]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic-document/Symantic/Document/Sym.hs
document: avoid name collisions
[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic-document / Symantic / Document / Sym.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
2 module Symantic.Document.Sym where
4 import Data.Bool
5 import Data.Char (Char)
6 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
7 import Data.Foldable (Foldable, foldr, foldr1)
8 import Data.Function ((.), ($))
9 import Data.Functor (Functor(..))
10 import Data.Int (Int)
11 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
12 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
13 import Data.Ord (Ord(..), Ordering(..))
14 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
15 import Data.String (String, IsString)
16 import Prelude (Integer, fromIntegral, Num(..), pred, undefined, Integral, Real, Enum)
17 import Text.Show (Show(..))
18 import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
19 import qualified Data.List as List
20 import qualified Data.Text as Text
21 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
23 -- * Type 'Nat'
24 newtype Nat = Nat { unNat :: Integer } -- TODO: use GHC's Natural
25 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Integral, Real, Enum)
26 unLength :: Nat -> Integer
27 unLength (Nat i) = i
28 instance Num Nat where
29 fromInteger i | 0 <= i = Nat i
30 | otherwise = undefined
31 abs = Nat . abs . unLength
32 signum = signum . signum
33 Nat x + Nat y = Nat (x + y)
34 Nat x * Nat y = Nat (x * y)
35 Nat x - Nat y | x >= y = Nat (x - y)
36 | otherwise = undefined
38 -- * Class 'Lengthable'
39 class Lengthable a where
40 length :: a -> Nat
41 instance Lengthable Char where
42 length _ = Nat 1
43 instance Lengthable [a] where
44 length = Nat . fromIntegral . List.length
45 instance Lengthable Text.Text where
46 length = Nat . fromIntegral . Text.length
47 instance Lengthable TL.Text where
48 length = Nat . fromIntegral . TL.length
50 -- * Class 'Splitable'
51 class Monoid a => Splitable a where
52 null :: a -> Bool
53 tail :: a -> a
54 break :: (Char -> Bool) -> a -> (a, a)
55 lines :: a -> [a]
56 lines = splitOnChar (== '\n')
57 words :: a -> [a]
58 words = splitOnChar (== ' ')
59 splitOnChar :: (Char -> Bool) -> a -> [a]
60 splitOnChar c a =
61 if null a then []
62 else let (l,a') = break c a in
63 l : if null a' then []
64 else let a'' = tail a' in
65 if null a'' then [mempty] else splitOnChar c a''
66 instance Splitable String where
67 null = List.null
68 tail = List.tail
69 break = List.break
70 instance Splitable Text.Text where
71 null = Text.null
72 tail = Text.tail
73 break = Text.break
74 instance Splitable TL.Text where
75 null = TL.null
76 tail = TL.tail
77 break = TL.break
79 -- * Type 'Column'
80 type Column = Nat
82 -- ** Type 'Indent'
83 type Indent = Column
85 -- * Class 'Textable'
86 class (IsString d, Semigroup d) => Textable d where
87 empty :: d
88 charH :: Char -- ^ XXX: MUST NOT be '\n'
89 -> d
90 stringH :: String -- ^ XXX: MUST NOT contain '\n'
91 -> d
92 textH :: Text.Text -- ^ XXX: MUST NOT contain '\n'
93 -> d
94 ltextH :: TL.Text -- ^ XXX: MUST NOT contain '\n'
95 -> d
96 default empty :: Textable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d
97 default charH :: Textable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => Char -> d
98 default stringH :: Textable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => String -> d
99 default textH :: Textable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => Text.Text -> d
100 default ltextH :: Textable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => TL.Text -> d
101 empty = noTrans empty
102 charH = noTrans . charH
103 stringH = noTrans . stringH
104 textH = noTrans . textH
105 ltextH = noTrans . ltextH
107 newline :: d
108 space :: d
109 -- | @x '<+>' y = x '<>' 'space' '<>' y@
110 (<+>) :: d -> d -> d
111 -- | @x '</>' y = x '<>' 'newline' '<>' y@
112 (</>) :: d -> d -> d
113 int :: Int -> d
114 integer :: Integer -> d
115 char :: Char -> d
116 -- | WARNING: trailing spaces @(' ')@ are not made 'breakableSpace's
117 string :: String -> d
118 -- | WARNING: trailing spaces @(' ')@ are not made 'breakableSpace's
119 text :: Text.Text -> d
120 -- | WARNING: trailing spaces @(' ')@ are not made 'breakableSpace's
121 ltext :: TL.Text -> d
122 catH :: Foldable f => f d -> d
123 catV :: Foldable f => f d -> d
124 unwords :: Foldable f => f d -> d
125 unlines :: Foldable f => f d -> d
126 foldrWith :: Foldable f => (d -> d -> d) -> f d -> d
127 interWith :: Foldable f => (d -> d) -> f d -> d
128 intercalate :: Foldable f => d -> f d -> d
129 between :: d -> d -> d -> d
130 replicate :: Int -> d -> d
132 newline = "\n"
133 space = char ' '
134 x <+> y = x <> space <> y
135 x </> y = x <> newline <> y
136 int = stringH . show
137 integer = stringH . show
138 char = \case '\n' -> newline; c -> charH c
139 default string :: Breakable d => String -> d
140 default text :: Breakable d => Text.Text -> d
141 default ltext :: Breakable d => TL.Text -> d
142 string = catV . fmap ((breakableSpaces . (fmap stringH) . words)) . lines
143 text = catV . fmap ((breakableSpaces . (fmap textH) . words)) . lines
144 ltext = catV . fmap ((breakableSpaces . (fmap ltextH) . words)) . lines
145 catH = foldr (<>) empty
146 catV = foldrWith (\x y -> x<>newline<>y)
147 unwords = foldrWith (\x y -> x<>space<>y)
148 unlines = foldr (\x y -> x<>newline<>y) empty
149 foldrWith f ds = if Foldable.null ds then empty else foldr1 f ds
150 interWith f = foldrWith $ \a acc -> a <> f acc
151 intercalate sep = foldrWith (\x y -> x<>sep<>y)
152 between o c d = o<>d<>c
153 replicate cnt t | cnt <= 0 = empty
154 | otherwise = t <> replicate (pred cnt) t
156 -- * Class 'Indentable'
157 class Textable d => Indentable d where
158 -- | @('align' d)@ make @d@ uses current 'Column' as 'Indent' level.
159 align :: d -> d
160 default align :: Indentable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
161 align = noTrans1 align
162 -- | @('incrIndent' ind d)@ make @d@ uses current 'Indent' plus @ind@ as 'Indent' level.
163 incrIndent :: Indent -> d -> d
164 default incrIndent :: Indentable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => Indent -> d -> d
165 incrIndent = noTrans1 . incrIndent
166 -- | @('withIndent' ind d)@ make @d@ uses @ind@ as 'Indent' level.
167 withIndent :: Indent -> d -> d
168 default withIndent :: Indentable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => Indent -> d -> d
169 withIndent = noTrans1 . withIndent
170 -- | @('withNewline' nl d)@ make @d@ uses @nl@ as 'newline'.
171 --
172 -- Useful values for @nl@ are: 'empty', 'newlineWithIndent', 'newlineWithoutIndent'.
173 withNewline :: d -> d -> d
174 newlineWithoutIndent :: d
175 newlineWithIndent :: d
176 default withNewline :: Indentable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d -> d
177 default newlineWithoutIndent :: Indentable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d
178 default newlineWithIndent :: Indentable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d
179 withNewline = noTrans2 withNewline
180 newlineWithoutIndent = noTrans newlineWithoutIndent
181 newlineWithIndent = noTrans newlineWithIndent
182 -- | @('column' f)@ write @f@ applied to the current 'Column'.
183 column :: (Column -> d) -> d
184 default column :: Indentable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => (Column -> d) -> d
185 column f = noTrans $ column (unTrans . f)
186 -- | @('indent' f)@ write @f@ applied to the current 'Indent'.
187 indent :: (Indent -> d) -> d
188 default indent :: Indentable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => (Indent -> d) -> d
189 indent f = noTrans $ indent (unTrans . f)
191 -- | @('hang' ind d)@ make @d@ uses current 'Column' plus @ind@ as 'Indent' level.
192 hang :: Indent -> d -> d
193 hang ind = align . incrIndent ind
195 -- | @('endToEndWidth' d f)@ write @d@ then
196 -- @f@ applied to the absolute value of the difference between
197 -- the end 'Column' and start 'Column' of @d@.
198 --
199 -- Note that @f@ is given the end-to-end width,
200 -- which is not necessarily the maximal width.
201 endToEndWidth :: d -> (Column -> d) -> d
202 endToEndWidth d f =
203 column $ \c1 ->
204 (d <>) $
205 column $ \c2 ->
206 f $ if c2 - c1 >= 0
207 then c2 - c1
208 else c1 - c2
210 -- | @'spaces' ind = 'replicate' ind 'space'@
211 spaces :: Indent -> d
212 spaces i = replicate (fromIntegral i) space
214 -- | @('fill' ind d)@ write @d@,
215 -- then if @d@ is not wider than @ind@,
216 -- write the difference with 'spaces'.
217 fill :: Indent -> d -> d
218 fill m d =
219 endToEndWidth d $ \w ->
220 case w`compare`m of
221 LT -> spaces $ m - w
222 _ -> empty
224 -- | @('breakableFill' ind d)@ write @d@,
225 -- then if @d@ is not wider than @ind@, write the difference with 'spaces'
226 -- otherwise write a 'newline' indented to to the start 'Column' of @d@ plus @ind@.
227 breakableFill :: Indent -> d -> d
228 breakableFill m d =
229 column $ \c ->
230 endToEndWidth d $ \w ->
231 case w`compare`m of
232 LT -> spaces (m - w)
233 EQ -> empty
234 GT -> withIndent (c + m) newline
236 -- * Class 'Breakable'
237 class (Textable d, Indentable d) => Breakable d where
238 -- | @('breakable' f)@ write @f@ applied to whether breaks are activated or not.
239 breakable :: (Maybe Column -> d) -> d
240 default breakable :: Breakable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => (Maybe Column -> d) -> d
241 breakable f = noTrans $ breakable (unTrans . f)
242 -- | @('withBreakable' b d)@ whether to active breaks or not within @d@.
243 withBreakable :: Maybe Column -> d -> d
244 default withBreakable :: Breakable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => Maybe Column -> d -> d
245 withBreakable = noTrans1 . withBreakable
247 -- | @('ifBreak' onWrap onNoWrap)@
248 -- write @onWrap@ if @onNoWrap@ leads to a 'Column'
249 -- greater or equal to the one sets with 'withBreakable',
250 -- otherwise write @onNoWrap@.
251 ifBreak :: d -> d -> d
252 default ifBreak :: Breakable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d -> d
253 ifBreak = noTrans2 ifBreak
254 -- | @('breakpoint' onNoBreak onBreak d)@
255 -- write @onNoBreak@ then @d@ if they fit,
256 -- @onBreak@ otherwise.
257 breakpoint :: d -> d -> d -> d
258 default breakpoint :: Breakable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d -> d -> d
259 breakpoint = noTrans3 breakpoint
261 -- | @('breakableEmpty' d)@ write @d@ if it fits, 'newline' then @d@ otherwise.
262 breakableEmpty :: d -> d
263 breakableEmpty = breakpoint empty newline
265 -- | @x '><' y = x '<>' 'breakableEmpty' y@
266 (><) :: d -> d -> d
267 x >< y = x <> breakableEmpty y
269 -- | @('breakableSpace' d)@ write 'space' then @d@ it they fit,
270 -- 'newline' then @d@ otherwise.
271 breakableSpace :: d -> d
272 breakableSpace = breakpoint space newline
274 -- | @x '>+<' y = x '<>' 'breakableSpace' y@
275 (>+<) :: d -> d -> d
276 x >+< y = x <> breakableSpace y
278 -- | @'breakableSpaces' ds@ intercalate a 'breakableSpace'
279 -- between items of @ds@.
280 breakableSpaces :: Foldable f => f d -> d
281 breakableSpaces = interWith breakableSpace
283 -- | @('intercalateHorV' sep ds)@
284 -- write @ds@ with @sep@ intercalated if the whole fits,
285 -- otherwise write 'align' of @ds@ with 'newline' and @sep@ intercalated.
286 intercalateHorV :: Foldable f => d -> f d -> d
287 intercalateHorV sep xs =
288 ifBreak
289 (align $ interWith ((newline <> sep) <>) xs)
290 (interWith (sep <>) xs)
292 -- * Class 'Colorable'
293 class Colorable d where
294 -- | @('colorable' f)@ write @f@ applied to whether colors are activated or not.
295 colorable :: (Bool -> d) -> d
296 default colorable :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => (Bool -> d) -> d
297 colorable f = noTrans $ colorable (unTrans . f)
298 -- | @('withColor' b d)@ whether to active colors or not within @d@.
299 withColorable :: Bool -> d -> d
300 default withColorable :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => Bool -> d -> d
301 withColorable = noTrans1 . withColorable
303 reverse :: d -> d
305 -- Foreground colors
306 -- Dull
307 black :: d -> d
308 red :: d -> d
309 green :: d -> d
310 yellow :: d -> d
311 blue :: d -> d
312 magenta :: d -> d
313 cyan :: d -> d
314 white :: d -> d
316 -- Vivid
317 blacker :: d -> d
318 redder :: d -> d
319 greener :: d -> d
320 yellower :: d -> d
321 bluer :: d -> d
322 magentaer :: d -> d
323 cyaner :: d -> d
324 whiter :: d -> d
326 -- Background colors
327 -- Dull
328 onBlack :: d -> d
329 onRed :: d -> d
330 onGreen :: d -> d
331 onYellow :: d -> d
332 onBlue :: d -> d
333 onMagenta :: d -> d
334 onCyan :: d -> d
335 onWhite :: d -> d
337 -- Vivid
338 onBlacker :: d -> d
339 onRedder :: d -> d
340 onGreener :: d -> d
341 onYellower :: d -> d
342 onBluer :: d -> d
343 onMagentaer :: d -> d
344 onCyaner :: d -> d
345 onWhiter :: d -> d
347 default reverse :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
348 default black :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
349 default red :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
350 default green :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
351 default yellow :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
352 default blue :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
353 default magenta :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
354 default cyan :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
355 default white :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
356 default blacker :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
357 default redder :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
358 default greener :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
359 default yellower :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
360 default bluer :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
361 default magentaer :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
362 default cyaner :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
363 default whiter :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
364 default onBlack :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
365 default onRed :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
366 default onGreen :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
367 default onYellow :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
368 default onBlue :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
369 default onMagenta :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
370 default onCyan :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
371 default onWhite :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
372 default onBlacker :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
373 default onRedder :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
374 default onGreener :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
375 default onYellower :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
376 default onBluer :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
377 default onMagentaer :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
378 default onCyaner :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
379 default onWhiter :: Colorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
381 reverse = noTrans1 reverse
382 black = noTrans1 black
383 red = noTrans1 red
384 green = noTrans1 green
385 yellow = noTrans1 yellow
386 blue = noTrans1 blue
387 magenta = noTrans1 magenta
388 cyan = noTrans1 cyan
389 white = noTrans1 white
390 blacker = noTrans1 blacker
391 redder = noTrans1 redder
392 greener = noTrans1 greener
393 yellower = noTrans1 yellower
394 bluer = noTrans1 bluer
395 magentaer = noTrans1 magentaer
396 cyaner = noTrans1 cyaner
397 whiter = noTrans1 whiter
398 onBlack = noTrans1 onBlack
399 onRed = noTrans1 onRed
400 onGreen = noTrans1 onGreen
401 onYellow = noTrans1 onYellow
402 onBlue = noTrans1 onBlue
403 onMagenta = noTrans1 onMagenta
404 onCyan = noTrans1 onCyan
405 onWhite = noTrans1 onWhite
406 onBlacker = noTrans1 onBlacker
407 onRedder = noTrans1 onRedder
408 onGreener = noTrans1 onGreener
409 onYellower = noTrans1 onYellower
410 onBluer = noTrans1 onBluer
411 onMagentaer = noTrans1 onMagentaer
412 onCyaner = noTrans1 onCyaner
413 onWhiter = noTrans1 onWhiter
415 -- * Class 'Decorable'
416 class Decorable d where
417 -- | @('decorable' f)@ write @f@ applied to whether decorations are activated or not.
418 decorable :: (Bool -> d) -> d
419 default decorable :: Decorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => (Bool -> d) -> d
420 decorable f = noTrans $ decorable (unTrans . f)
421 -- | @('withColor' b d)@ whether to active decorations or not within @d@.
422 withDecorable :: Bool -> d -> d
423 default withDecorable :: Decorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => Bool -> d -> d
424 withDecorable = noTrans1 . withDecorable
426 bold :: d -> d
427 underline :: d -> d
428 italic :: d -> d
429 default bold :: Decorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
430 default underline :: Decorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
431 default italic :: Decorable (UnTrans d) => Trans d => d -> d
432 bold = noTrans1 bold
433 underline = noTrans1 underline
434 italic = noTrans1 italic
436 -- * Class 'Trans'
437 class Trans repr where
438 -- | Return the underlying @repr@ of the transformer.
439 type UnTrans repr :: *
441 -- | Lift a repr to the transformer's.
442 noTrans :: UnTrans repr -> repr
443 -- | Unlift a repr from the transformer's.
444 unTrans :: repr -> UnTrans repr
446 -- | Identity transformation for a unary symantic method.
447 noTrans1 :: (UnTrans repr -> UnTrans repr) -> (repr -> repr)
448 noTrans1 f = noTrans . f . unTrans
450 -- | Identity transformation for a binary symantic method.
451 noTrans2
452 :: (UnTrans repr -> UnTrans repr -> UnTrans repr)
453 -> (repr -> repr -> repr)
454 noTrans2 f a b = noTrans (f (unTrans a) (unTrans b))
456 -- | Identity transformation for a ternary symantic method.
457 noTrans3
458 :: (UnTrans repr -> UnTrans repr -> UnTrans repr -> UnTrans repr)
459 -> (repr -> repr -> repr -> repr)
460 noTrans3 f a b c = noTrans (f (unTrans a) (unTrans b) (unTrans c))