]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-xml.git/blob - src/Symantic/XML/Read.hs
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[haskell/symantic-xml.git] / src / Symantic / XML / Read.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
6 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
7 module Symantic.XML.Read where
9 import Control.Applicative as Alternative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..), optional)
10 import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
11 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(..))
12 import Data.Bool
13 import Data.Either (Either(..))
14 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
15 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..), all)
16 import Data.Function (($), (.), const, id, flip)
17 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$>))
18 import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
19 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe, isNothing, maybeToList)
20 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
21 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
22 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
23 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
24 import Data.String (String, IsString(..))
25 import Data.Tuple (fst)
26 import Data.Void (Void)
27 import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
28 import Prelude ((+), Integer, undefined)
29 import System.IO (IO, FilePath)
30 import Text.Show (Show(..))
31 import qualified Data.Char as Char
32 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
33 import qualified Data.List as List
34 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
35 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
36 import qualified Data.Set as Set
37 import qualified Data.Text as Text
38 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
39 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB
40 import qualified Data.TreeSeq.Strict as TS
41 import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
42 import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as P
43 import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as P
44 import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Internal as P
46 import Symantic.Base
47 import Symantic.XML.Language
48 import Symantic.XML.RelaxNG.Language
49 import Symantic.XML.Tree
51 -- | Main reading function.
52 read ::
53 Read FileSourced Void (x->x) a ->
54 FilePath ->
55 IO (Either String a)
56 read rng path =
57 readTree path >>= \case
58 Left err -> return $ Left err
59 Right xml -> return $ runRead rng xml
61 -- | Like 'readWithRelaxNG' but on a 'FileSourcedTrees'.
62 runRead ::
63 Read FileSourced Void (x->x) a ->
64 FileSourcedTrees ->
65 Either String a
66 runRead rng xml =
67 case P.runParser (unRead rng) "" (mempty, xml) of
68 Left err -> Left $ foldMap parseErrorTextPretty $ P.bundleErrors err
69 Right a -> Right $ a id
71 -- * Type 'ReadStream'
72 type ReadStream src =
73 ( HM.HashMap QName (src EscapedAttr)
74 , Trees src
75 )
77 -- | Take one 'Node' from the 'ReadStream',
78 -- or fallback to an attribute, or 'Nothing'.
79 --
80 -- Use 'pTokenAttr' to take only attributes.
81 take1_ ::
82 UnSource src =>
83 (Node (src EscapedAttr) -> Bool) ->
84 ReadStream src ->
85 Maybe ( P.Token (ReadStream src)
86 , ReadStream src )
87 take1_ isIgnoredNode s@(attrs, trees) =
88 go trees
89 where
90 go trs =
91 case Seq.viewl trs of
92 Seq.EmptyL
93 | null attrs -> Nothing
94 | otherwise -> Just (Left attrs, s)
95 t Seq.:< ts ->
96 case unSource (TS.unTree t) of
97 n | isIgnoredNode n -> go ts
98 | otherwise -> Just (Right t, (attrs, ts))
99 -- Note that having an ignored node
100 -- can split a text into two 'NodeText's.
101 -- Not sure if it would be better to unify them.
103 -- ** Type 'ReadConstraints'
104 -- | Convenient alias to be less verbose.
105 type ReadConstraints src =
106 ( Ord (src (Node (src EscapedAttr)))
107 , Ord (src EscapedAttr)
108 , UnSource src
109 , NoSource src
110 , SourceOf src
111 , Show (Source src)
112 , Show (src String)
113 , Functor src
114 )
116 instance ReadConstraints src => P.Stream (ReadStream src) where
117 type Token (ReadStream src) = Either
118 (HM.HashMap QName (src EscapedAttr))
119 (Tree src)
120 type Tokens (ReadStream src) = ReadStream src
121 take1_ = take1_ isIgnoredNode
122 where
123 isIgnoredNode = \case
124 NodeComment{} -> True
125 NodePI{} -> True
126 _ -> False
127 showTokens _s toks =
128 orList $
129 mconcat $
130 toList $ showTree <$> toks
131 where
132 showSource :: src String -> String
133 showSource sa =
134 let src = sourceOf sa in
135 if nullSource @src src
136 then unSource sa
137 else unSource sa<>" at "<>show src
138 showTree = \case
139 Left as ->
140 (\(an, av) -> showSource $ ("(attribute "<>show an<>")") <$ av)
141 <$> List.sortOn fst (HM.toList as)
142 Right (TS.Tree nod ts) ->
143 pure $
144 showSource . (<$ nod) $
145 case unSource nod of
146 NodeElem n _as -> "(element "<>show n<>")"
147 NodeText{} ->
148 case Seq.viewl ts of
149 TS.Tree tn _ Seq.:< _
150 | NodeText lit <- unSource tn ->
151 -- Abuse the encoding to detect expected 'literal'
152 -- using nested 'NodeText'
153 "\""<>TL.unpack (unescapeText lit)<>"\""
154 _ -> "text"
155 NodeComment _c -> "comment"
156 NodePI n _t -> "(processing-instruction "<>show n<>")"
157 NodeCDATA _t -> "cdata"
158 -- Useless methods for validating an XML AST
159 takeN_ = undefined
160 tokensToChunk = undefined
161 chunkToTokens = undefined
162 chunkLength = undefined
163 takeWhile_ = undefined
164 reachOffset = undefined
165 reachOffsetNoLine = undefined
167 -- * Type 'Read'
168 newtype Read src e f k
169 = Read
170 { unRead :: P.Parsec e (ReadStream src) (f->k) }
172 instance
173 ( Ord err
174 , ReadConstraints src
175 ) => Emptyable (Read src err) where
176 empty = Read $ id <$ P.eof
177 instance
178 ( Ord err
179 , ReadConstraints src
180 ) => Unitable (Read src err) where
181 unit = Read $ return ($ ())
182 instance
183 ( Ord err
184 , ReadConstraints src
185 ) => Voidable (Read src err) where
186 void _a (Read x) = Read $
187 (\a2b2k b -> a2b2k (\_a -> b)) <$> x
188 instance
189 ( Ord err
190 , ReadConstraints src
191 ) => Constant (Read src err) where
192 constant a = Read $ return ($ a)
193 instance
194 ( Ord err
195 , ReadConstraints src
196 ) => Permutable (Read src err) where
197 type Permutation (Read src err) =
198 ReadPerm src err
199 permutable (ReadPerm ma p) = Read $ do
200 r <- Alternative.optional p
201 unRead $
202 case r of
203 Just perms -> permutable perms
204 Nothing ->
205 Read $ maybe
206 -- Not 'empty' here so that 'P.TrivialError'
207 -- has the unexpected token.
208 (P.token (const Nothing) Set.empty)
209 return ma
210 noPerm = ReadPerm Nothing Alternative.empty
211 perm (Read x) =
212 ReadPerm Nothing $ (<$> x) $ \a ->
213 ReadPerm (Just a) Alternative.empty
214 permWithDefault d (Read x) =
215 ReadPerm (Just ($ d)) $ (<$> x) $ \a ->
216 ReadPerm (Just a) Alternative.empty
217 instance
218 ( Ord err
219 , ReadConstraints src
220 ) => Composable (Read src err) where
221 Read x <.> Read y = Read $
222 x >>= \a2b -> (. a2b) <$> y
223 instance
224 ( Ord err
225 , ReadConstraints src
226 ) => Tupable (Read src err) where
227 Read x <:> Read y = Read $
228 consCont (,) <$> x <*> y
229 instance
230 ( Ord err
231 , ReadConstraints src
232 ) => Eitherable (Read src err) where
233 Read x <+> Read y = Read $
234 mapCont Left <$> P.try x <|>
235 mapCont Right <$> y
236 {-
237 instance
238 ( Ord err
239 , ReadConstraints src
240 ) => Routable (Read src err) where
241 Read x <!> Read y = Read $
242 (\a2k (a:!:_b) -> a2k a) <$> P.try x <|>
243 (\b2k (_a:!:b) -> b2k b) <$> y
244 -}
245 instance
246 ( Ord err
247 , ReadConstraints src
248 ) => Optionable (Read src err) where
249 option (Read x) = Read $
250 P.try x <|> return id
251 optional (Read x) = Read $
252 mapCont Just <$> P.try x <|>
253 return ($ Nothing)
254 instance
255 ( Ord err
256 , ReadConstraints src
257 ) => Repeatable (Read src err) where
258 many0 (Read x) = Read $ concatCont <$> many x
259 many1 (Read x) = Read $ concatCont <$> some x
260 instance
261 ( Ord err
262 , ReadConstraints src
263 ) => Dimapable (Read src err) where
264 dimap a2b _b2a (Read r) =
265 Read $ (\k b2k -> k (b2k . a2b)) <$> r
266 instance
267 ( Ord err
268 , ReadConstraints src
269 ) => Dicurryable (Read src err) where
270 dicurry (_::proxy args) constr _destr (Read x) = Read $ do
271 f <- x
272 return $ \r2k ->
273 f (mapresultN @args r2k constr)
274 instance
275 ( Ord err
276 , ReadConstraints src
277 , Textable (Read src err)
278 ) => XML (Read src err) where
279 namespace _nm _ns = Read (return id)
280 element n p = Read $ do
281 s <- P.token check $ Set.singleton $
282 P.Tokens $ pure expected
283 unRead $ readNested p s
284 where
285 expected = Right $ TS.tree0 $ noSource $ NodeElem n mempty
286 check = \case
287 Right (TS.Tree nod ts)
288 | NodeElem e as <- unSource nod
289 , e == n
290 -> Just (removeXMLNS as, removeSpaces ts)
291 _ -> Nothing
292 attribute n p = Read $ do
293 v <- pTokenAttr n $ Set.singleton $
294 P.Tokens $ pure expected
295 unRead $ readNested p
296 (mempty, pure (TS.tree0 (NodeText . EscapedText . unEscapedAttr <$> v)))
297 -- Cast 'EscapedAttr' into 'EscapedText'
298 -- because it will be read, not written,
299 -- hence only given to 'unescapeText'
300 -- which is the same than 'unescapeAttr'.
301 where
302 expected = Left $ HM.singleton n $ noSource ""
303 literal lit = Read $ do
304 P.token check $ Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure expected
305 where
306 expected = Right $
307 TS.Tree (noSource $ NodeText "")
308 (pure $ TS.tree0 (noSource $ NodeText $ escapeText lit))
309 check = \case
310 Right (Tree0 nod)
311 | NodeText t <- unSource nod
312 , unescapeText t == lit
313 -> Just id
314 _ -> Nothing
315 pi n = Read $ do
316 v <- pTokenPI n $ Set.singleton $
317 P.Tokens $ pure expected
318 return ($ v)
319 where
320 expected = Right $ TS.tree0 $ noSource $ NodePI n mempty
321 cdata = Read $
322 P.token check $ Set.singleton $
323 P.Tokens $ pure expected
324 where
325 expected = Right $ TS.tree0 $ noSource $ NodeCDATA mempty
326 check = \case
327 Right (Tree0 nod)
328 | NodeCDATA v <- unSource nod
329 -> Just ($ v)
330 _ -> Nothing
331 comment = Read $
332 P.token check $ Set.singleton $
333 P.Tokens $ pure expected
334 where
335 expected = Right $ TS.tree0 $ noSource $ NodeComment mempty
336 check = \case
337 Right (Tree0 nod)
338 | NodeComment v <- unSource nod
339 -> Just ($ v)
340 _ -> Nothing
341 instance Ord err => Textable (Read FileSourced err) where
342 type TextConstraint (Read FileSourced err) a =
343 DecodeText a
344 text :: forall a k repr.
345 repr ~ Read FileSourced err =>
346 TextConstraint repr a => repr (a->k) k
347 text = Read $ do
348 Sourced (FileSource (src :| _)) txt <-
349 P.token check $ Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure expected
350 case P.runParser @Void (decodeText @a <* P.eof) "" (unescapeText txt) of
351 Right a -> return ($ a)
352 Left errs -> P.fancyFailure $ Set.singleton $ P.ErrorFail $
353 (`foldMap` P.bundleErrors errs) $ \err ->
354 fileRange_path src <> ":" <>
355 show (fileRange_begin src <> Offset (P.errorOffset err)) <> "\n" <>
356 P.parseErrorTextPretty err
357 where
358 expected = Right $ TS.tree0 $ noSource $ NodeText $ EscapedText mempty
359 check = \case
360 Right (Tree0 nod)
361 | NodeText t <- unSource nod
362 -> Just (t <$ nod)
363 _ -> Nothing
364 instance
365 ( Ord err
366 , ReadConstraints src
367 , Textable (Read src err)
368 , Definable (Read src err)
369 ) => RelaxNG (Read src err) where
370 elementMatch nc p = Read $ do
371 (n,s) <- P.token check $ Set.singleton $
372 P.Tokens $ pure expected
373 ((\a2k n2a -> a2k (n2a n)) <$>) $
374 unRead (readNested p s)
375 where
376 expected = Right $ TS.tree0 $ noSource $
377 NodeElem (qName (NCName (TLB.toLazyText
378 (textify (mempty::Namespaces NCName,(infixN0,SideL),nc)))))
379 mempty
380 check = \case
381 Right (TS.Tree nod ts)
382 | NodeElem n as <- unSource nod
383 , matchNameClass nc n
384 -> Just (n, (removeXMLNS as, removeSpaces ts))
385 _ -> Nothing
386 attributeMatch nc p = Read $ do
387 (an,av) <- pTokenAttrNameClass nc $ Set.singleton $
388 P.Tokens $ pure expected
389 ((\a2k n2a -> a2k (n2a an)) <$>) $
390 unRead $ readNested p
391 (mempty, pure (TS.tree0 (NodeText . EscapedText . unEscapedAttr <$> av)))
392 -- See comment in 'attribute' about the cast to 'EscapedText' here.
393 where
394 expected = Left $ HM.singleton (qName (NCName n)) $ noSource ""
395 where n = TLB.toLazyText $ textify (mempty::Namespaces NCName,(infixN0,SideL),nc)
396 instance Ord err => Definable (Read FileSourced err) where
397 define n = Read . P.label n . unRead
399 -- ** Type 'ReadPerm'
400 data ReadPerm (src :: * -> *) err a k
401 = ReadPerm
402 { readPerm_result :: !(Maybe (a->k))
403 , readPerm_parser :: P.Parsec err (ReadStream src) (ReadPerm src err a k)
404 }
406 instance
407 (Ord err, ReadConstraints src) =>
408 Dimapable (ReadPerm src err) where
409 dimap a2b b2a (ReadPerm a ma) =
410 ReadPerm (merge <$> a)
411 (dimap a2b b2a `fmap` ma)
412 where merge = \a2k2k b2k -> a2k2k $ b2k . a2b
413 instance
414 (Ord err, ReadConstraints src) =>
415 Dicurryable (ReadPerm src err) where
416 dicurry ::
417 forall args r k proxy.
418 CurryN args =>
419 proxy args ->
420 (args-..->r) -> -- construction
421 (r->Tuples args) -> -- destruction
422 ReadPerm src err (args-..->k) k ->
423 ReadPerm src err (r->k) k
424 dicurry px constr destr (ReadPerm a ma) =
425 ReadPerm (merge <$> a)
426 (dicurry px constr destr `fmap` ma)
427 where
428 merge args2k2k = \r2k ->
429 args2k2k $ mapresultN @args r2k constr
430 instance
431 (Ord err, ReadConstraints src) =>
432 Composable (ReadPerm src err) where
433 lhs@(ReadPerm da pa) <.> rhs@(ReadPerm db pb) =
434 ReadPerm a $
435 lhsAlt <|> rhsAlt
436 where
437 lhsAlt = (<.> rhs) <$> pa
438 rhsAlt = (lhs <.>) <$> pb
439 a = flip (.) <$> da <*> db
440 instance
441 (Ord err, ReadConstraints src) =>
442 Tupable (ReadPerm src err) where
443 lhs@(ReadPerm da pa) <:> rhs@(ReadPerm db pb) =
444 ReadPerm a (lhsAlt <|> rhsAlt)
445 where
446 lhsAlt = (<:> rhs) <$> pa
447 rhsAlt = (lhs <:>) <$> pb
448 a = consCont (,) <$> da <*> db
449 instance Definable (ReadPerm src err) where
450 define _n = id
452 -- * Utils
454 concatCont :: [(a->k)->k] -> ([a]->k)->k
455 concatCont = List.foldr (consCont (:)) ($ [])
456 {-# INLINE concatCont #-}
458 consCont :: (a->b->c) -> ((a->k)->k) -> ((b->k)->k) -> (c->k)->k
459 consCont ab2c a2k2k b2k2k = \c2k -> a2k2k $ \a -> b2k2k $ \b -> c2k (ab2c a b)
460 {-# INLINE consCont #-}
462 mapCont :: (a->b) -> ((a->k)->k) -> ((b->k)->k)
463 mapCont a2b a2k2k = \b2k -> a2k2k (b2k . a2b)
464 {-# INLINE mapCont #-}
466 -- | An adaptation of megaparsec's 'pToken',
467 -- to handle 'attribute' properly.
468 pTokenAttr ::
469 forall e m src.
470 ReadConstraints src =>
471 QName ->
472 Set.Set (P.ErrorItem (P.Token (ReadStream src))) ->
473 P.ParsecT e (ReadStream src) m (src EscapedAttr)
474 pTokenAttr an ps = P.ParsecT $ \st@(P.State s@(attrs,trees) o pst de) cok _ _ eerr ->
475 case HM.lookup an attrs of
476 Just av -> cok av (P.State (HM.delete an attrs, trees) (o+1) pst de) mempty
477 Nothing -> eerr (P.TrivialError o us ps) st
478 where
479 us = case P.take1_ s of
480 Nothing -> pure P.EndOfInput
481 Just (t,_ts) -> (Just . P.Tokens . pure) t
482 {-# INLINE pTokenAttr #-}
484 -- | An adaptation of megaparsec's 'pToken',
485 -- to handle 'attributeMatch' properly.
486 pTokenAttrNameClass ::
487 forall e m src.
488 ReadConstraints src =>
489 NameClass ->
490 Set.Set (P.ErrorItem (P.Token (ReadStream src))) ->
491 P.ParsecT e (ReadStream src) m (QName, src EscapedAttr)
492 pTokenAttrNameClass nc ps = P.ParsecT $ \st@(P.State s@(attrs,trees) o pst de) cok _ _ eerr ->
493 case HM.toList attrs of
494 a@(an,_av):_ | matchNameClass nc an -> cok a (P.State (HM.delete an attrs, trees) (o+1) pst de) mempty
495 _ -> eerr (P.TrivialError o us ps) st
496 where
497 us = case P.take1_ s of
498 Nothing -> pure P.EndOfInput
499 Just (t,_ts) -> (Just . P.Tokens . pure) t
500 {-# INLINE pTokenAttrNameClass #-}
502 -- | An adaptation of megaparsec's 'pToken',
503 -- to handle 'pi' since 'NodePI' is ignored by 'P.take1_'.
504 pTokenPI ::
505 forall e m src.
506 UnSource src =>
507 PName ->
508 Set.Set (P.ErrorItem (P.Token (ReadStream src))) ->
509 P.ParsecT e (ReadStream src) m TL.Text
510 pTokenPI n ps = P.ParsecT $ \st@(P.State s o pst de) cok _ _ eerr ->
511 case take1 s of
512 Nothing -> eerr (P.TrivialError o us ps) st
513 where us = pure P.EndOfInput
514 Just (c, cs)
515 | Right (TS.Tree nod _) <- c
516 , NodePI pn pv <- unSource nod
517 , pn == n -> cok pv (P.State cs (o+1) pst de) mempty
518 | otherwise -> eerr (P.TrivialError o us ps) st
519 where
520 us = case take1 s of
521 Nothing -> pure P.EndOfInput
522 Just (t,_ts) -> (Just . P.Tokens . pure) t
523 where
524 take1 = take1_ isIgnoredNode
525 where
526 isIgnoredNode = \case
527 NodeComment{} -> True
528 _ -> False
530 removeXMLNS ::
531 HM.HashMap QName (src EscapedAttr) ->
532 HM.HashMap QName (src EscapedAttr)
533 removeXMLNS =
534 HM.filterWithKey $ \an _av ->
535 case an of
536 QName "" "xmlns" -> False
537 QName ns _l -> ns /= xmlns_xmlns
539 removeSpaces :: UnSource src => Trees src -> Trees src
540 removeSpaces xs =
541 if (`all` xs) $ \case
542 TS.Tree nod _ts
543 | NodeText (EscapedText et) <- unSource nod ->
544 all (\case
545 EscapedPlain t -> TL.all Char.isSpace t
546 _ -> False) et
547 _ -> True
548 then (`Seq.filter` xs) $ \case
549 TS.Tree nod _ts
550 | NodeText EscapedText{} <- unSource nod -> False
551 _ -> True
552 else xs
554 -- | @readNested v xs@ returns a 'Read' parsing @xs@ entirely with @v@,
555 -- updating 'P.stateOffset' and re-raising any exception.
556 readNested ::
557 Ord err =>
558 ReadConstraints src =>
559 Read src err f a ->
560 ReadStream src ->
561 Read src err f a
562 readNested (Read p) stateInput = Read $ do
563 st <- P.getParserState
564 (st', res) <- lift $ P.runParserT' (p <* P.eof) st
565 { P.stateInput
566 , P.stateOffset = P.stateOffset st
567 }
568 P.updateParserState (\s -> s{P.stateOffset = P.stateOffset st'})
569 case res of
570 Right a -> return a
571 Left (P.ParseErrorBundle errs _) ->
572 case NonEmpty.head errs of
573 P.TrivialError _o us es -> P.failure us es
574 P.FancyError _o es -> P.fancyFailure es
576 -- * Class 'DecodeText'
577 class DecodeText a where
578 decodeText :: P.Parsec Void TL.Text a
579 instance DecodeText String where
580 decodeText = TL.unpack . fst <$>
581 P.match (P.skipMany P.anySingle)
582 instance DecodeText Text.Text where
583 decodeText = TL.toStrict . fst <$>
584 P.match (P.skipMany P.anySingle)
585 instance DecodeText TL.Text where
586 decodeText = fst <$>
587 P.match (P.skipMany P.anySingle)
588 instance DecodeText Bool where
589 decodeText =
590 False <$ (P.string "false" <|> P.string "0") <|>
591 True <$ (P.string "true" <|> P.string "1")
592 instance DecodeText Integer where
593 decodeText = P.signed (return ()) P.decimal
594 instance DecodeText Natural where
595 decodeText = P.optional (P.char '+') *> P.decimal
597 -- * Megaparsec adaptations
598 -- | Rewrite 'P.parseErrorTextPretty' to keep 'Ord' of 'node's.
599 parseErrorTextPretty ::
600 P.ShowErrorComponent err =>
601 P.ParseError (ReadStream FileSourced) err -> String
602 parseErrorTextPretty (P.TrivialError o us ps) =
603 if isNothing us && Set.null ps
604 then "unknown parse error\n"
605 else
606 (case us of
607 Just P.Tokens{} -> ""
608 _ ->
609 -- FIXME: this is not informative enough,
610 -- but P.EndOfInput can not carry a source location,
611 -- and retraversing the XML tree cannot be done
612 -- exactly as the parser did only knowing the Offset,
613 -- because of attributes being permutable.
614 "node #"<>show o<>"\n"
615 ) <>
616 messageItemsPretty "unexpected "
617 (showErrorItem px <$> maybeToList us) <>
618 messageItemsPretty "expecting "
619 (showErrorItem px <$> Set.toAscList ps)
620 where px = Proxy :: Proxy s
621 parseErrorTextPretty err = P.parseErrorTextPretty err
623 messageItemsPretty :: String -> [String] -> String
624 messageItemsPretty prefix ts
625 | null ts = ""
626 | otherwise = prefix <> orList ts <> "\n"
628 orList :: IsString s => Monoid s => [s] -> s
629 orList [] = mempty
630 orList [x] = x
631 orList [x,y] = x <> " or " <> y
632 orList xs = mconcat (List.intersperse ", " (List.init xs)) <> ", or " <> List.last xs
634 showErrorItem ::
635 (s ~ ReadStream (Sourced (FileSource Offset))) =>
636 Proxy s -> P.ErrorItem (P.Token s) -> String
637 showErrorItem px = \case
638 P.Tokens ts -> P.showTokens px ts
639 P.Label label -> NonEmpty.toList label
640 P.EndOfInput -> "end-of-node"