]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - Language/Symantic/Parsing/Grammar/Test.hs
Fix Lib.Ord : Ordering.
[haskell/symantic.git] / Language / Symantic / Parsing / Grammar / Test.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
2 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
3 -- | This module defines symantics
4 -- for regular or context-free grammars.
5 -- It is intended to be imported qualified.
6 module Parsing.Grammar.Test where
8 import Test.Tasty
9 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
11 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
12 import qualified Control.Applicative as Alt
13 import Control.Monad
14 import Data.Monoid ((<>))
15 -- import Control.Comonad
16 import qualified Data.Char as Char
17 import Data.Functor.Identity
18 import qualified Data.List as List
19 import Data.String (IsString(..))
20 import qualified Data.Text as Text
21 import Prelude hiding (any, (^), exp)
22 import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
23 -- import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Lexer as L
25 import Language.Symantic.Parsing.Grammar
26 import Language.Symantic.Parsing.EBNF
28 -- * Type 'ParsecT'
29 type ParsecC e s = (P.Token s ~ Char, P.Stream s, P.ErrorComponent e)
30 instance ParsecC e s => IsString (P.ParsecT e s m [Char]) where
31 fromString = P.string
32 instance ParsecC e s => Gram_Rule (P.ParsecT e s m) where
33 rule = P.label . Text.unpack
34 instance ParsecC e s => Gram_Terminal (P.ParsecT e s m) where
35 any = P.anyChar
36 eoi = P.eof
37 char = P.char
38 string = P.string
39 unicat cat = P.satisfy $ (`List.elem` cats) . Char.generalCategory
40 where cats = unicode_categories cat
41 range (l, h) = P.satisfy $ \c -> l <= c && c <= h
42 but (Terminal f) (Terminal p) = Terminal $ P.notFollowedBy (P.try p) *> f
43 instance ParsecC e s => Alter (P.ParsecT e s m) where
44 empty = Alt.empty
45 x <+> y = P.try x Alt.<|> y
46 instance ParsecC e s => Gram_RegR (P.ParsecT e s m) where
47 Terminal f .*> Reg x = Reg $ f <*> x
48 instance ParsecC e s => Gram_RegL (P.ParsecT e s m) where
49 Reg f <*. Terminal x = Reg $ f <*> x
50 instance ParsecC e s => App (P.ParsecT e s m)
51 instance ParsecC e s => Alt (P.ParsecT e s m)
52 instance ParsecC e s => Gram_CF (P.ParsecT e s m) where
53 CF f <& Reg p = CF $ P.lookAhead f <*> p
54 Reg f &> CF p = CF $ P.lookAhead f <*> p
55 minus (CF f) (Reg p) = CF $ P.notFollowedBy (P.try p) *> f
56 instance ParsecC e s => Gram_Meta P.SourcePos (P.ParsecT e s m) where
57 metaG p = do
58 pos <- P.getPosition
59 ($ pos) <$> p
60 instance ParsecC e s => Gram_Lexer (P.ParsecT e s m)
62 runParserT :: Monad m
63 => P.ParsecT P.Dec s m a -> s
64 -> m (Either (P.ParseError (P.Token s) P.Dec) a)
65 runParserT p = P.runParserT p ""
67 runParser
68 :: P.ParsecT P.Dec s Identity a -> s
69 -> Either (P.ParseError (P.Token s) P.Dec) a
70 runParser p = P.runParser p ""
72 elide :: String -> String
73 elide s | length s > 42 = take 42 s ++ ['…']
74 elide s = s
76 tests :: TestTree
77 tests = testGroup "Grammar"
78 [ testGroup "Terminal" $
79 let (==>) inp exp =
80 testCase (elide $ Text.unpack exp) $
81 runEBNF (unTerminal (void inp)) @?= exp
82 ; infix 1 ==> in
83 [ string "" ==> "\"\""
84 , string "abé\"to" ==> "\"abé\", U+34, \"to\""
85 , string "\"" ==> "U+34"
86 , range ('a', 'z') ==> "\"a\"…\"z\""
87 , unicat Unicat_Letter ==> "Unicat_Letter"
88 , unicat (Unicat Char.LowercaseLetter) ==> "Unicat LowercaseLetter"
89 ]
90 , testGroup "Reg" $
91 let (==>) inp exp =
92 testCase (elide $ Text.unpack exp) $
93 runEBNF (unReg (void inp)) @?= exp
94 ; infix 1 ==> in
95 [ (<>) <$> string "0" .*> someR (char '1') ==> "\"0\", {\"1\"}-"
96 , (<>) <$> someL (char '1') <*. string "0" ==> "{\"1\"}-, \"0\""
97 ]
98 , testGroup "CF" $
99 let (==>) inp exp =
100 testCase (elide $ Text.unpack exp) $
101 runEBNF (unCF (void inp)) @?= exp
102 ; infix 1 ==> in
103 [ (<>) <$> string "0" <*> string "1" ==> "\"0\", \"1\""
104 , (<>) <$> string "0" <* string "X" <*> string "1" ==> "\"0\", \"X\", \"1\""
105 , (<>) <$> (string "0" <+> string "1") <*> string "2" ==> "(\"0\" | \"1\"), \"2\""
106 , (<>) <$> string "0" <*> (string "1" <+> string "2") ==> "\"0\", (\"1\" | \"2\")"
107 , string "0" <+> string "1" <+> string "2" ==> "\"0\" | \"1\" | \"2\""
108 , choice [string "0", string "1", string "2"] ==> "\"0\" | \"1\" | \"2\""
109 , (<>) <$> choice
110 [ (<>) <$> string "0" <*> string "1"
111 , string "2" <+> string "3"
112 , string "4"
113 ] <*> string "5" ==> "(\"0\", \"1\" | \"2\" | \"3\" | \"4\"), \"5\""
114 , concat <$> many (string "0") ==> "{\"0\"}"
115 , () <$ char 'a' <* char 'b' <* char 'c' ==> "\"a\", \"b\", \"c\""
116 ,let g0 = (<>) <$> string "0" .*> someR (char '1') in
117 (<>) <$> string "0" <& g0 ==> "\"0\" & \"0\", {\"1\"}-"
118 ,let g0 = (<>) <$> string "0" .*> someR (char '1') in
119 let g1 = (<>) <$> someL (char '1') <*. string "0" in
120 string "0" `minus` g0 `minus` g1 ==>
121 "\"0\" - \"0\", {\"1\"}- - {\"1\"}-, \"0\""
122 , (<>)
123 <$> many (string "0" <+> string "1")
124 <*> some (string "2") ==> "{\"0\" | \"1\"}, {\"2\"}-"
125 ]
126 ]