]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic-grammar/Language/Symantic/Grammar/Meta.hs
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[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic-grammar / Language / Symantic / Grammar / Meta.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
3 module Language.Symantic.Grammar.Meta where
5 import Data.Either (Either)
6 import Data.Function (($), const)
7 import Data.Functor (Functor, (<$>))
9 import Language.Symantic.Grammar.Source
11 -- * Type 'Gram_Reader'
12 class Gram_Reader st g where
13 askBefore :: g (st -> a) -> g a
14 askAfter :: g (st -> a) -> g a
16 -- * Type 'Gram_State'
17 class Gram_State st g where
18 stateBefore :: g (st -> (st, a)) -> g a
19 stateAfter :: g (st -> (st, a)) -> g a
20 getBefore :: g (st -> a) -> g a
21 getAfter :: g (st -> a) -> g a
22 put :: g (st, a) -> g a
23 default getBefore :: Functor g => g (st -> a) -> g a
24 default getAfter :: Functor g => g (st -> a) -> g a
25 default put :: Functor g => g (st, a) -> g a
26 getBefore g = stateBefore ((\f st -> (st, f st)) <$> g)
27 getAfter g = stateAfter ((\f st -> (st, f st)) <$> g)
28 put g = stateAfter ((\(st, a) -> const (st, a)) <$> g)
30 -- * Class 'Gram_Error'
31 -- | Symantics for handling errors at the semantic level (not the syntaxic one).
32 class Gram_Error err g where
33 catch :: g (Either err a) -> g a
35 -- * Class 'Gram_Source'
36 class
37 ( Gram_Reader (Source_Input src) g
38 , SourceInj (Span (Source_Input src)) src
39 ) => Gram_Source src g where
40 source :: Functor g => g (src -> a) -> g a
41 source g =
42 askAfter $ askBefore $
43 (\f (beg::Source_Input src) (end::Source_Input src) ->
44 f (sourceInj $ Span beg end::src))
45 <$> g
46 instance
47 ( Gram_Reader (Source_Input src) g
48 , SourceInj (Span (Source_Input src)) src
49 ) => Gram_Source src g