]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic-lib/Language/Symantic/Grammar/Megaparsec.hs
Add TyApp pattern synonyms (:$) and (:@).
[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic-lib / Language / Symantic / Grammar / Megaparsec.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
3 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
4 -- | Symantic instances for Megaparsec
5 module Grammar.Megaparsec where
7 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
8 import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
9 import Data.Char (Char)
10 import Data.Either (Either(..))
11 import Data.Function (($), (.))
12 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$>))
13 import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
14 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
15 import Data.String (IsString(..))
16 import Data.Typeable ()
17 import Text.Show (Show(..))
18 import qualified Control.Applicative as Alt
19 import qualified Control.Monad.Classes as MC
20 import qualified Data.Char as Char
21 import qualified Data.Text as Text
22 import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
24 import Language.Symantic.Grammar as Sym
25 import qualified Language.Symantic as Sym
26 import Language.Symantic.Lib ()
28 -- * Type 'ParsecC'
29 -- | Convenient alias for defining instances involving 'P.ParsecT'.
30 type ParsecC e s = (P.Token s ~ Char, P.Stream s, P.ErrorComponent e)
31 instance ParsecC e s => IsString (P.ParsecT e s m [Char]) where
32 fromString = P.string
34 --
35 -- Readers
36 --
38 -- NonEmpty P.SourcePos
39 instance ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Reader (NonEmpty P.SourcePos) (P.ParsecT e s m) where
40 askBefore g = do
41 s <- P.statePos <$> P.getParserState
42 ($ s) <$> g
43 askAfter g = do
44 f <- g
45 f . P.statePos <$> P.getParserState
46 type instance MC.CanDo (P.ParsecT e s m) (MC.EffReader (NonEmpty P.SourcePos)) = 'True
47 instance ParsecC e s => MC.MonadReaderN 'MC.Zero (NonEmpty P.SourcePos) (P.ParsecT e s m) where
48 askN _n = P.statePos <$> P.getParserState
49 -- P.SourcePos
50 instance ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Reader P.SourcePos (P.ParsecT e s m) where
51 askBefore g = do
52 s <- P.getPosition
53 ($ s) <$> g
54 askAfter g = do
55 f <- g
56 f <$> P.getPosition
57 type instance MC.CanDo (P.ParsecT e s m) (MC.EffReader P.SourcePos) = 'True
58 instance ParsecC e s => MC.MonadReaderN 'MC.Zero P.SourcePos (P.ParsecT e s m) where
59 askN _n = P.getPosition
60 -- ()
61 instance ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Reader () (P.ParsecT e s m) where
62 askBefore = fmap ($ ())
63 askAfter = fmap ($ ())
65 --
66 -- States
67 --
69 -- st
70 type instance MC.CanDo (P.ParsecT e s m) (MC.EffState st) = 'False
71 instance (Monad m, MC.MonadState st m) => Sym.Gram_State st m where
72 stateBefore g = do
73 s <- MC.get
74 f <- g
75 let (s', a) = f s
76 MC.put s'
77 return a
78 stateAfter g = do
79 f <- g
80 s <- MC.get
81 let (s_, a) = f s
82 MC.put s_
83 return a
84 getBefore g = do
85 s <- MC.get
86 f <- g
87 return (f s)
88 getAfter g = do
89 f <- g
90 s <- MC.get
91 return (f s)
92 put g = do
93 (s, a) <- g
94 MC.put s
95 return a
97 --
98 -- Sym instances
99 --
100 instance (ParsecC e s, Show err) => Sym.Gram_Error err (P.ParsecT e s m) where
101 catch me {- if you can :-} = do
102 e <- me
103 case e of
104 Left err -> fail $ show err
105 Right a -> return a
106 instance ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Rule (P.ParsecT e s m) where
107 rule = P.label . Text.unpack
108 instance ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Terminal (P.ParsecT e s m) where
109 any = P.anyChar
110 eoi = P.eof
111 char = P.char
112 string = P.string
113 unicat cat = P.satisfy $ (`elem` cats) . Char.generalCategory
114 where cats = unicode_categories cat
115 range (l, h) = P.satisfy $ \c -> l <= c && c <= h
116 Terminal f `but` Terminal p = Terminal $ P.notFollowedBy (P.try p) *> f
117 instance ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Alt (P.ParsecT e s m) where
118 empty = Alt.empty
119 (<+>) = (Alt.<|>)
120 choice = P.choice
121 instance ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Try (P.ParsecT e s m) where
122 try = P.try
123 instance ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_RegR (P.ParsecT e s m) where
124 Terminal f .*> Reg x = Reg $ f <*> x
125 instance ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_RegL (P.ParsecT e s m) where
126 Reg f <*. Terminal x = Reg $ f <*> x
127 instance ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_App (P.ParsecT e s m) where
128 between = P.between
129 instance ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_AltApp (P.ParsecT e s m) where
130 option = P.option
131 optional = P.optional
132 many = P.many
133 some = P.some
134 manySkip = P.skipMany
135 instance ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_CF (P.ParsecT e s m) where
136 CF f <& Reg p = CF $ P.lookAhead f <*> p
137 Reg f &> CF p = CF $ P.lookAhead f <*> p
138 minus (CF f) (Reg p) = CF $ P.notFollowedBy (P.try p) *> f
139 instance ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Comment (P.ParsecT e s m)
140 instance ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Op (P.ParsecT e s m)
141 instance ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Mod (P.ParsecT e s m)
142 instance ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Type_Name (P.ParsecT e s m)
143 instance ParsecC e s => Sym.Gram_Term_Name (P.ParsecT e s m)
144 instance -- Sym.Gram_Type
145 ( ParsecC e s
146 , Gram_Source src (P.ParsecT e s m)
147 , Show src
148 , MC.MonadState ( Sym.Imports Sym.NameTy
149 , Sym.ModulesTy src ) (P.ParsecT e s m)
150 ) => Sym.Gram_Type src (P.ParsecT e s m)
151 instance -- Sym.Gram_Term_Type
152 ( ParsecC e s
153 , Show src
154 , MC.MonadState ( Sym.Imports Sym.NameTy
155 , Sym.ModulesTy src ) (P.ParsecT e s m)
156 , Gram_Source src (P.ParsecT e s m)
157 ) => Sym.Gram_Term_Type src (P.ParsecT e s m)
158 instance -- Sym.Gram_Term
159 ( ParsecC e s
160 , Show src
161 , MC.MonadState ( Sym.Imports Sym.NameTy
162 , Sym.ModulesTy src ) (P.ParsecT e s m)
163 , MC.MonadState ( Sym.Imports Sym.NameTe
164 , Sym.Modules src ss ) (P.ParsecT e s m)
165 , Sym.Gram_Source src (P.ParsecT e s m)
166 , Sym.Gram_Term_Atoms src ss (P.ParsecT e s m)
167 ) => Sym.Gram_Term src ss (P.ParsecT e s m)