]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-xml.git/blob - Language/Symantic/RNC/Sym.hs
[haskell/symantic-xml.git] / Language / Symantic / RNC / Sym.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
2 module Language.Symantic.RNC.Sym
3 ( module Language.Symantic.RNC.Sym
4 , Functor(..), (<$>)
5 , Applicative(..)
6 , Alternative(..)
7 ) where
9 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..))
10 import Data.Eq (Eq)
11 import Data.Function ((.), id)
12 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$>))
13 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
14 import Data.Sequence (Seq)
15 import Data.String (String)
16 import Text.Show (Show(..))
17 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
18 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
20 import qualified Language.Symantic.XML as XML
22 infixl 2 <$$>, <$?>, <$*>, <$:>
23 infixl 1 <||>, <|?>, <|*>{-, <|:>-}
25 -- * Class 'Sym_RNC'
26 class
27 ( Applicative repr
28 , Alternative repr
29 , Sym_Rule repr
30 , Sym_Interleaved repr
31 ) => Sym_RNC repr where
32 -- namespace :: XML.NCName -> XML.Namespace -> repr ()
33 namespace :: Maybe XML.NCName -> XML.Namespace -> repr ()
34 element :: XML.QName -> repr a -> repr a
35 attribute :: XML.QName -> repr a -> repr a
36 any :: repr ()
37 anyElem :: XML.Namespace -> (XML.NCName -> repr a) -> repr a
38 text :: repr TL.Text
39 fail :: repr a
40 try :: repr a -> repr a
41 option :: a -> repr a -> repr a
42 optional :: repr a -> repr (Maybe a)
43 choice :: [repr a] -> repr a
44 intermany :: [repr a] -> repr [a]
45 intermany = many . choice . (try <$>)
46 manySeq :: repr a -> repr (Seq a)
47 manySeq r = Seq.fromList <$> many r
48 someSeq :: repr a -> repr (Seq a)
49 someSeq r = Seq.fromList <$> some r
50 {-
51 instance (Sym_RNC x, Sym_RNC y) => Sym_RNC (Dup x y) where
52 namespace n ns = dup0 @Sym_RNC (namespace n ns)
53 element n = dup1 @Sym_RNC (element n)
54 attribute n = dup1 @Sym_RNC (attribute n)
55 any = dup0 @Sym_RNC any
56 anyElem ns f =
57 anyElem ns (\n -> let x`Dup`_y = f n in x)
58 `Dup`
59 anyElem ns (\n -> let _x`Dup`y = f n in y)
60 text = dup0 @Sym_RNC text
61 fail = dup0 @Sym_RNC fail
62 try = dup1 @Sym_RNC try
63 option d = dup1 @Sym_RNC (option d)
64 optional = dup1 @Sym_RNC optional
65 choice cs = choice xs `Dup` choice ys
66 where (xs,ys) = dupList cs
67 intermany cs = intermany xs `Dup` intermany ys
68 where (xs,ys) = dupList cs
69 manySeq = dup1 @Sym_RNC manySeq
70 someSeq = dup1 @Sym_RNC someSeq
71 deriving instance (Sym_RNC repr, Sym_Rule repr) => Sym_RNC (Rule repr)
72 -}
74 -- * Class 'Sym_Rule'
75 class Sym_Rule repr where
76 rule :: Show a => String -> repr a -> repr a
77 rule _n = id
78 arg :: String -> repr ()
79 {-
80 instance (Sym_Rule x, Sym_Rule y) => Sym_Rule (Dup x y) where
81 rule n = dup1 @Sym_Rule (rule n)
82 arg n = dup0 @Sym_Rule (arg n)
83 -}
85 -- ** Type 'RuleMode'
86 data RuleMode
87 = RuleMode_Body -- ^ Request to generate the body of the rule.
88 | RuleMode_Ref -- ^ Request to generate a reference to the rule.
89 | RuleMode_Def -- ^ Request to generate a definition of the rule.
90 deriving (Eq, Show)
92 -- * Class 'Sym_Interleaved'
93 class Sym_Interleaved repr where
94 interleaved :: Perm repr a -> repr a
95 (<$$>) :: (a -> b) -> repr a -> Perm repr b
97 (<$?>) :: (a -> b) -> (a, repr a) -> Perm repr b
98 (<||>) :: Perm repr (a -> b) -> repr a -> Perm repr b
99 (<|?>) :: Perm repr (a -> b) -> (a, repr a) -> Perm repr b
101 (<$*>) :: ([a] -> b) -> repr a -> Perm repr b
102 (<|*>) :: Perm repr ([a] -> b) -> repr a -> Perm repr b
104 (<$:>) :: (Seq a -> b) -> repr a -> Perm repr b
105 (<$:>) f = (f . Seq.fromList <$*>)
106 {- NOTE: Megaparsec's PermParser has no Functor instance.
107 (<|:>) :: Perm repr (Seq a -> b) -> repr a -> Perm repr b
108 default (<|:>) :: Functor (Perm repr) => Perm repr (Seq a -> b) -> repr a -> Perm repr b
109 (<|:>) f x = (. Seq.fromList) <$> f <|*> x
110 -}
111 {-
112 instance (Sym_Interleaved x, Sym_Interleaved y) => Sym_Interleaved (Dup x y) where
113 interleaved (x`Dup`y) = interleaved x `Dup` interleaved y
114 (<$$>) f (x`Dup`y) = (<$$>) f x `Dup` (<$$>) f y
115 (<$?>) f (a, x`Dup`y) = (<$?>) f (a,x) `Dup` (<$?>) f (a,y)
116 (<||>) (x1`Dup`y1) (x2`Dup`y2) = (<||>) x1 x2 `Dup` (<||>) y1 y2
117 (<|?>) (x1`Dup`y1) (a, x2`Dup`y2) = (<|?>) x1 (a,x2) `Dup` (<|?>) y1 (a,y2)
118 (<$*>) f (x`Dup`y) = (<$*>) f x `Dup` (<$*>) f y
119 (<|*>) (x1`Dup`y1) (x2`Dup`y2) = (<|*>) x1 x2 `Dup` (<|*>) y1 y2
120 (<$:>) f (x`Dup`y) = (<$:>) f x `Dup` (<$:>) f y
121 {-
122 (<|:>) (x1`Dup`y1) (x2`Dup`y2) = (<|:>) x1 x2 `Dup` (<|:>) y1 y2
123 -}
124 -}
125 {-
126 instance Sym_Interleaved repr => Sym_Interleaved (Rule repr) where
127 interleaved = Rule . interleaved . unRule
128 f <$$> Rule w = Rule $ f <$$> w
129 f <$?> (d, Rule w) = Rule $ f <$?> (d, w)
130 f <$*> Rule w = Rule $ f <$*> w
131 f <$:> Rule w = Rule $ f <$:> w
132 Rule f <||> Rule x = Rule $ f <||> x
133 Rule f <|?> (d, Rule x) = Rule $ f <|?> (d, x)
134 Rule f <|*> Rule x = Rule $ f <|*> x
135 -}
136 {-
137 interleaved (Compose l) = Rule $ interleaved $ Compose $ unRule <$> l
138 f <$$> Rule w = Compose $ (Rule <$>) $ getCompose $ f <$$> w
139 f <$?> (a,Rule w) = Compose $ (Rule <$>) $ getCompose $ f <$?> (a,w)
140 f <$*> Rule w = Compose $ (Rule <$>) $ getCompose $ f <$*> w
141 Compose ws <||> Rule w = Compose $ (Rule <$>) $ getCompose $ Compose (unRule <$> ws) <||> w
142 Compose ws <|?> (a,Rule w) = Compose $ (Rule <$>) $ getCompose $ Compose (unRule <$> ws) <|?> (a,w)
143 Compose ws <|*> Rule w = Compose $ (Rule <$>) $ getCompose $ Compose (unRule <$> ws) <|*> w
144 -}
146 -- ** Type family 'Perm'
147 -- | Type of permutations, depending on the representation.
148 type family Perm (repr:: * -> *) = (r :: * -> *) | r -> repr
149 -- type instance Perm (Dup x y) = Dup (Perm x) (Perm y)
150 -- type instance Perm (Rule repr) = Rule (Perm repr) -- Compose [] (Rule (Perm repr))