]> Git — Sourcephile - git-remote-gpg.git/blob - git-remote-gpg
[git-remote-gpg.git] / git-remote-gpg
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 our $VERSION = '2014.01.28';
3 # dependencies
4 use strict;
5 use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
6 use Carp;
7 use Cwd;
8 use File::Basename;
9 use File::Copy;
10 use File::Spec::Functions qw(:ALL);
11 use File::Temp;
12 use Getopt::Long;
13 use IPC::Run;
14 # NOTE: to debug: IPCRUNDEBUG=basic|data|details|gory
15 use IO::Handle;
16 use JSON;
17 use POSIX qw(WNOHANG);
18 use URI;
20 require Pod::Usage;
21 require Data::Dumper;
22 # trace utilities
23 sub trace (@) {
24 foreach my $msg (@_) {
25 print STDERR $msg
26 if defined $msg;
27 }
28 }
29 sub debug (@) {
30 my $call = (caller(1))[3];
31 if ($ENV{TRACE}) {
32 trace
33 ( "\e[35mDEBUG\e[m"
34 , "\e[30m\e[1m.", join('.', $call."\e[m")
35 , " ", (map {
36 ref $_ eq 'CODE'
37 ? $_->()
38 : Data::Dumper::Dumper($_)
39 } @_)
40 );
41 }
42 return 1;
43 }
44 sub info (@) {
45 my $call = (caller(1))[3];
46 trace
47 ( "\e[32mINFO\e[m"
48 , "\e[30m\e[1m.", join('.', $call."\e[m")
49 , " ", (ref $_ eq 'CODE'?(join("\n ", $_->()), "\n"):(@_, "\n"))
50 );
51 }
52 sub warning (@) {
53 local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1;
54 carp("\e[33mWARNING\e[m ", @_, "\n\t");
55 }
56 sub error (@) {
57 local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1;
58 croak("\e[31mERROR\e[m ", @_, "\n\t");
59 }
60 # utilities
61 # system utilities
62 sub rm ($) {
63 my ($file) = @_;
64 debug(sub{"file="},$file);
65 unlink($file)
66 or error("rm $file");
67 }
68 # grg crypto
69 sub grg_rand ($$) {
70 my ($ctx, $size) = @_;
71 local $_;
72 IPC::Run::run([@{$ctx->{config}->{gpg}}
73 , '--armor', '--gen-rand', '1', $size]
74 , '>', \$_)
75 or error("failed to get random bits");
76 chomp;
77 return $_;
78 }
79 sub grg_hash ($$;$) {
80 my ($ctx, $algo, $run) = @_;
81 $run = sub {return @_} unless defined $run;
82 my $hash;
83 IPC::Run::run($run->([@{$ctx->{config}->{gpg}}
84 , '--with-colons', '--print-md', $algo]
85 , '>', \$hash))
86 or error("failed to hash data");
87 return ((split(':', $hash))[2]);
88 }
89 sub gpg_fingerprint($$$) {
90 my ($ctx, $id, $caps_needed) = @_;
91 my ($output);
92 my %h = ();
93 if (IPC::Run::run([@{$ctx->{config}->{gpg}}
94 , '--fixed-list-mode', '--with-colons', '--with-fingerprint', '--list-keys', $id]
95 , '>', \$output)) {
96 my @lines = split(/\n/,$output);
97 while (my $line = shift @lines) {
98 if (my ($longkeyid, $caps) = $line =~ m/^pub:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:([^:]*):[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:([^:]+):.*$/) {
99 my $skip = 0;
100 foreach my $cap (@$caps_needed) {
101 if (not ($caps =~ m/$cap/)) {
102 warning("skipping key 0x$longkeyid which has not usable capability: $cap, but matches: `$id'");
103 $skip = 1;
104 }
105 }
106 if (not $skip) {
107 my $fpr = undef;
108 my $uid = undef;
109 while ((not defined $fpr or not defined $uid)
110 and $line = shift @lines) {
111 (not defined $fpr and (($fpr) = $line =~ m/^fpr:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:([0-9A-F]+):.*$/)) or
112 (not defined $uid and (($uid) = $line =~ m/^uid:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:([^:]+):.*$/)) or
113 1;
114 }
115 error("unable to extract fingerprint and user ID")
116 unless defined $fpr
117 and defined $uid;
118 $h{$fpr} = $uid;
119 }
120 }
121 }
122 }
123 error("unable to find any OpenPGP key with usable capability: ".join('', @$caps_needed)." for: `$id'")
124 unless scalar(%h) gt 0;
125 debug(sub{"$id -> "}, \%h);
126 return %h;
127 }
128 sub grg_encrypt_symmetric ($$$;$) {
129 my ($ctx, $clear, $key, $run) = @_;
130 $run = sub {return @_} unless defined $run;
131 IPC::Run::run($run->([@{$ctx->{config}->{gpg}}
132 , '--batch', '--yes'
133 , '--compress-algo', 'none'
134 , '--force-mdc'
135 , '--passphrase-fd', '3'
136 , '--s2k-mode', '1'
137 , '--trust-model', 'always'
138 , '--symmetric']
139 , '<', \$clear, '3<', \$key))
140 or error("failed to encrypt symmetrically data");
141 }
142 sub grg_decrypt_symmetric ($$$;$) {
143 my ($ctx, $key, $run) = @_;
144 $run = sub {return @_} unless defined $run;
145 IPC::Run::run($run->([@{$ctx->{config}->{gpg}}
146 , '--batch', '--no-default-keyring', '--keyring', '/dev/null', '--secret-keyring', '/dev/null'
147 , '--passphrase-fd', '3', '--quiet', '--decrypt']
148 , '3<', \$key))
149 or error("failed to decrypt symmetrically data");
150 }
151 sub grg_encrypt_asymmetric ($$;$) {
152 my ($ctx, $clear, $run) = @_;
153 $run = sub {return @_} unless defined $run;
154 my @recipients =
155 ( (map { ('--recipient', '0x'.$_) } (keys %{$ctx->{config}->{keys}}))
156 , (map { ('--hidden-recipient', '0x'.$_) } (keys %{$ctx->{config}->{'hidden-keys'}})) );
157 @recipients = ('--default-recipient-self')
158 if @recipients == 0;
159 IPC::Run::run($run->([@{$ctx->{config}->{gpg}}
160 , '--batch', '--yes'
161 , '--compress-algo', 'none'
162 , '--trust-model', 'always'
163 , '--sign', '--encrypt'
164 , ($ctx->{config}->{signingkey}->{fpr} ? ('--local-user', $ctx->{config}->{signingkey}->{fpr}) : ())
165 , @recipients ]
166 , '<', \$clear))
167 or error("failed to encrypt asymmetrically data");
168 }
169 sub grg_decrypt_asymmetric ($$;$) {
170 my ($ctx, $run) = @_;
171 my ($clear, $status);
172 $run = sub {return @_} unless defined $run;
173 IPC::Run::run($run->([@{$ctx->{config}->{gpg}}
174 , '--batch', '--no-default-keyring',
175 , '--status-fd', '3', '--quiet', '--decrypt']
176 , '>', \$clear, '3>', \$status))
177 or error("failed to decrypt asymmetrically data");
178 debug(sub{"status=\n$status"});
179 my @lines = split(/\n/,$status);
180 my ($enc_to, $goodsig, $validsig, $validpub, $goodmdc);
181 foreach my $line (@lines) {
182 (not defined $enc_to and (($enc_to) = $line =~ m/^\[GNUPG:\] ENC_TO ([0-9A-F]+).*$/)) or
183 (not defined $goodsig and (($goodsig) = $line =~ m/^\[GNUPG:\] GOODSIG ([0-9A-F]+).*$/)) or
184 (not defined $goodmdc and (($goodmdc) = $line =~ m/^\[GNUPG:\] (GOODMDC)$/)) or
185 (not defined $validsig and not defined $validpub and (($validsig, $validpub)
186 = $line =~ m/^\[GNUPG:\] VALIDSIG ([0-9A-F]+) [^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+ ([0-9A-F]+).*$/)) or
187 1;
188 }
189 error("data expected to be encrypted")
190 unless $enc_to;
191 debug(sub{"enc_to=$enc_to\n"});
192 error("data expected to be signed")
193 unless $goodsig;
194 debug(sub{"goodsig=$goodsig\n"});
195 error("modification detection code incorrect")
196 unless $goodmdc;
197 debug(sub{"good_mdc=$goodmdc\n"});
198 error("data signature invalid")
199 unless $validsig and $validpub;
200 debug(sub{"validsig=$validsig\n"});
201 debug(sub{"validpub=$validpub\n"});
202 error("data signature refused")
203 unless exists $ctx->{config}->{keys}->{$validpub}
204 or exists $ctx->{config}->{'hidden-keys'}->{$validpub};
205 debug(sub{"accepted:$validpub\n"});
206 return $clear;
207 }
208 # grg remote I/O
209 sub grg_remote_fetch_file ($$$) {
210 my ($ctx, $files, $fetch_files) = @_;
211 # NOTE: avoid File::Copy::copy().
212 @$fetch_files = map { File::Spec->catfile($ctx->{remote}->{uri}->file, $_) } @$files;
213 foreach my $file (@$fetch_files) {
214 -r $file or return ();
215 }
216 return 1;
217 }
218 sub grg_remote_fetch_rsync ($$$) {
219 my ($ctx, $files, $fetch_files) = @_;
220 my $uri = $ctx->{remote}->{uri}->clone;
221 $uri->scheme(undef);
222 $uri->fragment(undef);
223 $uri->query(undef);
224 $uri = $uri->as_string;
225 IPC::Run::run([@{$ctx->{config}->{rsync}}
226 , '--verbose', '--ignore-times', '--inplace', '--progress'
227 , (map { File::Spec->catfile($uri, $_) } @$files)
228 , $ctx->{'dir-cache'}.'/']
229 , '>&2')
230 }
231 sub grg_remote_fetch_sftp ($$$) {
232 my ($ctx, $files, $fetch_files) = @_;
233 IPC::Run::run([@{$ctx->{config}->{curl}}
234 , '--show-error'
235 , '--output', File::Spec->catfile($ctx->{'dir-cache'}, '#1')
236 , File::Spec->catfile($ctx->{remote}->{uri}, '{'.join(',',@$files).'}') ])
237 }
238 sub grg_remote_fetch ($$) {
239 my ($ctx, $files) = @_;
240 debug(sub{'files='}, $files);
241 my $scheme = $ctx->{remote}->{uri}->scheme;
242 my $fetch_files = [map { File::Spec->catfile($ctx->{'dir-cache'}, $_) } @$files];
243 my $fct =
244 { file => \&grg_remote_fetch_file
245 , rsync => \&grg_remote_fetch_rsync
246 , sftp => \&grg_remote_fetch_sftp
247 }->{$scheme};
248 error("URL scheme not supported: `$scheme'")
249 unless $fct;
250 $fct->($ctx, $files, $fetch_files)
251 or return ();
252 return @$fetch_files;
253 }
254 sub grg_remote_init_file ($) {
255 my ($ctx) = @_;
256 my $dst = $ctx->{remote}->{uri}->file;
257 debug(sub{"File::Path::make_path('$dst')\n"});
258 defined File::Path::make_path($dst, {verbose => 1})
259 }
260 sub grg_remote_init_rsync ($) {
261 my ($ctx) = @_;
262 my $tmp = File::Temp->tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
263 my $path = $ctx->{remote}->{uri}->path;
264 my $uri = $ctx->{remote}->{uri}->clone;
265 $uri->fragment(undef);
266 $uri->path(undef);
267 $uri->query(undef);
268 File::Path::make_path(File::Spec->catdir($tmp, $path), {verbose => 0}) and
269 IPC::Run::run([@{$ctx->{config}->{rsync}}
270 , '--verbose', '--recursive', '--relative'
271 , '--exclude=*', '.'
272 , File::Spec->catfile($uri->as_string)]
273 , init => sub { chdir $tmp or die $!; })
274 }
275 sub grg_remote_init_sftp ($) {
276 my ($ctx) = @_;
277 my $path = $ctx->{remote}->{uri}->path;
278 my $uri = $ctx->{remote}->{uri}->clone;
279 $uri->fragment(undef);
280 $uri->path(undef);
281 $uri->query(undef);
282 IPC::Run::run([@{$ctx->{config}->{curl}}
283 , '--show-error', '--ftp-create-dirs'
284 , '-Q', "+mkdir ".$path
285 , $uri->as_string])
286 }
287 sub grg_remote_init ($) {
288 my ($ctx) = @_;
289 my $scheme = $ctx->{remote}->{uri}->scheme;
290 my $fct =
291 { file => \&grg_remote_init_file
292 , rsync => \&grg_remote_init_rsync
293 , sftp => \&grg_remote_init_sftp
294 }->{$scheme};
295 error("URL scheme not supported: `$scheme'")
296 unless $fct;
297 $fct->($ctx)
298 or error("remote init failed");
299 return;
300 }
301 sub grg_remote_push_file ($$) {
302 my ($ctx, $files) = @_;
303 foreach my $file (@$files) {
304 my $src = File::Spec->catfile($ctx->{'dir-cache'}, $file);
305 my $dst = File::Spec->catfile($ctx->{remote}->{uri}->file, $file);
306 debug(sub{"File::Copy::move('$src', '$dst')\n"});
307 File::Copy::move($src, $dst);
308 }
309 return 1;
310 }
311 sub grg_remote_push_rsync ($$) {
312 my ($ctx, $files) = @_;
313 my $uri = $ctx->{remote}->{uri}->clone;
314 $uri->fragment('');
315 $uri->query('');
316 IPC::Run::run([@{$ctx->{config}->{rsync}}
317 , '--verbose', '--relative'
318 , @$files
319 , $uri->as_string])
320 }
321 sub grg_remote_push_sftp ($$) {
322 my ($ctx, $files) = @_;
323 my $uri = $ctx->{remote}->{uri}->clone;
324 $uri->fragment('');
325 $uri->query('');
326 IPC::Run::run([@{$ctx->{config}->{curl}}
327 , '--show-error', '--ftp-create-dirs', '--upload-file'
328 , '{'.join(',', @$files).'}'
329 , $uri->as_string.'/'])
330 }
331 sub grg_remote_push ($) {
332 my ($ctx) = @_;
333 my $scheme = $ctx->{remote}->{uri}->scheme;
334 grg_remote_init($ctx)
335 unless $ctx->{remote}->{checked};
336 return 1
337 if @{$ctx->{remote}->{push}} == 0;
338 my $fct =
339 { file => \&grg_remote_push_file
340 , rsync => \&grg_remote_push_rsync
341 , sftp => \&grg_remote_push_sftp
342 }->{$scheme};
343 error("URL scheme not supported: `$scheme'")
344 unless $fct;
345 $fct->($ctx, $ctx->{remote}->{push})
346 or error("remote push failed");
347 return 1;
348 }
349 sub grg_remote_remove ($) {
350 my ($ctx) = @_;
351 #my $scheme = $ctx->{remote}->{uri}->scheme;
352 #my $fct =
353 # { file => sub {
354 # File::Copy::remove_tree
355 # ( map { File::Spec->catfile($ctx->{remote}->{uri}->path, $_) } @$files
356 # , verbose => 1 )
357 # }
358 # , rsync => sub {
359 # IPC::Run::run([@{$ctx->{config}->{rsync}}
360 # , '--verbose', '--ignore-times', '--recursive', '--delete'
361 # , @$files
362 # , $ctx->{remote}->{uri}])
363 # }
364 # , sftp => sub {
365 # IPC::Run::run([@{$ctx->{config}->{curl}}
366 # , '--show-error'
367 # , map { ('-Q', 'rm '.$_) } @$files
368 # , $ctx->{remote}->{uri}])
369 # }
370 # }->{$scheme};
371 #error("URL scheme not supported: `$scheme'")
372 # unless $fct;
373 #$fct->($ctx, $ctx->{remote}->{remove})
374 # or error("remote remove failed");
375 #return;
376 }
377 # grg packing
378 sub grg_pack_fetch ($$) {
379 my ($ctx, $fetch_objects) = @_;
380 local $_;
381 # %remote_objects
382 my %remote_objects = ();
383 while (my ($pack_id, $pack) = each %{$ctx->{manifest}->{packs}}) {
384 foreach my $obj (@{$pack->{objects}}) {
385 $remote_objects{$obj} = $pack_id;
386 }
387 }
388 # @packs_to_fetch
389 my %packs_to_fetch = ();
390 foreach my $obj (@$fetch_objects) {
391 my @packs = ($remote_objects{$obj});
392 while (my $pack_id = shift @packs) {
393 if (not exists $packs_to_fetch{$pack_id}) {
394 $packs_to_fetch{$pack_id} = 1;
395 my $manifest_pack = $ctx->{manifest}->{packs}->{$pack_id};
396 error("manifest is missing a dependency pack: $pack_id")
397 unless defined $manifest_pack;
398 @packs = (@packs, @{$manifest_pack->{deps}});
399 }
400 }
401 }
402 my @packs_to_fetch = keys %packs_to_fetch;
403 grg_remote_fetch($ctx, [@packs_to_fetch]);
404 foreach my $pack_id (@packs_to_fetch) {
405 my $pack_file = File::Spec->catfile($ctx->{'dir-cache'}, $pack_id);
406 my $manifest_pack = $ctx->{manifest}->{packs}->{$pack_id};
407 my $pack_key = $manifest_pack->{key};
408 my $pack_data;
409 grg_decrypt_symmetric($ctx, $pack_key, sub {
410 push @{$_[0]}, ($pack_file);
411 return (@_, '>', \$pack_data);
412 });
413 my $pack_hash_algo = $manifest_pack->{hash_algo};
414 my $pack_hash = grg_hash($ctx
415 , $pack_hash_algo
416 , sub { return (@_, '<', \$pack_data); });
417 error("pack data hash differs from pack manifest hash")
418 unless $pack_hash eq $manifest_pack->{hash};
419 rm($pack_file);
420 IPC::Run::run(['git', 'index-pack', '-v', '--stdin']
421 , '<', \$pack_data
422 , '>&2');
423 }
424 }
425 sub grg_pack_push ($$) {
426 my ($ctx, $push_objects) = @_;
427 local $_;
428 debug(sub{"push_objects=\n"}, $push_objects);
429 # %remote_objects
430 my %remote_objects = ();
431 while (my ($pack_id, $pack) = each %{$ctx->{manifest}->{packs}}) {
432 foreach my $obj (@{$pack->{objects}}) {
433 $remote_objects{$obj} = $pack_id;
434 }
435 }
436 # @common_objects
437 IPC::Run::run(['git', 'cat-file', '--batch-check']
438 , '<', \join("\n", keys %remote_objects)
439 , '>', \$_)
440 or error("failed to query local git objects");
441 my @common_objects
442 = map {
443 if ($_ =~ m/ missing$/) { () }
444 else { s/ .*//; $_ }
445 } (split(/\n/, $_));
446 # @pack_objects, @pack_deps_objects
447 IPC::Run::run(['git', 'rev-list', '--objects-edge', '--stdin', '--']
448 , '<', \join("\n", ((map {'^'.$_} @common_objects), @$push_objects))
449 , '>', \$_)
450 or error("failed to query objects to pack");
451 my @pack_objects_edge = split(/\n/, $_);
452 foreach (@pack_objects_edge) {s/ .*//}
453 my @pack_objects = grep {m/^[^-]/} @pack_objects_edge;
454 my @pack_deps_objects = grep {s/^-//} @pack_objects_edge;
455 # %pack_deps
456 my %pack_deps = ();
457 foreach my $obj (@pack_deps_objects) {
458 my $pack = $remote_objects{$obj};
459 error("manifest is missing object dependencies")
460 unless defined $pack;
461 $pack_deps{$pack} = 1;
462 }
463 if (@pack_objects > 0) {
464 # $pack_id
465 my $pack_id;
466 my $pack_id_try = 0;
467 while (not defined $pack_id
468 or exists $ctx->{manifest}->{packs}->{$pack_id}) {
469 $pack_id = grg_rand($ctx, $ctx->{config}->{'pack-filename-size'});
470 $pack_id =~ s{/}{-}g;
471 error("failed to pick an unused random pack filename after 512 tries; retry or increase grg.pack-filename-size")
472 if $pack_id_try++ >= 512;
473 }
474 my $pack_key = grg_rand($ctx, $ctx->{config}->{'pack-key-size'});
475 my $pack_data;
476 IPC::Run::run(['git', 'pack-objects', '--stdout']
477 , '<', \join("\n", @pack_objects)
478 , '>', \$pack_data)
479 or error("failed to pack objects to push");
480 my $pack_hash = grg_hash($ctx
481 , $ctx->{config}->{'pack-hash-algo'}
482 , sub { return (@_, '<', \$pack_data); });
483 grg_encrypt_symmetric($ctx, $pack_data, $pack_key, sub {
484 push @{$_[0]}, ('--output', File::Spec->catfile($ctx->{'dir-cache'}, $pack_id));
485 return @_;
486 });
487 push @{$ctx->{remote}->{push}}, $pack_id;
488 $ctx->{manifest}->{packs}->{$pack_id} =
489 { deps => [keys %pack_deps]
490 , hash => $pack_hash
491 , hash_algo => $ctx->{config}->{'pack-hash-algo'}
492 , key => $pack_key
493 , objects => \@pack_objects
494 };
495 }
496 }
497 # grg manifest
498 sub grg_manifest_fetch ($) {
499 my ($ctx) = @_;
500 $ctx->{manifest} =
501 { 'hidden-keys' => {}
502 , keys => {}
503 , packs => {}
504 , refs => {}
505 , version => undef
506 };
507 my ($crypt) = grg_remote_fetch($ctx, [$ctx->{'manifest-file'}]);
508 if (defined $crypt) {
509 $ctx->{remote}->{checked} = 1;
510 my $json;
511 grg_decrypt_asymmetric($ctx, sub {
512 push @{$_[0]}, $crypt;
513 return (@_, '>', \$json); });
514 # TODO: remove cached manifest?
515 my $manifest;
516 ($manifest = JSON::decode_json($json) and ref $manifest eq 'HASH')
517 or error("failed to decode JSON manifest");
518 $ctx->{manifest} = {%{$ctx->{manifest}}, %$manifest};
519 foreach my $slot (qw(keys hidden-keys)) {
520 while (my ($fpr, $uid) = each %{$ctx->{manifest}->{$slot}}) {
521 my %keys = gpg_fingerprint($ctx, '0x'.$fpr, ['E']);
522 my ($fpr, $uid) = each %keys;
523 $ctx->{config}->{$slot}->{$fpr} = $uid;
524 }
525 }
526 }
527 else {
528 debug(sub{'ctx='}, $ctx);
529 if ($ctx->{command} eq 'push') {
530 $ctx->{remote}->{checked} = 0;
531 }
532 elsif ($ctx->{remote}->{checking}) {
533 exit 100;
534 }
535 else {
536 error("remote checking failed");
537 }
538 }
539 }
540 sub grg_manifest_push ($) {
541 my ($ctx) = @_;
542 foreach my $slot (qw(keys hidden-keys)) {
543 $ctx->{manifest}->{$slot} = {};
544 while (my ($fpr, $uid) = each %{$ctx->{config}->{$slot}}) {
545 $ctx->{manifest}->{$slot}->{$fpr} = $uid;
546 }
547 }
548 my $json = JSON::encode_json($ctx->{manifest})
549 or error("failed to encode JSON manifest");
550 grg_encrypt_asymmetric($ctx, $json, sub {
551 push @{$_[0]}
552 , ('--output', File::Spec->catfile($ctx->{'dir-cache'}, $ctx->{'manifest-file'}));
553 return @_; });
554 push @{$ctx->{remote}->{push}}, $ctx->{'manifest-file'};
555 }
556 # grg config
557 sub grg_config_read($) {
558 my ($ctx) = @_;
559 my $cfg = $ctx->{config};
560 local $/ = "\n";
562 foreach my $name (qw(gpg signingkey keys)
563 , grep { !m/^(gpg|signingkey|keys)$/ } (keys %$cfg)) {
564 my $value;
565 IPC::Run::run(['git', 'config', '--get', 'remote.'.$ctx->{remote}->{name}.'.'.$name, '.+'], '>', \$value) or
566 IPC::Run::run(['git', 'config', '--get', 'grg.'.$name, '.+'], '>', \$value) or 1;
567 if ($name eq 'signingkey') {
568 IPC::Run::run(['git', 'config', '--get', 'user.'.$name, '.+'], '>', \$value)
569 if (not $value);
570 chomp $value;
571 my %keys = gpg_fingerprint($ctx, $value, ['S']);
572 warning("signing key ID is not matching a unique key: taking only one")
573 unless scalar(keys %keys) == 1;
574 my ($fpr, $uid) = each %keys;
575 $cfg->{$name} = {fpr => $fpr, uid => $uid};
576 }
577 elsif ($name eq 'keys' or $name eq 'hidden-keys') {
578 IPC::Run::run(['git', 'config', '--get', 'user.'.$name, '.+'], '>', \$value)
579 if (not $value);
580 chomp $value;
581 my @ids = split(/,/, $value);
582 if (@ids > 0) {
583 foreach my $key (@ids) {
584 my %keys = gpg_fingerprint($ctx, $key, ['E']);
585 while (my ($fpr, $uid) = each %keys) {
586 $cfg->{$name}->{$fpr} = $uid;
587 }
588 }
589 }
590 }
591 elsif (grep(/^$name$/, qw(curl gpg rsync))) {
592 IPC::Run::run(['git', 'config', '--get', $name.'.program', '.+'], '>', \$value)
593 if (not $value);
594 $cfg->{$name} = [split(' ', $value)]
595 if $value;
596 }
597 else {
598 chomp $value;
599 $cfg->{$name} = $value
600 if $value;
601 }
602 }
603 error("no signingkey configured; to do so you may use one of following commands:\n"
604 , "\t\$ git config remote.'$ctx->{remote}->{name}'.signingkey \$your_openpgp_id\n"
605 , "\t\$ git config grg.signingkey \$your_openpgp_id\n"
606 , "\t\$ git config user.signingkey \$your_openpgp_id"
607 ) unless defined $cfg->{signingkey};
608 if ( (scalar (keys %{$cfg->{keys}}) == 0)
609 and (scalar (keys %{$cfg->{'hidden-keys'}}) == 0) ) {
610 $cfg->{keys} = { $cfg->{signingkey}->{fpr} => $cfg->{signingkey}->{uid} };
611 }
613 debug(sub{'config='},$cfg);
614 }
615 # grg system
616 sub grg_connect ($) {
617 my ($ctx) = @_;
618 grg_config_read($ctx);
619 grg_manifest_fetch($ctx);
620 }
621 sub grg_disconnect ($) {
622 my ($ctx) = @_;
623 grg_remote_push($ctx);
624 }
625 # grg commands
626 sub gpg_command_answer ($) {
627 my @cmd = @_;
628 debug(sub{join('', @cmd)."\n"});
629 print STDOUT (@cmd, "\n");
630 }
631 sub grg_command_capabilities ($) {
632 my ($ctx) = @_;
633 $ctx->{command} = 'capabilities';
634 gpg_command_answer("fetch");
635 gpg_command_answer("push");
636 gpg_command_answer("");
637 STDOUT->flush;
638 }
639 sub grg_command_fetch ($$) {
640 my ($ctx, $fetch_refs) = @_;
641 $ctx->{command} = 'fetch';
642 debug(sub{"fetch_refs="}, $fetch_refs);
643 grg_connect($ctx);
644 # @fetch_objects
645 my @fetch_objects= ();
646 foreach my $ref (@$fetch_refs) {
647 push @fetch_objects, $ref->{sha1};
648 }
649 grg_pack_fetch($ctx, \@fetch_objects);
650 }
651 sub grg_command_list ($) {
652 my ($ctx) = @_;
653 $ctx->{command} = 'list';
654 grg_connect($ctx);
655 while (my ($ref, $obj) = each %{$ctx->{manifest}->{refs}}) {
656 gpg_command_answer("$obj $ref");
657 };
658 gpg_command_answer("");
659 }
660 sub grg_command_push ($$) {
661 my ($ctx, $push_refs) = @_;
662 local $_;
663 $ctx->{command} = 'push';
664 debug(sub{"push_refs="}, $push_refs);
665 grg_connect($ctx);
666 # @push_objects
667 my @push_objects= ();
668 foreach my $ref (@$push_refs) {
669 IPC::Run::run(['git', 'rev-list', '--ignore-missing', '--max-count=1', $ref->{src}, '--']
670 , '>', \$_)
671 or error("failed to dereference ref to push: ".$ref->{src});
672 chomp;
673 $ref->{src_obj} = $_;
674 push @push_objects, $_;
675 }
676 grg_pack_push($ctx, \@push_objects);
677 my $manifest_refs = $ctx->{manifest}->{refs};
678 foreach my $ref (@$push_refs) {
679 $manifest_refs->{$ref->{dst}} = $ref->{src_obj};
680 }
681 $manifest_refs->{HEAD}
682 = $push_refs->[-1]->{src_obj}
683 unless exists $manifest_refs->{HEAD}
684 or @$push_refs == 0;
685 grg_manifest_push($ctx);
686 grg_disconnect($ctx);
687 }
688 sub grg_commands(@) {
689 my ($ctx) = @_;
690 my $line = undef;
691 local $/ = "\n";
692 #STDOUT->autoflush(1);
693 while (defined $line or (not eof(*STDIN) and
694 (defined($line = readline(*STDIN)))
695 ? (chomp $line or 1)
696 : error("readline failed: $!")
697 )) {
698 debug(sub{"line=\"",$line,"\"\n"});
699 $ctx->{command} = undef;
700 if ($line eq 'capabilities') {
701 grg_command_capabilities($ctx);
702 $line = undef;
703 }
704 elsif ($line =~ m/^fetch .*$/) {
705 my @refs = ();
706 my ($sha1, $name);
707 while ((defined $line or (not eof(*STDIN) and
708 ((defined($line = readline(*STDIN)))
709 ? (chomp $line or 1)
710 : error("readline failed: $!")))) and
711 (($sha1, $name) = ($line =~ m/^fetch ([0-9a-f]{40}) (.+)$/))
712 ) {
713 debug(sub{"fetch line=\"",$line,"\"\n"});
714 push @refs, {sha1=>$sha1, name=>$name};
715 $line = undef;
716 }
717 error("failed to parse command: $line")
718 if @refs == 0;
719 grg_command_fetch($ctx, \@refs);
720 }
721 elsif ($line eq 'list' or $line eq 'list for-push') {
722 grg_command_list($ctx);
723 $line = undef;
724 }
725 elsif ($line =~ m/^push .*$/) {
726 my @refs = ();
727 my ($force, $src, $dst);
728 while ((defined $line or (not eof(*STDIN) and
729 ((defined($line = readline(*STDIN)))
730 ? (chomp $line or 1)
731 : error("readline failed: $!")))) and
732 (($force, $src, $dst) = ($line =~ m/^push (\+)?([^:]+):(.+)$/))
733 ) {
734 debug(sub{"push line=\"",$line,"\"\n"});
735 push @refs, {force=>(defined $force), src=>$src, dst=>$dst};
736 $line = undef;
737 }
738 error("failed to parse command: $line")
739 if @refs == 0;
740 grg_command_push($ctx, \@refs);
741 }
742 elsif ($line =~ m/^$/) {
743 $line = undef;
744 gpg_command_answer("");
745 return 0;
746 }
747 else {
748 warning("unsupported command supplied: `$line'");
749 $line = undef;
750 }
751 }
752 }
753 sub main {
754 $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $ENV{GIT_DIR} || '.git';
755 $ENV{GITCEPTION} = ($ENV{GITCEPTION} || '') . '+';
756 my $ctx =
757 { command => undef
758 , config =>
759 { curl => ['curl']
760 , gpg => ['gpg']
761 , keys => {}
762 , 'hidden-keys' => {}
763 , 'manifest-hash-algo' => 'SHA224' # NOTE: SHA512, SHA384, SHA256, SHA224 supported.
764 , 'pack-filename-size' => 42
765 , 'pack-hash-algo' => 'SHA224' # NOTE: SHA512, SHA384, SHA256, SHA224 supported.
766 , 'pack-key-size' => 64
767 , signingkey => undef
768 , rsync => ['rsync']
769 }
770 , 'dir-cache' => undef
771 , manifest => {}
772 , 'manifest-file' => undef
773 , remote =>
774 { checking => 0
775 , checked => undef
776 , name => undef
777 , uri => undef
778 , push => []
779 }
780 };
781 Getopt::Long::Configure
782 ( 'auto_version'
783 , 'pass_through'
784 , 'require_order'
785 );
786 Getopt::Long::GetOptions
787 ( help => sub { Pod::Usage::pod2usage
788 ( -exitstatus => 0
789 , -sections => ['SYNOPSIS', 'OPTIONS', 'REMOTES', 'CONFIG']
790 , -verbose => 99 ); }
791 , man => sub { Pod::Usage::pod2usage(-verbose => 2); }
792 , check => sub {
793 $ctx->{remote}->{checking} = 1;
794 }
795 );
796 if (not $ctx->{remote}->{checking}) {
797 my $name = shift @ARGV;
798 Pod::Usage::pod2usage(-verbose => 1)
799 unless defined $name;
800 ($ctx->{remote}->{name}) = ($name =~ m/^((\w|-)+)$/);
801 error("valid name of remote Git required, got: `$name'")
802 unless $ctx->{remote}->{name};
803 }
804 my $uri = shift @ARGV;
805 Pod::Usage::pod2usage(-verbose => 1)
806 unless defined $uri;
807 $ctx->{remote}->{uri} = URI->new($uri);
808 error("valid URL of remote Git required, got: `$uri'")
809 unless $ctx->{remote}->{uri};
810 my $fragment = $ctx->{remote}->{uri}->fragment;
811 $fragment = ''
812 unless defined $fragment;
813 $ctx->{'manifest-file'} = grg_hash($ctx
814 , $ctx->{config}->{'manifest-hash-algo'}
815 , sub { return (@_, '<', \$fragment); });
816 if (-d $ENV{GIT_DIR}) {
817 $ctx->{'dir-cache'} = File::Spec->catdir
818 ( $ENV{GIT_DIR}, 'cache', 'remotes'
819 , $ctx->{remote}->{name}, 'gpg');
820 File::Path::make_path($ctx->{'dir-cache'}, {verbose => 1});
821 }
822 else {
823 $ctx->{'dir-cache'} = File::Temp->tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
824 }
825 debug(sub{"ctx="},$ctx);
826 grg_commands($ctx);
827 }
828 main;
829 1;
830 __END__
832 =encoding utf8
834 =head1 NAME
836 git-remote-gpg - git-remote-helpers(1) to encrypt remote repository through gpg(1)
838 =head1 SYNOPSIS
840 =item git-remote-gpg $gpg_remote $gpg_url
842 =item git-remote-gpg --check $gpg_url
844 =head1 OPTIONS
846 =over 8
848 =item B<-h>, B<--help>
850 =item B<--version>
852 =back
854 =head1 REMOTES
856 =head2 Via rsync(1)
858 =item git remote add $remote gpg::rsync://${user:+$user@}$host/$path
860 =head2 Via curl(1)
862 =item git remote add $remote gpg::sftp://${user:+$user@}$host/$path
864 =head2 Via File::Copy(3pm)
866 =item git remote add $remote gpg::file://$path
868 =head1 CONFIG
870 =head2 git-config(1)
872 =over 8
874 =item B<grg.curl>
876 =item B<grg.gpg>
878 =item B<grg.keys>
880 =item B<grg.hidden-keys>
882 =item B<grg.manifest-hash-algo>
884 =item B<grg.pack-filename-size>
886 =item B<grg.pack-hash-algo>
888 =item B<grg.pack-key-size>
890 =item B<grg.signingkey>
892 =item B<grg.rsync>
894 =back
896 =cut