]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic/Language/Symantic/Compiling/Module.hs
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[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic / Language / Symantic / Compiling / Module.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
7 module Language.Symantic.Compiling.Module where
9 import Data.Bool (not)
10 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
11 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
12 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
13 import Data.Set (Set)
14 import Data.String (IsString(..))
15 import Prelude hiding (mod, not)
16 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
18 import Language.Symantic.Grammar
19 import Language.Symantic.Typing
20 import Language.Symantic.Compiling.Term
22 -- * Class 'ModuleFor'
23 class ModuleFor src ss s where
24 moduleFor :: (PathMod, Module src ss)
25 moduleFor = ([], moduleEmpty)
27 importModules :: PathMod -> Modules src ss -> Imports NameTe
28 importModules as (Modules mods) =
29 Imports $ Map.singleton as $
30 Map.foldrWithKey
31 (\pm (ByFixity mp mi mq) acc ->
32 acc <> ByFixity
33 { byPrefix = pm <$ mp
34 , byInfix = pm <$ mi
35 , byPostfix = pm <$ mq
36 }
37 ) mempty mods
39 -- * Type 'Modules'
40 newtype Modules src ss
41 = Modules
42 { modules :: Map PathMod (Module src ss)
43 } deriving (Eq, Show)
45 unionModules :: Modules src ss -> Modules src ss -> Either Error_Module (Modules src ss)
46 unionModules mx@(Modules x) my@(Modules y) =
47 case check x y of
48 Just err -> Left err
49 Nothing -> Right $ unionModulesUnchecked mx my
50 where
51 check ::
52 Map PathMod (Module src ss) ->
53 Map PathMod (Module src ss) ->
54 Maybe Error_Module
55 check x' y' =
56 case Map.intersectionWith (,) x' y' of
57 xy | null xy -> Nothing
58 xy ->
59 let errs =
60 Map.filter (not . null) $
61 (<$> xy) $ \(a, b) ->
62 inter a b byPrefix <>
63 inter a b byInfix <>
64 inter a b byPostfix in
65 case errs of
66 e | null e -> Nothing
67 e -> Just $ Error_Module_colliding_Term e
68 where
69 inter a b f = Map.keysSet $ Map.intersection (f a) (f b)
71 unionModulesUnchecked :: Modules src ss -> Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
72 unionModulesUnchecked (Modules x) (Modules y) =
73 Modules $ Map.unionWith (<>) x y
75 -- ** Type 'Error_Module'
76 data Error_Module
77 = Error_Module_colliding_Term (Map PathMod (Set NameTe))
78 | Error_Module_ambiguous (Mod NameTe) (Map PathMod NameTe)
79 | Error_Module_missing PathMod
80 | Error_Module_missing_Term (Mod NameTe) -- FixyA
81 deriving (Eq, Show)
83 -- ** Type 'Module'
84 type Module src ss = ByFixity (ModuleFixy src ss Unifix)
85 (ModuleFixy src ss Infix)
86 (ModuleFixy src ss Unifix)
88 moduleEmpty :: Module src ss
89 moduleEmpty = ByFixity
90 { byPrefix = mempty
91 , byInfix = mempty
92 , byPostfix = mempty
93 }
95 moduleWhere :: forall src ss. Source src => PathMod -> [DefTerm src ss] -> (PathMod, Module src ss)
96 moduleWhere mod lst =
97 (mod,) ByFixity
98 { byInfix = mk $ \(n `WithFixity` fixy := t) ->
99 case fixy of
100 Fixity2 inf -> [(n, Tokenizer inf $ Token_Term . setSource (TermAVT t))]
101 _ -> []
102 , byPrefix = mk $ \(n `WithFixity` fixy := t) ->
103 case fixy of
104 Fixity1 pre@Prefix{} -> [(n, Tokenizer pre $ Token_Term . setSource (TermAVT t))]
105 _ -> []
106 , byPostfix = mk $ \(n `WithFixity` fixy := t) ->
107 case fixy of
108 Fixity1 post@Postfix{} -> [(n, Tokenizer post $ Token_Term . setSource (TermAVT t))]
109 _ -> []
110 }
111 where
112 mk ::
113 (DefTerm src ss -> [(NameTe, Tokenizer src ss fixy)]) ->
114 Map NameTe (Tokenizer src ss fixy)
115 mk = Map.fromList . (`foldMap` lst)
117 -- *** Type 'ModuleFixy'
118 type ModuleFixy src ss fixy = Map NameTe (Tokenizer src ss fixy)
120 -- ** Type 'Tokenizer'
121 data Tokenizer src ss fixy
122 = Tokenizer
123 { token_fixity :: fixy
124 , token_term :: src -> Token_Term src ss
125 }
126 instance (Source src, Eq fixy) => Eq (Tokenizer src ss fixy) where
127 Tokenizer fx x == Tokenizer fy y = fx == fy && (x noSource) == (y noSource)
128 instance Source src => Show (Tokenizer src ss fixy) where
129 show (Tokenizer _fx x) = show (x noSource)
131 -- ** Type 'AST_Term'
132 -- | /Abstract Syntax Tree/ of 'Token_Term'.
133 type AST_Term src ss = BinTree (Token_Term src ss)
135 -- ** Type 'Token_Term'
136 data Token_Term src ss
137 = Token_Term (TermAVT src ss)
138 | Token_TermVT (TermVT src ss '[])
139 | Token_Term_Abst src NameTe (AST_Type src) (AST_Term src ss)
140 | Token_Term_Var src NameTe
141 | Token_Term_Let src NameTe (AST_Term src ss) (AST_Term src ss)
142 | Token_Term_App src
143 -- deriving (Eq, Show)
144 instance Source src => Eq (Token_Term src ss) where
145 Token_Term x == Token_Term y = x == y
146 Token_TermVT x == Token_TermVT y = x == y
147 Token_Term_Abst _ nx ax rx == Token_Term_Abst _ ny ay ry = nx == ny && ax == ay && rx == ry
148 Token_Term_Var _ x == Token_Term_Var _ y = x == y
149 Token_Term_Let _ nx ax rx == Token_Term_Let _ ny ay ry = nx == ny && ax == ay && rx == ry
150 Token_Term_App _ == Token_Term_App _ = True
151 _ == _ = False
152 instance Source src => Show (Token_Term src ss) where
153 showsPrec p (Token_Term x) =
154 showParen (p >= 10) $
155 showString "Token_Term" .
156 showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 x
157 showsPrec p (Token_TermVT x) =
158 showParen (p >= 10) $
159 showString "Token_TermVT" .
160 showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 x
161 showsPrec p (Token_Term_Abst _ n a r) =
162 showParen (p >= 10) $
163 showString "Token_Term_Abst" .
164 showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 n .
165 showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 a .
166 showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 r
167 showsPrec p (Token_Term_Var _ x) =
168 showParen (p >= 10) $
169 showString "Token_Term_Var" .
170 showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 x
171 showsPrec p (Token_Term_Let _ n a r) =
172 showParen (p >= 10) $
173 showString "Token_Term_Let" .
174 showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 n .
175 showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 a .
176 showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 r
177 showsPrec _p (Token_Term_App _) = showString "Token_Term_App"
179 -- ** Type 'NameTe'
180 newtype NameTe = NameTe Name
181 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
182 instance IsString NameTe where
183 fromString = NameTe . fromString
184 instance NameOf NameTe where
185 nameOf (NameTe n) = n
187 -- * Class 'ModulesInj'
188 type ModulesInj src ss
189 = ModulesInjR src ss ss
191 modulesInj ::
192 forall src ss.
193 ModulesInj src ss =>
194 Either Error_Module (Modules src ss)
195 modulesInj = modulesInjR @_ @_ @ss
197 -- ** Class 'ModulesInjR'
198 class ModulesInjR src (ss::[*]) (rs::[*]) where
199 modulesInjR :: Either Error_Module (Modules src ss)
200 instance ModulesInjR src ss '[] where
201 modulesInjR = Right $ Modules mempty
202 instance
203 ( ModuleFor src ss s
204 , ModulesInjR src ss rs
205 ) => ModulesInjR src ss (Proxy s ': rs) where
206 modulesInjR = do
207 x <- modulesInjR @_ @_ @rs
208 let (n, m) = moduleFor @_ @_ @s
209 Modules (Map.singleton n m) `unionModules` x
211 -- * Type 'DefTerm'
212 data DefTerm src ss
213 = forall vs t.
214 (:=) (WithFixity NameTe)
215 (forall ts. Term src ss ts vs t)
217 -- | Lookup given 'Mod' 'NameTe' into the 'Infix' 'TermDef' of given 'Modules'.
218 --
219 -- NOTE: 'Token_Term_App' is returned for the space 'NameTe'.
220 lookupDefTerm ::
221 forall src ss fixy.
222 Fixy (ModuleFixy src ss Unifix)
223 (ModuleFixy src ss Infix)
224 (ModuleFixy src ss Unifix)
225 (ModuleFixy src ss fixy) ->
226 Imports NameTe ->
227 Mod NameTe ->
228 Modules src ss ->
229 Either Error_Module (Tokenizer src ss fixy)
230 lookupDefTerm FixyInfix _is ([] `Mod` " ") _ms =
231 Right $ Tokenizer
232 { token_term = Token_Term_App @src @ss
233 , token_fixity = Infix (Just AssocL) 9
234 }
235 lookupDefTerm fixy imps mn@(m `Mod` n) (Modules mods) =
236 let m' = m `fromMaybe` lookupImports fixy mn imps in
237 maybe (Left $ Error_Module_missing m') Right (Map.lookup m' mods) >>=
238 maybe (Left $ Error_Module_missing_Term mn) Right .
239 Map.lookup n . selectByFixity fixy
241 -- | Delete given 'Mod' 'NameTe' into given 'Modules'.
242 deleteDefTerm :: Mod NameTe -> Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
243 deleteDefTerm (m `Mod` n) (Modules ms) = Modules $ Map.adjust del m ms
244 where del mod = mod
245 { byPrefix = Map.delete n $ byPrefix mod
246 , byInfix = Map.delete n $ byInfix mod
247 , byPostfix = Map.delete n $ byPostfix mod
248 }
250 -- | Delete given 'Mod' 'NameTe' into 'byInfix's of given 'Modules'.
251 deleteDefTermInfix :: Mod NameTe -> Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
252 deleteDefTermInfix (m `Mod` n) (Modules ms) = Modules $ Map.adjust del m ms
253 where del mod = mod{byInfix = Map.delete n $ byInfix mod}
255 -- | Delete given 'Mod' 'NameTe' into 'byPrefix's of given 'Modules'.
256 deleteDefTermPrefix :: Mod NameTe -> Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
257 deleteDefTermPrefix (m `Mod` n) (Modules ms) = Modules $ Map.adjust del m ms
258 where del mod = mod{byPrefix = Map.delete n $ byPrefix mod}
260 -- | Delete given 'Mod' 'NameTe' into 'byPostfix's of given 'Modules'.
261 deleteDefTermPostix :: Mod NameTe -> Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
262 deleteDefTermPostix (m `Mod` n) (Modules ms) = Modules $ Map.adjust del m ms
263 where del mod = mod{byPostfix = Map.delete n $ byPostfix mod}
265 insertDefTerm ::
266 forall src ss.
267 Source src =>
268 Mod (DefTerm src ss) -> Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
269 insertDefTerm (m `Mod` (n `WithFixity` fixy := t)) (Modules ms) =
270 Modules $ Map.insert m (insertFixity ins fixy moduleEmpty) ms
271 where
272 ins :: fx -> ModuleFixy src ss fx -> ModuleFixy src ss fx
273 ins fx = Map.insert n $ Tokenizer fx $ Token_Term . setSource (TermAVT t)
275 insertTermVT ::
276 forall src ss.
277 Source src =>
278 Mod (TermVT src ss '[]) -> NameTe -> Fixity ->
279 Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
280 insertTermVT (m `Mod` t) n fixy (Modules ms) =
281 Modules $ Map.insert m (insertFixity ins fixy moduleEmpty) ms
282 where
283 ins :: fx -> ModuleFixy src ss fx -> ModuleFixy src ss fx
284 ins fx = Map.insert n $ Tokenizer fx $ Token_TermVT . setSource t
286 insertFixity ::
287 (forall fx. fx -> ModuleFixy src ss fx -> ModuleFixy src ss fx) ->
288 Fixity -> Module src ss -> Module src ss
289 insertFixity ins fx mod =
290 case fx of
291 Fixity1 uni@Prefix{} -> mod {byPrefix = ins uni $ byPrefix mod}
292 Fixity2 inf@Infix{} -> mod {byInfix = ins inf $ byInfix mod}
293 Fixity1 uni@Postfix{} -> mod {byPostfix = ins uni $ byPostfix mod}