]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - lcc/Hcompta/LCC/Chart/Test.hs
Add Compta to the symantics.
[comptalang.git] / lcc / Hcompta / LCC / Chart / Test.hs
1 module Chart.Test where
3 import Test.Tasty
4 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
6 import Control.Monad (join)
7 import Data.Bool
8 import Data.Char (Char)
9 import Data.Either (Either(..))
10 import Data.Function (($), (.))
11 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
12 import Data.NonNull (NonNull)
13 import Data.Proxy
14 import Data.Text (Text)
15 import Data.TreeMap.Strict.Zipper
16 import Data.Tuple (fst)
17 import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>))
18 import System.IO (IO, FilePath)
19 import qualified Data.NonNull as NonNull
20 import qualified System.Directory as IO
21 import qualified System.IO.Memoize as IO
22 import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
23 -- import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
24 -- import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
25 -- import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
26 -- import Data.Maybe (isJust)
27 -- import Prelude (error)
28 -- import Text.Show (show)
29 -- import qualified Data.List as List
30 -- import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
31 -- import qualified Data.Strict as S
32 -- import qualified Data.Text as Text
33 -- import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO
34 -- import qualified Data.TreeMap.Strict as TreeMap
36 -- import qualified Hcompta as H
37 import qualified Hcompta.LCC as LCC
38 import qualified Hcompta.LCC.Sym ()
39 import qualified Language.Symantic as Sym
40 import qualified Language.Symantic.Lib ()
42 type Ifaces = '[Proxy (->), Proxy LCC.Quantity]
44 chart_from_file :: FilePath -> IO (Either (P.ParseError Char P.Dec) LCC.Chart)
45 chart_from_file file = do
46 cwd <- IO.getCurrentDirectory
47 (fst . fst <$>) $ -- NOTE: drop final contexts.
48 LCC.read_file (cwd </> file) $
49 LCC.read @Ifaces @[LCC.Transaction] $
50 LCC.g_get $ (\_j chart -> chart) <$> -- NOTE: get Chart from final context.
51 LCC.g_journal
52 @(Sym.TyConsts_of_Ifaces Ifaces)
53 @Ifaces
54 @[LCC.Transaction]
55 (:)
57 chart_00 :: (FilePath, IO (Either (P.ParseError Char P.Dec) LCC.Chart))
58 chart_00 = (file,) $ join $ IO.once $ chart_from_file file
59 where file = "Hcompta/LCC/Chart/chart.00.lcc"
60 chart_01 :: (FilePath, IO (Either (P.ParseError Char P.Dec) LCC.Chart))
61 chart_01 = (file,) $ join $ IO.once $ chart_from_file file
62 where file = "Hcompta/LCC/Chart/chart.01.lcc"
64 tag_path :: [Text] -> LCC.Tag_Path
65 tag_path p = LCC.Tag_Path $ NonNull.impureNonNull (LCC.Name <$> p)
67 zip_path :: [Text] -> NonNull [LCC.Name]
68 zip_path p = NonNull.impureNonNull (LCC.Name <$> p)
70 tests :: TestTree
71 tests = testGroup "Chart"
72 [ testGroup "chart_axis_child" $
73 let (==>) (file, input) expected =
74 testCase file $ do
75 lr_chart <- input
76 let path = do
77 chart <- lr_chart
78 let sel = zipper_child
79 let res = sel $ LCC.zipper_chart chart
80 Right $ (LCC.unName <$>) . path_of_zipper <$> res
81 path @?= Right expected in
82 [ chart_00 ==>
83 [ ["1.Capital"]
84 , ["2.Immobilisation"]
85 , ["3.Stock"]
86 , ["4.Tiers"]
87 , ["5.Finance"]
88 , ["6.Charge"]
89 , ["7.Produit"]
90 ]
91 ]
92 , testGroup "chart_axis_descendant" $
93 let (==>) (file, input) expected =
94 testCase file $ do
95 lr_chart <- input
96 let path = do
97 chart <- lr_chart
98 let sel = zipper_descendant
99 let res = sel $ LCC.zipper_chart chart
100 Right $ (LCC.unName <$>) . path_of_zipper <$> res
101 path @?= Right expected in
102 [ chart_00 ==>
103 [ ["1.Capital"]
104 , ["2.Immobilisation"]
105 , ["3.Stock"]
106 , ["4.Tiers"]
107 , ["4.Tiers", "0.Fournisseur"]
108 , ["4.Tiers", "0.Fournisseur", "9.Débiteur"]
109 , ["4.Tiers", "1.Client"]
110 , ["4.Tiers", "2.Personnel"]
111 , ["4.Tiers", "3.Sécu"]
112 , ["4.Tiers", "4.État"]
113 , ["5.Finance"]
114 , ["5.Finance", "1.Établissement"]
115 , ["5.Finance", "1.Établissement", "2.Banque"]
116 , ["5.Finance", "3.Caisse"]
117 , ["6.Charge"]
118 , ["7.Produit"]
119 ]
120 ]
121 , testGroup "zipper_account_tags" $
122 let (==>) (file, input) expected =
123 testCase file $ do
124 lr_chart <- input
125 let path = do
126 chart <- lr_chart
127 let sel =
128 -- //*[...[~Bilan][0][~Bilan:Actif]]
129 zipper_descendant
130 `zipper_filter` not . zipper_null
131 (zipper_ancestor_or_self
132 `zipper_filter` not . zipper_null
133 (zipper_child_lookup $ LCC.Name "Bilan")
134 . LCC.zipper_accounts_tags
135 `zipper_at` 0
136 `zipper_filter` not . zipper_null
137 (zipper_child_lookups $ zip_path ["Bilan", "Actif"])
138 . LCC.zipper_accounts_tags)
139 let res = sel $ zipper $ LCC.chart_accounts chart
140 Right $ (LCC.unName <$>) . path_of_zipper <$> res
141 path @?= Right expected in
142 [ chart_00 ==>
143 [ ["2.Immobilisation"]
144 , ["4.Tiers","0.Fournisseur","9.Débiteur"]
145 , ["4.Tiers","1.Client"]
146 , ["4.Tiers","3.Sécu"]
147 ]
148 ]
149 ]