]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic/Language/Symantic/Compiling/Term.hs
Improve handling of metadata in grammars.
[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic / Language / Symantic / Compiling / Term.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
7 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
8 module Language.Symantic.Compiling.Term where
10 import Data.Maybe (isJust)
11 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
12 import qualified Data.Kind as K
13 import qualified Data.Set as Set
14 import qualified Data.Text as Text
16 import Language.Symantic.Grammar
17 import Language.Symantic.Interpreting
18 import Language.Symantic.Transforming.Trans
19 import Language.Symantic.Typing
21 -- * Type 'Term'
22 data Term src ss ts vs (t::K.Type)
23 = Term (Type src vs (QualOf t::K.Constraint))
24 (Type src vs (UnQualOf t::K.Type))
25 (TeSym ss ts t)
26 instance Source src => Eq (Term src ss ts vs t) where
27 Term qx tx _ == Term qy ty _ = qx == qy && tx == ty
28 instance Source src => Show (Term src ss ts vs t) where
29 showsPrec p (Term q t _te) = showsPrec p (q #> t)
31 -- Source
32 type instance SourceOf (Term src ss ts vs t) = src
33 instance Source src => Sourced (Term src ss ts vs t) where
34 sourceOf (Term _q t _te) = sourceOf t
35 setSource (Term q t te) src = Term q (setSource t src) te
37 -- Const
38 instance ConstsOf (Term src ss ts vs t) where
39 constsOf (Term q t _te) = constsOf q `Set.union` constsOf t
41 -- Var
42 type instance VarsOf (Term src ss ts vs t) = vs
43 instance LenVars (Term src ss ts vs t) where
44 lenVars (Term _q t _te) = lenVars t
45 instance AllocVars (Term src ss ts) where
46 allocVarsL len (Term q t te) = Term (allocVarsL len q) (allocVarsL len t) te
47 allocVarsR len (Term q t te) = Term (allocVarsR len q) (allocVarsR len t) te
49 -- Fam
50 instance ExpandFam (Term src ss ts vs t) where
51 expandFam (Term q t te) = Term (expandFam q) (expandFam t) te
53 -- ** Type 'TermT'
54 -- | 'Term' with existentialized 'Type'.
55 data TermT src ss ts vs = forall t. TermT (Term src ss ts vs t)
56 instance Source src => Show (TermT src ss ts vs) where
57 showsPrec p (TermT t) = showsPrec p t
59 -- ** Type 'TermVT'
60 -- | 'Term' with existentialized 'Var's and 'Type'.
61 data TermVT src ss ts = forall vs t. TermVT (Term src ss ts vs t)
62 instance Source src => Eq (TermVT src ss ts) where
63 TermVT x == TermVT y =
64 let (Term qx' tx' _, Term qy' ty' _) = appendVars x y in
65 isJust $ (qx' #> tx') `eqTyKi` (qy' #> ty')
66 instance Source src => Show (TermVT src ss ts) where
67 showsPrec p (TermVT t) = showsPrec p t
69 -- ** Type 'TermVT_CF'
70 -- | Like 'TermVT', but 'CtxTe'-free.
71 data TermVT_CF src ss = forall vs t. TermVT_CF (forall ts. Term src ss ts vs t)
72 type instance SourceOf (TermVT_CF src ss) = src
73 instance Source src => Sourced (TermVT_CF src ss) where
74 sourceOf (TermVT_CF t) = sourceOf t
75 setSource (TermVT_CF t) src = TermVT_CF (setSource t src)
76 instance Source src => Eq (TermVT_CF src ss) where
77 TermVT_CF x == TermVT_CF y =
78 let (Term qx' tx' _, Term qy' ty' _) = appendVars x y in
79 isJust $ (qx' #> tx') `eqTyKi` (qy' #> ty')
80 instance Source src => Show (TermVT_CF src ss) where
81 showsPrec p (TermVT_CF t) = showsPrec p t
83 -- * Type 'TeSym'
84 -- | Symantic of a 'Term'.
85 newtype TeSym ss ts (t::K.Type)
86 = TeSym
87 ( forall term.
88 Syms ss term =>
89 Sym_Lambda term =>
90 QualOf t =>
91 CtxTe term ts -> term (UnQualOf t)
92 )
94 -- | Like 'TeSym', but 'CtxTe'-free
95 -- and using 'inj_Sym' to be able to use 'Sym'@ (@'Proxy'@ s)@ inside.
96 teSym ::
97 forall s ss ts t.
98 Inj_Sym ss s =>
99 (forall term. Sym (Proxy s) term => Sym_Lambda term => QualOf t => term (UnQualOf t)) ->
100 TeSym ss ts t
101 teSym t = inj_Sym @s (TeSym $ const t)
103 -- ** Type family 'QualOf'
104 type family QualOf (t::K.Type) :: Constraint where
105 QualOf (q #> t) = q -- (q # QualOf t)
106 QualOf t = (()::Constraint)
108 -- ** Type family 'UnQualOf'
109 type family UnQualOf (t::K.Type) :: K.Type where
110 UnQualOf (q #> t) = t -- UnQualOf t
111 UnQualOf t = t
113 -- | Return 'K.Constraint' and 'K.Type' part of given 'Type'.
114 unQualTy ::
115 Source src =>
116 Type src vs (t::K.Type) ->
117 ( TypeK src vs K.Constraint
118 , TypeK src vs K.Type )
119 unQualTy (TyApp _ (TyApp _ c q) t)
120 | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @(K (#>)) @(#>) c
121 = (TypeK q, TypeK t)
122 unQualTy t = (TypeK $ noConstraintLen (lenVars t), TypeK t)
124 -- | Remove 'K.Constraint's from given 'Type'.
125 unQualsTy :: Source src => Type src vs (t::kt) -> TypeK src vs kt
126 unQualsTy (TyApp _ (TyApp _ c _q) t)
127 | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @(K (#>)) @(#>) c
128 = unQualsTy t
129 unQualsTy (TyApp src f a)
130 | TypeK f' <- unQualsTy f
131 , TypeK a' <- unQualsTy a
132 = TypeK $ TyApp src f' a'
133 unQualsTy t = TypeK t
135 -- * Type 'CtxTe'
136 -- | GADT for an /interpreting context/:
137 -- accumulating at each /lambda abstraction/
138 -- the @term@ of the introduced variable.
139 data CtxTe (term::K.Type -> K.Type) (hs::[K.Type]) where
140 CtxTeZ :: CtxTe term '[]
141 CtxTeS :: term t
142 -> CtxTe term ts
143 -> CtxTe term (t ': ts)
144 infixr 5 `CtxTeS`
146 -- ** Type 'TermDef'
147 -- | Convenient type alias for defining 'Term'.
148 type TermDef s vs t = forall src ss ts. Source src => Inj_Sym ss s => Term src ss ts vs t
150 -- ** Type family 'Sym'
151 type family Sym (s::K.Type) :: {-term-}(K.Type -> K.Type) -> Constraint
153 -- ** Type family 'Syms'
154 type family Syms (ss::[K.Type]) (term:: K.Type -> K.Type) :: Constraint where
155 Syms '[] term = ()
156 Syms (s ': ss) term = (Sym s term, Syms ss term)
158 -- ** Type 'Inj_Sym'
159 -- | Convenient type synonym wrapping 'Inj_SymP'
160 -- applied on the correct 'Index'.
161 type Inj_Sym ss s = Inj_SymP (Index ss (Proxy s)) ss s
163 -- | Inject a given /symantic/ @s@ into a list of them,
164 -- by returning a function which given a 'TeSym' on @s@
165 -- returns the same 'TeSym' on @ss@.
166 inj_Sym ::
167 forall s ss ts t.
168 Inj_Sym ss s =>
169 TeSym '[Proxy s] ts t ->
170 TeSym ss ts t
171 inj_Sym = inj_SymP (Proxy @(Index ss (Proxy s)))
173 -- *** Class 'Inj_SymP'
174 class Inj_SymP p ss s where
175 inj_SymP :: Proxy p -> TeSym '[Proxy s] ts t -> TeSym ss ts t
176 instance Inj_SymP Zero (Proxy s ': ss) (s::k) where
177 inj_SymP _ = \(TeSym te) -> TeSym te
178 instance Inj_SymP p ss s => Inj_SymP (Succ p) (not_s ': ss) s where
179 inj_SymP _p = \(te::TeSym '[Proxy s] ts t) ->
180 case inj_SymP (Proxy @p) te :: TeSym ss ts t of
181 TeSym te' -> TeSym te'
183 -- * Class 'Sym_Lambda'
184 class Sym_Lambda term where
185 -- | /Function application/.
186 apply :: term ((a -> b) -> a -> b)
187 default apply :: Sym_Lambda (UnT term) => Trans term => term ((a -> b) -> a -> b)
188 apply = trans apply
190 -- | /Lambda application/.
191 app :: term (a -> b) -> (term a -> term b); infixr 0 `app`
192 default app :: Sym_Lambda (UnT term) => Trans term => term (arg -> res) -> term arg -> term res
193 app = trans2 app
195 -- | /Lambda abstraction/.
196 lam :: (term a -> term b) -> term (a -> b)
197 default lam :: Sym_Lambda (UnT term) => Trans term => (term arg -> term res) -> term (arg -> res)
198 lam f = trans $ lam (unTrans . f . trans)
200 -- | Convenient 'lam' and 'app' wrapper.
201 let_ :: term var -> (term var -> term res) -> term res
202 let_ x f = lam f `app` x
204 -- | /Lambda abstraction/ beta-reducable without duplication
205 -- (i.e. whose variable is used once at most),
206 -- mainly useful in compiled 'Term's
207 -- whose symantics are not a single 'term'
208 -- but a function between 'term's,
209 -- which happens because those are more usable when used as an embedded DSL.
210 lam1 :: (term a -> term b) -> term (a -> b)
211 default lam1 :: Sym_Lambda (UnT term) => Trans term => (term a -> term b) -> term (a -> b)
212 lam1 = lam
214 lam2 :: Sym_Lambda term => (term a -> term b -> term c) -> term (a -> b -> c)
215 lam3 :: Sym_Lambda term => (term a -> term b -> term c -> term d) -> term (a -> b -> c -> d)
216 lam4 :: Sym_Lambda term => (term a -> term b -> term c -> term d -> term e) -> term (a -> b -> c -> d -> e)
217 lam2 f = lam1 $ lam1 . f
218 lam3 f = lam1 $ lam2 . f
219 lam4 f = lam1 $ lam3 . f
221 -- Interpreting
222 instance Sym_Lambda Eval where
223 apply = Eval ($)
224 app = (<*>)
225 lam f = Eval (unEval . f . Eval)
226 lam1 = lam
227 let_ x f = f x -- like flip ($)
228 instance Sym_Lambda View where
229 apply = View $ \_po _v -> "($)"
230 app (View a1) (View a2) = View $ \po v ->
231 parenInfix po op $
232 a1 (op, SideL) v <> " " <> a2 (op, SideR) v
233 where op = infixN 10
234 lam f = View $ \po v ->
235 let x = "x" <> Text.pack (show v) in
236 parenInfix po op $
237 "\\" <> x <> " -> " <>
238 unView (f (View $ \_po _v -> x)) (op, SideL) (succ v)
239 where op = infixN 1
240 lam1 = lam
241 let_ x f =
242 View $ \po v ->
243 let x' = "x" <> Text.pack (show v) in
244 parenInfix po op $
245 "let" <> " " <> x' <> " = "
246 <> unView x (infixN 0, SideL) (succ v) <> " in "
247 <> unView (f (View $ \_po _v -> x')) (op, SideL) (succ v)
248 where op = infixN 1
249 instance (Sym_Lambda r1, Sym_Lambda r2) => Sym_Lambda (Dup r1 r2) where
250 apply = dup0 @Sym_Lambda apply
251 app = dup2 @Sym_Lambda app
252 lam f = dup_1 lam_f `Dup` dup_2 lam_f
253 where lam_f = lam f
254 lam1 = lam