]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-xml.git/blob - src/Symantic/XML/Tree/Write.hs
Rewrite to categorical symantic
[haskell/symantic-xml.git] / src / Symantic / XML / Tree / Write.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
3 module Symantic.XML.Tree.Write where
5 import Data.Bool
6 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
7 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..), all)
8 import Data.Function (($), (.), const)
9 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
10 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
11 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
12 import Data.String (IsString(..))
13 import Data.Traversable (Traversable(..))
14 import Data.Tuple (fst)
15 import System.IO (IO, FilePath)
16 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
17 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
18 import qualified Data.Char as Char
19 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
20 import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
21 import qualified Data.List as List
22 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
23 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB
24 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL
25 import qualified Data.TreeSeq.Strict as TS
27 import Symantic.XML.Language
28 import Symantic.XML.Tree.Source
29 import Symantic.XML.Tree.Data
30 import Symantic.XML.Write
32 writeTree :: UnSource src => Trees src -> TL.Text
33 writeTree ts = TLB.toLazyText $ unTreeWrite (write_Trees ts) defaultWriteInh
35 writeTreeIndented :: UnSource src => TL.Text -> Trees src -> TL.Text
36 writeTreeIndented ind xs =
37 TLB.toLazyText $
38 unTreeWrite (write_Trees xs) defaultWriteInh
39 { writeInh_indent_delta = ind }
41 writeFile :: FilePath -> TL.Text -> IO ()
42 writeFile fp = BSL.writeFile fp . TL.encodeUtf8
44 -- * Type 'TreeWrite'
45 newtype TreeWrite
46 = TreeWrite
47 { unTreeWrite :: WriteInh -> TLB.Builder
48 }
49 instance Semigroup TreeWrite where
50 TreeWrite x <> TreeWrite y = TreeWrite (x <> y)
51 instance Monoid TreeWrite where
52 mempty = TreeWrite (const "")
53 mappend = (<>)
54 instance IsString TreeWrite where
55 fromString = TreeWrite . const . fromString
57 write_Trees :: UnSource src => Trees src -> TreeWrite
58 write_Trees = foldMap write_Tree
60 write_Tree :: UnSource src => Tree src -> TreeWrite
61 write_Tree (TS.Tree node elemChilds) = TreeWrite $ \inh ->
62 case unSource node of
63 NodeText et@(EscapedText t)
64 -- Remove spaces when indenting
65 | not $ TL.null (writeInh_indent_delta inh)
66 , all (\case
67 EscapedPlain p -> TL.all Char.isSpace p
68 _ -> False
69 ) t -> mempty
70 | otherwise -> textify et
71 NodePI pn pv ->
72 writeInh_indent inh <>
73 "<?"<>textify pn<>
74 (case pn of
75 -- Special case: the value of the "xml" PI is parsed
76 -- as children NodePI
77 "xml" -> foldMap (\case
78 TS.Tree nod _ ->
79 case unSource nod of
80 NodePI n v -> " "<>textify n<>"=\""<>textify v<>"\""
81 _ -> mempty
82 ) elemChilds
83 _ -> s<>textify pv
84 ) <> "?>" <> nl inh
85 where s | TL.null pv = ""
86 | otherwise = " "
87 NodeCDATA t ->
88 writeInh_indent inh <>
89 "<[CDATA[["<>textify (TL.replace "]]>" "]]&gt;" t)<>"]]>"<>nl inh
90 NodeComment t ->
91 writeInh_indent inh <>
92 "<!--"<>textify (TL.replace "-->" "--&gt;" t)<>"-->"<>nl inh
93 NodeElem elemQName elemAttrs ->
94 writeInh_indent inh
95 <> "<"
96 <> write_elemPName
97 <> write_xmlnsAttrs
98 <> write_elemAttrs
99 <> if noChild
100 then "/>" <> nl inh
101 else ">"
102 <> (if hasIndenting then nl inh else mempty)
103 <> write_elemChilds
104 <> (if hasIndenting then writeInh_indent inh else mempty)
105 <> "</"<>write_elemPName<>">"
106 <> nl inh
107 where
108 -- Empty NodeText do not count as a child
109 noChild =
110 all (\case
111 TS.Tree n _ts
112 | NodeText (EscapedText t) <- unSource n ->
113 all (\case
114 EscapedPlain p -> TL.null p
115 _ -> False
116 ) t
117 | otherwise -> False
118 ) elemChilds
119 -- Follow xmllint --format rules to detect indenting:
120 -- if there is any NodeText it should only contain whites
121 hasIndenting =
122 (`all` elemChilds) $ \case
123 TS.Tree n _ts
124 | NodeText (EscapedText t) <- unSource n ->
125 all (\case
126 EscapedPlain p -> TL.all Char.isSpace p
127 _ -> False
128 ) t
129 | otherwise -> True
130 (usedNS, declNS) =
131 HM.foldlWithKey' go (initUsedNS, initDeclNS) elemAttrs
132 where
133 initUsedNS = HS.singleton $ qNameSpace elemQName
134 initDeclNS = (writeInh_namespaces inh){namespaces_prefixes=mempty}
135 go acc@(uNS, dNS) an sav =
136 case unSource sav of
137 av
138 -- xmlns:prefix="namespace"
139 | qNameSpace an == xmlns_xmlns ->
140 let ns = unescapeAttr av in
141 (uNS, dNS
142 { namespaces_prefixes =
143 (if TL.null ns
144 then HM.delete
145 -- Empty namespace means removal
146 -- of the prefix from scope.
147 else (`HM.insert` qNameLocal an))
148 (Namespace ns)
149 (namespaces_prefixes dNS)
150 })
151 -- xmlns="namespace"
152 | qNameSpace an == xmlns_empty
153 , qNameLocal an == NCName "xmlns" ->
154 (uNS, dNS{namespaces_default = Namespace (unescapeAttr av)})
155 -- name="value"
156 | qNameSpace an == xmlns_empty -> acc
157 -- {namespace}name="value"
158 | otherwise -> (HS.insert (qNameSpace an) uNS, dNS)
159 -- The inherited namespaces,
160 -- including those declared at this element.
161 inhNS =
162 HM.union
163 (namespaces_prefixes declNS)
164 (namespaces_prefixes (writeInh_namespaces inh))
165 -- The namespaces used but not declared nor default,
166 -- with fresh prefixes.
167 autoNS =
168 HM.delete (namespaces_default declNS) $
169 (`S.evalState` HS.empty) $
170 traverse
171 (\() -> S.gets freshNCName)
172 (HS.toMap usedNS `HM.difference` inhNS)
173 write_xmlnsAttrs =
174 foldMap (\(Namespace ns, qNameLocal) ->
175 textifyAttr (PName (Just "xmlns") qNameLocal) (escapeAttr ns)) $
176 List.sortOn fst $
177 HM.toList autoNS
178 scopeNS = declNS{ namespaces_prefixes = autoNS <> inhNS }
179 write_elemPName = textify $ prefixifyQName scopeNS elemQName
180 write_elemAttrs =
181 foldMap (\(an, av) -> textifyAttr
182 (prefixifyQName scopeNS{namespaces_default=xmlns_empty} an)
183 (unSource av)) $
184 List.sortOn fst $ -- This makes the rendition more predictible, but this is useless.
185 HM.toList elemAttrs
186 write_elemChilds = unTreeWrite (write_Trees elemChilds) inh
187 { writeInh_namespaces = scopeNS
188 -- Disable indenting unless hasIndenting.
189 , writeInh_indent =
190 if hasIndenting
191 then
192 writeInh_indent inh <>
193 textify (writeInh_indent_delta inh)
194 else mempty
195 , writeInh_indent_delta =
196 if hasIndenting
197 then writeInh_indent_delta inh
198 else mempty
199 }