]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic-lib/Language/Symantic/Lib/Num/Test.hs
Try to implement polymorphic types.
[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic-lib / Language / Symantic / Lib / Num / Test.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
3 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
4 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
5 module Lib.Num.Test where
7 import Test.Tasty
9 import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
10 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
11 import Prelude (Num)
12 import Prelude hiding (Num(..))
14 import Language.Symantic.Parsing
15 import Language.Symantic.Typing
16 import Language.Symantic.Compiling
17 import Language.Symantic.Interpreting
18 import Language.Symantic.Lib.Lambda ((~>))
19 import Language.Symantic.Lib.Num
20 import Compiling.Term.Test
22 -- * Tests
23 type Ifaces =
24 [ Proxy (->)
25 , Proxy Integer
26 , Proxy Num
27 , Proxy Num2
28 , Proxy Int
29 , Proxy Integral
30 , Proxy Foldable
31 , Proxy Traversable
32 , Proxy []
33 ]
34 (==>) = test_compile @Ifaces
36 tests :: TestTree
37 tests = testGroup "Num"
38 [ "42" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 42, "42")
39 , "-42" ==> Right (ty @Integer, -42, "negate 42")
40 , "- -42" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 42, "negate (negate 42)")
41 , "1 + -2" ==> Right (ty @Integer, -1, "(\\x0 -> 1 + x0) (negate 2)")
42 , "-1 + -2" ==> Right (ty @Integer, -3, "(\\x0 -> negate 1 + x0) (negate 2)")
43 , "-(1 + -2)" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 1, "negate ((\\x0 -> 1 + x0) (negate 2))")
44 , "(+) 1 2" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 3, "(\\x0 -> 1 + x0) 2")
45 , "1 + 2" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 3, "(\\x0 -> 1 + x0) 2")
46 , "1 + 2 - 3" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 0, "(\\x0 -> (\\x1 -> 1 + x1) 2 - x0) 3")
47 , "1 + 2 * 3" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 7, "(\\x0 -> 1 + x0) ((\\x0 -> 2 * x0) 3)")
48 , "3 * 2 + 1" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 7, "(\\x0 -> (\\x1 -> 3 * x1) 2 + x0) 1")
49 , "3 * (2 + 1)" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 9, "(\\x0 -> 3 * x0) ((\\x0 -> 2 + x0) 1)")
50 , "4 + 3 * 2 + 1" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 11,
51 "(\\x0 -> (\\x1 -> 4 + x1) ((\\x1 -> 3 * x1) 2) + x0) 1")
52 , "5 * 4 + 3 * 2 + 1" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 27,
53 "(\\x0 -> (\\x1 -> (\\x2 -> 5 * x2) 4 + x1) ((\\x1 -> 3 * x1) 2) + x0) 1")
54 , "negate`42" ==> Right (ty @Integer, -42, "negate 42")
55 , "42`negate" ==> Right (ty @Integer, -42, "negate 42")
56 , "42`negate " ==> Right (ty @Integer, -42, "negate 42")
57 , "42`negate`negate" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 42, "negate (negate 42)")
58 , "42`abs`negate" ==> Right (ty @Integer, -42, "negate (abs 42)")
59 , "42`negate`abs" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 42, "abs (negate 42)")
60 , "abs`negate`42" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 42, "abs (negate 42)")
61 , "negate`abs`42" ==> Right (ty @Integer, -42, "negate (abs 42)")
62 , "abs`42`negate" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 42, "abs (negate 42)")
63 , "negate`42`abs" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 42, "abs (negate 42)")
64 , "negate`abs`42`mod`9" ==> Right
65 (ty @Integer,3, "(\\x0 -> negate (abs 42) `mod` x0) 9")
66 , "42`abs`negate`mod`abs`negate`9" ==> Right
67 (ty @Integer, 3, "(\\x0 -> negate (abs 42) `mod` x0) (abs (negate 9))")
68 , "negate abs`42" ==> Right (ty @Integer, -42, "negate (abs 42)")
69 , "negate 42`abs" ==> Right (ty @Integer, -42, "negate (abs 42)")
70 , "negate 42 + 42`negate" ==> Right (ty @Integer, -84, "(\\x0 -> negate 42 + x0) (negate 42)")
71 , "(+) (negate 42) 42`negate" ==> Right (ty @Integer, -84, "(\\x0 -> negate 42 + x0) (negate 42)")
72 , "(+) negate`42 42`negate" ==> Right (ty @Integer, -84, "(\\x0 -> negate 42 + x0) (negate 42)")
73 , "(+) negate`2 44" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 42, "(\\x0 -> negate 2 + x0) 44")
74 , "(+) 2`negate 44" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 42, "(\\x0 -> negate 2 + x0) 44")
75 , "(+) (negate`2) 44" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 42, "(\\x0 -> negate 2 + x0) 44")
76 , "abs negate`42" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 42, "abs (negate 42)")
77 , "(+) 40 2" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 42, "(\\x0 -> 40 + x0) 2")
78 , "(+) 40 -2" ==> Right (ty @Integer, 38, "(\\x0 -> 40 + x0) (negate 2)")
79 , testGroup "Error_Term"
80 [ "(+) 40 - 2" ==> Left (ty @Integer,
81 Right $ Error_Term_Con_Type $ Right $ Con_TyCon $
82 At (maybeRight $ test_tokenizer "(+) 40") $
83 KType $ ty @Num :$ (ty @Integer ~> ty @Integer))
84 ]
85 ]
87 -- | A newtype to test prefix and postfix.
88 newtype Num2 a = Num2 a
90 class Sym_Num2 (term:: * -> *) where
92 type instance Sym_of_Iface (Proxy Num2) = Sym_Num2
93 type instance TyConsts_of_Iface (Proxy Num2) = Proxy Num2 ': TyConsts_imported_by (Proxy Num2)
94 type instance TyConsts_imported_by (Proxy Num2) = '[ Proxy Integer ]
96 instance Sym_Num2 HostI where
97 instance Sym_Num2 TextI where
98 instance Sym_Num2 (DupI r1 r2) where
100 instance
101 ( Read_TyNameR TyName cs rs
102 , Inj_TyConst cs Num2
103 ) => Read_TyNameR TyName cs (Proxy Num2 ': rs) where
104 read_TyNameR _cs (TyName "Num2") k = k (ty @Num2)
105 read_TyNameR _rs raw k = read_TyNameR (Proxy @rs) raw k
106 instance Show_TyConst cs => Show_TyConst (Proxy Num2 ': cs) where
107 show_TyConst TyConstZ{} = "Num2"
108 show_TyConst (TyConstS c) = show_TyConst c
110 instance Proj_TyConC cs (Proxy Num2)
111 data instance TokenT meta (ts::[*]) (Proxy Num2)
112 deriving instance (Eq meta, Eq_Token meta ts) => Eq (TokenT meta ts (Proxy Num2))
113 deriving instance (Show meta, Show_Token meta ts) => Show (TokenT meta ts (Proxy Num2))
114 instance CompileI cs is (Proxy Num2) where
115 compileI _tok _ctx _k = undefined
116 instance -- TokenizeT
117 Inj_Token meta ts Num =>
118 TokenizeT meta ts (Proxy Num2) where
119 tokenizeT _t = Monoid.mempty
120 { tokenizers_prefix = tokenizeTMod []
121 [ tokenize1 "abs" (Prefix 9) Token_Term_Num_abs
122 , tokenize1 "negate" (Prefix 10) Token_Term_Num_negate
123 ]
124 , tokenizers_postfix = tokenizeTMod []
125 [ tokenize1 "abs" (Postfix 9) Token_Term_Num_abs
126 , tokenize1 "negate" (Postfix 10) Token_Term_Num_negate
127 ]
128 }
129 instance Gram_Term_AtomsT meta ts (Proxy Num2) g