator
628 ( Filter.Test_GL_Amount_Negative
629 <$> test_amount )
630 , jump [ "B" ] test_amount_operator
631 ( Filter.Test_GL_Amount_Balance
632 <$> test_amount )
633 , jump [ "RD" ] test_amount_operator
634 ( Filter.Test_GL_Sum_Positive
635 <$> test_amount )
636 , jump [ "RC" ] test_amount_operator
637 ( Filter.Test_GL_Sum_Negative
638 <$> test_amount )
639 , jump [ "RB" ] test_amount_operator
640 ( Filter.Test_GL_Sum_Balance
641 <$> test_amount )
642 , return
643 ( Filter.Test_GL_Account
644 <$> test_account )
645 ]