]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - Language/Symantic/Compiling/NonNull.hs
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[haskell/symantic.git] / Language / Symantic / Compiling / NonNull.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
2 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
3 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fconstraint-solver-iterations=9 #-}
4 -- | Symantic for 'NonNull'.
5 module Language.Symantic.Compiling.NonNull where
7 import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2)
8 import Data.MonoTraversable (MonoFoldable)
9 import qualified Data.MonoTraversable as MT
10 import Data.NonNull (NonNull)
11 import qualified Data.NonNull as NonNull
12 import Data.Proxy
13 import Data.Sequences (IsSequence, SemiSequence)
14 import Data.Text (Text)
15 import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl))
16 import Prelude hiding (head, init, last, tail)
18 import Language.Symantic.Parsing
19 import Language.Symantic.Typing
20 import Language.Symantic.Compiling.Term
21 import Language.Symantic.Compiling.MonoFunctor
22 import Language.Symantic.Interpreting
23 import Language.Symantic.Transforming.Trans
25 -- * Class 'Sym_NonNull'
26 class Sym_NonNull term where
27 fromNullable :: MonoFoldable o => term o -> term (Maybe (NonNull o))
28 toNullable :: MonoFoldable o => term (NonNull o) -> term o
29 ncons :: SemiSequence s => term (MT.Element s) -> term s -> term (NonNull s)
30 nuncons :: IsSequence s => term (NonNull s) -> term (MT.Element s, Maybe (NonNull s))
31 head :: MonoFoldable o => term (NonNull o) -> term (MT.Element o)
32 last :: MonoFoldable o => term (NonNull o) -> term (MT.Element o)
33 tail :: IsSequence s => term (NonNull s) -> term s
34 init :: IsSequence s => term (NonNull s) -> term s
35 nfilter :: IsSequence s => term (MT.Element s -> Bool) -> term (NonNull s) -> term s
36 default fromNullable :: (Trans t term, MonoFoldable o) => t term o -> t term (Maybe (NonNull o))
37 default toNullable :: (Trans t term, MonoFoldable o) => t term (NonNull o) -> t term o
38 default ncons :: (Trans t term, SemiSequence s) => t term (MT.Element s) -> t term s -> t term (NonNull s)
39 default nuncons :: (Trans t term, IsSequence s) => t term (NonNull s) -> t term (MT.Element s, Maybe (NonNull s))
40 default head :: (Trans t term, MonoFoldable o) => t term (NonNull o) -> t term (MT.Element o)
41 default last :: (Trans t term, MonoFoldable o) => t term (NonNull o) -> t term (MT.Element o)
42 default tail :: (Trans t term, IsSequence s) => t term (NonNull s) -> t term s
43 default init :: (Trans t term, IsSequence s) => t term (NonNull s) -> t term s
44 default nfilter :: (Trans t term, IsSequence s) => t term (MT.Element s -> Bool) -> t term (NonNull s) -> t term s
45 fromNullable = trans_map1 fromNullable
46 toNullable = trans_map1 toNullable
47 ncons = trans_map2 ncons
48 nuncons = trans_map1 nuncons
49 head = trans_map1 head
50 last = trans_map1 last
51 tail = trans_map1 tail
52 init = trans_map1 init
53 nfilter = trans_map2 nfilter
55 type instance Sym_of_Iface (Proxy NonNull) = Sym_NonNull
56 type instance Consts_of_Iface (Proxy NonNull) = Proxy NonNull ': Consts_imported_by NonNull
57 type instance Consts_imported_by NonNull =
58 [ Proxy (->)
59 , Proxy (,)
60 , Proxy Eq
61 , Proxy Maybe
62 , Proxy Ord
63 , Proxy MT.MonoFoldable
64 , Proxy MT.MonoFunctor
65 , Proxy IsSequence
66 , Proxy SemiSequence
67 , Proxy Show
68 ]
70 instance Sym_NonNull HostI where
71 fromNullable = liftM NonNull.fromNullable
72 toNullable = liftM NonNull.toNullable
73 ncons = liftM2 NonNull.ncons
74 nuncons = liftM NonNull.nuncons
75 head = liftM NonNull.head
76 last = liftM NonNull.last
77 tail = liftM NonNull.tail
78 init = liftM NonNull.init
79 nfilter = liftM2 NonNull.nfilter
80 instance Sym_NonNull TextI where
81 fromNullable = textI1 "fromNullable"
82 toNullable = textI1 "toNullable"
83 ncons = textI2 "ncons"
84 nuncons = textI1 "nuncons"
85 head = textI1 "head"
86 last = textI1 "last"
87 tail = textI1 "tail"
88 init = textI1 "init"
89 nfilter = textI2 "nfilter"
90 instance (Sym_NonNull r1, Sym_NonNull r2) => Sym_NonNull (DupI r1 r2) where
91 fromNullable = dupI1 (Proxy @Sym_NonNull) fromNullable
92 toNullable = dupI1 (Proxy @Sym_NonNull) toNullable
93 ncons = dupI2 (Proxy @Sym_NonNull) ncons
94 nuncons = dupI1 (Proxy @Sym_NonNull) nuncons
95 head = dupI1 (Proxy @Sym_NonNull) head
96 last = dupI1 (Proxy @Sym_NonNull) last
97 tail = dupI1 (Proxy @Sym_NonNull) tail
98 init = dupI1 (Proxy @Sym_NonNull) init
99 nfilter = dupI2 (Proxy @Sym_NonNull) nfilter
101 instance Const_from Text cs => Const_from Text (Proxy NonNull ': cs) where
102 const_from "NonNull" k = k (ConstZ kind)
103 const_from s k = const_from s $ k . ConstS
104 instance Show_Const cs => Show_Const (Proxy NonNull ': cs) where
105 show_const ConstZ{} = "NonNull"
106 show_const (ConstS c) = show_const c
108 instance -- Fam_MonoElement
109 ( Proj_Const cs NonNull
110 , Proj_Fam cs Fam_MonoElement
111 ) => Proj_FamC cs Fam_MonoElement NonNull where
112 proj_famC _c _fam ((TyConst c :$ ty_o) `TypesS` TypesZ)
113 | Just Refl <- eq_skind (kind_of_const c) (SKiType `SKiArrow` SKiType)
114 , Just Refl <- proj_const c (Proxy::Proxy NonNull)
115 = proj_fam Fam_MonoElement (ty_o `TypesS` TypesZ)
116 proj_famC _c _fam _ty = Nothing
117 instance -- Proj_ConC
118 ( Proj_Const cs NonNull
119 , Proj_Consts cs (Consts_imported_by NonNull)
120 , Proj_Con cs
121 ) => Proj_ConC cs (Proxy NonNull) where
122 proj_conC _ (t@(TyConst q) :$ (TyConst c :$ o))
123 | Just Refl <- eq_skind (kind_of_const c) (SKiType `SKiArrow` SKiType)
124 , Just Refl <- proj_const c (Proxy::Proxy NonNull)
125 = case () of
126 _ | Just Refl <- proj_const q (Proxy::Proxy Eq)
127 , Just Con <- proj_con (t :$ o) -> Just Con
128 | Just Refl <- proj_const q (Proxy::Proxy MT.MonoFoldable)
129 , Just Con <- proj_con (t :$ o) -> Just Con
130 | Just Refl <- proj_const q (Proxy::Proxy MT.MonoFunctor)
131 , Just Con <- proj_con (t :$ o) -> Just Con
132 | Just Refl <- proj_const q (Proxy::Proxy Ord)
133 , Just Con <- proj_con (t :$ o) -> Just Con
134 | Just Refl <- proj_const q (Proxy::Proxy SemiSequence)
135 , Just Con <- proj_con (t :$ o) -> Just Con
136 | Just Refl <- proj_const q (Proxy::Proxy Show)
137 , Just Con <- proj_con (t :$ o) -> Just Con
138 _ -> Nothing
139 proj_conC _c _q = Nothing
140 data instance TokenT meta (ts::[*]) (Proxy NonNull)
141 = Token_Term_NonNull_fromNullable (EToken meta ts)
142 | Token_Term_NonNull_toNullable (EToken meta ts)
143 | Token_Term_NonNull_ncons (EToken meta ts) (EToken meta ts)
144 | Token_Term_NonNull_nuncons (EToken meta ts)
145 | Token_Term_NonNull_head (EToken meta ts)
146 | Token_Term_NonNull_last (EToken meta ts)
147 | Token_Term_NonNull_tail (EToken meta ts)
148 | Token_Term_NonNull_init (EToken meta ts)
149 | Token_Term_NonNull_nfilter (EToken meta ts) (EToken meta ts)
150 deriving instance Eq_Token meta ts => Eq (TokenT meta ts (Proxy NonNull))
151 deriving instance Show_Token meta ts => Show (TokenT meta ts (Proxy NonNull))
152 instance -- CompileI
153 ( Inj_Const (Consts_of_Ifaces is) NonNull
154 , Inj_Const (Consts_of_Ifaces is) (->)
155 , Inj_Const (Consts_of_Ifaces is) (,)
156 , Inj_Const (Consts_of_Ifaces is) Bool
157 , Inj_Const (Consts_of_Ifaces is) Maybe
158 , Inj_Const (Consts_of_Ifaces is) MonoFoldable
159 , Inj_Const (Consts_of_Ifaces is) IsSequence
160 , Inj_Const (Consts_of_Ifaces is) SemiSequence
161 , Proj_Con (Consts_of_Ifaces is)
162 , Proj_Fam (Consts_of_Ifaces is) Fam_MonoElement
163 , Compile is
164 ) => CompileI is (Proxy NonNull) where
165 compileI
166 :: forall meta ctx ret ls rs.
167 TokenT meta is (Proxy NonNull)
168 -> CompileT meta ctx ret is ls (Proxy NonNull ': rs)
169 compileI tok ctx k =
170 case tok of
171 Token_Term_NonNull_fromNullable tok_o ->
172 -- fromNullable :: MonoFoldable o => o -> Maybe (NonNull o)
173 compileO tok_o ctx $ \ty_o (TermO o) ->
174 check_con (At (Just tok_o) (ty @MonoFoldable :$ ty_o)) $ \Con ->
175 k (ty @Maybe :$ (ty @NonNull :$ ty_o)) $ TermO $
176 \c -> fromNullable (o c)
177 Token_Term_NonNull_toNullable tok_n ->
178 -- toNullable :: MonoFoldable o => NonNull o -> o
179 compileO tok_n ctx $ \ty_n (TermO n) ->
180 check_type1 (ty @NonNull) (At (Just tok_n) ty_n) $ \Refl ty_o ->
181 check_con (At (Just tok_n) (ty @MonoFoldable :$ ty_o)) $ \Con ->
182 k ty_o $ TermO $
183 \c -> toNullable (n c)
184 Token_Term_NonNull_ncons tok_e tok_s ->
185 -- ncons :: SemiSequence s => MT.Element s -> s -> NonNull s
186 compileO tok_e ctx $ \ty_e (TermO e) ->
187 compileO tok_s ctx $ \ty_s (TermO s) ->
188 check_con (At (Just tok_s) (ty @SemiSequence :$ ty_s)) $ \Con ->
189 check_fam (At (Just tok_s) Fam_MonoElement) (ty_s `TypesS` TypesZ) $ \ty_s_e ->
190 check_type (At Nothing ty_s_e) (At (Just tok_e) ty_e) $ \Refl ->
191 k (ty @NonNull :$ ty_s) $ TermO $
192 \c -> ncons (e c) (s c)
193 Token_Term_NonNull_nuncons tok_n ->
194 -- nuncons :: IsSequence s => NonNull s -> (MT.Element s, Maybe (NonNull s))
195 compileO tok_n ctx $ \ty_n (TermO n) ->
196 check_type1 (ty @NonNull) (At (Just tok_n) ty_n) $ \Refl ty_s ->
197 check_con (At (Just tok_n) (ty @IsSequence :$ ty_s)) $ \Con ->
198 check_fam (At (Just tok_n) Fam_MonoElement) (ty_s `TypesS` TypesZ) $ \ty_s_e ->
199 check_type
200 (At Nothing ty_s_e)
201 (At (Just tok_n) ty_s_e) $ \Refl ->
202 k (ty @(,) :$ ty_s_e :$ (ty @Maybe :$ (ty @NonNull :$ ty_s))) $ TermO $
203 \c -> nuncons (n c)
204 Token_Term_NonNull_head tok_n -> n2e_from tok_n head
205 Token_Term_NonNull_last tok_n -> n2e_from tok_n last
206 Token_Term_NonNull_tail tok_n -> n2s_from tok_n tail
207 Token_Term_NonNull_init tok_n -> n2s_from tok_n init
208 Token_Term_NonNull_nfilter tok_e2Bool tok_n ->
209 -- filter :: IsSequence s => (MT.Element s -> Bool) -> NonNull s -> s
210 compileO tok_e2Bool ctx $ \ty_e2Bool (TermO e2Bool) ->
211 compileO tok_n ctx $ \ty_n (TermO s) ->
212 check_type2 (ty @(->)) (At (Just tok_e2Bool) ty_e2Bool) $ \Refl ty_e2Bool_e ty_e2Bool_Bool ->
213 check_type
214 (At Nothing (ty @Bool))
215 (At (Just tok_e2Bool) ty_e2Bool_Bool) $ \Refl ->
216 check_type1 (ty @NonNull) (At (Just tok_n) ty_n) $ \Refl ty_s ->
217 check_con (At (Just tok_n) (ty @IsSequence :$ ty_s)) $ \Con ->
218 check_fam (At (Just tok_n) Fam_MonoElement) (ty_s `TypesS` TypesZ) $ \ty_s_e ->
219 check_type
220 (At Nothing ty_s_e)
221 (At (Just tok_e2Bool) ty_e2Bool_e) $ \Refl ->
222 k ty_s $ TermO $
223 \c -> nfilter (e2Bool c) (s c)
224 where
225 n2e_from tok_n
226 (f::forall term o.
227 (Sym_NonNull term, MonoFoldable o)
228 => term (NonNull o) -> term (MT.Element o)) =
229 -- head :: MonoFoldable o => NonNull o -> MT.Element o
230 -- last :: MonoFoldable o => NonNull o -> MT.Element o
231 compileO tok_n ctx $ \ty_n (TermO n) ->
232 check_type1 (ty @NonNull) (At (Just tok_n) ty_n) $ \Refl ty_o ->
233 check_con (At (Just tok_n) (ty @MonoFoldable :$ ty_o)) $ \Con ->
234 check_fam (At (Just tok_n) Fam_MonoElement) (ty_o `TypesS` TypesZ) $ \ty_o_e ->
235 k ty_o_e $ TermO $
236 \c -> f (n c)
237 n2s_from tok_n
238 (f::forall term s.
239 (Sym_NonNull term, IsSequence s)
240 => term (NonNull s) -> term s) =
241 -- tail :: IsSequence s => NonNull s -> s
242 -- init :: IsSequence s => NonNull s -> s
243 compileO tok_n ctx $ \ty_n (TermO n) ->
244 check_type1 (ty @NonNull) (At (Just tok_n) ty_n) $ \Refl ty_s ->
245 check_con (At (Just tok_n) (ty @IsSequence :$ ty_s)) $ \Con ->
246 k ty_s $ TermO $
247 \c -> f (n c)
248 {-
249 "ncons" -> ncons_from
250 "nuncons" -> nuncons_from
251 "head" -> n2e_from head
252 "last" -> n2e_from last
253 "tail" -> n2s_from tail
254 "init" -> n2s_from init
255 "nfilter" -> nfilter_from
256 _ -> Left $ Error_Term_unsupported
257 where
258 fromNullable_from =
259 toNullable_from =
260 ncons_from =
261 nuncons_from =
262 nfilter_from =
263 -}