]> Git — Sourcephile - gargantext.git/blob - src/Gargantext/Core/Viz/Graph/Bridgeness.hs
[FIX] numRunners to 1 by default for now
[gargantext.git] / src / Gargantext / Core / Viz / Graph / Bridgeness.hs
1 {-|
2 Module : Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Bridgeness
3 Description : Bridgeness filter
4 Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
5 License : AGPL + CECILL v3
6 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
7 Stability : experimental
8 Portability : POSIX
10 Let be a graph with partitions (from Louvain algo), Bridgeness uniformly
11 filters inter-communities links.
13 TODO rewrite Bridgeness with "equivalence structurale" metrics (Confluence)
14 TODO use Map LouvainNodeId (Map LouvainNodeId)
15 -}
17 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
19 module Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Bridgeness -- (bridgeness)
20 where
22 import Gargantext.Core.Methods.Similarities (Similarity(..))
23 import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
24 import Data.Map (Map, fromListWith, lookup, toList, mapWithKey, elems)
25 import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
26 import Data.Ord (Down(..))
27 import Debug.Trace (trace)
28 import Gargantext.Prelude
29 import Graph.Types (ClusterNode(..))
30 import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
31 import qualified Data.List as List
32 import qualified Data.Map as Map
33 import qualified Data.Set as Set
35 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
36 type Partitions a = Map (Int, Int) Double -> IO [a]
37 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
38 class ToComId a where
39 nodeId2comId :: a -> (NodeId,CommunityId)
41 type NodeId = Int
42 type CommunityId = Int
44 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
45 instance ToComId ClusterNode where
46 nodeId2comId (ClusterNode i1 i2) = (i1, i2)
48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
49 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
50 type Bridgeness = Double
51 type Confluence = Map (NodeId, NodeId) Double
54 bridgeness3 :: Similarity
55 -> Confluence
56 -> Map (NodeId, NodeId) Double
57 -> Map (NodeId, NodeId) Double
58 bridgeness3 sim c m = Map.fromList
59 $ map (\(ks, (v1,_v2)) -> (ks,v1))
60 $ List.take (if sim == Conditional then 2*n else 4*n)
61 $ List.sortOn (Down . (snd . snd))
62 $ Map.toList
63 $ trace ("bridgeness3 m c" <> show (m,c)) $ Map.intersectionWithKey (\k v1 v2 -> trace ("intersectionWithKey " <> (show (k, v1, v2))) (v1, v2)) m c
64 where
65 !m' = Map.toList m
66 n :: Int
67 !n = trace ("bridgeness m size: " <> (show $ List.length m'))
68 $ round
69 $ (fromIntegral $ List.length m') / (log $ fromIntegral nodesNumber :: Double)
71 nodesNumber :: Int
72 nodesNumber = Set.size $ Set.fromList $ as <> bs
73 where
74 (as, bs) = List.unzip $ Map.keys m
77 map2intMap :: Map (Int, Int) a -> IntMap (IntMap a)
78 map2intMap m = IntMap.fromListWith (<>)
79 $ map (\((k1,k2), v) -> if k1 < k2
80 then (k1, IntMap.singleton k2 v)
81 else (k2, IntMap.singleton k1 v)
82 )
83 $ Map.toList m
85 look :: (Int,Int) -> IntMap (IntMap a) -> Maybe a
86 look (k1,k2) m = if k1 < k2
87 then case (IntMap.lookup k1 m) of
88 Just m' -> IntMap.lookup k2 m'
89 _ -> Nothing
90 else look (k2,k1) m
93 bridgeness :: ToComId a
94 => Confluence
95 -> [a]
96 -> Map (NodeId, NodeId) Double
97 -> Map (NodeId, NodeId) Double
98 bridgeness = bridgenessWith nodeId2comId
99 where
100 bridgenessWith :: (a -> (Int, Int))
101 -> Confluence
102 -> [a]
103 -> Map (Int, Int) Double
104 -> Map (Int, Int) Double
105 bridgenessWith f b ns = Map.fromList
106 . List.concat
107 . Map.elems
108 . filterComs b
109 . groupEdges (Map.fromList $ map f ns)
112 groupEdges :: (Ord a, Ord b1)
113 => Map b1 a
114 -> Map (b1, b1) b2
115 -> Map (a, a) [((b1, b1), b2)]
116 groupEdges m = fromListWith (<>)
117 . catMaybes
118 . map (\((n1,n2), d)
119 -> let
120 n1n2_m = (,) <$> lookup n1 m <*> lookup n2 m
121 n1n2_d = Just [((n1,n2),d)]
122 in (,) <$> n1n2_m <*> n1n2_d
123 )
124 . toList
126 -- | TODO : sortOn Confluence
127 filterComs :: (Ord n1, Eq n2)
128 => p
129 -> Map (n2, n2) [(a3, n1)]
130 -> Map (n2, n2) [(a3, n1)]
131 filterComs _b m = Map.filter (\n -> length n > 0) $ mapWithKey filter' m
132 where
133 filter' (c1,c2) a
134 | c1 == c2 = a
135 -- TODO use n here
136 | otherwise = take 1 $ List.sortOn (Down . snd) a
137 where
138 _n :: Int
139 _n = round $ 100 * a' / t
140 a'= fromIntegral $ length a
141 t :: Double
142 t = fromIntegral $ length $ List.concat $ elems m
144 --------------------------------------------------------------
146 {--
147 Compute the median of a list
148 From: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/dsp-
149 Compute the center of the list in a more lazy manner
150 and thus halves memory requirement.
151 -}
152 median :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => [a] -> a
153 median [] = panic "medianFast: empty list has no median"
154 median zs =
155 let recurse (x0:_) (_:[]) = x0
156 recurse (x0:x1:_) (_:_:[]) = (x0+x1)/2
157 recurse (_:xs) (_:_:ys) = recurse xs ys
158 recurse _ _ =
159 panic "median: this error cannot occur in the way 'recurse' is called"
160 in recurse zs zs