]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/interval.git/blob - Data/Interval/Sieve.hs
Remove redundant Ord constraints.
[haskell/interval.git] / Data / Interval / Sieve.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
6 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
7 module Data.Interval.Sieve where
9 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
10 import Control.Exception (assert)
11 import Data.Bool
12 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
13 import Data.FingerTree (FingerTree, ViewL(..), ViewR(..), (><), (<|), (|>))
14 import qualified Data.FingerTree as FT
15 import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
16 import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
17 import Data.Function (($), (.))
18 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
19 import qualified Data.List
20 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
21 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
22 import Data.Ord (Ord(..), Ordering(..))
23 import Prelude (Bounded(..), undefined)
24 import Text.Show (Show(..))
26 import qualified Data.Interval as Interval
27 import Data.Interval ( Interval(..)
28 , low, high
29 , (..<..), (..<<..)
30 , Position(..), position
31 , flip_limit
32 , Pretty(..) )
34 -- * Type 'Sieve'
36 -- | '..<<..'-ordered union of 'Interval's.
37 --
38 -- __Ressources:__
39 --
40 -- * Ralf Hinze and Ross Paterson,
41 -- \"Finger trees: a simple general-purpose data structure\",
42 -- /Journal of Functional Programming/ 16:2 (2006) pp 197-217.
43 -- <http://staff.city.ac.uk/~ross/papers/FingerTree.html>
44 -- * <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/fingertree/docs/Data-IntervalMap-FingerTree.html>
45 newtype Sieve x =
46 Sieve { unSieve :: FingerTree (Measure x) (Interval x) }
48 instance (Ord x, Show x) => Show (Pretty (Sieve x)) where
49 show (Pretty s) | Data.Interval.Sieve.null s = "empty"
50 show (Pretty s) = Data.List.intercalate " u " $ Data.List.map (show . Pretty) $ intervals s
52 -- | Like 'Data.Functor.fmap' but working on 'Interval's.
53 fmap_interval
54 :: (Interval x -> Interval y) -> Sieve x -> Sieve y
55 fmap_interval f (Sieve ft) = Sieve (FT.fmap' f ft)
57 -- | Like 'Data.Functor.fmap' but working on 'Interval's,
58 -- and safe only if 'Measure' is preserved.
59 fmap_interval_unsafe
60 :: (Interval x -> Interval x)
61 -> Sieve x -> Sieve x
62 fmap_interval_unsafe f (Sieve ft) = Sieve (FT.unsafeFmap f ft)
64 -- | Like 'Data.Traversable.traverse' but working on 'Interval's.
65 traverse_interval
66 :: Applicative f
67 => (Interval x -> f (Interval y))
68 -> Sieve x -> f (Sieve y)
69 traverse_interval f (Sieve ft) = Sieve <$> FT.traverse' f ft
71 -- | Like 'Data.Traversable.traverse' but working on 'Interval's,
72 -- and safe only if 'Measure' is preserved.
73 traverse_interval_unsafe
74 :: Applicative f
75 => (Interval x -> f (Interval x))
76 -> Sieve x -> f (Sieve x)
77 traverse_interval_unsafe f (Sieve ft) = Sieve <$> FT.unsafeTraverse f ft
79 -- | 'FT.Measure' of each leaf or node of the 'Sieve' 'FingerTree'.
80 data Measure x
81 = Measure_Empty -- ^ Measure of 'FT.empty' 'Fingertree'.
82 | Measure
83 { max_high_of_max_low :: Interval x
84 -- ^ An __'Interval' with the max 'high' 'Limit'__
85 -- __amongst those having the max 'low' 'Limit'__
86 -- (which is the 'max' 'Interval'
87 -- because of lexicographical ordering).
88 {- NOTE: not useful in the particular case of '..<..'-ordered 'Interval's
89 , max_high :: Interval x
90 -- ^ An __'Interval' with the max 'high' 'Limit'__
91 -- (which may be a different 'Interval'
92 -- as it can have a lower 'low' 'Limit',
93 -- and thus not be the 'max' 'Interval').
94 -}
95 }
96 instance Monoid (Measure x) where
97 mempty = Measure_Empty
99 Measure_Empty `mappend` i = i
100 i `mappend` Measure_Empty = i
101 _i `mappend` j = Measure (max_high_of_max_low j)
102 {- NOTE: not useful in the particular case of '..<..'-ordered 'Interval's
103 i `mappend` j =
104 Measure (max_high_of_max_low j) $
105 case compare_without_adherence (high (max_high i)) (high (max_high j)) of
106 LT -> max_high j
107 EQ ->
108 case (adherence (high (max_high i)), adherence (high (max_high j))) of
109 (In , In) -> max_high i
110 (In , Out) -> max_high i
111 (Out, In) -> max_high j
112 (Out, Out) -> max_high i
113 GT -> max_high i
114 -}
115 instance FT.Measured (Measure x) (Interval x) where
116 measure = Measure
118 empty :: Sieve x
119 empty = Sieve FT.empty
121 -- | Return the 'True' iif. the given 'Sieve' is 'empty'.
122 null :: Sieve x -> Bool
123 null (Sieve ft) = FT.null ft
125 singleton :: Interval x -> Sieve x
126 singleton = Sieve . FT.singleton
128 -- | Return an 'Interval' with:
129 --
130 -- * the 'Interval.low' 'Interval.Limit' of the 'min' 'Interval',
131 -- * the 'Interval.high' 'Interval.Limit' of the 'max' 'Interval'.
132 interval :: Ord x => Sieve x -> Maybe (Interval x)
133 interval (Sieve ft) =
134 case FT.viewl ft of
135 FT.EmptyL -> Nothing
136 -- l :< ls | FT.null ls -> Just l
137 l :< _ ->
138 case FT.viewr ft of
139 FT.EmptyR -> Nothing
140 _ :> r -> Just $ Interval (low l, high r)
142 -- | All the 'Interval's of the 'Sieve' in '..<<..' order.
143 intervals :: Sieve x -> [Interval x]
144 intervals (Sieve t) = Foldable.toList t
146 -- * Union
148 -- | Return a 'Sieve' merging the given 'Sieve's with 'Interval.union'.
149 union :: Ord x => Sieve x -> Sieve x -> Sieve x
150 union (Sieve s0) (Sieve s1) =
151 Sieve (merge s0 s1)
152 where
153 merge is js =
154 case FT.viewl is of
155 FT.EmptyL -> js
156 i :< gt_i ->
157 let (js_not_away_lt_i, js_away_gt_i ) = FT.split ( (i ..<<..) . max_high_of_max_low) js in
158 let (js_away_lt_i , js_not_away_i) = FT.split (not . (..<<.. i) . max_high_of_max_low) js_not_away_lt_i in
159 js_away_lt_i ><
160 -- NOTE: flip merge when possible
161 -- (i.e. when high i is majoring high-s of intersecting Interval-s)
162 -- to preserve complexity over commutativity.
163 case FT.viewl js_not_away_i of
164 FT.EmptyL -> i <| merge js_away_gt_i gt_i
165 lu :< us ->
166 case FT.viewr us of
167 FT.EmptyR ->
168 let u = lu in
169 case position i u of
170 (Adjacent, LT) -> merge gt_i (Interval (low i, high u) <| js_away_gt_i) -- flip: NO
171 (Overlap , LT) -> merge gt_i (Interval (low i, high u) <| js_away_gt_i) -- flip: NO
172 (Prefix , LT) -> merge gt_i (Interval (low i, high u) <| js_away_gt_i) -- flip: NO
173 (Include , GT) -> merge gt_i (u <| js_away_gt_i) -- flip: NO
174 (Suffixed, LT) -> i <| merge js_away_gt_i gt_i -- flip: YES
175 (Include , LT) -> i <| merge js_away_gt_i gt_i -- flip: YES
176 (Equal , _ ) -> i <| merge js_away_gt_i gt_i -- flip: YES
177 (Adjacent, GT) -> Interval (low u, high i) <| merge js_away_gt_i gt_i -- flip: YES
178 (Overlap , GT) -> Interval (low u, high i) <| merge js_away_gt_i gt_i -- flip: YES
179 (Prefix , GT) -> Interval (low u, high i) <| merge js_away_gt_i gt_i -- flip: YES
180 (Suffixed, GT) -> Interval (low u, high i) <| merge js_away_gt_i gt_i -- flip: YES
181 _ -> assert False undefined
182 _ :> hu ->
183 let l = low $
184 case position i lu of
185 (Adjacent, GT) -> lu
186 (Overlap , GT) -> lu
187 (Prefix , GT) -> lu
188 (Suffixed, GT) -> lu
189 _ -> i in
190 case position i hu of
191 (Adjacent, LT) -> merge gt_i (Interval (l, high hu) <| js_away_gt_i) -- flip: NO
192 (Overlap , LT) -> merge gt_i (Interval (l, high hu) <| js_away_gt_i) -- flip: NO
193 (Prefix , LT) -> merge gt_i (Interval (l, high hu) <| js_away_gt_i) -- flip: NO
194 _ -> Interval (l, high i) <| merge js_away_gt_i gt_i -- flip: YES
196 -- | Return a 'Sieve' merging the 'Interval's in the given 'Foldable' with 'Interval.union'.
197 from_Foldable :: (Foldable f, Ord x) => f (Interval x) -> Sieve x
198 from_Foldable = Foldable.foldr (union . singleton) empty
200 -- * Intersection
202 -- | Return a 'Sieve' merging the given 'Sieve's with 'Interval.intersection'.
203 intersection :: Ord x => Sieve x -> Sieve x -> Sieve x
204 intersection (Sieve s0) (Sieve s1) =
205 Sieve (merge s0 s1)
206 where
207 intersect i j = fromMaybe (assert False undefined) $ Interval.intersection i j
208 merge is js =
209 case FT.viewl is of
210 FT.EmptyL -> FT.empty
211 i :< gt_i ->
212 let (_, js_not_lt_i) = FT.split (not . (..<.. i) . max_high_of_max_low) js in
213 let (js_intersecting_i, _) = FT.split ( (i ..<..) . max_high_of_max_low) js_not_lt_i in
214 case FT.viewl js_intersecting_i of
215 li :< li' ->
216 intersect li i <|
217 case FT.viewr li' of
218 hi' :> hi -> hi' |> intersect i hi
219 _ -> li'
220 >< merge js_not_lt_i gt_i
221 _ -> merge js_not_lt_i gt_i
222 -- NOTE: swap merging to preserve complexity over commutativity
224 -- | All 'Interval's having a non-'Nothing' 'Interval.intersection' with the given 'Interval',
225 -- in '..<<..' order.
226 intersecting :: Ord x => Interval x -> Sieve x -> [Interval x]
227 intersecting i = Foldable.toList . unSieve . intersection (singleton i)
229 -- * Complement
231 -- | Return the 'Sieve' spanning over all the values not within the given 'Sieve'.
232 complement :: (Ord x, Bounded (Interval.Limit x)) => Sieve x -> Sieve x
233 complement = complement_with (Interval (minBound, maxBound))
235 -- | Return the 'Sieve' spanning over all the values not within the given 'Sieve',
236 -- but within the given 'Interval' which MUST be 'Interval.onto' every 'Interval' inside the 'Sieve'.
237 complement_with :: Ord x => Interval x -> Sieve x -> Sieve x
238 complement_with b (Sieve s) =
239 let (last_low, c) =
240 Foldable.foldr
241 (\i (previous_low, ft) ->
242 ( low i
243 , if (Interval.HH $ high i) < (Interval.HH $ high b)
244 then Interval (flip_limit $ high i, flip_limit previous_low) <| ft
245 else ft
246 ))
247 (flip_limit $ high b, FT.empty) s in
248 Sieve $
249 case compare (Interval.LL $ low b) (Interval.LL last_low) of
250 LT -> Interval (low b, flip_limit last_low) <| c
251 EQ | low b == high b && FT.null s -> FT.singleton b
252 _ -> c