]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic-document/Language/Symantic/Document/Valid.hs
Integrate types to the module system.
[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic-document / Language / Symantic / Document / Valid.hs
1 module Language.Symantic.Document.Valid where
3 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
4 import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
5 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
6 import Data.Foldable (elem)
7 import Data.Function (($), (.), id)
8 import Data.Functor (Functor(..))
9 import Data.Int (Int)
10 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
11 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
12 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
13 import Data.String (IsString(..))
14 import Text.Show (Show)
15 import qualified Data.Text as T
16 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
18 import Language.Symantic.Document.Sym
20 -- * Type 'Valid'
21 data Valid repr
22 = KO [Error_Valid]
23 | Ok repr
24 deriving (Eq, Show)
25 instance IsString repr => IsString (Valid repr) where
26 fromString = Ok . fromString
28 valid :: Valid repr -> Valid repr
29 valid = id
31 -- ** Type 'Error_Valid'
32 data Error_Valid
33 = Error_Valid_not_horizontal TL.Text
34 | Error_Valid_negative_replicate Int
35 deriving (Eq, Show)
37 instance Semigroup repr => Semigroup (Valid repr) where
38 Ok x <> Ok y = Ok $ x <> y
39 KO x <> Ok _ = KO x
40 Ok _ <> KO y = KO y
41 KO x <> KO y = KO $ x <> y
42 instance (Doc_Text repr, Semigroup repr) => Monoid (Valid repr) where
43 mempty = empty
44 mappend = (<>)
45 instance Functor Valid where
46 fmap _ (KO e) = KO e
47 fmap f (Ok a) = Ok $ f a
48 instance Applicative Valid where
49 pure = Ok
50 Ok f <*> Ok a = Ok $ f a
51 KO e <*> KO e' = KO $ e <> e'
52 Ok _f <*> KO e = KO e
53 KO e <*> Ok _a = KO e
54 instance Monad Valid where
55 return = Ok
56 Ok a >>= f = f a
57 KO e >>= _ = KO e
58 instance (Doc_Text repr, Semigroup repr) => Doc_Text (Valid repr) where
59 replicate i _ | i < 0 = KO [Error_Valid_negative_replicate i]
60 replicate i d = d >>= Ok . replicate i
61 int = pure . int
62 integer = pure . integer
63 char = pure . char
64 string = pure . string
65 text = pure . text
66 ltext = pure . ltext
67 charH '\n'= KO [Error_Valid_not_horizontal $ TL.singleton '\n']
68 charH c = Ok $ charH c
69 stringH t | '\n' `elem` t = KO [Error_Valid_not_horizontal $ fromString t]
70 stringH t = Ok $ stringH t
71 textH t | T.any (== '\n') t = KO [Error_Valid_not_horizontal $ TL.fromStrict t]
72 textH t = Ok $ textH t
73 ltextH t | TL.any (== '\n') t = KO [Error_Valid_not_horizontal t]
74 ltextH t = Ok $ ltextH t
75 instance Doc_Color repr => Doc_Color (Valid repr) where
76 reverse = fmap reverse
77 black = fmap black
78 red = fmap red
79 green = fmap green
80 yellow = fmap yellow
81 blue = fmap blue
82 magenta = fmap magenta
83 cyan = fmap cyan
84 white = fmap white
85 blacker = fmap blacker
86 redder = fmap redder
87 greener = fmap greener
88 yellower = fmap yellower
89 bluer = fmap bluer
90 magentaer = fmap magentaer
91 cyaner = fmap cyaner
92 whiter = fmap whiter
93 onBlack = fmap onBlack
94 onRed = fmap onRed
95 onGreen = fmap onGreen
96 onYellow = fmap onYellow
97 onBlue = fmap onBlue
98 onMagenta = fmap onMagenta
99 onCyan = fmap onCyan
100 onWhite = fmap onWhite
101 onBlacker = fmap onBlacker
102 onRedder = fmap onRedder
103 onGreener = fmap onGreener
104 onYellower = fmap onYellower
105 onBluer = fmap onBluer
106 onMagentaer = fmap onMagentaer
107 onCyaner = fmap onCyaner
108 onWhiter = fmap onWhiter
109 instance Doc_Decoration repr => Doc_Decoration (Valid repr) where
110 bold = fmap bold
111 italic = fmap italic
112 underline = fmap underline