]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic/Language/Symantic/Compiling/Beta.hs
Add display exception for the list type [].
[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic / Language / Symantic / Compiling / Beta.hs
1 -- | Beta-reduction of 'Term's.
2 module Language.Symantic.Compiling.Beta where
4 import Control.Arrow (left)
5 import qualified Data.Kind as K
7 import Language.Symantic.Grammar
8 import Language.Symantic.Typing
9 import Language.Symantic.Compiling.Term
11 -- | Term application: apply second given 'TermT' to the first,
12 -- applying embedded 'TeSym's, or return an error.
13 betaTerm ::
14 forall src ss es vs fun arg.
15 Inj_Source (TypeVT src) src =>
16 Constable (->) =>
17 Term src ss es vs (fun::K.Type) ->
18 Term src ss es vs (arg::K.Type) ->
19 Either (Error_Beta src) (TermT src ss es vs)
20 betaTerm (Term qf tf (TeSym te_fun)) (Term qa ta (TeSym te_arg)) =
21 case tf of
22 TyApp _ (TyApp _ a2b a2b_a) a2b_b
23 | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @(K (->)) @(->) a2b ->
24 case a2b_a `eqType` ta of
25 Nothing -> Left $ Error_Beta_Type_mismatch (TypeVT a2b_a) (TypeVT ta)
26 Just Refl ->
27 Right $
28 case (proveConstraint qf, proveConstraint qa) of
29 -- NOTE: remove provable Constraints to keep those smaller.
30 (Just Dict, Just Dict) -> TermT $ Term (noConstraintLen (lenVars a2b_b)) a2b_b $
31 TeSym $ \c -> te_fun c `app` te_arg c
32 (Just Dict, Nothing) -> TermT $ Term qa a2b_b $
33 TeSym $ \c -> te_fun c `app` te_arg c
34 (Nothing, Just Dict) -> TermT $ Term qf a2b_b $
35 TeSym $ \c -> te_fun c `app` te_arg c
36 (Nothing, Nothing) -> TermT $ Term (qf # qa) a2b_b $
37 TeSym $ \c -> te_fun c `app` te_arg c
38 _ -> Left $ Error_Beta_Term_not_a_function $ TypeVT (qf #> tf)
40 -- | Collapse given 'BinTree' of 'TermVT's to compute a resulting 'TermVT', if possible.
41 betaTerms ::
42 Inj_Source (TypeVT src) src =>
43 Constable (->) =>
44 BinTree (TermVT src ss es) ->
45 Either (Error_Beta src) (TermVT src ss es)
46 betaTerms t =
47 collapseBT (\acc ele -> do
48 TermVT (Term qf tf te_fun) <- acc
49 TermVT (Term qa ta te_arg) <- ele
50 let (tf', ta') = appendVars tf ta
51 let (qf', qa') = appendVars qf qa
52 case unTyFun tf' of
53 Nothing -> Left $ Error_Beta_Term_not_a_function $ TypeVT tf'
54 Just (af, _rf) -> do
55 mgu <-
56 (Error_Beta_Unify `left`) $
57 case (unQualsTy af, unQualsTy ta') of
58 (TypeK af', TypeK ta'') -> unifyType mempty af' ta''
59 let qf'' = subst mgu qf'
60 let qa'' = subst mgu qa'
61 let tf'' = subst mgu tf'
62 let ta'' = subst mgu ta'
63 TermT (Term qr tr te_res) <- betaTerm (Term qf'' tf'' te_fun) (Term qa'' ta'' te_arg)
64 normalizeVarsTy (qr #> tr) $ \(TyApp _ (TyApp _ _c qr') tr') ->
65 Right $ TermVT $ Term qr' tr' te_res
66 ) (Right <$> t)
68 -- * Type 'Error_Beta'
69 data Error_Beta src
70 = Error_Beta_Term_not_a_function (TypeVT src)
71 | Error_Beta_Type_mismatch (TypeVT src) (TypeVT src)
72 | Error_Beta_Unify (Error_Unify src)
73 -- ^ Cannot unify the expected 'Type' of the argument of the function,
74 -- with the 'Type' of the argument.
75 deriving (Eq, Show)
77 instance Inj_Error (Error_Beta src) (Error_Beta src) where
78 inj_Error = id
79 instance Inj_Error (Error_Unify src) (Error_Beta src) where
80 inj_Error = Error_Beta_Unify