]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic/Language/Symantic/Typing/Unify.hs
Clarification : Megaparsec integration.
[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic / Language / Symantic / Typing / Unify.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
5 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
6 module Language.Symantic.Typing.Unify where
8 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
9 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
10 import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
11 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
13 import Language.Symantic.Grammar
14 import Language.Symantic.Typing.Variable
15 import Language.Symantic.Typing.Kind
16 import Language.Symantic.Typing.Type
17 import Language.Symantic.Typing.Show ()
19 -- * Type 'Subst'
20 -- | /Type variable substitution/.
21 --
22 -- WARNING: a 'Subst' MUST be without loops, and fully expanded.
23 newtype Subst src vs
24 = Subst (Map IndexVar (VT src vs))
25 deriving instance Source src => Show (Subst src vs)
26 instance Semigroup (Subst src vs) where
27 (<>) = unionSubst
28 instance Monoid (Subst src vs) where
29 mempty = Subst Map.empty
30 mappend = (<>)
32 -- | Unify two 'Subst's.
33 --
34 -- NOTE: the union is left-biased: in case of duplicate 'Var's,
35 -- it keeps the one from the first 'Subst' given.
36 --
37 -- NOTE: the first 'Subst' given is applied to the second (with 'subst'),
38 -- this way each 'Var' directly maps to an expanded 'Type',
39 -- so that, when using the resulting 'Subst',
40 -- there is no need to apply it multiple times
41 -- until there is no more substitution to be done.
42 unionSubst :: Subst src vs -> Subst src vs -> Subst src vs
43 unionSubst sx@(Subst x) (Subst y) = Subst $ x `Map.union` ((\(VT v r) -> VT v $ subst sx r) <$> y)
45 -- * Type 'VT'
46 -- | A 'Var' and a 'Type' existentialized over their type index.
47 data VT src vs = forall t. VT (Var src vs t) (Type src vs t)
48 deriving instance Source src => Show (VT src vs)
50 insertSubst :: Var src vs v -> Type src vs v -> Subst src vs -> Subst src vs
51 insertSubst v t (Subst s) = Subst $ Map.insert (indexVar v) (VT v t) s
53 lookupSubst :: Var src vs v -> Subst src vs -> Maybe (Type src vs v)
54 lookupSubst v (Subst s)
55 | Just (VT v' t) <- Map.lookup (indexVar v) s
56 , Just HRefl <- v `eqVarKi` v'
57 = Just t
58 lookupSubst _v _m = Nothing
60 -- * Class 'Substable'
61 class Substable a where
62 -- | Like 'substVar', but without the /occurence check/.
63 substVarUnsafe ::
64 src ~ SourceOf a =>
65 vs ~ VarsOf a =>
66 Var src vs v -> Type src vs v -> a -> a
67 -- | Substitute all the 'Var's which have a match in given 'Subst'.
68 subst ::
69 src ~ SourceOf a =>
70 vs ~ VarsOf a =>
71 Subst src vs -> a -> a
72 instance Substable (Type src vs t) where
73 substVarUnsafe _v _r t@TyConst{} = t
74 substVarUnsafe v r (TyApp src f a) =
75 TyApp src
76 (substVarUnsafe v r f)
77 (substVarUnsafe v r a)
78 substVarUnsafe v r t@(TyVar _src _n vt) =
79 case v `eqVarKi` vt of
80 Just HRefl -> r
81 Nothing -> t
82 substVarUnsafe v r (TyFam src len fam as) =
83 TyFam src len fam $ substVarUnsafe v r as
85 subst _s t@TyConst{} = t
86 subst s (TyApp src f a) = TyApp src (subst s f) (subst s a)
87 subst (Subst s) t@(TyVar _src _n v) =
88 case indexVar v `Map.lookup` s of
89 Nothing -> t
90 Just (VT vr r) ->
91 case v `eqVarKi` vr of
92 Nothing -> error "[BUG] subst: kind mismatch"
93 Just HRefl -> r
94 subst s (TyFam src len fam as) = TyFam src len fam $ subst s as
95 instance Substable (Types src vs ts) where
96 substVarUnsafe _v _r TypesZ = TypesZ
97 substVarUnsafe v r (TypesS t ts) =
98 substVarUnsafe v r t `TypesS`
99 substVarUnsafe v r ts
100 subst _s TypesZ = TypesZ
101 subst s (TypesS t ts) = subst s t `TypesS` subst s ts
103 -- | Substitute the given 'Var' by the given 'Type',
104 -- returning 'Nothing' if this 'Type' contains
105 -- the 'Var' (occurence check).
106 substVar ::
107 src ~ SourceOf a =>
108 vs ~ VarsOf a =>
109 Source src => VarOccursIn a => Substable a =>
110 Var src vs v -> Type src vs v -> a -> Maybe a
111 substVar v r t =
112 if v `varOccursIn` r
113 then Nothing -- NOTE: occurence check
114 else Just $ substVarUnsafe v r t
116 -- ** Type 'Error_Unify'
117 -- | Reasons why two 'Type's cannot be unified.
118 data Error_Unify src
119 = Error_Unify_Var_loop IndexVar (TypeVT src)
120 -- ^ /occurence check/: a 'Var' is unified with a 'Type'
121 -- which contains this same 'Var'.
122 | Error_Unify_Const_mismatch (TypeVT src) (TypeVT src)
123 -- ^ Two 'TyConst's should be the same, but are different.
124 | Error_Unify_Kind_mismatch (KindK src) (KindK src)
125 -- ^ Two 'Kind's should be the same, but are different.
126 | Error_Unify_Kind (Con_Kind src)
127 -- ^ Two 'Kind's mismatch.
128 | Error_Unify_mismatch (TypeVT src) (TypeVT src)
129 -- ^ Cannot unify those two 'Type's.
131 deriving instance Source src => Eq (Error_Unify src)
132 deriving instance Source src => Show (Error_Unify src)
134 instance Inj_Error (Error_Unify src) (Error_Unify src) where
135 inj_Error = id
136 instance Inj_Error (Con_Kind src) (Error_Unify src) where
137 inj_Error = Error_Unify_Kind
139 -- | Return the left spine of a 'Type':
140 -- the root 'Type' and its 'Type' parameters,
141 -- from the left to the right.
142 spineTy ::
143 forall src vs t.
144 Source src =>
145 Inj_Source (TypeVT src) src =>
146 Type src vs t ->
147 (TypeT src vs, [TypeT src vs])
148 spineTy typ = go [] typ
149 where
150 go :: forall x. [TypeT src vs] -> Type src vs x -> (TypeT src vs, [TypeT src vs])
151 go ctx (TyApp _ (TyApp _ (TyConst _ _ c) _q) t)
152 | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKi @(K (#>)) @(#>) c
153 = go ctx t -- NOTE: skip the constraint @q@.
154 go ctx (TyApp _src f a) = go (TypeT (a `source` TypeVT typ) : ctx) f
155 go ctx t = (TypeT (t `source` TypeVT typ), ctx)
157 {-
158 spineTy
159 :: Type src ctx ss cs (t::k)
160 -> (forall kx (x::kx) xs. Type src ctx ss cs x -> Types src ctx ss cs xs -> ret)
161 -> ret
162 spineTy = go TypesZ
163 where
164 go :: Types src ctx ss cs hs
165 -> Type src ctx ss cs (t::k)
166 -> (forall kx (x::kx) xs. Type src ctx ss cs x -> Types src ctx ss cs xs -> ret)
167 -> ret
168 go ctx (TyApp _src f a) k = go (a `TypesS` ctx) f k
169 go ctx (Term x _te) k = go ctx x k
170 go ctx (TyAny x) k = go ctx x k
171 go ctx t k = k t ctx
172 -}
174 -- | Return the /most general unification/ of two 'Type's, when it exists.
175 unifyType ::
176 forall ki (x::ki) (y::ki) vs src.
177 Inj_Source (TypeVT src) src =>
178 Inj_Error (Con_Kind src) (Error_Unify src) =>
179 Subst src vs ->
180 Type src vs (x::ki) ->
181 Type src vs (y::ki) ->
182 Either (Error_Unify src) (Subst src vs)
183 unifyType vs x y =
184 let k = kindOfType x in
185 case (spineTy x, spineTy y) of
186 ((TypeT hx, px), (TypeT hy, py)) ->
187 case (hx, hy) of
188 (TyVar _ _n vx, _) | Just Refl <- k `eqKind` kindOfVar vx -> goVar vs vx y
189 (_, TyVar _ _n vy) | Just Refl <- k `eqKind` kindOfVar vy -> goVar vs vy x
190 (TyConst _sx _lx cx, TyConst _sy _ly cy)
191 | Just HRefl <- cx `eqConstKi` cy -> goList vs px py
192 | otherwise -> Left $ Error_Unify_Const_mismatch (TypeVT hx) (TypeVT hy)
193 _ ->
194 case (x, y) of
195 (TyApp _ fx ax, TyApp _ fy ay) ->
196 goList vs
197 [TypeT fx, TypeT ax]
198 [TypeT fy, TypeT ay]
199 _ -> Left $ Error_Unify_mismatch (TypeVT x) (TypeVT y)
200 where
201 goVar ::
202 forall k (a::k) (b::k) vs'.
203 Subst src vs' -> Var src vs' a -> Type src vs' b ->
204 Either (Error_Unify src) (Subst src vs')
205 goVar vs' va b =
206 case va `lookupSubst` vs' of
207 Just a -> unifyType vs' b a
208 Nothing ->
209 case vs' `subst` b of
210 TyVar _src _kb vb | Just HRefl <- va `eqVarKi` vb -> Right vs'
211 b' | va `varOccursIn` b' -> Left $ Error_Unify_Var_loop (indexVar va) (TypeVT b')
212 | Refl :: a :~: b <- unsafeCoerce Refl ->
213 Right $ insertSubst va b' mempty <> vs'
214 goList ::
215 forall vs'.
216 Subst src vs' -> [TypeT src vs'] -> [TypeT src vs'] ->
217 Either (Error_Unify src) (Subst src vs')
218 goList vs' [] [] = Right vs'
219 goList vs' (TypeT a:as) (TypeT b:bs) =
220 when_EqKind (kindOfType a) (kindOfType b) $ \Refl ->
221 unifyType vs' a b >>= \vs'' -> goList vs'' as bs
222 goList _vs _a _b = error "[BUG] unifyType: kinds mismatch"