]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-xml.git/blob - Language/Symantic/RNC/Validate.hs
XML: polish comments
[haskell/symantic-xml.git] / Language / Symantic / RNC / Validate.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
7 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
8 module Language.Symantic.RNC.Validate where
10 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
11 import Data.Bool
12 import Data.Either (Either(..))
13 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
14 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..), all)
15 import Data.Function (($), const, id)
16 import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
17 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
18 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
19 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
20 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
21 import qualified Data.Char as Char
22 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
23 import qualified Data.Set as Set
24 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
25 import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
26 import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Perm as P
28 import Language.Symantic.XML (XMLs)
29 import qualified Language.Symantic.XML as XML
30 import qualified Language.Symantic.RNC.Sym as RNC
32 validateXML :: Ord e => P.Parsec e XMLs a -> XMLs -> Either (P.ParseError (P.Token XMLs) e) a
33 validateXML p = XML.runParser p (P.initialPos "":|[])
35 type instance RNC.Perm (P.ParsecT e XMLs m) = P.PermParser XMLs (P.ParsecT e XMLs m)
36 instance Ord e => RNC.Sym_Interleaved (P.ParsecT e XMLs m) where
37 interleaved = P.makePermParser
38 (<$$>) = (P.<$$>)
39 (<||>) = (P.<||>)
40 (<$?>) = (P.<$?>)
41 (<|?>) = (P.<|?>)
42 f <$*> a = f P.<$?> ([],P.some a)
43 f <|*> a = f P.<|?> ([],P.some a)
44 instance Ord e => RNC.Sym_Rule (P.ParsecT e XMLs m) where
45 -- rule n p = P.dbg s p {-(p P.<?> s)-} where s = Text.unpack n
46 rule _n = id
47 arg _n = pure ()
49 -- | Like 'P.satisfy' but with a predicate returning 'Maybe' instead of 'Bool'.
50 p_satisfyMaybe :: P.MonadParsec e s m => (P.Token s -> Maybe a) -> m a
51 p_satisfyMaybe f = check `P.token` Nothing
52 where
53 check c =
54 case f c of
55 Just a -> Right a
56 Nothing -> Left (Just $ P.Tokens $ c:|[], Set.empty)
58 instance Ord e => RNC.Sym_RNC (P.Parsec e XMLs) where
59 {-
60 none = P.label "none" $ P.eof
61 -}
62 namespace _p _n = pure ()
63 element n p = do
64 ts <- P.token check $ Just expected
65 parserElement n p ts
66 where
67 expected = XML.Tree (XML.notSourced $ XML.NodeElem n) mempty
68 check (XML.Tree (XML.unSourced -> XML.NodeElem e) ts)
69 | e == n
70 = Right $ removePI $ removeXMLNS $ removeSpaces ts
71 where
72 removePI xs =
73 (`Seq.filter` xs) $ \case
74 XML.Tree (XML.unSourced -> XML.NodePI{}) _ts -> False
75 _ -> True
76 removeSpaces xs =
77 if (`all` xs) $ \case
78 XML.Tree (XML.unSourced -> XML.NodeText txt) _ts ->
79 all (\case
80 XML.TextLexemePlain t -> TL.all Char.isSpace t
81 _ -> False) txt
82 _ -> True
83 then (`Seq.filter` xs) $ \case
84 XML.Tree (XML.unSourced -> XML.NodeText{}) _ts -> False
85 _ -> True
86 else xs
87 removeXMLNS xs =
88 let (attrs,rest) = (`Seq.spanl` xs) $ \case
89 XML.Tree (XML.unSourced -> XML.NodeAttr{}) _ts -> True
90 _ -> False in
91 let attrs' = (`Seq.filter` attrs) $ \case
92 XML.Tree (XML.unSourced -> XML.NodeAttr a) _ts ->
93 case a of
94 XML.QName "" "xmlns" -> False
95 XML.QName ns _l -> ns /= XML.xmlns_xmlns
96 _ -> True in
97 attrs' <> rest
98 check t = Left
99 ( Just $ P.Tokens $ pure t
100 , Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure expected )
101 attribute n p = do
102 v <- P.token check $ Just expected
103 XML.parser p v
104 where
105 expected = XML.Tree0 (XML.notSourced $ XML.NodeAttr n)
106 check (XML.Tree (XML.unSourced -> XML.NodeAttr k)
107 v@(toList -> [XML.Tree0 (XML.unSourced -> XML.NodeText _v)])) | k == n =
108 Right v
109 check t = Left
110 ( Just $ P.Tokens $ pure t
111 , Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure expected )
112 any = P.label "any" $ p_satisfyMaybe $ const $ Just ()
113 anyElem ns p = P.label "anyElem" $ do
114 (n,ts) <- P.token check $ Just expected
115 parserElement n (p $ XML.qNameLocal n) ts
116 where
117 expected = XML.Tree (XML.notSourced $ XML.NodeElem $ XML.QName ns $ XML.NCName "*") mempty
118 check (XML.Tree (XML.unSourced -> XML.NodeElem e) ts)
119 | XML.qNameSpace e == ns
120 = Right $ (e,ts)
121 check t = Left
122 ( Just $ P.Tokens $ pure t
123 , Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure expected )
124 {-
125 comment = do
126 s <- P.getInput
127 case Seq.viewl s of
128 XML.Tree0 (XML.unSourced -> XML.NodeComment c) :< ts -> do
129 P.setInput ts
130 c <$ XML.setFilePosToNextNode
131 t :< _ts -> P.failure (Just $ P.Tokens $ pure t) ex
132 EmptyL -> P.failure Nothing ex
133 where
134 ex = Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure expected
135 expected = XML.Tree0 (XML.notSourced $ XML.NodeComment "")
136 -}
137 text = do
138 P.token check (Just expected)
139 <* XML.setFilePosToNextNode
140 where
141 expected = XML.Tree0 (XML.notSourced $ XML.NodeText [])
142 check (XML.Tree0 (XML.unSourced -> XML.NodeText t)) = Right t
143 check t = Left
144 ( Just $ P.Tokens $ pure t
145 , Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure expected )
146 optional = P.optional
147 option = P.option
148 choice = P.choice
149 try = P.try
150 fail = P.label "fail" $ P.failure Nothing mempty
152 parserElement :: Ord e => XML.QName -> P.Parsec e XMLs a -> XMLs -> P.Parsec e XMLs a
153 parserElement _n = XML.parser
154 {-
156 -- * Type 'State'
157 data State = State
158 { state_posXML :: XML.Pos
159 , state_source :: XML.FileSource
160 -- ^ Unfortunately Megaparsec's 'P.statePos'
161 -- is not a good fit to encode 'XML.Source'.
162 } deriving (Eq,Show)
163 instance Default State where
164 def = State
165 { state_posXML = def
166 , state_source = def
167 }
169 -- * Type 'Parser'
170 type Parser = S.StateT State (P.Parsec ErrorRead XMLs)
172 instance RNC.Sym_Rule Parser where
173 -- rule n p = P.dbg s p {-(p P.<?> s)-} where s = Text.unpack n
174 rule _n = id
175 instance RNC.Sym_RNC Parser where
176 {-
177 none = P.label "none" $ P.eof
178 -}
179 fail = P.label "fail" $ P.failure Nothing mempty
180 any = P.label "any" $ p_satisfyMaybe $ const $ Just ()
181 anyElem p = P.label "anyElem" $ do
182 XML.Sourced state_source (n,ts) <- P.token check $ Just expected
183 parserElement n (p n) (XML.Sourced state_source ts)
184 where
185 expected = XML.Tree (XML.notSourced $ XML.NodeElem "*") mempty
186 check (XML.Tree cell@(XML.unSourced -> XML.NodeElem e) ts) = Right $ (e,ts) <$ cell
187 check t = Left
188 ( Just $ P.Tokens $ pure t
189 , Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure expected )
190 element n p = do
191 ts <- P.token check $ Just expected
192 parserElement n p ts
193 where
194 expected = XML.Tree (XML.notSourced $ XML.NodeElem n) mempty
195 check (XML.Tree cell@(XML.unSourced -> XML.NodeElem e) ts) | e == n = Right (ts <$ cell)
196 check t = Left
197 ( Just $ P.Tokens $ pure t
198 , Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure expected )
199 attribute n p = do
200 v <- P.token check $ Just expected
201 stateParser p $ Seq.singleton $ Tree0 v
202 where
203 expected = Tree0 (XML.notSourced $ XML.NodeAttr n "")
204 check (XML.Tree0 cell@(XML.unSourced -> XML.NodeAttr k v)) | k == n =
205 Right $ XML.NodeText v <$ cell
206 check t = Left
207 ( Just $ P.Tokens $ pure t
208 , Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure expected )
209 {-
210 comment = do
211 s <- P.getInput
212 case Seq.viewl s of
213 XML.Tree0 (XML.unSourced -> XML.NodeComment c) :< ts -> do
214 P.setInput ts
215 c <$ setFilePosToNextNode
216 t :< _ts -> P.failure (Just $ P.Tokens $ pure t) ex
217 EmptyL -> P.failure Nothing ex
218 where
219 ex = Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure expected
220 expected = Tree0 (XML.notSourced $ XML.NodeComment "")
221 -}
222 text = do
223 P.token check (Just expected)
224 <* setFilePosToNextNode
225 where
226 expected = Tree0 (XML.notSourced $ XML.NodeText "")
227 check (XML.Tree0 (XML.unSourced -> XML.NodeText t)) = Right t
228 check t = Left
229 ( Just $ P.Tokens $ pure t
230 , Set.singleton $ P.Tokens $ pure expected )
231 optional = P.optional
232 option = P.option
233 choice = P.choice
234 try = P.try
236 parserElement :: XML.Name -> Parser a -> XML.Sourced XMLs -> Parser a
237 parserElement n p (XML.Sourced state_source ts) = do
238 let mayNameOrFigureName
239 | n == "aside" = Nothing
240 -- NOTE: skip aside.
241 | n == "figure"
242 -- NOTE: special case renaming the current XML.XmlPos
243 -- using the @type attribute to have positions like this:
244 -- section1.Quote1
245 -- section1.Example1
246 -- section1.Quote2
247 -- instead of:
248 -- section1.figure1
249 -- section1.figure2
250 -- section1.figure3
251 , Just ty <- getFirst $ (`foldMap` ts) $ \case
252 XML.Tree0 (XML.unSourced -> XML.NodeAttr "type" ty) -> First $ Just ty
253 _ -> First Nothing
254 = Just $ XML.qName $ ty
255 | otherwise = Just n
256 case mayNameOrFigureName of
257 Nothing -> do
258 st <- S.get
259 S.put st{state_source}
260 res <- stateParser p ts
261 S.put st
262 return res
263 Just nameOrFigureName -> do
264 st@State{state_posXML} <- S.get
265 let incrPrecedingSibling name =
266 maybe (Nat1 1) succNat1 $
267 Map.lookup name $
268 XML.pos_precedingSiblings state_posXML
269 S.put State
270 { state_posXML = state_posXML
271 -- NOTE: in children, push current name incremented on ancestors
272 -- and reset preceding siblings.
273 { XML.pos_precedingSiblings = mempty
274 , XML.pos_ancestors = XML.pos_ancestors state_posXML |> (n, incrPrecedingSibling n)
275 , XML.pos_ancestorsWithFigureNames =
276 XML.pos_ancestorsWithFigureNames state_posXML |>
277 ( nameOrFigureName
278 , incrPrecedingSibling nameOrFigureName )
279 }
280 , state_source
281 }
282 res <- stateParser p ts
283 S.put st
284 { state_posXML = state_posXML
285 -- NOTE: after current, increment current name
286 -- and reset ancestors.
287 { XML.pos_precedingSiblings =
288 (if n == nameOrFigureName then id
289 else Map.insertWith (const succNat1) nameOrFigureName (Nat1 1)) $
290 Map.insertWith (const succNat1) n (Nat1 1) $
291 XML.pos_precedingSiblings state_posXML
292 }
293 }
294 return res
296 type instance RNC.Perm Parser = P.PermParser XMLs Parser
297 instance RNC.Sym_Interleaved Parser where
298 interleaved = P.makePermParser
299 (<$$>) = (P.<$$>)
300 (<||>) = (P.<||>)
301 (<$?>) = (P.<$?>)
302 (<|?>) = (P.<|?>)
303 f <$*> a = f P.<$?> ([],P.some a)
304 f <|*> a = f P.<|?> ([],P.some a)
305 {-
306 instance DTC.Sym_DTC Parser where
307 positionXML = S.gets state_posXML
308 locationTCT = S.gets state_source
309 -}
314 -- ** Type 'ErrorRead'
315 data ErrorRead
316 = ErrorRead_EndOfInput
317 | ErrorRead_Not_Bool TL.Text
318 | ErrorRead_Not_Int TL.Text
319 | ErrorRead_Not_Nat Int
320 | ErrorRead_Not_Nat1 Int
321 | ErrorRead_Not_Rational TL.Text
322 | ErrorRead_Not_Positive TL.Text
323 {- ErrorRead_Unexpected P.sourcePos XML -}
324 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
325 instance P.ShowErrorComponent ErrorRead where
326 showErrorComponent = show
327 -}