]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic/Language/Symantic/Typing/Show.hs
Improve handling of metadata in grammars.
[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic / Language / Symantic / Typing / Show.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
2 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
3 module Language.Symantic.Typing.Show where
5 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
6 import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
7 import Data.Set (Set)
8 import Data.Text (Text)
9 import Data.Typeable
10 import qualified Data.List as List
11 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
12 import qualified Data.Set as Set
13 import qualified Data.Text as Text
15 import Language.Symantic.Grammar
16 import Language.Symantic.Typing.Kind
17 import Language.Symantic.Typing.Variable
18 import Language.Symantic.Typing.Type
20 instance Source src => Show (Type src vs t) where
21 showsPrec pr typ =
22 let (v2n, _) = varNames mempty typ in
23 go v2n (infixB SideL pr, SideL) typ
24 where
25 go ::
26 forall x.
27 (Map IndexVar Name) -> -- names of variables
28 (Infix, Side) ->
29 Type src vs x ->
30 ShowS
31 go _v2n _po c
32 | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKiTy @Constraint @() c = showString "()"
33 go _v2n _po (TyConst _src _vs c) = showsPrec 11 c
34 go v2n _po (TyVar _src _n v) =
35 let iv = indexVar v in
36 case Map.lookup iv v2n of
37 Nothing -> error "[BUG] showsPrec @Type: variable name missing"
38 Just n -> showString $ Text.unpack n
39 go v2n po (TyApp _ (TyApp _ (TyConst _ _ f@Const{}) a) b)
40 | Fixity2 op <- fixityOf f =
41 showParen (needsParenInfix po op) $
42 go v2n (op, SideL) a .
43 showString (prettyConst f) .
44 go v2n (op, SideR) b
45 where
46 prettyConst :: forall k c. Const src (c::k) -> String
47 prettyConst c | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKi @(K (#>)) @(#>) c = " => "
48 prettyConst c | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKi @(K (#)) @(#) c = ", "
49 prettyConst c@Const{}
50 | r <- typeRepTyCon (typeRep c)
51 , tyConName r =="#~"
52 , tyConModule r =="Language.Symantic.Typing.Type"
53 -- XXX: module name must be in sync with where (#~) is defined.
54 -- NOTE: cannot use 'proj_TyConstKi' here
55 -- because (#~) has a polymorphic kind.
56 = " ~ "
57 | otherwise = ' ' : unParen (show c) ++ " "
58 unParen ('(':s) | ')':s' <- reverse s = reverse s'
59 unParen s = s
60 go v2n po (TyApp _src f a) =
61 let op = infixR 11 in
62 showParen (needsParenInfix po op) $
63 go v2n (op, SideL) f .
64 showChar ' ' .
65 go v2n (op, SideR) a
66 go v2n po (TyFam _src _len fam args) =
67 let op = infixL 11 in
68 showParen (needsParenInfix po op) $
69 showsPrec 11 fam .
70 foldlTys (\t acc ->
71 showChar ' ' . go v2n (op, SideL) t . acc
72 ) args id
74 -- | Return a 'Map' associating a distinct 'Name'
75 -- for all the variables of the given 'Type'.
76 varNames ::
77 forall x.
78 (Map IndexVar Name, Names) ->
79 Type src vs x ->
80 (Map IndexVar Name, Names)
81 varNames st TyConst{} = st
82 varNames st@(v2n, ns) (TyVar _src (NameVar n) v) =
83 let iv = indexVar v in
84 case Map.lookup iv v2n of
85 Just{} -> st
86 Nothing ->
87 -- let n' = freshifyName ns n in
88 let n' = n <> Text.pack (show iv) in
89 let v2n' = Map.insert iv n' v2n in
90 let ns' = Set.insert n' ns in
91 (v2n', ns')
92 varNames st (TyApp _src f a) = varNames (varNames st f) a
93 varNames st (TyFam _src _len _fam as) = foldlTys (flip varNames) as st
94 instance Source src => Show (TypeK src vs kt) where
95 showsPrec p (TypeK t) = showsPrec p t
96 instance Source src => Show (TypeVT src) where
97 showsPrec p (TypeVT t) = showsPrec p t
98 instance Source src => Show (TypeT src vs) where
99 showsPrec p (TypeT t) = showsPrec p t
100 instance Source src => Show (Types src vs ts) where
101 showsPrec _p tys = showString "[" . go tys . showString "]"
102 where
103 go :: forall xs. Types src vs xs -> ShowS
104 go TypesZ = showString ""
105 go (TypesS t0 (TypesS t1 ts)) = showsPrec 10 t0 . showString ", " . showsPrec 10 t1 . go ts
106 go (TypesS t ts) = showsPrec 10 t . go ts
108 showBracket :: Bool -> ShowS -> ShowS
109 showBracket b p = if b then showChar '{' . p . showChar '}' else p
111 -- ** Type 'Name'
112 type Name = Text
113 type NameHint = Name
114 type Names = Set Name
116 -- | Return given 'Name' renamed a bit to avoid
117 -- conflicting with any given 'Names'.
118 freshifyName :: Names -> Name -> Name
119 freshifyName ns "" = freshName ns
120 freshifyName ns n =
121 let ints = [1..] :: [Int] in
122 List.head
123 [ fresh
124 | suffix <- "" : (show <$> ints)
125 , fresh <- [n <> Text.pack suffix]
126 , fresh `Set.notMember` ns
127 ]
129 freshName :: Names -> Name
130 freshName ns = List.head $ poolNames List.\\ Set.toList ns
132 -- | Infinite list of unique 'Name's:
133 -- @a, b, .., z, a1, b1 .., z1, a2, ..@
134 poolNames :: [Name]
135 poolNames =
136 [ Text.singleton n | n <- ['a'..'z'] ] <>
137 [ Text.pack (n:show i) | n <- ['a'..'z']
138 , i <- [1 :: Int ..] ]