]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic/Language/Symantic/Compiling/Grammar.hs
Add display exception for the list type [].
[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic / Language / Symantic / Compiling / Grammar.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
8 module Language.Symantic.Compiling.Grammar where
10 import Control.Arrow (left)
11 import Control.Monad (void)
12 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
13 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
14 import Prelude hiding (mod, not, any)
15 import qualified Data.Char as Char
16 import qualified Data.Function as Fun
17 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
18 import qualified Data.Text as Text
20 import Language.Symantic.Grammar
21 import Language.Symantic.Typing
22 import Language.Symantic.Compiling.Module
24 -- * Class 'Gram_Name'
25 class
26 ( Gram_Terminal g
27 , Gram_Rule g
28 , Gram_Alt g
29 , Gram_Try g
30 , Gram_App g
31 , Gram_AltApp g
32 , Gram_RegL g
33 , Gram_CF g
34 , Gram_Comment g
35 , Gram_Op g
36 ) => Gram_Name g where
37 g_mod_path :: CF g PathMod
38 g_mod_path = rule "mod_path" $
39 infixrG
40 (pure <$> g_mod_name)
41 (op <$ char '.')
42 where op = (<>)
43 g_mod_name :: CF g NameMod
44 g_mod_name = rule "mod_name" $
45 (NameMod . Text.pack <$>) $
46 (identG `minus`) $
47 Fun.const
48 <$> g_term_keywords
49 <*. (any `but` g_term_idname_tail)
50 where
51 identG = (:) <$> headG <*> many (cf_of_Terminal g_term_idname_tail)
52 headG = unicat $ Unicat Char.UppercaseLetter
54 g_term_mod_name :: CF g (Mod NameTe)
55 g_term_mod_name = rule "term_mod_name" $
56 lexeme $
57 g_term_mod_idname <+>
58 parens g_term_mod_opname
59 g_term_name :: CF g NameTe
60 g_term_name = rule "term_name" $
61 lexeme $
62 g_term_idname <+>
63 parens g_term_opname
65 g_term_mod_idname :: CF g (Mod NameTe)
66 g_term_mod_idname = rule "term_mod_idname" $
67 Mod
68 <$> option [] (try $ g_mod_path <* char '.')
69 <*> g_term_idname
70 g_term_idname :: CF g NameTe
71 g_term_idname = rule "term_idname" $
72 (NameTe . Text.pack <$>) $
73 (identG `minus`) $
74 Fun.const
75 <$> g_term_keywords
76 <*. (any `but` g_term_idname_tail)
77 where
78 identG = (:) <$> headG <*> many (cf_of_Terminal g_term_idname_tail)
79 headG = unicat $ Unicat_Letter
80 g_term_idname_tail :: Terminal g Char
81 g_term_idname_tail = rule "term_idname_tail" $
82 unicat Unicat_Letter <+>
83 unicat Unicat_Number
84 g_term_keywords :: Reg rl g String
85 g_term_keywords = rule "term_keywords" $
86 choice $ string <$> ["in", "let"]
88 g_term_mod_opname :: CF g (Mod NameTe)
89 g_term_mod_opname = rule "term_mod_opname" $
90 Mod
91 <$> option [] (try $ g_mod_path <* char '.')
92 <*> g_term_opname
93 g_term_opname :: CF g NameTe
94 g_term_opname = rule "term_opname" $
95 (NameTe . Text.pack <$>) $
96 (symG `minus`) $
97 Fun.const
98 <$> g_term_keysyms
99 <*. (any `but` g_term_opname_ok)
100 where
101 symG = some $ cf_of_Terminal g_term_opname_ok
102 g_term_opname_ok :: Terminal g Char
103 g_term_opname_ok = rule "term_opname_ok" $
104 choice (unicat <$>
105 [ Unicat_Symbol
106 , Unicat_Punctuation
107 , Unicat_Mark
108 ]) `but` koG
109 where
110 koG = choice (char <$> ['(', ')', '`', '\'', ',', '[', ']'])
111 g_term_keysyms :: Reg rl g String
112 g_term_keysyms = rule "term_keysyms" $
113 choice $ string <$> ["\\", "->", "=", "@"]
115 deriving instance Gram_Name g => Gram_Name (CF g)
116 instance Gram_Name EBNF
117 instance Gram_Name RuleEBNF
119 -- * Class 'Gram_Term_Type'
120 class
121 ( Gram_Terminal g
122 , Gram_Rule g
123 , Gram_Alt g
124 , Gram_AltApp g
125 , Gram_App g
126 , Gram_CF g
127 , Gram_Comment g
128 , Gram_Name g
129 , Gram_Type src g
130 ) => Gram_Term_Type src g where
131 g_term_abst_decl :: CF g (NameTe, AST_Type src)
132 g_term_abst_decl = rule "term_abst_decl" $
133 parens $ (,)
134 <$> g_term_name
135 <* (symbol "::" <+> symbol ":")
136 -- NOTE: "::" is Haskell compatibility and ":" is another common notation.
137 <*> g_type
139 deriving instance Gram_Term_Type src g => Gram_Term_Type src (CF g)
140 instance Gram_Source src EBNF => Gram_Term_Type src EBNF
141 instance Gram_Source src RuleEBNF => Gram_Term_Type src RuleEBNF
143 -- ** Type 'Error_Term_Gram'
144 data Error_Term_Gram
145 = Error_Term_Gram_Fixity Error_Fixity
146 | Error_Term_Gram_Term_incomplete
147 | Error_Term_Gram_Type_applied_to_nothing
148 | Error_Term_Gram_not_applicable
149 | Error_Term_Gram_application
150 | Error_Term_Gram_application_mismatch
151 | Error_Term_Gram_Module Error_Module
152 deriving (Eq, Show)
154 -- * Class 'Gram_Term'
155 class
156 ( Gram_Source src g
157 , Gram_Error Error_Term_Gram g
158 , Gram_Terminal g
159 , Gram_Rule g
160 , Gram_Alt g
161 , Gram_App g
162 , Gram_AltApp g
163 , Gram_CF g
164 , Gram_Comment g
165 , Gram_Type src g
166 , Gram_Name g
167 , Gram_Term_Type src g
168 , Gram_Term_Atoms src ss g
169 , Gram_State (Imports, Modules src ss) g
170 ) => Gram_Term src ss g where
171 g_term :: CF g (AST_Term src ss)
172 g_term = rule "term" $
173 choice
174 [ try g_term_abst
175 , g_term_operators
176 , g_term_let
177 ]
178 g_term_operators :: CF g (AST_Term src ss)
179 g_term_operators = rule "term_operators" $
180 g_catch $
181 left Error_Term_Gram_Fixity <$>
182 g_ops
183 where
184 g_ops :: CF g (Either Error_Fixity (AST_Term src ss))
185 g_ops = operators g_term_atom g_prefix g_infix g_postfix
186 g_prefix :: CF g (Unifix, AST_Term src ss -> AST_Term src ss)
187 g_infix :: CF g (Infix, AST_Term src ss -> AST_Term src ss -> AST_Term src ss)
188 g_postfix :: CF g (Unifix, AST_Term src ss -> AST_Term src ss)
189 g_prefix = g_catch $ g_source $ g_get_after $ op_prefix <$> g_prefix_op
190 g_infix = g_catch $ g_source $ g_get_after $ op_infix <$> g_infix_op
191 g_postfix = g_catch $ g_source $ g_get_after $ op_postfix <$> g_postfix_op
192 op_infix
193 :: Mod NameTe
194 -> (Imports, Modules src ss)
195 -> src
196 -> Either Error_Term_Gram
197 (Infix, AST_Term src ss -> AST_Term src ss -> AST_Term src ss)
198 op_infix name (imps, mods) src = do
199 t <- Error_Term_Gram_Module `left`
200 lookupDefTerm FixitySing_Infix imps name mods
201 Right $ (token_fixity t,) $ \a b ->
202 (BinTree0 (token_term t src) `BinTree2` a) `BinTree2` b
203 op_prefix, op_postfix
204 :: Mod NameTe
205 -> (Imports, Modules src ss)
206 -> src
207 -> Either Error_Term_Gram
208 ( Unifix
209 , AST_Term src ss -> AST_Term src ss )
210 op_prefix name (imps, mods) src = do
211 t <- Error_Term_Gram_Module `left`
212 lookupDefTerm FixitySing_Prefix imps name mods
213 Right $ (token_fixity t,) $ \a ->
214 BinTree0 (token_term t src) `BinTree2` a
215 op_postfix name (imps, mods) src = do
216 t <- Error_Term_Gram_Module `left`
217 lookupDefTerm FixitySing_Postfix imps name mods
218 Right $ (token_fixity t,) $ \a ->
219 BinTree0 (token_term t src) `BinTree2` a
220 g_postfix_op :: CF g (Mod NameTe)
221 g_postfix_op = rule "term_op_postfix" $
222 lexeme $
223 g_backquote *> g_term_mod_idname <+> -- <* (cf_of_Terminal $ Gram.Term (pure ' ') `but` g_backquote)
224 g_term_mod_opname
225 g_infix_op :: CF g (Mod NameTe)
226 g_infix_op = rule "term_op_infix" $
227 lexeme $
228 between g_backquote g_backquote g_term_mod_idname <+>
229 try (Fun.const <$> g_term_mod_opname <*> (string " " <+> string "\n")) <+>
230 pure (Mod [] " ")
231 g_prefix_op :: CF g (Mod NameTe)
232 g_prefix_op = rule "term_op_prefix" $
233 lexeme $
234 g_term_mod_idname <* g_backquote <+>
235 g_term_mod_opname
236 g_backquote :: Gram_Terminal g' => g' Char
237 g_backquote = char '`'
239 g_term_atom :: CF g (AST_Term src ss)
240 g_term_atom = rule "term_atom" $
241 choice $
242 {-(try (
243 g_source $
244 (\typ src -> BinTree0 $ inj_EToken src $ Token_Term_Type typ)
245 <$ char '@' <*> g_type) :) $
246 -}
247 (try <$> g_term_atomsR @_ @_ @ss) <>
248 [ try $
249 g_catch $ g_source $ g_get_after $
250 (\m (imps, mods) src ->
251 case lookupDefTerm FixitySing_Infix imps m mods of
252 Right t -> Right $ BinTree0 $ token_term t src
253 Left err ->
254 case m of
255 [] `Mod` n -> Right $ BinTree0 $ Token_Term_Var src n
256 _ -> Left $ Error_Term_Gram_Module err
257 ) <$> g_term_mod_name
258 , g_term_group
259 ]
260 g_term_group :: CF g (AST_Term src ss)
261 g_term_group = rule "term_group" $ parens g_term
262 g_term_abst :: CF g (AST_Term src ss)
263 g_term_abst = rule "term_abst" $
264 g_source $
265 ((\(xs, te) src ->
266 foldr (\(x, ty_x) ->
267 BinTree0 . Token_Term_Abst src x ty_x) te xs) <$>) $
268 g_term_abst_args_body
269 (symbol "\\" *> some g_term_abst_decl <* symbol "->")
270 g_term
271 g_term_abst_args_body
272 :: CF g [(NameTe, AST_Type src)]
273 -> CF g (AST_Term src ss)
274 -> CF g ([(NameTe, AST_Type src)], AST_Term src ss)
275 -- g_term_abst_args_body args body = (,) <$> args <*> body
276 g_term_abst_args_body cf_args cf_body =
277 g_state_before $
278 (\a b (imps::Imports, mods::Modules src ss) -> ((imps, mods), (a, b)))
279 <$> (g_state_after $ (<$> cf_args) $ \args (imps::Imports, Modules mods) ->
280 ((imps, Modules $ Map.alter (setArgs args) [] mods), args))
281 <*> cf_body
282 where
283 setArgs args = \case
284 Nothing -> Just $ moduleEmpty {module_infix = insArg mempty args}
285 Just mod -> Just $ mod
286 { module_prefix = delArg (module_prefix mod) args
287 , module_infix = insArg (module_infix mod) args
288 , module_postfix = delArg (module_postfix mod) args
289 }
290 delArg :: ModuleFixy src ss Unifix -> [(NameTe, _a)] -> ModuleFixy src ss Unifix
291 delArg = foldr $ \(n, _) -> Map.delete n
292 insArg :: ModuleFixy src ss Infix -> [(NameTe, _a)] -> ModuleFixy src ss Infix
293 insArg = foldr $ \(n, _) ->
294 Map.insert n Tokenizer
295 { token_term = \src -> Token_Term_Var src n
296 , token_fixity = infixN5
297 }
298 g_term_let :: CF g (AST_Term src ss)
299 g_term_let = rule "term_let" $
300 g_source $
301 (\name args bound body src ->
302 BinTree0 $
303 Token_Term_Let src name
304 (foldr (\(x, ty_x) ->
305 BinTree0 . Token_Term_Abst src x ty_x) bound args) body)
306 <$ symbol "let"
307 <*> g_term_name
308 <*> many g_term_abst_decl
309 <* symbol "="
310 <*> g_term
311 <* symbol "in"
312 <*> g_term
314 deriving instance
315 ( Gram_Term src ss g
316 , Gram_Term_Atoms src ss (CF g)
317 ) => Gram_Term src ss (CF g)
318 instance
319 ( Gram_Term_Atoms src ss EBNF
320 , Gram_Source src EBNF
321 ) => Gram_Term src ss EBNF
322 instance
323 ( Gram_Term_Atoms src ss RuleEBNF
324 , Gram_Source src RuleEBNF
325 ) => Gram_Term src ss RuleEBNF
327 -- ** Class 'Gram_Term_Atoms'
328 type Gram_Term_Atoms src ss g = Gram_Term_AtomsR src ss ss g
330 -- *** Class 'Gram_Term_AtomsR'
331 class Gram_Term_AtomsR src (ss::[*]) (rs::[*]) g where
332 g_term_atomsR :: [CF g (AST_Term src ss)]
333 instance Gram_Term_AtomsR src ss '[] g where
334 g_term_atomsR = []
335 instance
336 ( Gram_Term_AtomsFor src ss g t
337 , Gram_Term_AtomsR src ss rs g
338 ) => Gram_Term_AtomsR src ss (Proxy t ': rs) g where
339 g_term_atomsR =
340 g_term_atomsFor @_ @_ @_ @t <>
341 g_term_atomsR @_ @_ @rs
343 -- *** Class 'Gram_Term_AtomsFor'
344 class Gram_Term_AtomsFor src ss g t where
345 g_term_atomsFor :: [CF g (AST_Term src ss)]
346 g_term_atomsFor = []
348 gram_term
349 :: forall g.
350 ( Gram_Term () '[Proxy (->), Proxy Integer] g
351 ) => [CF g ()]
352 gram_term =
353 [ voiD g_term
354 , voiD g_term_operators
355 , voiD g_term_atom
356 , voiD g_term_group
357 , voiD g_term_abst
358 , void (g_term_abst_decl::CF g (NameTe, AST_Type ()))
359 , voiD g_term_let
360 , void g_term_mod_name
361 , void g_term_name
362 , void g_term_idname
363 , void $ cf_of_Terminal g_term_idname_tail
364 , void $ cf_of_Reg g_term_keywords
365 , void g_term_mod_opname
366 , void g_term_opname
367 , void $ cf_of_Terminal g_term_opname_ok
368 , void $ cf_of_Reg g_term_keysyms
369 ] where
370 voiD :: CF g (AST_Term () '[Proxy (->), Proxy Integer]) -> CF g ()
371 voiD = (() <$)