]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-xml.git/blob - Language/Symantic/RNC/Write.hs
[haskell/symantic-xml.git] / Language / Symantic / RNC / Write.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 module Language.Symantic.RNC.Write
4 ( module Language.Symantic.RNC.Write
5 , module Language.Symantic.RNC.Write.Namespaces
6 ) where
8 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..))
9 import Control.Monad
10 import Data.Bool
11 import Data.Function (($), (.), id)
12 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
13 import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
14 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
15 import Data.String (IsString(..))
16 import Text.Show (Show(..))
17 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
18 import qualified Data.List as List
19 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
20 -- import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB
22 import Language.Symantic.Grammar.Fixity
23 import Language.Symantic.RNC.Sym
24 import Language.Symantic.RNC.Write.Namespaces
25 import qualified Language.Symantic.XML as XML
27 -- | Get textual rendition of given 'RuleWriter'.
28 writeRNC :: [NS a] -> [Writer a] -> TL.Text
29 writeRNC ns ws =
30 let namespaces@Namespaces{..} = runNS ns in
31 TL.unlines $ List.concat
32 [ [ "default namespace = \""<>XML.unNamespace namespaces_default<>"\""
33 | not $ TL.null $ XML.unNamespace namespaces_default
34 ]
35 , [ "namespace "<>p<>" = \""<>n<>"\""
36 | (XML.Namespace n, XML.NCName p) <- HM.toList namespaces_prefixes
37 ]
38 , runWriter namespaces <$> ws
39 ]
41 -- * Type 'Writer'
42 newtype Writer a
43 = Writer { unWriter :: Namespaces XML.NCName ->
44 RuleMode ->
45 (Infix, Side) ->
46 Pair -> TL.Text }
48 -- | Get textual rendition of given 'Writer'.
49 runWriter :: Namespaces XML.NCName -> Writer a -> TL.Text
50 runWriter ns (Writer w) =
51 w ns RuleMode_Def (infixN0, SideL) pairParen
53 coerceWriter :: Writer a -> Writer b
54 coerceWriter = Writer . unWriter
55 {-# INLINE coerceWriter #-}
57 {-
58 instance Show (Writer a) where
59 show = TL.unpack . runWriter
60 -}
61 instance Functor Writer where
62 fmap _f (Writer x) = Writer x
63 instance Applicative Writer where
64 pure _ = writeText $ "\"\""
65 Writer f <*> Writer x = Writer $ \ns rm po pp ->
66 pairIfNeeded pp po op $
67 TL.intercalate ", " $
68 List.filter (not . TL.null) $
69 [ f ns rm (op, SideL) pairParen
70 , x ns rm (op, SideR) pairParen ]
71 where op = infixB SideL 2
72 instance Alternative Writer where
73 empty = writeText "empty"
74 Writer wl <|> Writer wr = Writer $ \ns rm po pp ->
75 pairIfNeeded pp po op $
76 wl ns rm (op, SideL) pairParen <> " | " <> wr ns rm (op, SideR) pairParen
77 where op = infixB SideL 2
78 many (Writer w) = Writer $ \ns rm po pp ->
79 pairIfNeeded pp po op $
80 w ns rm (op, SideL) pairParen <> "*"
81 where op = infixN 9
82 some (Writer w) = Writer $ \ns rm po pp ->
83 pairIfNeeded pp po op $
84 w ns rm (op, SideL) pairParen <> "+"
85 where op = infixN 9
86 instance Sym_Rule Writer where
87 rule n wr@(Writer w) = Writer $ \ns rm po pp ->
88 case rm of
89 RuleMode_Ref ->
90 pairIfNeeded pp po op $
91 fromString n
92 where op = infixN 10
93 RuleMode_Body -> w ns RuleMode_Ref po pp
94 RuleMode_Def ->
95 TL.intercalate " "
96 [ fromString n
97 , "="
98 , unWriter (rule n wr) ns RuleMode_Body (infixN0, SideR) pp
99 ]
100 arg n =
101 Writer $ \_ns rm _po _pp ->
102 case rm of
103 RuleMode_Ref -> fromString n
104 RuleMode_Body -> ""
105 RuleMode_Def -> ""
106 type instance Perm Writer = Compose [] Writer
107 instance Sym_Interleaved Writer where
108 interleaved (Compose []) = writeText "empty"
109 interleaved (Compose [Writer w]) = Writer w
110 interleaved (Compose l@(_:_)) = Writer $ \ns rm po pp ->
111 pairIfNeeded pp po op $
112 TL.intercalate " & " $
113 (unWriter <$> l) <*> pure ns <*> pure rm <*> pure (op, SideL) <*> pure pairParen
114 where op = infixB SideL 1
115 _f <$$> Writer w = Compose [Writer w]
116 _f <$?> (_,Writer w) = Compose [coerceWriter $ optional $ Writer w]
117 _f <$*> Writer w = Compose [coerceWriter $ many (Writer w)]
118 Compose ws <||> Writer w = Compose (coerceWriter <$> ws <> [Writer w])
119 Compose ws <|?> (_,Writer w) =
120 Compose ((coerceWriter <$> ws) <>
121 [coerceWriter $ optional $ Writer w])
122 Compose ws <|*> (Writer w) =
123 Compose (coerceWriter <$> ws <>
124 [coerceWriter $ many $ Writer w])
125 instance Sym_RNC Writer where
126 namespace _p _n = writeText ""
127 element n (Writer w) = Writer $ \ns rm po pp ->
128 pairIfNeeded pp po op $
129 "element "<>TL.pack (show $ prefixifyQName ns n)
130 <>" "<>w ns rm (op,SideR) pairBrace
131 where op = infixN 10
132 anyElem (XML.Namespace n) f = Writer $ \ns rm po pp ->
133 pairIfNeeded pp po op $
134 (if TL.null n then "" else n<>":") <>
135 "* "<>w ns rm (op,SideR) pairBrace
136 where
137 op = infixN 0
138 Writer w = f ""
139 attribute n (Writer w) = Writer $ \ns rm po pp ->
140 pairIfNeeded pp po op $
141 "attribute "<>TL.pack (show $ prefixifyQName ns n)
142 <>" "<>w ns rm (op,SideR) pairBrace
143 where op = infixN 10
144 try = id
145 fail = writeText "fail"
146 text = writeText "text"
147 any = writeText "any"
148 choice [] = writeText "empty"
149 choice [w] = w
150 choice l@(_:_) = Writer $ \ns rm po pp ->
151 pairIfNeeded pp po op $
152 TL.intercalate " | " $
153 (unWriter <$> l) <*> pure ns <*> pure rm <*> pure (op, SideL) <*> pure pairParen
154 where op = infixB SideL 2
155 option _x (Writer w) = Writer $ \ns rm po pp ->
156 pairIfNeeded pp po op $
157 w ns rm (op, SideL) pairParen <> "?"
158 where op = infixN 9
159 optional (Writer w) = Writer $ \ns rm po pp ->
160 pairIfNeeded pp po op $
161 w ns rm (op, SideL) pairParen <> "?"
162 where op = infixN 9
163 manySeq = coerceWriter . many
164 someSeq = coerceWriter . some
166 -- | 'Writer' returns a constant rendition.
167 writeText :: TL.Text -> Writer a
168 writeText t = Writer $ \_ns _rm po pp ->
169 pairIfNeeded pp po op t
170 where op = infixN 10