]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-document.git/blob - Symantic/Document/Plain.hs
test: add a big justify
[haskell/symantic-document.git] / Symantic / Document / Plain.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
3 module Symantic.Document.Plain where
5 import Data.Bool
6 import Data.Char (Char)
7 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
8 import Data.Foldable (foldr)
9 import Data.Function (($), (.), id)
10 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
11 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
12 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
13 import Data.Ord (Ord(..), Ordering(..))
14 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
15 import Data.String (String, IsString(..))
16 import Data.Text (Text)
17 import GHC.Natural (minusNatural,quotRemNatural)
18 import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
19 import Prelude (fromIntegral, Num(..))
20 import System.Console.ANSI
21 import Text.Show (Show(..), showString, showParen)
22 import qualified Data.List as List
23 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
25 import Symantic.Document.API
27 -- * Type 'Plain'
28 -- | Church encoded for performance concerns.
29 -- Kind like 'ParsecT' in @megaparsec@ but a little bit different
30 -- due to the use of 'PlainFit' for implementing 'breakingSpace' correctly
31 -- when in the left hand side of ('<>').
32 -- Prepending is done using continuation, like in a difference list.
33 newtype Plain d = Plain
34 { unPlain ::
35 {-curr-}PlainInh ->
36 {-curr-}PlainState d ->
37 {-ok-}( ({-prepend-}(d->d), {-new-}PlainState d) -> PlainFit d) ->
38 PlainFit d
39 -- NOTE: equivalent to:
40 -- ReaderT PlainInh (StateT (PlainState d) (Cont (PlainFit d))) (d->d)
41 }
43 runPlain :: Monoid d => Plain d -> d
44 runPlain x =
45 unPlain x
46 defPlainInh
47 defPlainState
48 {-k-}(\(px,_sx) fits _overflow ->
49 -- NOTE: if px fits, then appending mempty fits
50 fits (px mempty) )
51 {-fits-}id
52 {-overflow-}id
54 -- ** Type 'PlainState'
55 data PlainState d = PlainState
56 { plainState_buffer :: ![PlainChunk d]
57 , plainState_bufferStart :: !Column
58 , plainState_bufferWidth :: !Width
59 , plainState_removableIndent :: !Indent
60 -- ^ The amount of 'Indent' added by 'breakspace'
61 -- that can be removed by breaking the 'space' into a 'newline'.
62 } deriving (Show)
64 defPlainState :: PlainState d
65 defPlainState = PlainState
66 { plainState_buffer = mempty
67 , plainState_bufferStart = 0
68 , plainState_bufferWidth = 0
69 , plainState_removableIndent = 0
70 }
72 -- ** Type 'PlainInh'
73 data PlainInh = PlainInh
74 { plainInh_width :: !(Maybe Column)
75 , plainInh_justify :: !Bool
76 , plainInh_indent :: !Width
77 } deriving (Show)
79 defPlainInh :: PlainInh
80 defPlainInh = PlainInh
81 { plainInh_width = Nothing
82 , plainInh_justify = False
83 , plainInh_indent = 0
84 }
86 -- ** Type 'PlainFit'
87 -- | Double continuation to qualify the returned document
88 -- as fitting or overflowing the given 'plainInh_width'.
89 -- It's like @('Bool',d)@ in a normal style
90 -- (a non continuation-passing-style).
91 type PlainFit d = {-fits-}(d -> d) ->
92 {-overflow-}(d -> d) ->
93 d
95 -- ** Type 'PlainChunk'
96 data PlainChunk d
97 = PlainChunk_Ignored d
98 -- ^ Ignored by the justification but kept in place.
99 -- Used for instance to put ANSI sequences.
100 | PlainChunk_Word (Word d)
101 | PlainChunk_Spaces Width
102 -- ^ 'spaces' preserved to be interleaved
103 -- correctly with 'PlainChunk_Ignored'.
104 instance Show d => Show (PlainChunk d) where
105 showsPrec p x =
106 showParen (p>10) $
107 case x of
108 PlainChunk_Ignored d ->
109 showString "Z " .
110 showsPrec 11 d
111 PlainChunk_Word (Word d) ->
112 showString "W " .
113 showsPrec 11 d
114 PlainChunk_Spaces s ->
115 showString "S " .
116 showsPrec 11 s
117 instance Lengthable d => Lengthable (PlainChunk d) where
118 length = \case
119 PlainChunk_Ignored{} -> 0
120 PlainChunk_Word d -> length d
121 PlainChunk_Spaces s -> s
122 nullLength = \case
123 PlainChunk_Ignored{} -> True
124 PlainChunk_Word d -> nullLength d
125 PlainChunk_Spaces s -> s == 0
126 instance From [SGR] d => From [SGR] (PlainChunk d) where
127 from sgr = PlainChunk_Ignored (from sgr)
129 runPlainChunk :: Spaceable d => PlainChunk d -> d
130 runPlainChunk = \case
131 PlainChunk_Ignored d -> d
132 PlainChunk_Word (Word d) -> d
133 PlainChunk_Spaces s -> spaces s
135 instance Semigroup d => Semigroup (Plain d) where
136 Plain x <> Plain y = Plain $ \inh st k ->
137 x inh st $ \(px,sx) ->
138 y inh sx $ \(py,sy) ->
139 k (px.py,sy)
140 instance Monoid d => Monoid (Plain d) where
141 mempty = Plain $ \_inh st k -> k (id,st)
142 mappend = (<>)
143 instance (Spaceable d) => Spaceable (Plain d) where
144 newline = Plain $ \inh st k ->
145 k(\next ->
146 (if plainInh_justify inh then joinLine inh st else mempty) <>
147 newline<>spaces (plainInh_indent inh)<>next
148 , st
149 { plainState_bufferStart = plainInh_indent inh
150 , plainState_bufferWidth = 0
151 , plainState_buffer = mempty
152 }
153 )
154 space = spaces 1
155 spaces n = Plain $ \inh st@PlainState{..} k fits overflow ->
156 let newWidth = plainState_bufferStart + plainState_bufferWidth + n in
157 if plainInh_justify inh
158 then
159 let newState =
160 case plainState_buffer of
161 PlainChunk_Spaces s:bs -> st
162 { plainState_buffer = PlainChunk_Spaces (s+n):bs
163 }
164 _ -> st
165 { plainState_buffer = PlainChunk_Spaces n:plainState_buffer
166 , plainState_bufferWidth = plainState_bufferWidth + 1
167 }
168 in
169 case plainInh_width inh of
170 Just width | width < newWidth ->
171 overflow $ k (id{-(d<>)-}, newState) fits overflow
172 _ -> k (id{-(d<>)-}, newState) fits overflow
173 else
174 let newState = st
175 { plainState_bufferWidth = plainState_bufferWidth + n
176 } in
177 case plainInh_width inh of
178 Just width | width < newWidth ->
179 overflow $ k ((spaces n <>), newState) fits fits
180 _ -> k ((spaces n <>), newState) fits overflow
181 instance (From (Word s) d, Semigroup d, Lengthable s) => From (Word s) (Plain d) where
182 from s = Plain $ \inh st@PlainState{..} k fits overflow ->
183 let wordLen = length s in
184 if wordLen <= 0
185 then k (id,st) fits overflow
186 else
187 let newBufferWidth = plainState_bufferWidth + wordLen in
188 let newWidth = plainState_bufferStart + newBufferWidth in
189 if plainInh_justify inh
190 then
191 let newState = st
192 { plainState_buffer =
193 PlainChunk_Word (Word (from s)) :
194 plainState_buffer
195 , plainState_bufferWidth = newBufferWidth
196 } in
197 case plainInh_width inh of
198 Just width | width < newWidth ->
199 overflow $ k (id, newState) fits overflow
200 _ -> k (id, newState) fits overflow
201 else
202 let newState = st
203 { plainState_bufferWidth = newBufferWidth
204 } in
205 case plainInh_width inh of
206 Just width | width < newWidth ->
207 overflow $ k ((from s <>), newState) fits fits
208 _ -> k ((from s <>), newState) fits overflow
209 instance (From (Word s) d, Lengthable s, Spaceable d, Splitable s) =>
210 From (Line s) (Plain d) where
211 from =
212 mconcat .
213 List.intersperse breakspace .
214 (from <$>) .
215 words .
216 unLine
217 instance Spaceable d => Indentable (Plain d) where
218 align p = Plain $ \inh st ->
219 let currInd = plainState_bufferStart st + plainState_bufferWidth st in
220 unPlain p inh{plainInh_indent=currInd} st
221 incrIndent i p = Plain $ \inh ->
222 unPlain p inh{plainInh_indent = plainInh_indent inh + i}
223 setIndent i p = Plain $ \inh ->
224 unPlain p inh{plainInh_indent=i}
225 fill m p = Plain $ \inh0 st0 ->
226 let col0 = plainState_bufferStart st0 + plainState_bufferWidth st0 in
227 let p1 = Plain $ \inh1 st1 ->
228 let col1 = plainState_bufferStart st1 + plainState_bufferWidth st1 in
229 let w | col0 <= col1 = col1`minusNatural`col0
230 | otherwise = col0`minusNatural`col1 in
231 unPlain
232 (if w<=m
233 then spaces (m`minusNatural`w)
234 else mempty)
235 inh1 st1
236 in
237 unPlain (p <> p1) inh0 st0
238 breakfill m p = Plain $ \inh0 st0 ->
239 let col0 = plainState_bufferStart st0 + plainState_bufferWidth st0 in
240 let p1 = Plain $ \inh1 st1 ->
241 let col1 = plainState_bufferStart st1 + plainState_bufferWidth st1 in
242 let w | col0 <= col1 = col1`minusNatural`col0
243 | otherwise = col0`minusNatural`col1 in
244 unPlain
245 (case w`compare`m of
246 LT -> spaces (m`minusNatural`w)
247 EQ -> mempty
248 GT -> setIndent (col0 + m) newline)
249 inh1 st1
250 in
251 unPlain (p <> p1) inh0 st0
252 instance Spaceable d => Justifiable (Plain d) where
253 justify p = (<> flushLastLine) $ Plain $ \inh ->
254 unPlain p inh{plainInh_justify=True}
255 where
256 flushLastLine :: Plain d
257 flushLastLine = Plain $ \_inh st@PlainState{..} ok ->
258 ok
259 ( (joinPlainLine (collapseSpaces <$> List.reverse plainState_buffer) <>)
260 , st
261 { plainState_bufferStart = plainState_bufferStart + plainState_bufferWidth
262 , plainState_bufferWidth = 0
263 , plainState_buffer = mempty
264 }
265 )
266 collapseSpaces = \case
267 PlainChunk_Spaces s -> PlainChunk_Spaces (if s > 0 then 1 else 0)
268 x -> x
269 instance (Spaceable d) => Wrappable (Plain d) where
270 setWidth w p = Plain $ \inh ->
271 unPlain p inh{plainInh_width=w}
272 breakpoint = Plain $ \inh st k fits overflow ->
273 let newlineInd = plainInh_indent inh in
274 k
275 ( id
276 , st
277 { plainState_removableIndent = newlineInd
278 }
279 )
280 fits
281 {-overflow-}(\_r ->
282 unPlain newline inh st k
283 fits
284 {-overflow-}(
285 if plainState_removableIndent st < newlineInd
286 then overflow
287 else fits
288 )
289 )
290 breakspace = Plain $ \inh st k fits overflow ->
291 let newlineInd = plainInh_indent inh in
292 k
293 ( if plainInh_justify inh then id else (space <>)
294 , st
295 { plainState_buffer =
296 case plainState_buffer st of
297 PlainChunk_Spaces s:bs -> PlainChunk_Spaces (s+1):bs
298 bs -> PlainChunk_Spaces 1:bs
299 , plainState_bufferWidth = plainState_bufferWidth st + 1
300 , plainState_removableIndent = newlineInd
301 }
302 )
303 fits
304 {-overflow-}(\_r ->
305 unPlain newline inh st k
306 fits
307 {-overflow-}(
308 if plainState_removableIndent st < newlineInd
309 then overflow
310 else fits
311 )
312 )
313 breakalt x y = Plain $ \inh st k fits overflow ->
314 unPlain x inh st k fits
315 {-overflow-}(\_r ->
316 unPlain y inh st k fits overflow
317 )
318 -- String
319 instance (From (Word String) d, Spaceable d) =>
320 From String (Plain d) where
321 from =
322 mconcat .
323 List.intersperse newline .
324 (from <$>) .
325 lines
326 instance (From (Word String) d, Spaceable d) =>
327 IsString (Plain d) where
328 fromString = from
329 -- Text
330 instance (From (Word Text) d, Spaceable d) =>
331 From Text (Plain d) where
332 from =
333 mconcat .
334 List.intersperse newline .
335 (from <$>) .
336 lines
337 instance (From (Word TL.Text) d, Spaceable d) =>
338 From TL.Text (Plain d) where
339 from =
340 mconcat .
341 List.intersperse newline .
342 (from <$>) .
343 lines
344 -- Char
345 instance (From (Word Char) d, Spaceable d) =>
346 From Char (Plain d) where
347 from ' ' = breakspace
348 from '\n' = newline
349 from c = from (Word c)
352 instance (From [SGR] d, Semigroup d) => From [SGR] (Plain d) where
353 from sgr = Plain $ \inh st k ->
354 if plainInh_justify inh
355 then k (id, st {plainState_buffer = PlainChunk_Ignored (from sgr) : plainState_buffer st})
356 else k ((from sgr <>), st)
358 joinLine ::
359 Spaceable d =>
360 PlainInh -> PlainState d -> d
361 joinLine PlainInh{..} PlainState{..} =
362 case plainInh_width of
363 Nothing -> joinPlainLine $ List.reverse plainState_buffer
364 Just width ->
365 if width < plainState_bufferStart
366 || width < plainInh_indent
367 then joinPlainLine $ List.reverse plainState_buffer
368 else
369 let wordCount =
370 foldr (\c acc -> acc + case c of
371 PlainChunk_Word{} -> 1
372 _ -> 0) 0 plainState_buffer in
373 let bufferWidth =
374 -- NOTE: compress all separated spaces into a single one.
375 if wordCount == 0
376 then 0
377 else
378 let spaceCount = foldr
379 (\c acc ->
380 acc + case c of
381 PlainChunk_Ignored{} -> 0
382 PlainChunk_Word{} -> 0
383 PlainChunk_Spaces s -> s)
384 0 plainState_buffer in
385 (plainState_bufferWidth`minusNatural`spaceCount) +
386 (wordCount`minusNatural`1) in
387 let adjustedWidth =
388 max bufferWidth $
389 min
390 (width`minusNatural`plainState_bufferStart)
391 (width`minusNatural`plainInh_indent) in
392 unLine $ padPlainLineInits adjustedWidth
393 (bufferWidth,wordCount,List.reverse plainState_buffer)
395 -- | @('justifyPadding' a b)@ returns the padding lengths
396 -- to reach @(a)@ in @(b)@ pads,
397 -- using the formula: @(a '==' m'*'(q '+' q'+'1) '+' ('r'-'m)'*'(q'+'1) '+' (b'-'r'-'m)'*'q)@
398 -- where @(q+1)@ and @(q)@ are the two padding lengths used and @(m = min (b-r) r)@.
399 --
400 -- A simple implementation of 'justifyPadding' could be:
401 -- @
402 -- 'justifyPadding' a b =
403 -- 'join' ('List.replicate' m [q,q'+'1])
404 -- <> ('List.replicate' (r'-'m) (q'+'1)
405 -- <> ('List.replicate' ((b'-'r)'-'m) q
406 -- where
407 -- (q,r) = a`divMod`b
408 -- m = 'min' (b-r) r
409 -- @
410 justifyPadding :: Natural -> Natural -> [Natural]
411 justifyPadding a b = go r (b-r) -- NOTE: r >= 0 && b-r >= 0 due to 'divMod'
412 where
413 (q,r) = a`quotRemNatural`b
415 go 0 bmr = List.replicate (fromIntegral bmr) q -- when min (b-r) r == b-r
416 go rr 0 = List.replicate (fromIntegral rr) (q+1) -- when min (b-r) r == r
417 go rr bmr = q:(q+1) : go (rr`minusNatural`1) (bmr`minusNatural`1)
419 padPlainLineInits ::
420 Spaceable d =>
421 Width -> (Natural, Natural, [PlainChunk d]) -> Line d
422 padPlainLineInits width (lineLen,wordCount,line) = Line $
423 if width <= lineLen
424 -- The gathered line reached or overreached the width,
425 -- hence no padding id needed.
426 || wordCount <= 1
427 -- The case width <= lineLen && wordCount == 1
428 -- can happen if first word's length is < width
429 -- but second word's len is >= width.
430 then joinPlainLine line
431 else
432 -- Share the missing spaces as evenly as possible
433 -- between the words of the line.
434 padPlainLine line $ justifyPadding (width-lineLen) (wordCount-1)
436 joinPlainLine :: Monoid d => Spaceable d => [PlainChunk d] -> d
437 joinPlainLine = mconcat . (runPlainChunk <$>)
439 padPlainLine :: Spaceable d => [PlainChunk d] -> [Width] -> d
440 padPlainLine = go
441 where
442 go (w:ws) lls@(l:ls) =
443 case w of
444 PlainChunk_Spaces _s -> spaces (fromIntegral (l+1)) <> go ws ls
445 _ -> runPlainChunk w <> go ws lls
446 go (w:ws) [] = runPlainChunk w <> go ws []
447 go [] _ls = mempty