]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - Language/Symantic/Compiling/MonoFoldable.hs
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[haskell/symantic.git] / Language / Symantic / Compiling / MonoFoldable.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
9 {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
10 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
11 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
13 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
14 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
15 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
16 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fconstraint-solver-iterations=9 #-}
17 -- | Symantic for 'MonoFoldable'.
18 module Language.Symantic.Compiling.MonoFoldable where
20 import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2, liftM3)
21 import Data.MonoTraversable (MonoFoldable)
22 import qualified Data.MonoTraversable as MT
23 import Data.Proxy
24 import Data.String (IsString)
25 import Data.Text (Text)
26 import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl))
28 import Language.Symantic.Typing
29 import Language.Symantic.Compiling.Term
30 import Language.Symantic.Compiling.Bool (tyBool)
31 import Language.Symantic.Compiling.List (tyList)
32 import Language.Symantic.Compiling.MonoFunctor
33 import Language.Symantic.Compiling.Monoid (tyMonoid)
34 import Language.Symantic.Interpreting
35 import Language.Symantic.Transforming.Trans
37 -- * Class 'Sym_MonoFoldable'
38 class Sym_MonoFoldable term where
39 ofoldMap :: (MonoFoldable o, Monoid m) => term (MT.Element o -> m) -> term o -> term m
40 ofoldr :: MonoFoldable o => term (MT.Element o -> b -> b) -> term b -> term o -> term b
41 ofoldl' :: MonoFoldable o => term (b -> MT.Element o -> b) -> term b -> term o -> term b
42 olength :: MonoFoldable o => term o -> term Int
43 onull :: MonoFoldable o => term o -> term Bool
44 oall :: MonoFoldable o => term (MT.Element o -> Bool) -> term o -> term Bool
45 oany :: MonoFoldable o => term (MT.Element o -> Bool) -> term o -> term Bool
46 otoList :: MonoFoldable o => term o -> term [MT.Element o]
47 default ofoldMap :: (Trans t term, MonoFoldable o, Monoid m)
48 => t term (MT.Element o -> m) -> t term o -> t term m
49 default ofoldr :: (Trans t term, MonoFoldable o)
50 => t term (MT.Element o -> b -> b) -> t term b -> t term o -> t term b
51 default ofoldl' :: (Trans t term, MonoFoldable o)
52 => t term (b -> MT.Element o -> b) -> t term b -> t term o -> t term b
53 default olength :: (Trans t term, MonoFoldable o) => t term o -> t term Int
54 default onull :: (Trans t term, MonoFoldable o) => t term o -> t term Bool
55 default oall :: (Trans t term, MonoFoldable o) => t term (MT.Element o -> Bool) -> t term o -> t term Bool
56 default oany :: (Trans t term, MonoFoldable o) => t term (MT.Element o -> Bool) -> t term o -> t term Bool
57 default otoList :: (Trans t term, MonoFoldable o) => t term o -> t term [MT.Element o]
58 ofoldMap = trans_map2 ofoldMap
59 ofoldr = trans_map3 ofoldr
60 ofoldl' = trans_map3 ofoldl'
61 olength = trans_map1 olength
62 onull = trans_map1 onull
63 oall = trans_map2 oall
64 oany = trans_map2 oany
65 otoList = trans_map1 otoList
67 type instance Sym_of_Iface (Proxy MonoFoldable) = Sym_MonoFoldable
68 type instance Consts_of_Iface (Proxy MonoFoldable) = Proxy MonoFoldable ': Consts_imported_by MonoFoldable
69 type instance Consts_imported_by MonoFoldable =
70 [ Proxy (->)
71 , Proxy (,)
72 , Proxy []
73 , Proxy Bool
74 , Proxy Either
75 , Proxy Int
76 , Proxy Maybe
77 , Proxy Monoid
78 , Proxy String
79 , Proxy Text
80 ]
82 instance Sym_MonoFoldable HostI where
83 ofoldMap = liftM2 MT.ofoldMap
84 ofoldr = liftM3 MT.ofoldr
85 ofoldl' = liftM3 MT.ofoldl'
86 olength = liftM MT.olength
87 onull = liftM MT.onull
88 oall = liftM2 MT.oall
89 oany = liftM2 MT.oany
90 otoList = liftM MT.otoList
91 instance Sym_MonoFoldable TextI where
92 ofoldMap = textI_app2 "ofoldMap"
93 ofoldr = textI_app3 "ofoldr"
94 ofoldl' = textI_app3 "ofoldl'"
95 olength = textI_app1 "olength"
96 onull = textI_app1 "onull"
97 oall = textI_app2 "oall"
98 oany = textI_app2 "oany"
99 otoList = textI_app1 "otoList"
100 instance (Sym_MonoFoldable r1, Sym_MonoFoldable r2) => Sym_MonoFoldable (DupI r1 r2) where
101 ofoldMap = dupI2 sym_MonoFoldable ofoldMap
102 ofoldr = dupI3 sym_MonoFoldable ofoldr
103 ofoldl' = dupI3 sym_MonoFoldable ofoldl'
104 olength = dupI1 sym_MonoFoldable olength
105 onull = dupI1 sym_MonoFoldable onull
106 oall = dupI2 sym_MonoFoldable oall
107 oany = dupI2 sym_MonoFoldable oany
108 otoList = dupI1 sym_MonoFoldable otoList
110 instance Const_from Text cs => Const_from Text (Proxy MonoFoldable ': cs) where
111 const_from "MonoFoldable" k = k (ConstZ kind)
112 const_from s k = const_from s $ k . ConstS
113 instance Show_Const cs => Show_Const (Proxy MonoFoldable ': cs) where
114 show_const ConstZ{} = "MonoFoldable"
115 show_const (ConstS c) = show_const c
117 instance -- Proj_ConC
118 ( Proj_Const cs MonoFoldable
119 , Proj_Consts cs (Consts_imported_by MonoFoldable)
120 ) => Proj_ConC cs (Proxy MonoFoldable) where
121 proj_conC _ (TyConst q :$ ty)
122 | Just Refl <- eq_skind (kind_of_const q) (SKiType `SKiArrow` SKiConstraint)
123 , Just Refl <- proj_const q (Proxy::Proxy MonoFoldable)
124 = case ty of
125 TyConst c
126 | Just Refl <- proj_const c (Proxy::Proxy String) -> Just Con
127 | Just Refl <- proj_const c (Proxy::Proxy Text) -> Just Con
128 TyConst c :$ _a
129 | Just Refl <- eq_skind (kind_of_const c) (SKiType `SKiArrow` SKiType)
130 -> case () of
131 _ | Just Refl <- proj_const c (Proxy::Proxy []) -> Just Con
132 | Just Refl <- proj_const c (Proxy::Proxy Maybe) -> Just Con
133 _ -> Nothing
134 TyConst c :$ _a :$ _b
135 | Just Refl <- eq_skind (kind_of_const c) (SKiType `SKiArrow` SKiType `SKiArrow` SKiType)
136 -> case () of
137 _ | Just Refl <- proj_const c (Proxy::Proxy (,)) -> Just Con
138 | Just Refl <- proj_const c (Proxy::Proxy Either) -> Just Con
139 _ -> Nothing
140 _ -> Nothing
141 proj_conC _c _q = Nothing
142 instance -- Term_fromI
143 ( AST ast
144 , Lexem ast ~ LamVarName
145 , Inj_Const (Consts_of_Ifaces is) MonoFoldable
146 , Inj_Const (Consts_of_Ifaces is) (->)
147 , Inj_Const (Consts_of_Ifaces is) []
148 , Inj_Const (Consts_of_Ifaces is) Monoid
149 , Inj_Const (Consts_of_Ifaces is) Bool
150 , Inj_Const (Consts_of_Ifaces is) Int
151 , Proj_Con (Consts_of_Ifaces is)
152 , Proj_Fam (Consts_of_Ifaces is) Fam_MonoElement
153 , Term_from is ast
154 ) => Term_fromI is (Proxy MonoFoldable) ast where
155 term_fromI :: forall ctx ls rs ret. Term_fromIT ast ctx ret is ls (Proxy MonoFoldable ': rs)
156 term_fromI ast ctx k =
157 case ast_lexem ast of
158 "ofoldMap" -> ofoldMap_from
159 "ofoldr" -> ofoldr_from ofoldr
160 "ofoldl'" -> ofoldl_from ofoldl'
161 "olength" -> o2ty_from olength
162 "onull" -> o2ty_from onull
163 "oall" -> oalloany_from oall
164 "oany" -> oalloany_from oany
165 "otoList" -> otoList_from
166 _ -> Left $ Error_Term_unsupported
167 where
168 ofoldMap_from =
169 -- ofoldMap :: Monoid m => (Element o -> m) -> o -> m
170 from_ast2 ast $ \ast_f ast_o as ->
171 term_from ast_f ctx $ \ty_f (TermLC f) ->
172 term_from ast_o ctx $ \ty_o (TermLC o) ->
173 check_type2 tyFun ast_f ty_f $ \Refl ty_f_a ty_m ->
174 check_constraint (At (Just ast_f) (tyMonoFoldable :$ ty_o)) $ \Con ->
175 check_constraint (At (Just ast_f) (tyMonoid :$ ty_m)) $ \Con ->
176 check_family ast Fam_MonoElement (ty_o `TypesS` TypesZ) $ \ty_o_e ->
177 check_type (At Nothing ty_o_e) (At (Just ast_f) ty_f_a) $ \Refl ->
178 k as ty_m $ TermLC $
179 \c -> ofoldMap (f c) (o c)
180 ofoldr_from
181 (fold::forall term o b.
182 (Sym_MonoFoldable term, MonoFoldable o)
183 => term (MT.Element o -> b -> b) -> term b -> term o -> term b) =
184 -- ofoldr :: MonoFoldable o => (MT.Element o -> b -> b) -> b -> o -> b
185 from_ast3 ast $ \ast_e2b2b ast_b ast_o as ->
186 term_from ast_e2b2b ctx $ \ty_e2b2b (TermLC e2b2b) ->
187 term_from ast_b ctx $ \ty_b (TermLC b) ->
188 term_from ast_o ctx $ \ty_o (TermLC o) ->
189 check_type2 tyFun ast_e2b2b ty_e2b2b $ \Refl ty_e2b2b_e ty_e2b2b_b2b ->
190 check_type2 tyFun ast_e2b2b ty_e2b2b_b2b $ \Refl ty_e2b2b_b2b_b0 ty_e2b2b_b2b_b1 ->
191 check_type (At (Just ast_e2b2b) ty_e2b2b_b2b_b0) (At (Just ast_e2b2b) ty_e2b2b_b2b_b1) $ \Refl ->
192 check_type (At (Just ast_e2b2b) ty_e2b2b_b2b_b0) (At (Just ast_b) ty_b) $ \Refl ->
193 check_constraint (At (Just ast_o) (tyMonoFoldable :$ ty_o)) $ \Con ->
194 check_family ast Fam_MonoElement (ty_o `TypesS` TypesZ) $ \ty_o_e ->
195 check_type (At (Just ast_e2b2b) ty_e2b2b_e) (At (Just ast_o) ty_o_e) $ \Refl ->
196 k as ty_b $ TermLC $
197 \c -> fold (e2b2b c) (b c) (o c)
198 ofoldl_from
199 (fold::forall term o b.
200 (Sym_MonoFoldable term, MonoFoldable o)
201 => term (b -> MT.Element o -> b) -> term b -> term o -> term b) =
202 -- ofoldl' :: MonoFoldable o => (b -> MT.Element o -> b) -> b -> o -> b
203 from_ast3 ast $ \ast_b2e2b ast_b ast_o as ->
204 term_from ast_b2e2b ctx $ \ty_b2e2b (TermLC b2e2b) ->
205 term_from ast_b ctx $ \ty_b (TermLC b) ->
206 term_from ast_o ctx $ \ty_o (TermLC o) ->
207 check_type2 tyFun ast_b2e2b ty_b2e2b $ \Refl ty_b2e2b_b ty_b2e2b_a2b ->
208 check_type2 tyFun ast_b2e2b ty_b2e2b_a2b $ \Refl ty_b2e2b_a2b_e ty_b2e2b_a2b_b ->
209 check_type (At (Just ast_b2e2b) ty_b2e2b_b) (At (Just ast_b2e2b) ty_b2e2b_a2b_b) $ \Refl ->
210 check_type (At (Just ast_b2e2b) ty_b2e2b_b) (At (Just ast_b) ty_b) $ \Refl ->
211 check_constraint (At (Just ast_o) (tyMonoFoldable :$ ty_o)) $ \Con ->
212 check_family ast Fam_MonoElement (ty_o `TypesS` TypesZ) $ \ty_o_e ->
213 check_type (At (Just ast_b2e2b) ty_b2e2b_a2b_e) (At (Just ast_o) ty_o_e) $ \Refl ->
214 k as ty_b $ TermLC $
215 \c -> fold (b2e2b c) (b c) (o c)
216 o2ty_from
217 :: forall ty. Inj_Const (Consts_of_Ifaces is) ty
218 => (forall term o. (Sym_MonoFoldable term, MonoFoldable o) => term o -> term ty)
219 -> Either (Error_Term is ast) ret
220 o2ty_from f =
221 -- length :: MonoFoldable o => o -> Int
222 -- null :: MonoFoldable o => o -> Bool
223 from_ast1 ast $ \ast_o as ->
224 term_from ast_o ctx $ \ty_o (TermLC o) ->
225 check_constraint (At (Just ast_o) (tyMonoFoldable :$ ty_o)) $ \Con ->
226 k as (TyConst inj_const::Type (Consts_of_Ifaces is) ty) $ TermLC $
227 \c -> f (o c)
228 oalloany_from
229 (g::forall term o.
230 (Sym_MonoFoldable term, MonoFoldable o)
231 => term (MT.Element o -> Bool) -> term o -> term Bool) =
232 -- all :: MonoFoldable o => (MT.Element o -> Bool) -> o -> Bool
233 -- any :: MonoFoldable o => (MT.Element o -> Bool) -> o -> Bool
234 from_ast2 ast $ \ast_e2Bool ast_o as ->
235 term_from ast_e2Bool ctx $ \ty_e2Bool (TermLC e2Bool) ->
236 term_from ast_o ctx $ \ty_o (TermLC o) ->
237 check_type2 tyFun ast_e2Bool ty_e2Bool $ \Refl ty_e2Bool_e ty_e2Bool_Bool ->
238 check_constraint (At (Just ast_o) (tyMonoFoldable :$ ty_o)) $ \Con ->
239 check_family ast Fam_MonoElement (ty_o `TypesS` TypesZ) $ \ty_o_e ->
240 check_type (At (Just ast_e2Bool) ty_e2Bool_e) (At (Just ast_o) ty_o_e) $ \Refl ->
241 check_type (At Nothing tyBool) (At (Just ast_e2Bool) ty_e2Bool_Bool) $ \Refl ->
242 k as tyBool $ TermLC $
243 \c -> g (e2Bool c) (o c)
244 otoList_from =
245 -- otoList :: MonoFoldable o => o -> [MT.Element o]
246 from_ast1 ast $ \ast_o as ->
247 term_from ast_o ctx $ \ty_o (TermLC o) ->
248 check_constraint (At (Just ast_o) (tyMonoFoldable :$ ty_o)) $ \Con ->
249 check_family ast Fam_MonoElement (ty_o `TypesS` TypesZ) $ \ty_o_e ->
250 k as (tyList :$ ty_o_e) $ TermLC $
251 \c -> otoList (o c)
253 -- | The 'MonoFoldable' 'Type'
254 tyMonoFoldable :: Inj_Const cs MonoFoldable => Type cs MonoFoldable
255 tyMonoFoldable = TyConst inj_const
257 sym_MonoFoldable :: Proxy Sym_MonoFoldable
258 sym_MonoFoldable = Proxy
260 syMonoFoldable :: IsString a => [Syntax a] -> Syntax a
261 syMonoFoldable = Syntax "MonoFoldable"