]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic/Language/Symantic/Typing/Constraint.hs
Add support for (>=>).
[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic / Language / Symantic / Typing / Constraint.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
5 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fconstraint-solver-iterations=7 #-}
6 module Language.Symantic.Typing.Constraint where
8 import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
9 import Data.Proxy
11 import Language.Symantic.Typing.Type
13 -- * Type 'TyCon'
14 -- | Captures the proof of a 'Constraint'
15 -- (and its dictionary for a type class):
16 -- pattern matching on the 'TyCon' constructor
17 -- brings the 'Constraint' into scope.
18 data TyCon c where
19 TyCon :: c => TyCon c
21 -- * Type 'Proj_TyCon'
22 -- | Convenient type synonym wrapping 'Proj_TyConR'
23 -- to initiate its recursion.
24 type Proj_TyCon cs = Proj_TyConR cs cs
26 -- | Project the 'Constraint' indexed by the given 'Type'
27 -- onto its proof, captured by 'TyCon' when it holds.
28 proj_TyCon
29 :: forall cs q. Proj_TyCon cs
30 => Type cs q
31 -> Maybe (TyCon q)
32 proj_TyCon = proj_TyConR (Proxy @cs)
34 -- ** Class 'Proj_TyConR'
35 -- | Intermediate type class to construct an instance of 'Proj_TyCon'
36 -- from many instances of 'Proj_TyConC', one for each item of @cs@.
37 --
38 -- * @cs@: starting list of /type constants/.
39 -- * @rs@: remaining list of /type constants/.
40 class Proj_TyConR cs rs where
41 proj_TyConR :: Proxy rs -> Type cs q -> Maybe (TyCon q)
42 proj_TyConR _rs _q = Nothing
44 -- | Test whether @c@ handles the work of 'Proj_TyCon' or not,
45 -- or recurse on @rs@, preserving the starting list of /type constants/.
46 instance
47 ( Proj_TyConC cs c
48 , Proj_TyConR cs rs
49 ) => Proj_TyConR cs (c ': rs) where
50 proj_TyConR _rs q =
51 proj_TyConC (Proxy @c) q <|>
52 proj_TyConR (Proxy @rs) q
53 -- | End the recursion.
54 instance Proj_TyConR cs '[]
56 -- ** Class 'Proj_TyConC'
57 -- | Handle the work of 'Proj_TyCon' for a given /type constant/ @c@,
58 -- that is: maybe it handles the given 'Constraint',
59 -- and if so, maybe the 'Constraint' holds.
60 class Proj_TyConC cs c where
61 proj_TyConC :: Proxy c -> Type cs q -> Maybe (TyCon q)
62 proj_TyConC _c _q = Nothing