]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - Language/Symantic/Type/Common.hs
[haskell/symantic.git] / Language / Symantic / Type / Common.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
9 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
10 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
11 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
13 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
14 module Language.Symantic.Type.Common where
16 import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
17 import Data.Proxy
18 import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl))
19 import Language.Symantic.Lib.Data.Peano
20 import GHC.Prim (Constraint)
22 -- * Class 'Eq_Type'
23 -- | Test two types for equality,
24 -- returning an Haskell type-level proof
25 -- of the equality when it holds.
26 class Eq_Type (ty:: * -> *) where
27 eq_type :: forall h1 h2. ty h1 -> ty h2 -> Maybe (h1 :~: h2)
29 -- * Class 'Eq_Type1'
30 -- | Test two type constructors for equality,
31 -- returning an Haskell type-level proof
32 -- of the equality when it holds.
33 class Eq_Type1 (ty:: * -> *) where
34 eq_type1 :: forall h1 h2 a1 a2. ty (h1 a1) -> ty (h2 a2) -> Maybe (h1 :~: h2)
36 -- * Class 'Constraint_Type'
37 -- | Test if a type satisfies a given 'Constraint',
38 -- returning an Haskell type-level proof
39 -- of that satisfaction when it holds.
40 class Constraint_Type (c:: * -> Constraint) (ty:: * -> *) where
41 constraint_type :: forall h. Proxy c -> ty h -> Maybe (Dict (c h))
42 constraint_type _c _ = Nothing
44 -- * Class 'Constraint1_Type'
45 -- | Test if a type constructor satisfies a given 'Constraint',
46 -- returning an Haskell type-level proof
47 -- of that satisfaction when it holds.
48 class Constraint1_Type (c:: (* -> *) -> Constraint) (ty:: * -> *) where
49 constraint1_type :: forall h1 h. Proxy c -> ty (h1 h) -> Maybe (Dict (c h1))
50 constraint1_type _c _ = Nothing
52 -- ** Type 'Dict'
53 -- | 'Dict' captures the dictionary of a 'Constraint':
54 -- pattern matching on the 'Dict' constructor
55 -- brings the 'Constraint' into scope.
56 data Dict :: Constraint -> * where
57 Dict :: c => Dict c
59 -- * Type 'Exists_Dict'
60 data Exists_Dict
61 = forall c. Exists_Dict (Dict c)
63 -- * Class 'Type_from'
64 -- | Parse given @ast@ into a 'Root_of_Type',
65 -- or return an 'Error_of_Type'.
66 --
67 -- NOTE: making a distinction between @ty@ and 'Root_of_Type'@ ty@,
68 -- instead of having only a @root@ variable
69 -- is what enables to define many instances, one per type.
70 class Type_from ast (ty:: * -> *) where
71 type_from
72 :: Proxy ty
73 -> ast
74 -> (forall h. Root_of_Type ty h
75 -> Either (Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty)) ret)
76 -> Either (Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty)) ret
78 -- * Class 'Type1_from'
79 -- | Parse given @ast@ into a 'Root_of_Type' constructor,
80 -- or return an 'Error_of_Type'.
81 class Type1_from ast (ty:: * -> *) where
82 type1_from
83 :: Proxy ty
84 -> ast
85 -> (forall (f:: * -> *). Proxy f
86 -> (forall h. Root_of_Type ty h -> Root_of_Type ty (f h))
87 -> Either (Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty)) ret)
88 -> Either (Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty)) ret
89 default type1_from ::
90 ( Error_Type_Lift (Error_Type ast) (Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty))
91 , Implicit_HBool (Is_Last_Type ty (Root_of_Type ty))
92 ) => Proxy ty
93 -> ast
94 -> (forall (f:: * -> *). Proxy f
95 -> (forall h. Root_of_Type ty h -> Root_of_Type ty (f h))
96 -> Either (Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty)) ret)
97 -> Either (Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty)) ret
98 type1_from ty ast _k =
99 Left $ error_type_unsupported ty ast
101 {-
102 class Type1_f_from (ty:: * -> *) where
103 type1_f_from
104 :: Proxy ty
105 -> (Root_of_Type ty) h_any
106 -> (forall (f:: * -> *). Proxy f
107 -> (forall h. (Root_of_Type ty) h -> (Root_of_Type ty) (f h))
108 -> Either ({-Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty)-}) ret)
109 -> Either ({-Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty)-}) ret
110 instance -- Type1_f_from
111 ( Eq_Type (curr root)
112 , Type1_f_from ast (curr root)
113 , Type1_f_from ast (next root)
114 , Root_of_Type (curr root) ~ root
115 , Root_of_Type (next root) ~ root
116 -- , Error_Type_Unlift (Error_Type ast) (Error_of_Type ast root)
117 ) => Type1_from ast (Type_Alt curr next root) where
118 type1_from _ty ast k =
119 case type1_from (Proxy::Proxy (curr root)) ast (\f ty -> Right $ k f ty) of
120 Right ret -> ret
121 Left err ->
122 case error_type_unlift err of
123 Just (Error_Type_Unsupported_here (_::ast)) ->
124 type1_from (Proxy::Proxy (next root)) ast k
125 _ -> Left err
126 -}
128 -- ** Type family 'Root_of_Type'
129 -- | Return the root type of a type.
130 type family Root_of_Type (ty:: * -> *) :: * -> *
132 -- ** Type family 'Error_of_Type'
133 -- | Return the error type of a type.
134 type family Error_of_Type (ast:: *) (ty:: * -> *) :: *
136 -- * Type 'No_Type'
137 -- | A discarded type.
138 data No_Type (root:: * -> *) h
139 = No_Type (root h)
140 deriving (Eq, Show)
142 -- * Type 'Type_Root'
143 -- | The root type, passing itself as parameter to the given type.
144 newtype Type_Root (ty:: (* -> *) -> * -> *) h
145 = Type_Root { unType_Root :: ty (Type_Root ty) h }
146 type instance Root_of_Type (Type_Root ty) = Type_Root ty
147 -- type instance Root_of_Type (ty (Type_Root ty)) = Type_Root ty
148 type instance Error_of_Type ast (Type_Root ty)
149 = Error_Type_Alt (Error_Type ast)
150 (Error_of_Type ast (ty (Type_Root ty)))
151 instance -- Eq_Type
152 Eq_Type (ty (Type_Root ty)) =>
153 Eq_Type (Type_Root ty) where
154 eq_type (Type_Root x) (Type_Root y) = x `eq_type` y
155 instance -- Eq_Type1
156 Eq_Type1 (ty (Type_Root ty)) =>
157 Eq_Type1 (Type_Root ty) where
158 eq_type1 (Type_Root x) (Type_Root y) = x `eq_type1` y
159 instance -- Eq
160 Eq_Type (Type_Root ty) =>
161 Eq (Type_Root ty h) where
162 x == y = isJust $ x `eq_type` y
163 instance -- Constraint_Type c Type_Root
164 Constraint_Type c (ty (Type_Root ty)) =>
165 Constraint_Type c (Type_Root ty) where
166 constraint_type c (Type_Root ty) = constraint_type c ty
167 instance -- Constraint1_Type c Type_Root
168 Constraint1_Type c (ty (Type_Root ty)) =>
169 Constraint1_Type c (Type_Root ty) where
170 constraint1_type c (Type_Root ty) = constraint1_type c ty
171 instance -- Type_from
172 ( Eq_Type (Type_Root ty)
173 , Type_from ast (ty (Type_Root ty))
174 , Root_of_Type (ty (Type_Root ty)) ~ Type_Root ty
175 ) => Type_from ast (Type_Root ty) where
176 type_from _ty = type_from (Proxy::Proxy (ty (Type_Root ty)))
177 instance -- Type1_from
178 ( Eq_Type (Type_Root ty)
179 , Type1_from ast (ty (Type_Root ty))
180 , Root_of_Type (ty (Type_Root ty)) ~ Type_Root ty
181 ) => Type1_from ast (Type_Root ty) where
182 type1_from _ty = type1_from (Proxy::Proxy (ty (Type_Root ty)))
183 instance -- String_from_Type
184 String_from_Type (ty (Type_Root ty)) =>
185 String_from_Type (Type_Root ty) where
186 string_from_type (Type_Root ty) = string_from_type ty
187 instance -- Show
188 String_from_Type (Type_Root ty) =>
189 Show (Type_Root ty h) where
190 show = string_from_type
192 -- ** Class 'Type_Root_Lift'
193 -- | Lift a given type to a given root type.
194 class Type_Root_Lift ty root where
195 type_root_lift :: forall h. ty root h -> root h
196 instance
197 Type_Lift ty root =>
198 Type_Root_Lift ty (Type_Root root) where
199 type_root_lift = Type_Root . type_lift
201 -- * Type 'Type_Alt'
202 -- | Type making an alternative between two types.
203 data Type_Alt curr next (root:: * -> *) h
204 = Type_Alt_Curr (curr root h)
205 | Type_Alt_Next (next root h)
206 -- | Convenient alias. Requires @TypeOperators@.
207 type (:|:) = Type_Alt
208 infixr 5 :|:
209 type instance Root_of_Type (Type_Alt curr next root) = root
210 type instance Error_of_Type ast (Type_Alt curr next root)
211 = Error_of_Type_Alt ast (Error_of_Type ast (curr root))
212 (Error_of_Type ast (next root))
213 -- ** Type family 'Error_of_Type_Alt'
214 -- | Remove 'No_Error_Type' type when building 'Error_of_Type'.
215 type family Error_of_Type_Alt ast curr next where
216 Error_of_Type_Alt ast curr No_Error_Type = curr
217 Error_of_Type_Alt ast No_Error_Type next = next
218 Error_of_Type_Alt ast curr next = Error_Type_Alt curr next
220 -- ** Type 'No_Error_Type'
221 -- | A discarded error.
222 data No_Error_Type
223 = No_Error_Type
224 deriving (Eq, Show)
226 instance -- Eq_Type
227 ( Eq_Type (curr root)
228 , Eq_Type (next root)
229 ) => Eq_Type (Type_Alt curr next root) where
230 eq_type (Type_Alt_Curr x) (Type_Alt_Curr y) = x `eq_type` y
231 eq_type (Type_Alt_Next x) (Type_Alt_Next y) = x `eq_type` y
232 eq_type _ _ = Nothing
233 instance -- Eq_Type1
234 ( Eq_Type1 (curr root)
235 , Eq_Type1 (next root)
236 ) => Eq_Type1 (Type_Alt curr next root) where
237 eq_type1 (Type_Alt_Curr x) (Type_Alt_Curr y) = x `eq_type1` y
238 eq_type1 (Type_Alt_Next x) (Type_Alt_Next y) = x `eq_type1` y
239 eq_type1 _ _ = Nothing
240 instance -- Eq
241 ( Eq_Type (curr root)
242 , Eq_Type (next root)
243 ) => Eq (Type_Alt curr next root h) where
244 x == y = isJust $ x `eq_type` y
245 instance -- Constraint_Type c Type_Alt
246 ( Constraint_Type c (curr root)
247 , Constraint_Type c (next root)
248 ) => Constraint_Type c (Type_Alt curr next root) where
249 constraint_type c (Type_Alt_Curr ty) = constraint_type c ty
250 constraint_type c (Type_Alt_Next ty) = constraint_type c ty
251 instance -- Constraint1_Type c Type_Alt
252 ( Constraint1_Type c (curr root)
253 , Constraint1_Type c (next root)
254 ) => Constraint1_Type c (Type_Alt curr next root) where
255 constraint1_type c (Type_Alt_Curr ty) = constraint1_type c ty
256 constraint1_type c (Type_Alt_Next ty) = constraint1_type c ty
257 instance -- Type_from
258 ( Eq_Type (curr root)
259 , Type_from ast (curr root)
260 , Type_from ast (next root)
261 , Root_of_Type (curr root) ~ root
262 , Root_of_Type (next root) ~ root
263 , Error_Type_Unlift (Error_Type ast) (Error_of_Type ast root)
264 ) => Type_from ast (Type_Alt curr next root) where
265 type_from _ty ast k =
266 case type_from (Proxy::Proxy (curr root)) ast (Right . k) of
267 Right ret -> ret
268 Left err ->
269 case error_type_unlift err of
270 Just (Error_Type_Unsupported_here (_::ast)) ->
271 type_from (Proxy::Proxy (next root)) ast k
272 _ -> Left err
273 instance -- Type1_from
274 ( Eq_Type (curr root)
275 , Type1_from ast (curr root)
276 , Type1_from ast (next root)
277 , Root_of_Type (curr root) ~ root
278 , Root_of_Type (next root) ~ root
279 , Error_Type_Unlift (Error_Type ast) (Error_of_Type ast root)
280 ) => Type1_from ast (Type_Alt curr next root) where
281 type1_from _ty ast k =
282 case type1_from (Proxy::Proxy (curr root)) ast (\f ty -> Right $ k f ty) of
283 Right ret -> ret
284 Left err ->
285 case error_type_unlift err of
286 Just (Error_Type_Unsupported_here (_::ast)) ->
287 type1_from (Proxy::Proxy (next root)) ast k
288 _ -> Left err
289 instance -- String_from_Type
290 ( String_from_Type (curr root)
291 , String_from_Type (next root)
292 ) => String_from_Type (Type_Alt curr next root) where
293 string_from_type (Type_Alt_Curr t) = string_from_type t
294 string_from_type (Type_Alt_Next t) = string_from_type t
296 -- ** Type 'Type_Lift'
297 -- | Apply 'Peano_of_Type' on 'Type_LiftN'.
298 type Type_Lift ty tys
299 = Type_LiftN (Peano_of_Type ty tys) ty tys
301 -- *** Type 'Peano_of_Type'
302 -- | Return a 'Peano' number derived from the location
303 -- of a given type within a given type stack,
304 -- which is used to avoid @OverlappingInstances@.
305 type family Peano_of_Type
306 (ty:: (* -> *) -> * -> *)
307 (tys:: (* -> *) -> * -> *) :: * where
308 Peano_of_Type ty ty = Zero
309 Peano_of_Type ty (Type_Alt ty next) = Zero
310 Peano_of_Type other (Type_Alt curr next) = Succ (Peano_of_Type other next)
312 -- *** Class 'Type_LiftN'
313 -- | Lift a given type to the top of a given type stack including it,
314 -- by constructing the appropriate sequence of 'Type_Alt_Curr' and 'Type_Alt_Next'.
315 class Type_LiftN (p:: *) ty tys where
316 type_liftN :: forall (root:: * -> *) h. Proxy p -> ty root h -> tys root h
317 instance Type_LiftN Zero curr curr where
318 type_liftN _ = id
319 instance Type_LiftN Zero curr (Type_Alt curr next) where
320 type_liftN _ = Type_Alt_Curr
321 instance
322 Type_LiftN p other next =>
323 Type_LiftN (Succ p) other (Type_Alt curr next) where
324 type_liftN _ = Type_Alt_Next . type_liftN (Proxy::Proxy p)
326 -- | Convenient wrapper around 'type_liftN',
327 -- passing it the 'Peano' number from 'Peano_of_Type'.
328 type_lift
329 :: forall ty tys (root:: * -> *) h.
330 Type_Lift ty tys =>
331 ty root h -> tys root h
332 type_lift = type_liftN (Proxy::Proxy (Peano_of_Type ty tys))
334 -- ** Type 'Type_Unlift'
335 -- | Apply 'Peano_of_Type' on 'Type_UnliftN'.
336 type Type_Unlift ty tys
337 = Type_UnliftN (Peano_of_Type ty tys) ty tys
339 -- *** Class 'Type_UnliftN'
340 -- | Try to unlift a given type out of a given type stack including it,
341 -- by deconstructing the appropriate sequence of 'Type_Alt_Curr' and 'Type_Alt_Next'.
342 class Type_UnliftN (p:: *) ty tys where
343 type_unliftN :: forall (root:: * -> *) h. Proxy p -> tys root h -> Maybe (ty root h)
344 instance Type_UnliftN Zero curr curr where
345 type_unliftN _ = Just
346 instance Type_UnliftN Zero curr (Type_Alt curr next) where
347 type_unliftN _ (Type_Alt_Curr x) = Just x
348 type_unliftN _ (Type_Alt_Next _) = Nothing
349 instance
350 Type_UnliftN p other next =>
351 Type_UnliftN (Succ p) other (Type_Alt curr next) where
352 type_unliftN _ (Type_Alt_Next x) = type_unliftN (Proxy::Proxy p) x
353 type_unliftN _ (Type_Alt_Curr _) = Nothing
355 -- | Convenient wrapper around 'type_unliftN',
356 -- passing it the 'Peano' number from 'Peano_of_Type'.
357 type_unlift
358 :: forall ty tys (root:: * -> *) h.
359 Type_Unlift ty tys =>
360 tys root h -> Maybe (ty root h)
361 type_unlift = type_unliftN (Proxy::Proxy (Peano_of_Type ty tys))
363 -- * Type family 'May_be_Type1'
364 type family May_be_Type1
365 (ty:: (* -> *) -> * -> *) :: Bool where
366 May_be_Type1 (Type_Type1 f) = 'True
367 May_be_Type1 (Type_Alt (Type_Type1 f) next) = 'True
368 May_be_Type1 (Type_Alt curr next) = May_be_Type1 next
369 May_be_Type1 ty = 'False
371 -- * Type 'Unlift_Type1'
372 class Unlift_Type1 ty where
373 unlift_type1
374 :: forall (root:: * -> *) ret h.
375 ty root h
376 -> (forall (f:: * -> *).
377 ( Type_Type1 f root h
378 , Type_Lift1 f ty
379 ) -> Maybe ret)
380 -> Maybe ret
381 unlift_type1 _ty _k = Nothing
382 instance Unlift_Type1 (Type_Type1 f) where
383 unlift_type1 ty k = k (ty, Type_Lift1 id)
384 instance -- Type_Alt
385 ( Unlift_Type1 curr
386 , Unlift_Type1 next
387 ) => Unlift_Type1 (Type_Alt curr next) where
388 unlift_type1 (Type_Alt_Curr ty) k =
389 fromMaybe Nothing $ unlift_type1 ty $ \(t, Type_Lift1 l) ->
390 Just $ k (t, Type_Lift1 $ Type_Alt_Curr . l)
391 unlift_type1 (Type_Alt_Next ty) k =
392 fromMaybe Nothing $ unlift_type1 ty $ \(t, Type_Lift1 l) ->
393 Just $ k (t, Type_Lift1 $ Type_Alt_Next . l)
395 -- * Type 'Type_Type1'
396 data Type_Type1 f (root:: * -> *) h where
397 Type_Type1 :: Proxy f -> root a -> Type_Type1 f root (f a)
398 type instance Root_of_Type (Type_Type1 f root) = root
399 type instance Error_of_Type ast (Type_Type1 f root) = No_Error_Type
401 instance Constraint_Type Eq (Type_Type1 f root)
402 instance Constraint_Type Ord (Type_Type1 f root)
404 instance -- Eq_Type
405 Eq_Type root =>
406 Eq_Type (Type_Type1 f root) where
407 eq_type (Type_Type1 _f1 a1) (Type_Type1 _f2 a2)
408 | Just Refl <- a1 `eq_type` a2
409 = Just Refl
410 eq_type _ _ = Nothing
411 instance -- Eq_Type1
412 Eq_Type1 root =>
413 Eq_Type1 (Type_Type1 f root) where
414 eq_type1 Type_Type1{} Type_Type1{}
415 = Just Refl
416 instance -- Eq
417 Eq_Type root =>
418 Eq (Type_Type1 f root h) where
419 x == y = isJust $ eq_type x y
420 instance -- Show
421 String_from_Type (Type_Type1 f root) =>
422 Show (Type_Type1 f root h) where
423 show = string_from_type
425 -- * Type 'Type1_f'
426 type Type1_f tys
427 = Type1_fN (Peano_of_Type1 tys) tys
429 -- ** Type 'Type1_fN'
430 type family Type1_fN (p:: *) (tys:: (* -> *) -> * -> *) :: * -> *
431 type instance Type1_fN Zero (Type_Type1 f) = f
432 type instance Type1_fN Zero (Type_Alt (Type_Type1 f) next) = f
433 type instance Type1_fN (Succ p) (Type_Alt curr next) = Type1_fN p next
435 -- ** Type 'Peano_of_Type1'
436 type family Peano_of_Type1
437 (tys:: (* -> *) -> * -> *) :: * where
438 Peano_of_Type1 (Type_Type1 f) = Zero
439 Peano_of_Type1 (Type_Alt (Type_Type1 f) next) = Zero
440 Peano_of_Type1 (Type_Alt curr next) = Succ (Peano_of_Type1 next)
442 -- ** Type 'Type_Unlift1'
443 -- | Apply 'Peano_of_Type1' on 'Type_Unlift1N'.
444 type Type_Unlift1 tys
445 = Type_Unlift1N (Peano_of_Type1 tys) tys
447 -- *** Class 'Type_Unlift1N'
448 -- | Try to unlift1 a given type out of a given type stack including it,
449 -- by deconstructing the appropriate sequence of 'Type_Alt_Curr' and 'Type_Alt_Next'.
450 class Type_Unlift1N (p:: *) tys where
451 type_unlift1N
452 :: forall (root:: * -> *) h
453 . Proxy p
454 -> tys root h
455 -> Maybe ( Type_Type1 (Type1_fN p tys) root h
456 , Type_Lift1 (Type1_fN p tys) tys )
457 data Type_Lift1 f tys
458 = Type_Lift1 ( forall (root:: * -> *) h
459 . Type_Type1 f root h -> tys root h
460 )
461 instance Type_Unlift1N Zero (Type_Type1 f) where
462 type_unlift1N _ ty = Just (ty, Type_Lift1 id)
463 instance Type_Unlift1N Zero (Type_Alt (Type_Type1 f) next) where
464 type_unlift1N _ (Type_Alt_Curr x) = Just (x, Type_Lift1 Type_Alt_Curr)
465 type_unlift1N _ (Type_Alt_Next _) = Nothing
466 instance
467 Type_Unlift1N p next =>
468 Type_Unlift1N (Succ p) (Type_Alt curr next) where
469 type_unlift1N _ (Type_Alt_Next x) =
470 ((\(Type_Lift1 cons) -> Type_Lift1 $ Type_Alt_Next . cons) <$>) <$>
471 type_unlift1N (Proxy::Proxy p) x
472 type_unlift1N _ (Type_Alt_Curr _) = Nothing
474 -- | Convenient wrapper around 'type_unlift1N',
475 -- passing it the 'Peano' number from 'Peano_of_Type1'.
476 type_unlift1
477 :: forall tys (root:: * -> *) h
478 . Type_Unlift1 tys
479 => tys root h
480 -> Maybe ( Type_Type1 (Type1_fN (Peano_of_Type1 tys) tys) root h
481 , Type_Lift1 (Type1_fN (Peano_of_Type1 tys) tys) tys )
482 type_unlift1 = type_unlift1N (Proxy::Proxy (Peano_of_Type1 tys))
484 -- ** Type family 'Is_Last_Type'
485 -- | Return whether a given type is the last one in a given type stack.
486 --
487 -- NOTE: each type parser uses this type family
488 -- when it encounters unsupported syntax:
489 -- to know if it is the last type parser component that will be tried
490 -- (and thus return 'Error_Type_Unsupported')
491 -- or if some other type parser component shall be tried
492 -- (and thus return 'Error_Type_Unsupported_here',
493 -- which is then handled accordingly by the 'Type_from' instance of 'Type_Alt').
494 type family Is_Last_Type (ty:: * -> *) (tys:: * -> *) :: Bool where
495 Is_Last_Type ty ty = 'True
496 Is_Last_Type ty (Type_Root tys) = Is_Last_Type ty (tys (Type_Root tys))
497 Is_Last_Type (ty root) (Type_Alt ty next root) = 'False
498 Is_Last_Type other (Type_Alt curr next root) = Is_Last_Type other (next root)
500 -- * Type 'Error_Type_Alt'
501 -- | Error type making an alternative between two error types.
502 data Error_Type_Alt curr next
503 = Error_Type_Alt_Curr curr
504 | Error_Type_Alt_Next next
505 deriving (Eq, Show)
507 -- ** Type 'Error_Type_Lift'
508 type Error_Type_Lift err errs
509 = Error_Type_LiftN (Peano_of_Error_Type err errs) err errs
511 -- *** Type 'Peano_of_Error_Type'
512 -- | Return a 'Peano' number derived from the location
513 -- of a given error type within a given error type stack.
514 type family Peano_of_Error_Type (err:: *) (errs:: *) :: * where
515 Peano_of_Error_Type err err = Zero
516 Peano_of_Error_Type err (Error_Type_Alt err next) = Zero
517 Peano_of_Error_Type other (Error_Type_Alt curr next) = Succ (Peano_of_Error_Type other next)
519 -- *** Class 'Error_Type_LiftN'
520 -- | Lift a given error type to the top of a given error type stack including it,
521 -- by constructing the appropriate sequence of 'Error_Type_Alt_Curr' and 'Error_Type_Alt_Next'.
522 class Error_Type_LiftN (p:: *) err errs where
523 error_type_liftN :: Proxy p -> err -> errs
524 instance Error_Type_LiftN Zero curr curr where
525 error_type_liftN _ = id
526 instance Error_Type_LiftN Zero curr (Error_Type_Alt curr next) where
527 error_type_liftN _ = Error_Type_Alt_Curr
528 instance
529 Error_Type_LiftN p other next =>
530 Error_Type_LiftN (Succ p) other (Error_Type_Alt curr next) where
531 error_type_liftN _ = Error_Type_Alt_Next . error_type_liftN (Proxy::Proxy p)
533 -- | Convenient wrapper around 'error_type_unliftN',
534 -- passing it the 'Peano' number from 'Peano_of_Error_Type'.
535 error_type_lift
536 :: forall err errs.
537 Error_Type_Lift err errs =>
538 err -> errs
539 error_type_lift = error_type_liftN (Proxy::Proxy (Peano_of_Error_Type err errs))
541 -- ** Type 'Error_Type_Unlift'
542 -- | Apply 'Peano_of_Error_Type' on 'Error_Type_UnliftN'.
543 type Error_Type_Unlift ty tys
544 = Error_Type_UnliftN (Peano_of_Error_Type ty tys) ty tys
546 -- | Convenient wrapper around 'error_type_unliftN',
547 -- passing it the 'Peano' number from 'Peano_of_Error_Type'.
548 error_type_unlift
549 :: forall ty tys.
550 Error_Type_Unlift ty tys =>
551 tys -> Maybe ty
552 error_type_unlift = error_type_unliftN (Proxy::Proxy (Peano_of_Error_Type ty tys))
554 -- *** Class 'Error_Type_UnliftN'
555 -- | Try to unlift a given type error out of a given type error stack including it,
556 -- by deconstructing the appropriate sequence of 'Error_Type_Alt_Curr' and 'Error_Type_Alt_Next'.
557 class Error_Type_UnliftN (p:: *) ty tys where
558 error_type_unliftN :: Proxy p -> tys -> Maybe ty
559 instance Error_Type_UnliftN Zero curr curr where
560 error_type_unliftN _ = Just
561 instance Error_Type_UnliftN Zero curr (Error_Type_Alt curr next) where
562 error_type_unliftN _ (Error_Type_Alt_Curr x) = Just x
563 error_type_unliftN _ (Error_Type_Alt_Next _) = Nothing
564 instance
565 Error_Type_UnliftN p other next =>
566 Error_Type_UnliftN (Succ p) other (Error_Type_Alt curr next) where
567 error_type_unliftN _ (Error_Type_Alt_Next x) = error_type_unliftN (Proxy::Proxy p) x
568 error_type_unliftN _ (Error_Type_Alt_Curr _) = Nothing
570 -- ** Type 'Error_Type_Read'
571 -- | Common type errors.
572 data Error_Type ast
573 = Error_Type_Unsupported ast
574 -- ^ Given syntax is supported by none
575 -- of the type parser components
576 -- of the type stack.
577 | Error_Type_Unsupported_here ast
578 -- ^ Given syntax not supported by the current type parser component.
579 | Error_Type_Wrong_number_of_arguments ast Int
580 deriving (Eq, Show)
582 -- | Convenient wrapper around 'error_type_lift',
583 -- passing the type family boilerplate.
584 error_type
585 :: Error_Type_Lift (Error_Type ast)
586 (Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty))
587 => Proxy ty
588 -> Error_Type ast
589 -> Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty)
590 error_type _ = error_type_lift
592 error_type_unsupported
593 :: forall ast ty.
594 ( Implicit_HBool (Is_Last_Type ty (Root_of_Type ty))
595 , Error_Type_Lift (Error_Type ast) (Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty))
596 ) => Proxy ty -> ast
597 -> Error_of_Type ast (Root_of_Type ty)
598 error_type_unsupported ty ast =
599 case hbool :: HBool (Is_Last_Type ty (Root_of_Type ty)) of
600 HTrue -> error_type ty $ Error_Type_Unsupported ast
601 HFalse -> error_type ty $ Error_Type_Unsupported_here ast
603 -- * Class 'String_from_Type'
604 -- | Return a 'String' from a type.
605 class String_from_Type ty where
606 string_from_type :: ty h -> String
608 -- * Type 'Exists_Type'
609 -- | Existential data type wrapping the index of a type.
610 data Exists_Type ty
611 = forall h. Exists_Type (ty h)
612 instance -- Eq
613 Eq_Type ty =>
614 Eq (Exists_Type ty) where
615 Exists_Type xh == Exists_Type yh =
616 isJust $ xh `eq_type` yh
617 instance -- Show
618 String_from_Type ty =>
619 Show (Exists_Type ty) where
620 show (Exists_Type ty) = string_from_type ty
622 -- * Type 'Exists_Type1'
623 -- | Existential data type wrapping the index of a type1.
624 data Exists_Type1 ty
625 = forall h. Exists_Type1 (ty h -> ty h)
627 -- * Type 'Exists_Type_and_Repr'
628 data Exists_Type_and_Repr ty repr
629 = forall h.
630 Exists_Type_and_Repr (ty h) (repr h)
632 -- * Type family 'HBool'
633 -- | Host-type equality.
634 type family HEq x y :: Bool where
635 HEq x x = 'True
636 HEq x y = 'False
637 -- ** Type 'HBool'
638 -- | Boolean singleton.
639 data HBool b where
640 HTrue :: HBool 'True
641 HFalse :: HBool 'False
642 -- ** Class 'Implicit_HBool'
643 -- | Construct a host-term boolean singleton from a host-type boolean.
644 class Implicit_HBool b where hbool :: HBool b
645 instance Implicit_HBool 'True where hbool = HTrue
646 instance Implicit_HBool 'False where hbool = HFalse